961 resultados para Water levels.


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This paper reviews the current knowledge of climatic risks and impacts in South Asia associated with anthropogenic warming levels of 1.5°C to 4°C above pre-industrial values in the 21st century. It is based on the World Bank Report “Turn Down the Heat, Climate Extremes, Regional Impacts and the Case for Resilience” (2013). Many of the climate change impacts in the region, which appear quite severe even with relatively modest warming of 1.5–2°C, pose significant hazards to development. For example, increased monsoon variability and loss or glacial meltwater will likely confront populations with ongoing and multiple challenges. The result is a significant risk to stable and reliable water resources for the region, with increases in peak flows potentially causing floods and dry season flow reductions threatening agriculture. Irrespective of the anticipated economic development and growth, climate projections indicate that large parts of South Asia’s growing population and especially the poor are likely to remain highly vulnerable to climate change.


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Deacidification of vegetable oils can be performed using liquid-liquid extraction as an alternative method to the classical chemical and physical refining processes. This paper reports experimental data for systems containing refined babassu oil, lauric acid, ethanol, and water at 303.2 K with different water mass fractions in the alcoholic solvent (0, 0.0557, 0.1045, 0.2029, and 0.2972). The dilution of solvent with water reduced the distribution coefficient values, which indicates a reduction in the loss of neutral oil. The experimental data were used to adjust the NRTL equation parameters. The global deviation between the observed and the estimated compositions was 0.0085, indicating that the model can accurately predict the behavior of the compounds at different levels of solvent hydration. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Social organization enables leaf-cutting ants to keep appropriate micro-ecological nest conditions for the fungus garden (their main food), eggs, larvae and adults. To maintain stability while facing changing conditions, individual ants must perceive destabilising factors and produce a proper behavioral response. We investigated behavioral responses to experimental dehydration in leaf-cutting ants to verify if task specialization exists, and to quantify the ability of ant sub-colonies for water management. Our setup consisted of fourteen sub-colonies, ten of which were randomly assigned to different levels of experimental dehydration with silica gel, whereas the remaining four were controls. The ten experimental sub-colonies were split into two groups, so that five of them had access to water. Diverse ant morphs searched for water in dehydrated colonies, but mainly a caste of small ants collected water after sources had been discovered. Size specialization for water collection was replicable in shorter experiments with three additional colonies. Ants of dehydrated colonies accumulated leaf-fragments on the nest entrance, and covering the fungus garden. Behaviors that may enhance humidity within the nests were common to all dehydration treatments. Water availability increased the life span of dehydrated colonies.


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In the last years, phototherapy has becoming a promising tool to improve skeletal muscle recovery after exercise, however, it was not compared with other modalities commonly used with this aim. In the present study we compared the short-term effects of cold water immersion therapy (CWIT) and light emitting diode therapy (LEDT) with placebo LEDT on biochemical markers related to skeletal muscle recovery after high-intensity exercise. A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial was performed with six male young futsal athletes. They were treated with CWIT (5A degrees C of temperature [SD +/- 1A degrees]), active LEDT (69 LEDs with wavelengths 660/850 nm, 10/30 mW of output power, 30 s of irradiation time per point, and 41.7 J of total energy irradiated per point, total of ten points irradiated) or an identical placebo LEDT 5 min after each of three Wingate cycle tests. Pre-exercise, post-exercise, and post-treatment measurements were taken of blood lactate levels, creatine kinase (CK) activity, and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. There were no significant differences in the work performed during the three Wingate tests (p > 0.05). All biochemical parameters increased from baseline values (p < 0.05) after the three exercise tests, but only active LEDT decreased blood lactate levels (p = 0.0065) and CK activity (p = 0.0044) significantly after treatment. There were no significant differences in CRP values after treatments. We concluded that treating the leg muscles with LEDT 5 min after the Wingate cycle test seemed to inhibit the expected post-exercise increase in blood lactate levels and CK activity. This suggests that LEDT has better potential than 5 min of CWIT for improving short-term post-exercise recovery.


