999 resultados para bioliquefazione florotannini biotecnologia estrazioni enzimi chimica industriale


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E' stato svolto uno studio di catalizzatori al fine di capire i fattori che influenzano l'idrogenolisi dell'anello furanico, utilizzando l'alcol furfurilico come modello per ottenere pentandioli. Dallo studio si è osservato che i fattori che influenzano l'apertura dell'anello sono le condizioni di reazione (temperatura e solvente), il metallo utilizzato, ma soprattutto il supporto utilizzato, il quale può interagire con il substrato facilitandone la sua apertura e la sua idrogenazione. Da ciò si è cercato di ipotizzare un possibile meccanismo di reazione.


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The disintegration of stone materials used in sculpture and architecture due to the crystallization of salts is capable of irreparably damaging artistic objects and historic buildings. A number of phosphonates and carboxylates were tested here as potential crystallization modifiers for sodium carbonate crystallization. Precipitated phases during crystallization induced either by cooling or by evaporation tests were nahcolite (NaHCO3), natron (Na2CO3∙10H2O) and thermonatrite (Na2CO3∙H2O), identified using X-ray diffraction. By using the thermodynamic code PHREEQC and the calculation of the nucleation rate it was demonstrated that nahcolite had to be first phase formed during both tests. The formation of the other phases depended on the experimental conditions under which the two tests were conducted. Nahcolite nucleation is strongly inhibited in the presence of sodium citrate tribasic dihydrate (CA), polyacrylic acid 2100MW (PA) and etidronic acid (HEDP), when the additives are dosed at appropriate concentrations and the pH range of the resulting solution is about 8. Electrostatic attraction generated between the deprotonated organic additives and the cations present in solution appears to be the principal mechanism of additive-nahcolite interaction. Salt weathering tests, in addition to mercury intrusion porosimetry tests allowed to quantify the damage induced by such salts. FESEM observation of both salts grown on calcite single crystals and in limestone blocks subjected to salt crystallization tests allowed to identify the effect of these additives on crystal growth and development. The results show that PA seems to be the best inhibitor, while CA and HEDP, which show similar behaviors, are slightly less effective. The use of such effective crystallization inhibitors may lead to more efficient preventive conservation of ornamental stone affected by crystallization damage due to formation of sodium carbonate crystals.


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Il progetto alla base della presente tesi di laurea, sviluppato presso la Dow Italia di Correggio (RE), riguarda lo studio di formulazioni di materiali compositi con matrice polimerica a base di isocianurato, al fine di preparare manufatti con migliorato comportamento in condizioni d’incendio. In particolare si cerca di migliorare il parametro di tenuta isolamento nei test di resistenza al fuoco di serramenti. In bibliografia sono presenti numerosi esempi di matrici polimeriche usate per lo sviluppo di questi materiali, principalmente a base di silicio, mentre la matrice organica che è stata utilizzata in questo progetto è a base di poliisocianurato (PIR) rigido, scelto per la sua elevata stabilità termica. Sono stati analizzati nel dettaglio i vari approcci che sono stati affrontati al fine d’individuare la formulazione più adeguata per lo scopo che ci si è prefissati.


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The possibility to control molar mass and termination of the growing chain is fundamental to create well-defined, reproducible materials. For this reason, in order to apply polydithienopyrrole (PDTP) as organic conjugated polymer, the possibility of controlled polymerization needs to be verified. Another aspect that is still not completely explored is bound to the optical activity of the PDTP, which bearing appropriate substituents may adopt a helical conformation. The configuration of the helix, built up from achiral co-monomers, can be established in an enantiopure way by using only a small percentage of the chiral monomer co-polymerized with achiral co-monomer. The effect, called “sergeants and soldiers effect”, is expressed by the nonlinear increase of the chiral response vs the ratio of the chiral co-monomer used for the polymerization. To date, this effect is still not completely explored for PDTP. In this framework the project will investigate, firstly, the possibility to obtain a controlled polymerization of PDTP. Then, monomers with different side chains and organometallic functions will be screened for a CTCP-type polymerization. Also a Lewis-acid based cationic polymerization will be performed. Moreover the chemical derivatization of dithienopyrrole DTP is explored: the research is going to concern also block copolymers, built up by DTP and monomers of different nature. The research will be extended also to the investigation of optically active derivates of PDTP, using a chiral monomer for the synthesis. The possibility to develop a supramolecular distribution of the polymeric chains, together with the “sergeants and soldiers effect” will be checked investigating a series of polymers with increasing amounts of chiral monomer.


