999 resultados para cardiac repair
Introduction: The majority of convulsions are due to an epileptic seizure or a convulsive syncope. The incidence of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OH-CA) presenting as a convulsion is unknown. Objective: This study aimed to measure the incidence of adult nontraumatic OH-CA presenting as a convulsion, a rate that has not been published so far, to the best of our knowledge. Methods: We prospectively collected all incoming calls with an out-of-hospital nontraumatic seizure as the chief complaint in patients >18 years old during a 24-month period. Among these calls, we collected cases identified as OH-CA by paramedics. Results: During the 24-month period, the emergency medical services (EMS) dispatch center received 561 calls for an out-of-hospital nontraumatic convulsion in an adult. Twelve cases were ultimately classified as CA. In this group, one bystander spontaneously reported that the patient was known for epilepsy. The incidence of OH-CA presenting as convulsions was therefore 2.1% of all calls for convulsion. Over the same period, the EMS dispatch center received 1,035 calls related to an adult nontraumatic OH-CA. Therefore, the rate of OH-CA presenting as a convulsion represented 1.2% of all adult nontraumatic OH-CA. Conclusion:L Only 12 cases out of the 531 calls for nontraumatic adult convulsions were confirmed OHCA (2.1%). Nevertheless, this unusual presentation of OH-CA must be recognized by dispatchers, even when a patient is reported by bystander as a known epileptic. Dispatchers should keep bystanders on the line or call them back before paramedics' arrival, and have them confirm the progressive return of a normal pat- tern of breathing and state of consciousness; if not, they should encourage the bystander to initiate CPR when necessary. An intervention should be implemented to improve the detection by dispatchers of OH-CA presenting as convulsion by the development of a specific interview and directed observation. For dispatchers, a past medical history of epilepsy should not be regarded as sufficient information to rule out OH-CA. It is mandatory that known epileptic patients should be monitored in the same way as nonepileptic patients.
The Minister for Health and Children established the Task Force on Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) in the Autumn of 2004, with the following terms of reference:1) Define SCD and describe its incidence and underlying causes in Ireland.2) Advise on the detection and assessment of those at high risk of SCD and their relatives.3) Advise on the systematic assessment of those engaged in sports and exercise for risk of SCD.4) Advise on maximizing access to basic life support (BLS) and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and on:- appropriate levels of training in BLS and use of AEDs, and on the maintenance of that training- priority individuals and priority groups for such training- geographic areas and functional locations of greatest need- best practice models of first responder scheme and public access defibrillation, and- integration of such training services.5) Advise on the establishment and maintenance of surveillance systems, including a registry of SCD and information systems to monitor risk assessment, and training and equipment programmes.6) Advise and make recommendations on other priority issues relevant to SCD in Ireland.7) Outline a plan for implementation and advise on monitoring the implementation of recommendations made in the Task Force’s report. In undertaking its work the Task Force was mindful of national health policy, relevant national strategies and of the recently reformed structures for health service delivery in Ireland. Read the Report (PDF, 1.66mb)
The use of in situ techniques to detect DNA and RNA sequences has proven to be an invaluable technique with paraffin-embedded tissue. Advances in non-radioactive detection systems have further made these procedures shorter and safer. We report the detection of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, via indirect and direct in situ polymerace chain reaction within paraffin-embedded murine cardiac tissue sections. The presence of three T. cruzi specific DNA sequences were evaluated: a 122 base pair (bp) sequence localized within the minicircle network, a 188 bp satellite nuclear repetitive sequence and a 177 bp sequence that codes for a flagellar protein. In situ hybridization alone was sensitive enough to detect all three T. cruzi specific DNA sequences.
14.10.2014 International Working Group Report on the Optimal All-Island Hospital Service for Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The International Working Group (IWG) visited Belfast and Dublin from April 7- April 11, 2014. The IWG consisted of Dr. John Mayer, Dr. Adrian Moran, Dr. John Sinclair, and Dr. Patricia Hickey. Download the report here. View the Joint Policy Statement by the Minister of Health and Social Services and Public Safety Northern Ireland, Jim Wells and the Minister of Health in the Republic of Ireland, Leo Varadkar on the report here.