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Bacteriophages are the most abundant and genetically diverse viruses on Earth, with complex ecology in both quantitative and qualitative terms. Somatic coliphages (SC) have been reported to be good indicators of fecal pollution in seawater. This study focused on determining the concentration of SC and their diversity by electron microscopy of seawater, plankton, and bivalve samples collected at three coastal regions in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The SC counts varied from < 1 to 3.4 x 103 PFU/100 ml in seawater (73 samples tested), from < 1 to 4.7 x 10(2) PFU/g in plankton (46 samples tested), and from < 1 to 2.2 x 10(1) PFU/g in bivalves (11 samples tested). In seawater samples, a relationship between the thermotolerant coliforms and Escherichia coli and SC was observed at the three regions (P = 0.0001) according to the anthropogenic activities present at each region. However, SC were found in plankton samples from three regions: Baixada Santista (17/20), Canal de Sao Sebastiao (6/14), and Ubatuba (3/12). In seawater samples collected from Baixada Santista, four morphotypes were observed: A1 (4.5%), B1 (50%), C1 (36.4%), and D1 (9.1%). One coliphage, Siphoviridae type T1, had the longest tail: between 939 and 995 nm. In plankton samples, Siphoviridae (65.8%), Podoviridae (15.8%), Microviridae (15.8%), and Myoviridae (2.6%) were found. In bivalves, only the morphotype B1 was observed. These SC were associated with enteric hosts: enterobacteria, E. coli, Proteus, Salmonella, and Yersinia. Baixada Santista is an area containing a high level of fecal pollution compared to those in the Canal de Sao Sebastiao and Ubatuba. This is the first report of coliphage diversity in seawater, plankton, and bivalve samples collected from Sao Paulo coastal regions. A better characterization of SC diversity in coastal environments will help with the management and evaluation of the microbiological risks for recreation, seafood cultivation, and consumption.


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This study is focused on the analysis of an accumulation of inorganic elements in muscles, liver and gonad of seven fish species from Sao Francisco River located in the Parana state of Brazil. Concentrations of the elements were determined using the SR-TXRF technique. In the muscles of fish species, negative length dependent relationships were observed for chromium and zinc ion absorption. The obtained results showed that accumulated Cr ions values are above the limits defined in the Brazilian legislative norm on food. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.


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In this paper, calcium molybdate (CaMoO(4)) crystals (meso- and nanoscale) were synthesized by the coprecipitation method using different solvent volume ratios (water/ethylene glycol). Subsequently, the obtained suspensions were processed in microwave-assisted hydrothermal/solvothermal systems at 140 degrees C for 1 h. These meso- and nanocrystals processed were characterized by X-ray diffraction (X R I)), Fourier transform Raman (FT-Raman), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR). ultraviolet visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopies, held-emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM). transmission electron microscopy (TEM). and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. X RI) patterns and FT-Raman spectra showed that these meso- and nanocrystals have a scheelite-type tetragonal structure without the presence of deleterious phases. FT-IR spectra exhibited a large absorption band situated at around 827 cm(-1), which is associated with the Mo-O anti-symmetric stretching vibrations into the [MoO(4)] clusters. FEG-SEM micrographs indicated that the ethylene glycol concentration in the aqueous solution plays an important role in the morphological evolution of CaMoO(4) crystals. High-resolution TEM micrographs demonstrated that the mesocrystals consist of several aggregated nanoparticles with electron diffraction patterns of monocrystal. In addition, the differences observed in the selected area electron diffraction patterns of CaMoO(4) crystals proved the coexistence of both nano- and mesostructures, First-principles quantum mechanical calculations based on the density functional theory at the B3LYP level were employed in order to understand the band structure find density of states For the CaMoO(4). UV-vis absorption measurements evidenced a variation in optical band gap values (from 3.42 to 3.72 cV) for the distinct morphologies. The blue and green PI. emissions observed in these crystals were ascribed to the intermediary energy levels arising from the distortions on the [MoO(4)] clusters clue to intrinsic defects in the lattice of anisotropic/isotropic crystals.


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In this study we examined the possible antigenotoxic effect of selenium (Se) in rats chronically exposed to low levels of methylmercury (MeHg) and the association between glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity and DNA lesions (via comet assay) in the same exposed animals. Rats were divided into six groups as follows: (Group I) received water; (Group II) received MeHg (100 mu g/day); (Group III) received Se (2 mg/L drinking water); (Group IV) received Se (6 mg/L drinking water); (Group V) received MeHg (100 mu g/day) and Se (2 mg/L drinking water); (Group VI) received MeHg (100 mu g/day) and Se (6 mg/L drinking water). Total treatment time was 100 days. GSH-Px activity was determined spectrophotometrically and DNA damage was determined by comet assay. Mean GSH-Px activity in groups I, II, III, IV, V and VI were, respectively: 40.19 +/- A 17.21; 23.63 +/- A 6.04; 42.64 +/- A 5.70; 38.50 +/- A 7.15; 34.54 +/- A 6.18 and 41.39 +/- A 11.67 nmolNADPH/min/gHb. DNA damage was represented by a mean score from 0 to 300; the results for groups I, II, III, IV, V and VI were, respectively: 6.87 +/- A 3.27; 124.12 +/- A 13.74; 10.62 +/- A 3.81; 13.25 +/- A 1.76; 86.87 +/- A 11.95 and 76.25 +/- A 7.48. There was a significant inhibition of GSH-Px activity in group II compared with group I (P < 0.05). Groups V and VI did not show a difference in enzyme activity compared with groups III and IV, showing the possible protective action of Se. Comet assay presented a significant difference in DNA migration between group II and group I (P < 0.0001). Groups V and VI showed a significant reduction in MeHg-induced genotoxicity (P < 0.001) when compared with group II. A negative correlation (r = -0.559, P < 0.05) was found between GSH-Px activity and DNA lesion, showing that the greater the DNA damage, the lower the GSH-Px activity. Our findings demonstrated the oxidative and genotoxic properties of MeHg, even at low doses. Moreover, Se co-administration reestablished GSH-Px activity and reduced DNA damage.