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Negli ultimi anni è notevolmente aumentato l’interesse nei confronti dei materiali organici semiconduttori da utilizzare in diversi dispositivi, come, ad esempio, celle fotovoltaiche organiche (OPV). In questo campo si inseriscono i polimeri coniugati ed in particolar modo i polialchiltiofeni (PATs). In questa tesi di laurea magistrale vengono descritte sintesi di monomeri e polimeri tiofenici 3-alchil-sostituiti contenenti un'unità elettron accettrice di benzotiadiazolo. In particolar modo sono stati sintetizzati poli-4,7-bis-(3-esiltiofen-2-il)benzo [1,2,5]tiadiazolo e poli- 4,7 -bis-(3-metossiesiltiofene-2-il)benzo[1,2,5]tiadiazolo, studiando l’effetto dell’ossigeno presente in catena laterale sulle proprietà del materiale. È stata effettuata la caratterizzazione chimico fisica dei polimeri tramite analisi termiche DSC e TGA, cromatografia a permeazione su gel (GPC) e analisi UV-Vis e PL. Sono state inoltre effettuate prove di conducibilità testando i polimeri come materiali fotoattivi in celle fotovoltaiche SMOCs e BHJ, per valutare l’effetto dell’unità di benzotiadiazolo sul trasporto delle cariche.


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Incorporation of the relevant monosaccharide N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc) into synthetic oligosaccharides by chemical glycosylation is still a very challenging object of studies, since direct reactions are low yielding. This issue is generally ascribed to its low solubility in common solvents and to the formation of a poorly reactive oxazoline intermediate, which is typically bypassed by introducing extra synthetic steps to avoid the presence of the NHAc moiety during glycosylation. Recently, a new direct Lewis acids-catalysed GlcNAc-ylation protocol has been disclosed, with acylated donors appearing to hold potential for high yielding glycosylation reactions. This master project focused indeed on a novel synthesis of promising 1-acyl GlcNAc donors, in order to test them in direct Lewis acid catalysed glycosylation without the need of N-protecting groups. Screening of various Lewis acids and reaction conditions with these acylated donors has been carried out, in presence of reactive primary alcohols as well as more challenging carbohydrate acceptor alcohols. These experiments demonstrated that the fine tuning of the leaving group combined with a suitable metal triflate could lead to a successful reaction outcome in the direct glycosylation. Successful methodology of this kind would provide rapid access to naturally occurring N-glycan motifs, such as the highly relevant human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs).


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Airborne Particulate Matter (PM), can get removed from the atmosphere through wet and dry mechanisms, and physically/chemically interact with materials and induce premature decay. The effect of dry depositions is a complex issue, especially for outdoor materials, because of the difficulties to collect atmospheric deposits repeatable in terms of mass and homogeneously distributed on the entire investigated substrate. In this work, to overcome these problems by eliminating the variability induced by outdoor removal mechanisms (e.g. winds and rainfalls), a new sampling system called ‘Deposition Box’, was used for PM sampling. Four surrogate materials (Cellulose Acetate, Regenerated Cellulose, Cellulose Nitrate and Aluminum) with different surfaces features were exposed in the urban-marine site of Rimini (Italy), in vertical and horizontal orientations. Homogeneous and reproducible PM deposits were obtained and different analytical techniques (IC, AAS, TOC, VP-SEM-EDX, Vis-Spectrophotometry) were employed to characterize their mass, dimension and composition. Results allowed to discriminate the mechanisms responsible of the dry deposition of atmospheric particles on surfaces with different nature and orientation and to determine which chemical species, and in which amount, tend to preferentially deposit on them. This work demonstrated that “Deposition Box” can represent an affordable tool to study dry deposition fluxes on materials and results obtained will be fundamental in order to extend this kind of exposure to actual building and heritage materials, to investigate the PM contribution in their decay.


