904 resultados para Weighted integral inequalities
As desigualdades sociais na saúde constituem a problemática abordada nesta dissertação, tendo sido escolhidas para explorar esta questão duas séries esqueléticas – igreja de Nossa Senhora da Anunciada (Setúbal) e capela do Espírito Santo (Loures) – cronologicamente enquadradas no período pós-medieval, entre os séculos XVI e XIX, e cujos indivíduos apresentavam estatutos socioeconómicos diferenciados. Na concretização deste objectivo foi realizada uma primeira abordagem que incidiu no estudo integral – contexto funerário e Paleobiologia – das respectivas séries. Do manancial de resultados obtidos foram seleccionados e explorados na segunda abordagem indicadores de estatuto social e de estatuto biológico (ou esqueléticos de stress fisiológico) capazes de responder à problemática enunciada, procurando demonstrar-se que as desigualdades sociais podem actuar sobre factores fundamentais ao desenvolvimento normal e saúde dos indivíduos, manifestando-se, consequentemente, de forma diferencial entre indivíduos de estatutos socioeconómicos contrastantes. A caracterização geral do contexto funerário revelou que no interior da igreja de N. Sra. da Anunciada, localizada no bairro do Troino, habitado por um segmento da população socialmente mais desfavorecido, registaram-se 93 inumações primárias e 155 secundárias, as quais foram realizadas em covas abertas no subsolo e revelando a quase ausência de espólio votivo e de caixão. Por outro lado, na capela do Espírito Santo foram exumadas 46 inumações primárias e 30 secundárias que foram exclusivamente encontradas em criptas, tendo os indivíduos sido inumados em caixão e identificando-se, igualmente, a presença de espólio votivo associado. A documentação histórica refere o nome de mecenas e benfeitores do respectivo convento com direito a sepultura na sua capela. Na caracterização paleobiológica geral foram revelados os perfis biológicos básicos, tendo sido identificados indivíduos de ambos os sexos e diferentes classes etárias, constatando-se em ambas séries esqueléticas a predominância de indivíduos do sexo feminino. A análise morfológica evidenciou os caracteres discretos e métricos, bem como a estatura dos indivíduos, sendo esta última, igualmente, referida no estudo das desigualdades sociais. Por fim, o estudo paleopatológico revelou a presença de diversas alterações dentárias e ósseas, incluindo condições enquadradas nos indicadores esqueléticos de stress fisiológico. Na segunda abordagem que se centrou no objectivo específico desta investigação, os indicadores de estatuto social – local de inumação, caixão e espólio votivo – mostraram uma associação dos indivíduos com o seu estatuto socioeconómico clara e inequívoca, enquanto os indicadores esqueléticos de stress fisiológico – crescimento, estatura, cáries, perda de dentes ante mortem, hiperostose porótica, cribra orbitalia, hipoplasias lineares do esmalte dentário, formação de osso novo bilateral nas tíbias, fracturas, osteoartrose, discartrose, alterações nas áreas das enteses e DISH – revelaram que a sua interpretação é muito complexa. Concluiu-se que a interpretação das desigualdades sociais na saúde com base em indicadores de estatuto biológico deve ser prudente, já que não é evidente uma associação ii directa com o estatuto socioeconómico dos indivíduos. Esta investigação corroborou a informação histórica e arqueológica que permite aludir ao estatuto socioeconómico dos indivíduos destas séries esqueléticas, mas a associação deste estatuto a uma saúde diferenciada entre grupos revelou-se inconclusiva.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Several susceptibility genes for type 2 diabetes have been discovered recently. Individually, these genes increase the disease risk only minimally. The goals of the present study were to determine, at the population level, the risk of diabetes in individuals who carry risk alleles within several susceptibility genes for the disease and the added value of this genetic information over the clinical predictors. METHODS: We constructed an additive genetic score using the most replicated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within 15 type 2 diabetes-susceptibility genes, weighting each SNP with its reported effect. We tested this score in the extensively phenotyped population-based cross-sectional CoLaus Study in Lausanne, Switzerland (n = 5,360), involving 356 diabetic individuals. RESULTS: The clinical predictors of prevalent diabetes were age, BMI, family history of diabetes, WHR, and triacylglycerol/HDL-cholesterol ratio. After adjustment for these variables, the risk of diabetes was 2.7 (95% CI 1.8-4.0, p = 0.000006) for individuals with a genetic score within the top quintile, compared with the bottom quintile. Adding the genetic score to the clinical covariates improved the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve slightly (from 0.86 to 0.87), yet significantly (p = 0.002). BMI was similar in these two extreme quintiles. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: In this population, a simple weighted 15 SNP-based genetic score provides additional information over clinical predictors of prevalent diabetes. At this stage, however, the clinical benefit of this genetic information is limited.