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This work describes the electroanalytical determination of pendimethalin herbicide levels in natural waters, river sediment and baby food samples, based on the electro-reduction of herbicide on the hanging mercury drop electrode using square wave voltammetry (SWV). A number of experimental and voltammetric conditions were evaluated and the best responses were achieved in Britton-Robinson buffer solutions at pH 8.0, using a frequency of 500 s(-1). a scan increment of 10 mV and a square wave amplitude of 50 mV. Under these conditions, the pendimethalin is reduced in an irreversible process, with two reduction peaks at -0.60 V and -0.71 V. using a Ag/AgCl reference system. Analytical curves were constructed and the detection limit values were calculated to be 7.79 mu g L(-1) and 4.88 mu g L(-1), for peak 1 and peak 2, respectively. The precision and accuracy were determinate as a function of experimental repeatability and reproducibility, which showed standard relative deviation values that were lower than 2% for both voltammetric peaks. The applicability of the proposed methodology was evaluated in natural water, river sediments and baby food samples. The calculated recovery efficiencies demonstrate that the proposed methodology is suitable for determining any contamination by pendimethalin in these samples. Additionally, adsorption isotherms were used to evaluate information about the behavior of pendimethalin in river sediment samples. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The cancer risks (CR) by oral ingestion, dermal absorption, and inhalation exposure of trihalomethanes (THM) from tap water of ten districts in Fortaleza, Brazil were estimated. The mean levels of THM compounds were obtained in Fortaleza tap water as follow: 63.9 mu g L(-1) for chloroform (CHCl(3)), 40.0 mu g L(-1) for bromodichloromethane (CHBrCl(2)), and 15.6 mu g L(-1) for dibromochloromethane (CHBr(2)Cl). Bromoform (CHBr(3)) was not detected. The mean CR for THMs in tap water is 3.96 x 10(-4). The results indicate that Fortaleza residents have a higher CR by inhalation than dermal absorption and oral ingestion. The CR for CHCl(3) contributes with 68% as compared with the total CR, followed by CHBrCl(2) (21%), and CHBr(2)Cl (11%). The hazard index (HI) is about ten times lower than unity, not indicating non-cancer effects.


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This study investigated the mRNA expression of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) system (peptide and receptors) during water deprivation in the spinifex hopping mouse, Notomys alexis, a native of central and western Australia that is well adapted to survive in arid environments. Initially, ANP, NPR-A and NPR-C cDNAs (partial for receptors) were cloned and sequenced, and were shown to have high homology with those of rat and mouse. Using a semi-quantitative multiplex PCR technique, the expression of cardiac ANP mRNA and renal ANP, NPR-A, and NPR-C mRNA was determined in 7- and 14-day water-deprived hopping mice, in parallel with control mice (access to water). The levels of ANP mRNA expression in the heart remained unchanged, but in the kidney ANP mRNA levels were increased in the 7-day water-deprived mice, and were significantly decreased in the 14-day water-deprived mice. NPR-A mRNA levels were significantly higher in 7-day water-deprived mice while no change for NPR-A mRNA expression was observed in 14-day water-deprived mice. No variation in NPR-C mRNA levels was observed. This study shows that water deprivation differentially affects the expression of the ANP system, and that renal ANP expression is more important than cardiac ANP in the physiological adjustment to water deprivation.


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This study investigated the effect of water deprivation on the expression of C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) and natriuretic peptide receptor B (NPR-B) mRNA, and the ability of NPR-B to generate cGMP in the Spinifex Hopping mouse, Notomys alexis. This rodent is a native of central and western Australia that is well adapted to survive in arid environments. Initially, CNP and NPR-B cDNAs (partial for NPR-B) were cloned and sequenced, and were shown to have high homology with those of rat and mouse. RT-PCR analysis showed CNP mRNA expression in the kidney, proximal and distal colon and small intestine, whilst NPR-B mRNA expression was found in the kidney, proximal and distal colon and the atria. Using a semi-quantitative multiplex PCR technique, the expression of renal CNP and NPR-B mRNA was determined in 7- and 14-day water-deprived hopping mice, in parallel with control hopping mice (access to water). Water deprivation significantly decreased the relative levels of CNP and NPR-B mRNA expression in both the 7- and 14-day water-deprived hopping mice, when compared to control hopping mice. In contrast, the ability of CNP to stimulate cGMP production was significantly increased after 14 days of water deprivation. This study shows that alterations in the renal CNP/NPR-B system may be an important physiological adjustment when water is scarce.