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The aim of my master thesis is developing novel, greener approaches for the cleaning of artworks: such treatment consists in the removal of old varnish layers which tend to discolor or darken with time, thus allowing replacement with a new protecting coat. While protocols presently applied can be effective in the cleaning of the artworks, none of them take into account conservators’ health safety and environmental issues. Thus, using biomass-derived components, which are non-toxic and reusable and/or compostable might bring into the heritage conservation an additional awareness about safety and environmental claiming. The laboratory work for the thesis is a collaborative work between different groups. The biggest part of the work was at the Polymer group where gels were synthesized using Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) from sustainable resources and green solvents. The use of the gels might help to reduce the volatilization of solvents and contributes to the localization of the cleaning action. After the preparation of the gels, different characterization methods were used in order to estimate their properties and shelf-life. Finally, the work was completed on the application of the gels on sculpture, coated with undesired layers to be removed. Here, pre-mapping of the areas of interest was realized with different optical techniques, followed by the application of the gels for the cleaning and analyzing the effectiveness of cleaning.


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Con il presente progetto di tesi si è voluto mettere a confronto due assorbitori UV in film di polietilene per uso agricolo. I film sono stati prodotti con un estrusore multistrato e sono stati caratterizzati, in analisi elementare per la determinazione del contenuto totale di azoto e in cromatografia liquida per la determinazione specifica del contenuto dei due assorbitori UV. I film sono stati esposti in condizioni sperimentali diverse: esposizione in stufa a 60°C con ventilazione forzata, esposizione alla luce artificiale e conservazione a temperatura ambiente. Ad intervalli di tempo prestabiliti sui campioni sono state fatte le seguenti valutazioni: determinazione delle proprietà meccaniche, analisi spettrofotometriche (FT-IR e UV) e determinazione qualitativa della migrazione dell’additivo. Alla fine del periodo di tesi si è potuto concludere che i due UVA mostrano la stessa compatibilità con la matrice polimerica, ma presentano una diversa fotostabilità. L’UVA normalmente impiegato in questo settore infatti ha una fotostabilità leggermente superiore a quella del nuovo UVA testato.


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Deterioration phenomena occurring on outdoor cultural heritage have been the subject of several studies, but relatively few works investigated the specific role of Particulate Matter (PM) in the corrosion of metals. This topic is really complex and, besides field exposures, accelerated ageing tests are also necessary to isolate and understand deterioration mechanisms due to PM. For this reason, the development of a methodology that allows to reproduce and analyze the effect of PM on alloys through accelerated ageing in climatic chamber has been started. On quaternary bronze specimens, single salts and a mix of them were deposited via two deposition methods: dry (directly depositing the salt on the surface) and wet (dropping a salt solution and drying it), simulating the initial chemical activation of the salts by RH% variations or by raindrops, respectively. Then, to better mimic the composition of real PM, a mixture containing a soluble salts, a mineral, a black carbon and an organic fraction was formulated and spread on the samples. The samples were placed in a climatic chamber and exposed to cyclic variations of T and RH for three weeks. The ageing cycles were set according to predictions on salt deliquescence/recrystallization through E-AIM model and to the evaluation of regional climatic data. The surface evolution was followed by SEM-EDX, Raman, AT-IR and UV-Vis Spectrophotometry. At the end of the test, mass losses were determined and corroded metals removed by pickling were analyzed by AAS. On the basis of the obtained results, the tested procedures seem to be promising in accelerating and mimicking realistic corrosion phenomena, as under the selected conditions, corrosion products typically found at different exposure time (from days to years) on outdoor bronzes were able to progressively form and evolve. Moreover, the two deposition modes simulating different condition of chemical activation of PM deposits allow to obtain complementary information.