It is well known that the renin-angiotensin system contributes to left ventricular hypertrophy and fibrosis, a major determinant of myocardial stiffness. TGF-β1 and renin-angiotensin system signaling alters the fibroblast phenotype by promoting its differentiation into morphologically distinct pathological myofibroblasts, which potentiates collagen synthesis and fibrosis and causes enhanced extracellular matrix deposition. However, the atrial natriuretic peptide, which is induced during left ventricular hypertrophy, plays an anti-fibrogenic and anti-hypertrophic role by blocking, among others, the TGF-β-induced nuclear localization of Smads. It is not clear how the hypertrophic and fibrotic responses are transcriptionally regulated. CLP-1, the mouse homolog of human hexamethylene bis-acetamide inducible-1 (HEXIM-1), regulates the pTEFb activity via direct association with pTEFb causing inhibition of the Cdk9-mediated serine 2 phosphorylation in the carboxyl-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II. It was recently reported that the serine kinase activity of Cdk9 not only targets RNA polymerase II but also the conserved serine residues of the polylinker region in Smad3, suggesting that CLP-1-mediated changes in pTEFb activity may trigger Cdk9-dependent Smad3 signaling that can modulate collagen expression and fibrosis. In this study, we evaluated the role of CLP-1 in vivo in induction of left ventricular hypertrophy in angiotensinogen-overexpressing transgenic mice harboring CLP-1 heterozygosity. We observed that introduction of CLP-1 haplodeficiency in the transgenic α-myosin heavy chain-angiotensinogen mice causes prominent changes in hypertrophic and fibrotic responses accompanied by augmentation of Smad3/Stat3 signaling. Together, our findings underscore the critical role of CLP-1 in remodeling of the genetic response during hypertrophy and fibrosis.
Tissue damage resulting from chemical, mechanical, and biological injury, or from interrupted blood flow and reperfusion, is often life threatening. The subsequent tissue response involves an intricate series of events including inflammation, oxidative stress, immune cell recruitment, and cell survival, proliferation, migration, and differentiation. In addition, fibrotic repair characterized by myofibroblast transdifferentiation and the deposition of ECM proteins is activated. Failure to initiate, maintain, or stop this repair program has dramatic consequences, such as cell death and associated tissue necrosis or carcinogenesis. In this sense, inflammation and oxidative stress, which are beneficial defense processes, can become harmful if they do not resolve in time. This repair program is largely based on rapid and specific changes in gene expression controlled by transcription factors that sense injury. PPARs are such factors and are activated by lipid mediators produced after wounding. Here we highlight advances in our understanding of PPAR action during tissue repair and discuss the potential for these nuclear receptors as therapeutic targets for tissue injury.
High-altitude destinations are visited by increasing numbers of children and adolescents. High-altitude hypoxia triggers pulmonary hypertension that in turn may have adverse effects on cardiac function and may induce life-threatening high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), but there are limited data in this young population. We, therefore, assessed in 118 nonacclimatized healthy children and adolescents (mean ± SD; age: 11 ± 2 yr) the effects of rapid ascent to high altitude on pulmonary artery pressure and right and left ventricular function by echocardiography. Pulmonary artery pressure was estimated by measuring the systolic right ventricular to right atrial pressure gradient. The echocardiography was performed at low altitude and 40 h after rapid ascent to 3,450 m. Pulmonary artery pressure was more than twofold higher at high than at low altitude (35 ± 11 vs. 16 ± 3 mmHg; P < 0.0001), and there existed a wide variability of pulmonary artery pressure at high altitude with an estimated upper 95% limit of 52 mmHg. Moreover, pulmonary artery pressure and its altitude-induced increase were inversely related to age, resulting in an almost twofold larger increase in the 6- to 9- than in the 14- to 16-yr-old participants (24 ± 12 vs. 13 ± 8 mmHg; P = 0.004). Even in children with the most severe altitude-induced pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular systolic function did not decrease, but increased, and none of the children developed HAPE. HAPE appears to be a rare event in this young population after rapid ascent to this altitude at which major tourist destinations are located.