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In mammals the natriuretic and guanylin peptides influence renal and intestinal fluid content and electrolyte transport by binding to and activating guanylyl cyclase (GC) receptors that in turn stimulate production of the intracellular second messenger guanosine 3':5'-cyclic monophospate
(cGMP). However, the role of natriuretic and guanylin peptides in desert mammals is not understood. The spinifex hopping-mouse (Notomys alexis), has a suite of behavioural and physiological mechanisms that permits survival for extended periods without access to free water. Because signalling molecules that generate cGMP are known to promote water excretion, it was predicted that natriuretic and guanylin peptide synthesis would be down regulated in water-deprived N. alexis, and thus reduce the amount of water lost in the urine and faeces. However, in the kidney ANP and GC-A mRNA levels were increased in water-deprived mice, but CNP and GC-B mRNA levels were decreased. Water deprivation increased guanylin and uroguanylin mRNA expression in the distal colon, but it remained unchanged in the kidney and proximal colon. The expression of GC-C mRNA increased in the proximal colon but not in the distal colon. This study shows that water deprivation differentially affects the expression of regulatory molecules that stimulate cGMP producti


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Purpose - Recently, Colac Otway Shire in Australia released its management plan for Lake Colac, claiming over-enrichment of the lake with nutrients and degraded water quality. This paper aims to investigate these claims by establishing a correlation between key water and ecological indicators and land uses.

Design/methodology/approach - Examines the correlation between impairment and stressors in Lake Colac. This was achieved by identifying the likely sources of pollutants into Lake Colac; identifying any existing monitoring program; and characterizing the water and sediment inputs. The likely impacts of increased nutrients and sediment levels on indigenous flora and fauna were also examined. The use of meiofauna (very small benthic metazoan animals) was investigated as an indicator of degraded sites. Plankton diversity as a measure of water health was also assessed.

Findings - Water quality in Lake Colac was found to vary both temporally and spatially, and exhibited low attainment against acceptable trigger values/objectives. At current levels the lake can be classified as poorly degraded. Likely sources of pollution were identified to be related to land uses in the catchments. The biota of the lake, investigated at four study sites, yielded a sparse, benthic macrofaunal assemblage that was dominated by oligochaetes. In contrast, an abundant and taxonomically diverse meiofaunal assemblage was noted. Future meiofaunal analyses are likely to resolve suitable biotic indicator species of free-living nematodes in response to land use and waterway threats specified in the study. Originality value - This work will provide a better understanding of integrated environmental systems to enable development of best management practices, thus transforming the way the land and water are used in the future. Following the present work, other key water and ecological indicators (increased dispersion and dominance of biological species) at five additional sites were studied. Alternative management options for the effluent generated at Colac Sewage Treatment Plant and possible ecological effects of each option were also evaluated. More recently, a sediment characterization study was also carried out at sensitive sites representative of locations where build up of sediments and algae outbreaks are reported. This will enable classification of sediment and evaluation of dredging options.


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Natriuretic peptides (NPs) are regulatory molecules that cause cGMP-mediated diuresis and natriuresis in mammals. Accordingly, it is interesting to consider their role in desert-adapted animals in which water is often limited. This study investigated the response of the natriuretic peptide (NP) system to varying periods of water deprivation (WD) in the Australian desert rodent species, Notomys alexis. It was hypothesised that the expression of the NP system will be down-regulated in water-deprived N. alexis compared to water-replete animals. The plasma levels of ANP were significantly reduced after 3 days of WD, but were unaffected by 7, 14 and 28 days of WD. Water deprivation for 3, 7, 14 days had a variable effect on the mRNA expression of ANP, CNP, NPR-A, NPR-B, and NPR-C, and a uniform down-regulation was not observed. However, after 28 days of WD, mRNA expression was similar to water-replete animals, except for NPR-A. Surprisingly, 7 and 14 days of WD caused an up-regulation in the ability of ANP to stimulate cGMP; this also occurred at 14 days for CNP. Taken together, the mRNA expression and peptide mediated guanylyl cyclase activity data after WD were in the opposite direction to what was predicted. Interestingly, after 28 days of WD, most parameters were similar to those of water-replete animals, which indicates that a down-regulation of the NP system is not part of the physiological response to an absence of free water in N. alexis.