The World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for the diagnosis of osteoporosis are mainly applicable for dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurements at the spine and hip levels. There is a growing demand for cheaper devices, free of ionizing radiation such as promising quantitative ultrasound (QUS). In common with many other countries, QUS measurements are increasingly used in Switzerland without adequate clinical guidelines. The T-score approach developed for DXA cannot be applied to QUS, although well-conducted prospective studies have shown that ultrasound could be a valuable predictor of fracture risk. As a consequence, an expert committee named the Swiss Quality Assurance Project (SQAP, for which the main mission is the establishment of quality assurance procedures for DXA and QUS in Switzerland) was mandated by the Swiss Association Against Osteoporosis (ASCO) in 2000 to propose operational clinical recommendations for the use of QUS in the management of osteoporosis for two QUS devices sold in Switzerland. Device-specific weighted "T-score" based on the risk of osteoporotic hip fractures as well as on the prediction of DXA osteoporosis at the hip, according to the WHO definition of osteoporosis, were calculated for the Achilles (Lunar, General Electric, Madison, Wis.) and Sahara (Hologic, Waltham, Mass.) ultrasound devices. Several studies (totaling a few thousand subjects) were used to calculate age-adjusted odd ratios (OR) and area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) for the prediction of osteoporotic fracture (taking into account a weighting score depending on the design of the study involved in the calculation). The ORs were 2.4 (1.9-3.2) and AUC 0.72 (0.66-0.77), respectively, for the Achilles, and 2.3 (1.7-3.1) and 0.75 (0.68-0.82), respectively, for the Sahara device. To translate risk estimates into thresholds for clinical application, 90% sensitivity was used to define low fracture and low osteoporosis risk, and a specificity of 80% was used to define subjects as being at high risk of fracture or having osteoporosis at the hip. From the combination of the fracture model with the hip DXA osteoporotic model, we found a T-score threshold of -1.2 and -2.5 for the stiffness (Achilles) determining, respectively, the low- and high-risk subjects. Similarly, we found a T-score at -1.0 and -2.2 for the QUI index (Sahara). Then a screening strategy combining QUS, DXA, and clinical factors for the identification of women needing treatment was proposed. The application of this approach will help to minimize the inappropriate use of QUS from which the whole field currently suffers.
PURPOSE: To report the diffusion-weighted MRI findings in alveolar echinococcosis (AE) of the liver and evaluate the potential role of apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) in the characterisation of lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively included 22 patients with 63 AE liver lesions (≥1cm), examined with 3-T liver MRI, including a free-breathing diffusion-weighted single-shot echo-planar imaging sequence (b-values=50, 300 and 600s/mm(2)). Two radiologists jointly assessed the following lesion features: size, location, presence of cystic and/or solid components (according to Kodama's classification system), relative contrast enhancement, and calcifications (on CT). The ADCtotal, ADCmin and ADCmax were measured in each lesion and the surrounding liver parenchyma. RESULTS: Three type 1, 19 type 2, 17 type 3, three type 4 and 21 type 5 lesions were identified. The mean (±SD) ADCtotal, ADCmin and ADCmax for all lesions were 1.73±0.50, 0.76±0.38 and 2.63±0.76×10(-3)mm(2)/s, respectively. The mean ADCtotal for type 1, type 2, type 3, type 4 and type 5 lesions were 1.97±1.01, 1.76±0.53, 1.73±0.41, 1.15±0.42 and 1.76±0.44×10(-3)mm(2)/s, respectively. No significant differences were found between the five lesion types, except for type 4 (p=0.0363). There was a significant correlation between the presence of a solid component and low ADCmin (r=0.39, p=0.0016), whereas an inverse correlation was found between the relative contrast enhancement and ADCtotal (r=-0.34, p=0.0072). CONCLUSION: The ADCs of AE lesions are relatively low compared to other cystic liver lesions, which may help in the differential diagnosis. Although ADCs are of little use to distinguish between the five lesion types, their low value reflects the underlying solid component.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of recent advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) radiofrequency (RF) coil and parallel imaging technology on brain volume measurement consistency. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In all, 103 whole-brain MRI volumes were acquired at a clinical 3T MRI, equipped with a 12- and 32-channel head coil, using the T1-weighted protocol as employed in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative study with parallel imaging accelerations ranging from 1 to 5. An experienced reader performed qualitative ratings of the images. For quantitative analysis, differences in composite width (CW, a measure of image similarity) and boundary shift integral (BSI, a measure of whole-brain atrophy) were calculated. RESULTS: Intra- and intersession comparisons of CW and BSI measures from scans with equal acceleration demonstrated excellent scan-rescan accuracy, even at the highest acceleration applied. Pairs-of-scans acquired with different accelerations exhibited poor scan-rescan consistency only when differences in the acceleration factor were maximized. A change in the coil hardware between compared scans was found to bias the BSI measure. CONCLUSION: The most important findings are that the accelerated acquisitions appear to be compatible with the assessment of high-quality quantitative information and that for highest scan-rescan accuracy in serial scans the acquisition protocol should be kept as consistent as possible over time. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2012;36:1234-1240. ©2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Estudio técnico y económico de dos métodos del aprovechamiento de la materia prima en la elaboración de harina de pescado tipo integral. Contiene el balance de materia y la composición de la materia prima y sus rendimientos.