Résumé Les agents pathogènes responsables d'infection entraînent chez l'hôte deux types de réponses immunes, la première, non spécifique, dite immunité innée, la seconde, spécifique à l'agent concerné, dite immunité adaptative. L'immunité innée, qui représente la première ligne de défense contre les pathogènes, est liée à la reconnaissance par les cellules de l'hôte de structures moléculaires propres aux micro-organismes (« Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns », PAMPs), grâce à des récepteurs membranaires et cytoplasmiques (« Pattern Recognition Receptors », PRRs) identifiant de manière spécifique ces motifs moléculaires. Les récepteurs membranaires impliqués dans ce processus sont dénommés toll-like récepteurs, ou TLRS. Lorsqu'ils sont activés par leur ligand spécifique, ces récepteurs activent des voies de signalisation intracellulaires initiant la réponse inflammatoire non spécifique et visant à éradiquer l'agent pathogène. Les deux voies de signalisation impliquées dans ce processus sont la voie des « Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases » (MAPKs) et celle du « Nuclear Factor kappaB » (NF-κB), dont l'activation entraîne in fine l'expression de protéines de l'inflammation dénommées cytokines, ainsi que certaines enzymes produisant divers autres médiateurs inflammatoires. Dans certaines situations, cette réponse immune peut être amplifiée de manière inadéquate, entraînant chez l'hôte une réaction inflammatoire systémique exagérée, appelée sepsis. Le sepsis peut se compliquer de dysfonctions d'organes multiples (sepsis sévère), et dans sa forme la plus grave, d'un collapsus cardiovasculaire, définissant le choc septique. La défaillance circulatoire du choc septique touche les vaisseaux sanguins d'une part, le coeur d'autre part, réalisant un tableau de «dysfonction cardiaque septique », dont on connaît mal les mécanismes pathogéniques. Les bactéries à Gram négatif peuvent déclencher de tels phénomènes, notamment en libérant de l'endotoxine, qui active les voies de l'immunité innée par son interaction avec un toll récepteur, le TLR4. Outre l'endotoxine, la plupart des bactéries à Gram négatif relâchent également dans leur environnement une protéine, la flagelline, qui est le constituant majeur du flagelle bactérien, organelle assurant la mobilité de ces micro-organismes. Des données récentes ont indiqué que la flagelline active, dans certaines cellules, les voies de l'immunité innée en se liant au récepteur TLRS. On ne connaît toutefois pas les conséquences de l'interaction flagelline-TLRS sur le développement de l'inflammation et des dysfonctions d'organes au cours du sepsis. Nous avons par conséquent élaboré le présent travail en formulant l'hypothèse que la flagelline pourrait déclencher une telle inflammation et représenter ainsi un médiateur potentiel de la dysfonction d'organes au cours du sepsis à Gram négatif, en nous intéressant plus particulièrement àl'inflammation et à la dysfonction cardiaque. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons étudié les effets de la flagelline sur l'activation du NF-κB et des MAPKs, et sur l'expression de cytokines inflammatoires au niveau du myocarde in vitro (cardiomyocytes en culture) et in vivo (injection de flagelline recombinante à des souris). Nous avons observé tout d'abord que le récepteur TLRS est fortement exprimé au niveau du myocarde. Nous avons ensuite démontré que la flagelline active la voie du NF-κB et des MAP kinases (p38 et JNK), stimule la production de cytokines et de chemokines inflammatoires in vitro et in vivo, et entraîne l'activation de polynucléaires neutrophiles dans le tissu cardiaque in vivo. Finalement, au plan fonctionnel, nous avons pu montrer que la flagelline entraîne une dilatation et une réduction aiguë de la contractilité du ventricule gauche chez la souris, reproduisant les caractéristiques de la dysfonction cardiaque septique. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons déterminé la distribution du récepteur TLRS dans les autres organes majeurs de la souris (poumon, foie, intestin et rein}, et avons caractérisé dans ces organes l'effet de la flagelline sur l'activation du NF-κB et des MAPKs, l'expression de cytokines, et l'induction de l'apoptose. Nous avons démontré que le TLRS est exprimé de façon constitutive dans ces organes, et que l'injection de flagelline y déclenche les cascades de l'immunité innée et de processus apoptotiques. Finalement, nous avons également déterminé que la flagelline entraîne une augmentation significative de multiples cytokines dans le plasma une à six heures après son injection. En résumé, nos données démontrent que la flagelline bactérienne (a) entraîne une inflammation et une dysfonction importantes du myocarde et (b) active de manière très significative les mécanismes d'immunité innée dans les principaux organes et entraîne une réponse inflammatoire systémique. Par conséquent, la flagelline peut représenter