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I compositi laminati presentano problematiche legate alla delaminazione, ovvero al distaccamento delle lamine costituenti, ed allo scarso smorzamento delle vibrazioni (damping). L’obiettivo del presente elaborato di tesi è lo sviluppo e la produzione di membrane nanofibrose prodotte mediante elettrofilatura di blend polimeriche per la modifica strutturale di compositi laminati al fine di migliorarne la proprietà di damping e la resistenza alla delaminazione. Particolare attenzione è stata posta all’ottimizzazione sia dei parametri della soluzione (principalmente concentrazione e sistema solvente) che dei parametri di processo (portata, voltaggio applicato e distanza ago-collettore). La morfologia delle nanofibre è stata osservata mediante microscopia a scansione elettronica (SEM), la quale ha confermato la presenza di nanofibre con diametro nanometrico (200-800 nm), e prive di difetti (beads). Inoltre, le membrane sono state caratterizzate termicamente (TGA e DSC) e meccanicamente (prove di trazione).


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In questo lavoro di tesi sono stati preparati elettrocatalizzatori metallici 3D di argento supportato su schiume di rame a cella aperta, impiegandoli nella riduzione selettiva del 5-idrossimetilfurfurale (HMF) a 2,5-bisidrossimetilfurano (BHMF). L’utilizzo di questi supporti consente di incrementare l’area superficiale a disposizione, rispetto ai supporti 2D. La preparazione delle schiume è stata effettuata utilizzando due metodi di deposizione: spostamento galvanico ed elettrodeposizione. Lo scopo del lavoro è valutare l’influenza del metodo di deposizione sull’attività catalitica, per questo motivo le schiume bimetalliche ottenute sono state confrontate a quelle monometalliche di rame e argento. Inoltre è stato studiato l’effetto della concentrazione di HMF sulle prestazioni dei catalizzatori, con l’obiettivo finale di ottenere un sistema attivo a concentrazioni industriali. Le schiume sono state sottoposte a cicli di prove catalitiche a concentrazione di HMF crescente 0,02 M, 0,05 M e 0,10 M e caratterizzate prima e dopo la sequenza di prove con analisi SEM-EDS, XRD, spettroscopia raman. Le soluzioni sono state analizzate mediante ICP, GC-MS, ESI-MS. Con lo spostamento galvanico si ha la crescita di dendriti, formate prevalentemente sui bordi, e agglomerati di particelle nelle zone interne, mentre per elettrodeposizione si ottiene minore formazione di dendriti e particelle mediamente più piccole. La presenza di argento come fase attiva non migliora la conversione rispetto alle schiume monometalliche, ma causa un aumento di selettività ed efficienza faradica. Incrementando la concentrazione di HMF tutti i campioni presentano un aumento di conversione e un decremento di selettività ed efficienza faradica. Il catalizzatore ottenuto per spostamento galvanico, mostra prestazioni migliori a concentrazioni elevate e nelle prove di stabilità non dà segni di disattivazione, al contrario della schiuma preparata per elettrodeposizione che risulta leggermente disattivata.


