583 resultados para autotrophic denitrification


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In the naturally iron-fertilized surface waters of the northern Kerguelen Plateau region, the early spring diatom community composition and contribution to plankton carbon biomass were investigated and compared with the High Nutrient Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) surrounding waters (October-November 2011, KEOPS 2). The large iron-induced blooms were dominated by small diatom species belonging to the genera Chaetoceros (Hyalochaete) and Thalassiosira, which rapidly responded to the onset of favorable light-conditions in the meander of the Polar Front. In comparison, the iron-limited HNLC area was typically characterized by autotrophic nanoeukaryote-dominated communities and by larger and more heavily silicified diatom species (e.g. Fragilariopsis spp.). Our results support the hypothesis that diatoms are valuable vectors of carbon export to depth in naturally iron-fertilized systems of the Southern Ocean. Comparison with the diatom assemblage composition of a sediment trap deployed in the iron-fertilized area suggests that the dominant Chaetoceros (Hyalochaete) cells were less efficiently exported than the less abundant yet heavily silicified cells of Thalassionema nitzschioides and Fragilariopsis kerguelensis. Our observations emphasize the strong influence of species-specific diatom cell properties combined with trophic interactions on matter export efficiency, and illustrate the tight link between the specific composition of phytoplankton communities and the biogeochemical properties characterizing the study area.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of different light quality, especially ultraviolet radiation (UVR), on the dynamics of volatile halogenated organic compounds (VHOCs) at the sea surface. Short term experiments were conducted with floating gas-tight mesocosms of different optical qualities. Six halocarbons (CH3I, CHCl3, CH2Br2, CH2ClI, CHBr3 and CH2I2), known to be produced by phytoplankton, together with a variety of biological and environmental variables were measured in the coastal southern Baltic Sea and in the Raunefjord (North Sea). These experiments showed that ambient levels of UVR have no significant influence on VHOC dynamics in the natural systems. We attribute it to the low radiation doses that phytoplankton cells receive in a normal turbulent surface mixed layer. The VHOC concentrations were influenced by their production and removal processes, but they were not correlated with biological or environmental parameters investigated. Diatoms were most likely the dominant biogenic source of VHOCs in the Baltic Sea experiment, whereas in the Raunefjord experiment macroalgae probably contributed strongly to the production of VHOCs. The variable stable carbon isotope signatures (d13C values) of bromoform (CHBr3) also indicate that different autotrophic organisms were responsible for CHBr3 production in the two coastal environments. In the Raunefjord, despite strong daily variations in CHBr3 concentration, the carbon isotopic ratio was fairly stable with a mean value of -26 per mil. During the declining spring phytoplankton bloom in the Baltic Sea, the d13C values of CHBr3 were enriched in 13C and showed noticeable diurnal changes (-12 per mil ± 4). These results show that isotope signature analysis is a useful tool to study both the origin and dynamics of VHOCs in natural systems.


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Ocean acidification influences sediment/water nitrogen fluxes, possibly by impacting on the microbial process of ammonia oxidation. To investigate this further, undisturbed sediment cores collected from Ny Alesund harbour (Svalbard) were incubated with seawater adjusted to CO2 concentrations of 380, 540, 760, 1,120 and 3,000 µatm. DNA and RNA were extracted from the sediment surface after 14 days' exposure and the abundance of bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidising (amoA) genes and transcripts quantified using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. While there was no change to the abundance of bacterial amoA genes, an increase to 760 µatm pCO2 reduced the abundance of bacterial amoA transcripts by 65 %, and this was accompanied by a shift in the composition of the active community. In contrast, archaeal amoA gene and transcript abundance both doubled at 3,000 µatm, with an increase in species richness also apparent. This suggests that ammonia oxidising bacteria and archaea in marine sediments have different pH optima, and the impact of elevated CO2 on N cycling may be dependent on the relative abundances of these two major microbial groups. Further evidence of a shift in the balance of key N cycling groups was also evident: the abundance of nirS-type denitrifier transcripts decreased alongside bacterial amoA transcripts, indicating that NO3 ? produced by bacterial nitrification fuelled denitrification. An increase in the abundance of Planctomycete-specific 16S rRNA, the vast majority of which grouped with known anammox bacteria, was also apparent at 3,000 µatm pCO2. This could indicate a possible shift from coupled nitrification-denitrification to anammox activity at elevated CO2.