999 resultados para Wall Stress
MOOC (as an acronym for Massive Open Online Courses) are a quite new model for the delivery of online learning to students. As “Massive” and “Online”, these courses are proposed to be accessible to many more learners than would be possible through conventional teaching. As “Open” they are (frequently) free of charge and participation is not limited by the geographical situation of the learners, creating new learning opportunities in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). In this paper we describe a recently started project “Matemática 100 STRESS” (Math Without STRESS) integrated in the e-IPP project | e-Learning Unit of Porto’s Polytechnic Institute (IPP) which has created its own MOOC platform and launched its first course – Probabilities and Combinatorics – in early June/2014. In this MOOC development were involved several lecturers from four of the seven IPP schools.
The interest of the study on the implementation of expanded agglomerated cork as exterior wall covering derives from two critical factors in a perspective of sustainable development: the use of a product consisting of a renewable natural material-cork-and the concern to contribute to greater sustainability in construction. The study aims to assess the feasibility of its use by analyzing the corresponding behaviour under different conditions. Since this application is relatively recent, only about ten years old, there is still much to learn about the reliability of its long-term properties. In this context, this study aims to deepen and approach aspects, some of them poorly studied and even unknown, that deal with characteristics that will make the agglomerate a good choice for exterior wall covering. The analysis of these and other characteristics is being performed by testing both under actual exposure conditions, on an experimental cell at LNEC, and on laboratory. In this paper the main laboratory tests are presented and the obtained results are compared with the outcome of the field study. © (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
Poster apresentado na 8.ª Conferência da European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, em Valencia, 12-14 de novembro de 2008.
Introdução: Estudos anteriores em modelos tumorais de glioma e melanoma, tumores radiorresistentes, indicaram que a obesidade pode estar relacionada com um aumento do status oxidativo e com a diminuição da resistência à radiação. Como a Radioterapia é o tratamento frequentemente utilizado para esta patologia, propomo-nos, desta forma, a explorar a influência da obesidade em células de glioma, as BC3H1, e melanoma, B16F10, submetidas a Radioterapia, na presença de agentes oxidantes e antioxidantes, para o estudo da sua influência ao nível da viabilidade celular e do impacto do stress oxidativo. Métodos: As células BC3H1 e B16F10 foram tratadas com t-BOOH (150μM e 50 μM, respetivamente), TUDCA (25μM e 1μM, respetivamente) e com a mistura de t-BOOH+TUDCA em meio DMEM sem soro e meio condicionado (CM), a partir de adipócitos 3T3-L1. Em seguida, parte das células foram irradiadas com uma dose total de 2Gy. Posteriormente avaliou-se a viabilidade celular (teste MTT) e o stress oxidativo (teste TBARS, atividade da catalase, concentração da GSH, e status antioxidante total), às 4h e 12h. Resultados: Observou-se um aumento da capacidade antioxidante total das células irradiadas, comparativamente com as células não irradiadas. O meio condicionado reduziu o stress oxidativo nas BC3H1, ao mesmo tempo que reduziu a sua viabilidade celular. O TUDCA nas células incubadas com MC e submetidas a radioterapia, tendencialmente diminuiu a viabilidade celular, nas concertações em estudo. Discussão/Conclusão: O meio condicionado e a radioterapia, por si só, aumentam a resposta antioxidante total na célula, às 4h e às 12h. O TUDCA nas células incubadas com meio condicionado e submetidas a radioterapia, teve um comportamento citotóxico para as BC3H1, nas concentrações testadas. Revelando a necessidade de aprofundar os estudos da ação deste composto como agente radiossensibilizador, neste e noutros modelos celulares de carcinogénese.
A Era Tecnológica em que nos vemos inseridos, cujos avanços acontecem a uma velocidade vertiginosa exige, por parte das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) uma atitude proactiva no sentido de utilização dos muitos recursos disponíveis. Por outro lado, os elementos próprios da sociedade da informação – flexibilidade, formação ao longo da vida, acessibilidade à informação, mobilidade, entre muito outros – atuam como fortes impulsionadores externos para que as IES procurem e analisem novas modalidades formativas. Perante a mobilidade crescente, que se tem revelado massiva, a aprendizagem tende a ser cada vez mais individualizada, visual e prática. A conjugação de várias formas/tipologias de transmissão de conhecimento, de métodos didáticos e mesmo de ambientes e situações de aprendizagem induzem uma melhor adaptação do estudante, que poderá procurar aqueles que melhor vão ao encontro das suas expetativas, isto é, favorecem um processo de ensino-aprendizagem eficiente na perspetiva da forma de aprender de cada um. A definição de políticas estratégicas relacionadas com novas modalidades de ensino/formação tem sido uma preocupação constante na nossa instituição, nomeadamente no domínio do ensino à distância, seja ele e-Learning, b-Learning ou, mais recentemente, “open-Learning”, onde se inserem os MOOC – Massive Open Online Courses (não esquecendo a vertente m-Learning), de acordo com as várias tendências europeias (OECD, 2007) (Comissão Europeia, 2014) e com os objetivos da “Europa 2020”. Neste sentido surge o Projeto Matemática 100 STRESS, integrado no projeto e-IPP | Unidade de e-Learning do Politécnico do Porto que criou a sua plataforma MOOC, abrindo em junho de 2014 o seu primeiro curso – Probabilidades e Combinatória. Pretendemos dar a conhecer este Projeto, e em particular este curso, que envolveu vários docentes de diferentes unidades orgânicas do IPP.