un médiateur puissant de l'inflammation et de la dysfonction d'organes, notamment du coeur, au cours du choc septique déclenché par les bactéries à Gram négatif. Summary Pathogenic microorganisms trigger two kinds of immune responses in the host. The first one is immediate and non-specific and is termed innate immunity, whereas the second one, specifically targeted at the invading agent, is termed adaptative immunity. Innate immunity, which represents the first line of defense against invading pathogens, confers the host the ability to recognize molecular structures common to many microbial pathogens, ("Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns", PAMPs), through cytosolic or membrane-associated receptors ("Pattern Recognition Receptors", PRRs), the latter being represented by a family of receptors termed "toll-like receptors or TLRs". Once activated by the binding of their specific ligand, these receptors activate intracellular signaling pathways, which initiate the non-specific inflammatory response aimed at eradicating the pathogens. The two pathways implicated in this process are the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) and the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) signaling pathways, whose activation elicit in fine the expression of inflammatory proteins termed cytokines, as well as various enzymes producing a wealth of additional inflammatory mediators. In some circumstances, the innate immune response can become amplified and dysregulated, triggering an overwhelming systemic inflammatory response in the host, identified as sepsis. Sepsis can be associated with multiple organ dysfunction (severe sepsis), and in its most severe form, with cardiovascular collapse, defming septic shock. The cardiovascular failure associated with septic shock affects blood vessels as well as the heart, resulting in a particular form of acute heart failure termed "septic cardiac dysfunction ", whose pathogenic mechanisms remain partly undefined. Gram-negative bacteria can initiate such phenomena, notably by releasing lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which activates innate immune signaling by interacting with its specific toll receptor, the TLR4. Besides LPS, most Gram-negative bacteria also release flagellin into their environment, which is the main structural protein of the bacterial flagellum, an appendage extending from the outer bacterial membrane, responsible for the motility of the microorganism. Recent data indicated that flagellin activate immune responses upon binding to its receptor, TLRS, in various cell types. However, the role of flagellin/TLRS interaction in the development of inflammation and organ dysfunction during sepsis is not known. Therefore, we designed the present work to address the hypothesis that flagellin might trigger such inflammatory responses and thus represent a potential mediator of organ dysfunction during Gram-negative sepsis, with a particular emphasis on cardiac inflammation and contractile dysfunction. In the first part of this work, we investigated the effects of flagellin on NF-κB and MAPK activation and the generation of pro-inflammatory mediators within the heart in vitro (cultured cardiomyocytes) and in vivo (injection of recombinant flagellin into mice). We first observed that TLRS protein is strongly expressed by the myocardium. We then demonstrated that flagellin activates NF-κB and MAP kinases (p38 and JNK), upregulates the transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in vitro and in vivo, and stimulates the activation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils within the heart in vivo. Finally, we demonstrated that flagellin triggers acute cardiac dilation, and a significant reduction of left ventricular contractility, mimicking characteristics of clinical septic cardiac dysfunction. In the second part, we determined the TLRS distribution in other mice major organs (lung, liver, gut and kidney) and we characterized in these organs the effects of flagellin on NF-κB and MAPK activation, on the expression of pro-inflammatory çytokines, and on the induction of apoptosis. We demonstrated that TLRS protein is constitutively expressed and that flagellin activates prototypical innate immune responses and pro-apoptotic pathways in all these organs. Finally, we also observed that flagellin induces a significant increase of multiple cytokines in the plasma from 1 to 6 hours after its intravenous administration. Altogether, these data provide evidence that bacterial flagellin (a) triggers an important inflammatory response and an acute dysfunction of the myocardium, and (b) significantly activates the mechanisms of innate immunity in most major organs and elicits a systemic inflammatory response. In consequence, flagellin may represent a potent mediator of inflammation and multiple organ failure, notably cardiac dysfunction, during Gram-negative septic shock.