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For 40 years, at the University of Bologna, a group of researchers coordinated by professor Claudio Zannoni has been studying liquid crystals by employing computational techniques. They have developed effective models of these interesting, and still far from being completely understood, systems. They were able to reproduce with simulations important features of some liquid crystal molecules, such as transition temperature. Then they focused their attention on the interactions that these molecules have with different kinds of surface, and how these interactions affect the alignment of liquid crystals. The group studied the behaviour of liquid crystals in contact with different kinds of surfaces, from silica, either amorphous and crystalline, to organic self assembled monolayers (SAMs) and even some common polymers, such as polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and polystyrene (PS). Anyway, a library of typical surfaces is still far from being complete, and a lot of work must be done to investigate the cases which have not been analyzed yet. A hole that must be filled is represented by polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a polymer on which the interest of industry has enormously grown up in the last years, thanks to its peculiar features, allowing it to be employed in many fields of applications. It has been observed experimentally that PDMS causes 4-cyano-4’-pentylbiphenyl (well known as 5CB), one of the most common liquid crystal molecules, to align homeotropically (i.e. perpendicular) with respect to a surface made of this polymer. Even though some hypothesis have been presented to rationalize the effect, a clear explanation of this phenomenon has not been given yet. This dissertation shows the work I did during my internship in the group of professor Zannoni. The challenge that I had to tackle was to investigate, via Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations, the reasons of 5CB homeotropic alignment on a PDMS surface, as the group had previously done for other surfaces.


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La società civile pone oggi particolare attenzione al tema della sostenibilità ambientale, di qui la crescente necessità di progettare e sviluppare imballaggi ecosostenibili e/o biodegradabili con elevate prestazioni. I materiali polimerici, in particolare i poliesteri, presentano sicuramente una valida soluzione. Un monomero proveniente da fonti rinnovabili che consente la realizzazione di polimeri dalle eccellenti proprietà meccaniche e barriera è l'acido 2,5-furandicarbossilico. Tuttavia, i poliesteri furan-based non possiedono le caratteristiche di biodegradabilità desiderate, inoltre sono materiali duri e fragili e quindi non idonei per l’imballaggio flessibile. In tale contesto si inserisce il presente lavoro di tesi che ha come scopo la realizzazione di un nuovo poli(estere uretano) multiblocco a base di acido 2,5-furandicarbossilico, caratterizzato da proprietà migliorate rispetto all’omopolimero di partenza (poli(esametilene 2,5-furanoato)), il quale presenti una maggiore velocità di degradazione, combinata con un comportamento meccanico elastomerico, e eccellenti proprietà barriera. Per questo sono state prese in considerazione due diverse unità copolimeriche: una cosiddetta “hard” il poli(esametilene 2,5-furanoato) e l’altra “soft” il poli(trietilene 2,5-furanoato). L’alternanza di queste due porzioni ha permesso di realizzare un copolimero tenace, con un’elevata temperatura di fusione (dovuta all’elevato grado di cristallinità del segmento hard), e con un basso modulo elastico ed un elevato allungamento a rottura (tipici invece del segmento soft). I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato come la copolimerizzazione abbia aumentato la flessibilità del materiale, la velocità di degradazione, entrambi grazie al ridotto grado di cristallinità. Infine il copolimero presenta eccellenti proprietà barriera, grazie alla presenza di una fase bidimensionale ordinata (mesofase).


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Sustainable chemicals currently have a very limited market share due to current low production but biomass is expected to become one of the major renewable energy and fine chemicals sources in the coming years. Bearing in mind the compromise of all nations to climatic change remediation, the industries will need to use efficient catalysts and green processes to meet the requirements of emissions and efficiency. This project is expected to develop new catalysts to convert 1,6-hexanediol to adipic acid through a green approach based on the “nano-catalysis” and “green chemistry” concepts. Supported Au and Pd nanoparticles were used to study one-pot reaction of HDO oxidation to AA using O2 as a final oxidant and H2O as a solvent. Catalytic results showed that under low pressure O2 atmosphere and low temperature (< 120°C) AuNPs supported on basic-supports are more active than acid and amphoteric oxides. The effect of basic oxide (MgO) addition to MgF2 was studied. The study showed that doping of MgF2 with MgO increased significantly the activity of the catalyst. The best results were obtained with the Au/0.4MgF2-0.6MgO sample, which gave the selectivity to AA of 33% at HDO conversion of 62%.