MOOC (as an acronym for Massive Open Online Courses) are a quite new model for the delivery of online learning to students. As “Massive” and “Online”, these courses are proposed to be accessible to many more learners than would be possible through conventional teaching. As “Open” they are (frequently) free of charge and participation is not limited by the geographical situation of the learners, creating new learning opportunities in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). In this paper we describe a recently started project “Matemática 100 STRESS” (Math Without STRESS) integrated in the e-IPP project | e-Learning Unit of Porto’s Polytechnic Institute (IPP) which has created its own MOOC platform and launched its first course – Probabilities and Combinatorics – in early June/2014. In this MOOC development were involved several lecturers from four of the seven IPP schools.
In this work tubular fiber reinforced specimens are tested for fatigue life. The specimens are biaxially loaded with tension and shear stresses, with a load angle β of 30° and 60° and a load ratio of R=0,1. There are many factors that affect fatigue life of a fiber reinforced material and the main goal of this work is to study the effects of load ratio R by obtaining S-N curves and compare them to the previous works (1). All the other parameters, such as specimen production, fatigue loading frequency and temperature, will be the same as for the previous tests. For every specimen, stiffness, temperature of the specimen during testing, crack counting and final fracture mode are obtained. Prior to testing, a study if the literature regarding the load ratio effects on composites fatigue life and with that review estimate the initial stresses to be applied in testing. In previous works (1) similar specimens have only been tested for a load ratio of R=-1 and therefore the behaviour of this tubular specimens for a different load ratio is unknown. All the data acquired will be analysed and compared to the previous works, emphasizing the differences found and discussing the possible explanations for those differences. The crack counting software, developed at the institute, has shown useful before, however different adjustments to the software parameters lead to different cracks numbers for the same picture, and therefore a better methodology will be discussed to improve the crack counting results. After the specimen’s failure, all the data will be collected and stored and fibre volume content for every specimen is also determinate. The number of tests required to make the S-N curves are obtained according to the existent standards. Additionally are also identified some improvements to the testing machine setup and to the procedures for future testing.
Oxidative stress designates the state of imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and antioxidant levels. In a healthy placenta, there is an increase in ROS production, due to formation of new tissues and inherent metabolism, but this is balanced by higher levels of antioxidants. However, this balance is lost in some situations, with a consequent increase in oxidative stress levels. Oxidative stress has been implicated in several placental disorders and pregnancy pathologies. The present review intends to summarize what is known about the relationship between oxidative stress and well-known pregnancy disorders.
Lobo's disease is a chronic granulomatous disease caused by the obligate pathogenic fungus, whose cell walls contain constitutive melanin. In contrast, melanin does not occur in the cell walls of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis when stained by the Fontana-Masson stain.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry
This work proposes a novel approach for a suitable orientation of antibodies (Ab) on an immunosensing platform, applied here to the determination of 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8OHdG), a biomarker of oxidative stress that has been associated to chronic diseases, such as cancer. The anti-8OHdG was bound to an amine modified gold support through its Fc region after activation of its carboxylic functions. Non-oriented approaches of Ab binding to the platform were tested in parallel, in order to show that the presented methodology favored Ab/Ag affinity and immunodetection of the antigen. The immunosensor design was evaluated by quartz-crystal microbalance with dissipation, atomic force microscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and square-wave voltammetry. EIS was also a suitable technique to follow the analytical behavior of the device against 8OHdG. The affinity binding between 8OHdG and the antibody immobilized in the gold modified platform increased the charge transfer resistance across the electrochemical set-up. The observed behavior was linear from 0.02 to 7.0 ng/mL of 8OHdG concentrations. The interference from glucose, urea and creatinine was found negligible. An attempt of application to synthetic samples was also successfully conducted. Overall, the presented approach enabled the production of suitably oriented Abs over a gold platform by means of a much simpler process than other oriented-Ab binding approaches described in the literature, as far as we know, and was successful in terms of analytical features and sample application.