Se ha recorrido la Bahía de Coishco a fin de conocer las actividades artesanal e industrial que se desarrollan en esta área, y se han revisado los informes sobre las actividades y proyectos que ejecuta el Laboratorio Costero de Chimbote como parte del Plan Anual de Trabajo Institucional. Se presenta una descripción de la morfología, topografía y sedimentología de la Bahía de Coishco, así como de las características físicas, químicas y biológicas de sus masas de agua. Se hace una descripción de las fuentes y niveles de contaminación, producto del vertimiento de aguas de diferentes tipo de uso: industrial, pesquero, doméstico; de escorrentía y producto de actividades de las embarcaciones que operan en esta bahía. Se mencionan las especies que sustentan la pesca artesanal e industrial, los instrumentos y áreas de pesca, los bancos naturales de invertebrados marinos, los tonelajes de extracción a nivel artesanal y de procesamiento a nivel industrial por cada una de las fábricas que operan en esta bahía. La bahía de Coishco, con un área aproximada de 11.655 km2 es una bahía abierta, rodeada por las islas Santa y Moñaque; en sus profundidades predominan las isóbatas desde 12 a 16 m y en el centro de la bahía existe alta concentración de materia orgánica. Las masas de agua son generalmente Aguas Costeras Frias, de 15 a 20 ºC; la salinidad cerca de la línea litoral es menor a 35 ups, en cambio en el sur de la balúa las salinidades son en promedio del orden de 35,1ups. El vertimiento de aguas de uso industrial pesquero y doméstico influye en el contenido de oxígeno tanto superficial como de fondo, habiéndose detectado situaciones de anoxia; igualmente se afectan los nutrientes, tal es así que los niveles de fosfatos se incrementan durante la época de intensa actividad pesquera y disminuyen durante la época de veda. Se ha identificado 60 especies de organismos planctónicos, destacando las diatomeas de afloramiento Chaetoceros decipiens, Thalassiosira rotula y Skeletonema costatum. Los peces constituyen la principal fuente de pesca artesanal (82% de las capturas), destacando: "lorna" Sciaena deliciosa, "pejerrey" Odonthestes regia regia, "machete" Etmidium maculatum, "cachema" Cynoscion analis, "cabinza" Isacia conceptionís. La anchoveta es la principal materia prima para la elaboración de harina y aceite de pescado. Entre los invertebrados, destacaron "caracol" Stramoníta chocolata, "almeja" Semele spp., "concha de abanico" Argopecten purpuratus, "pulpo" Octopus mimus.
Se describe la morfometria, batimetría y sedimentología de la Bahía El Ferrol, además de las características físicas, químicas y biológicas de sus masas de agua. Se hace una descripción de las fuentes y niveles de contaminación producida por el vertimiento de las aguas de diferente uso. Se mencionan las especies que sustentan la pesca artesanal e industrial, además de los instrumentos y áreas de pesca y los bancos naturales de invertebrados marinos. Los tonelajes de desembarques artesanales fueron obtenidos en el muelle artesanal pesquero de Chimbote; y los volúmenes de procesamiento industrial, en cada una de las fábricas que operan en esta bahía. Se han revisado los registros e informes sobre las actividades y proyectos que se ejecutan en el Laboratorio Costero, hoy Centro de Investigación Pesquera (CIP) del IMARPE en Chimbote, Áncash, como parte de su Plan Anual de Trabajo.
Traduction de Wylie, rédigée par Li Shan lan ; préfaces Chinoises des deux traducteurs (1859) ; préface anglaise, écrite à Shang hai par A. Wylie (juillet 1859). Liste de termes techniques en anglais et en Chinois. Gravé à la maison Mo hai (1859).18 livres.
Desarrollo empresarial y creación de empresa
Desarrollo empresarial y creación de empresa
Desarrollo empresarial y creación de empresa
Desarrollo empresarial y creación de empresa
SUMMARY Background: Age related declines in lower extremity strength have been associated with impaired mobility and changes in gait patterns, which increase the likelihood of falls. Since community dwelling adults encounter a wide range of locomotor challenges including uneven and obstmcted walking surfaces, we examined the effect of a strength 11 and balance exercise program on obstructed walking in postmenopausal women. Objectives: This study examined the effect of a weighted-vest strength and balance exercise program on adaptations of the stance leg during obstacle walking in postmenopausal women. Methods: Eighteen women aged 44-62 years who had not engaged in regular resistance training for the past year were recruited from the St. Catharines community to participate in this study. Eleven women volunteered for an aerobic (walking), strength, and balance training program 3 times per week for 12 weeks while 7 women volunteered as controls. Measurements included: force platform dynamic balance measure of the center of pressure (COP) and ground reaction forces (GRFs) in the stance leg while going over obstacles of different heights (0,5, 10,25 and 30 cm); and isokinetic strength measures of knee and ankle extension and flexion. Results: Of the 18 women, who began the trial, 16 completed it. The EX group showed a significant increase of 40% in ankle plantar flexion strength (P < 0.05). However, no improvements in measures of COP or GRFs were observed for either group. Failure to detect any changes in measures of dynamic balance may be due to small sample size. Conclusions: Postmenopausal women experience significant improvements in ankle strength with 12 weeks of a weighted-vest balance and strength training program, however, these changes do not seem to be associated with any improvement in measures of dynamic balance.