Recent advances in CT technologies had significantly improved the clinical utility of cardiac CT. Major efforts have been made to optimize the image quality, standardize protocols and limit the radiation exposure. Rapid progress in post-processing tools dedicated not only to the coronary artery assessment but also to the cardiac cavities, valves and veins extended applications of cardiac CT. This potential might be however used optimally considering the current appropriate indications for use as well as the current technical imitations. Coronary artery disease and related ischemic cardiomyopathy remain the major applications of cardiac CT and at the same time the most complex one. Integration of a specific knowledge is mandatory for optimal use in this area for asymptomatic as for symptomatic patients, with a specific regards to patient with acute chest pain. This review aimed to propose a practical approach to implement appropriate indications in our routine practice. Emerging indications and future direction are also discussed. Adequate preparation of the patient, training of physicians, and the multidisciplinary interaction between actors are the key of successful implementation of cardiac CT in daily practice.
Chronic growth hormone (GH) hypersecretion in rats leads to increased isometric force without affecting the unloaded shortening velocity of isolated cardiac papillary muscles, despite a marked isomyosin shift toward V3. To determine if alterations occurred at the level of the contractile proteins in rats bearing a GH-secreting tumor (GH rats), we examined the mechanical properties of skinned fibers to eliminate the early steps of the excitation-contraction coupling mechanism. We found that maximal active tension and stiffness at saturating calcium concentrations (pCa 4.5) were markedly higher in GH rats than in control rats (tension, 52.9 +/- 5.2 versus 38.1 +/- 4.6 mN.mm-2, p < 0.05; stiffness, 1,105 +/- 120 versus 685 +/- 88 mN.mm-2.microns-1, p < 0.01), whereas values at low calcium concentrations (pCa 9) were unchanged. In addition, the calcium sensitivity of the contractile proteins was slightly but significantly higher in GH rats than in control rats (delta pCa 0.04, p < 0.001). The crossbridge cycling rate, reflected by the response to quick length changes, was lower in GH rats than in control rats (62.0 +/- 2.6 versus 77.4 +/- 6.6 sec-1, p < 0.05), in good agreement with a decrease in the proportion of alpha-myosin heavy chains in the corresponding papillary muscles (45.5 +/- 2.0% versus 94.6 +/- 2.4%, p < 0.001). The changes in myosin heavy chain protein phenotype were paralleled by similar changes of the corresponding mRNAs, indicating that the latter occurred mainly at a pretranslational level. These results demonstrate that during chronic GH hypersecretion in rats, alterations at the myofibrillar level contribute to the increase in myocardial contractility observed in intact muscle.
OBJECTIVE: Therapeutic temperature modulation is recommended after cardiac arrest (CA). However, body temperature (BT) regulation has not been extensively studied in this setting. We investigated BT variation in CA patients treated with therapeutic hypothermia (TH) and analyzed its impact on outcome. METHODS: A prospective cohort of comatose CA patients treated with TH (32-34°C, 24h) at the medical/surgical intensive care unit of the Lausanne University Hospital was studied. Spontaneous BT was recorded on hospital admission. The following variables were measured during and after TH: time to target temperature (TTT=time from hospital admission to induced BT target <34°C), cooling rate (spontaneous BT-induced BT target/TTT) and time of passive rewarming to normothermia. Associations of spontaneous and induced BT with in-hospital mortality were examined. RESULTS: A total of 177 patients (median age 61 years; median time to ROSC 25 min) were studied. Non-survivors (N=90, 51%) had lower spontaneous admission BT than survivors (median 34.5 [interquartile range 33.7-35.9]°C vs. 35.1 [34.4-35.8]°C, p=0.04). Accordingly, time to target temperature was shorter among non-survivors (200 [25-363]min vs. 270 [158-375]min, p=0.03); however, when adjusting for admission BT, cooling rates were comparable between the two outcome groups (0.4 [0.2-0.5]°C/h vs. 0.3 [0.2-0.4]°C/h, p=0.65). Longer duration of passive rewarming (600 [464-744]min vs. 479 [360-600]min, p<0.001) was associated with mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Lower spontaneous admission BT and longer time of passive rewarming were associated with in-hospital mortality after CA and TH. Impaired thermoregulation may be an important physiologic determinant of post-resuscitation disease and CA prognosis. When assessing the benefit of early cooling on outcome, future trials should adjust for patient admission temperature and use the cooling rate rather than the time to target temperature.
This scoping review has been commissioned by the Policy Research Programme and briefly outlines the scope and quality of relevant literature relating to: 1) The investigation of inequalities in access to cardiac services in the U.K. since 1995; and 2) The effectiveness of interventions in the U.K. since 1995 to reduce inequalities in access to cardiac services