983 resultados para Visual programming languages


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PURPOSE. To evaluate the change in vision after 3 monthly consecutive intravitreal injections of 1.25 mg of bevacizumab for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD). METHODS. A retrospective analysis of 35 eyes was performed. Visual acuity (VA) at initial visit and at each follow-up visit was compared. The injection of bevacizumab was performed at 30-day intervals and patients were observed for 5 months after the last injection. RESULTS. Of the 35 eyes, 9 had received previous treatment with photodynamic therapy with or without 4 mg of intravitreal triamcinolone. VA was measured in Snellen table and transformed into logMAR for statistical purposes. Mean age was 76.66 years (range, 49-90 years). There were 24(69%) women and 11(31%) men. Mean VA at the initial visit was 0.92 +/- 0.50. At month 1, mean VA was 0.84 +/- 0.51 and at month 2 was 0.74 +/- 0.51. At month 3, mean VA remained 0.74 +/- 0.49. Six and 8 months after the initial visit, VA was 0.79 +/- 0.49 and 0.77 +/- 0.50, respectively. The improvement in VA was statistically significant at month 2 and at the end of the follow-up (8 months) compared with the baseline VA. CONCLUSIONS. Three consecutive monthly injections of intravitreal bevacizumab to treat neovascular AMD is effective in improving VA in the short term. Longer prospective studies should be performed to confirm VA stability after the third injection. (Eur J Ophthalmol 2010; 20: 740-4)


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Pathological inattention following parietal damage causes perceptual impairments for visual stimuli in the contralesional hemifield. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine visual cortex activity in parietal patients as they performed a spatial attention task. Righthemisphere patients and healthy controls viewed counterphasing checkerboards in which coloured targets appeared briefly within the contralesional and ipsilesional hemifields. In separate fMRI runs participants focused their attention covertiy on the left or right hemifield, or on both hemifields concurrentiy. They were required to detect coloured targets that appeared briefly within the attended hemifield(s), and to withhold responses to distractor stimuli. Neural activit}' was significantly attenuated in early visual areas within the damaged hemisphere. Crucially, although attention significantiy modulated early visual activit}' within the intact (left) hemisphere, there was relatively littie modulation of activity within the affected hemisphere. Our findings suggest that parietal lesions alter early cortical responses to contralesional visual inputs.


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Previous work examining context effects in children has been limited to semantic context. The current research examined the effects of grammatical priming of word-naming in fourth-grade children. In Experiment 1, children named both inflected and uninflected noun and verb target words faster when they were preceded by grammatically constraining primes than when they were preceded by neutral primes. Experiment 1 used a long stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) interval of 750 msec. Experiment 2 replicated the grammatical priming effect at two SOA intervals (400 msec and 700 msec), suggesting that the grammatical priming effect does not reflect the operation of any gross strategic effects directly attributable to the long SOA interval employed in Experiment 1. Grammatical context appears to facilitate target word naming by constraining target word class. Further work is required to elucidate the loci of this effect.


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Purpose The aim of this study was to test the correlation between Fourier-domain (FD) optical coherence tomography (OCT) macular and retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness and visual field (VF) loss on standard automated perimetry (SAP) in chiasmal compression. Methods A total of 35 eyes with permanent temporal VF defects and 35 controls underwent SAP and FD-OCT (3D OCT-1000; Topcon Corp.) examinations. Macular thickness measurements were averaged for the central area and for each quadrant and half of that area, whereas RNFL thickness was determined for six sectors around the optic disc. VF loss was estimated in six sectors of the VF and in the central 16 test points in the VF. The correlation between VF loss and OCT measurements was tested with Spearman`s correlation coefficients and with linear regression analysis. Results Macular and RNFL thickness parameters correlated strongly with SAP VF loss. Correlations were generally stronger between VF loss and quadrantic or hemianopic macular thickness than with sectoral RNFL thickness. For the macular parameters, we observed the strongest correlation between macular thickness in the inferonasal quadrant and VF loss in the superior temporal central quadrant (rho=0.78; P<0.001) whereas for the RNFL parameters the strongest correlation was observed between the superonasal optic disc sector and the central temporal VF defect (rho=0.60; P<0.001).


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The refinement calculus provides a framework for the stepwise development of imperative programs from specifications. In this paper we study a refinement calculus for deriving logic programs. Dealing with logic programs rather than imperative programs has the dual advantages that, due to the expressive power of logic programs, the final program is closer to the original specification, and each refinement step can achieve more. Together these reduce the overall number of derivation steps. We present a logic programming language extended with specification constructs (including general predicates, assertions, and types and invariants) to form a wide-spectrum language. General predicates allow non-executable properties to be included in specifications. Assertions, types and invariants make assumptions about the intended inputs of a procedure explicit, and can be used during refinement to optimize the constructed logic program. We provide a semantics for the extended logic programming language and derive a set of refinement laws. Finally we apply these to an example derivation.


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Although planning is important for the functioning of patients with dementia of the Alzheimer Type (DAT), little is known about response programming in DAT. This study used a cueing paradigm coupled with quantitative kinematic analysis to document the preparation and execution of movements made by a group of 12 DAT patients and their age and sex matched controls. Participants connected a series of targets placed upon a WACOM SD420 graphics tablet, in response to the pattern of illumination of a set of light emitting diodes (LEDs). In one condition, participants could programme the upcoming movement, whilst in another they were forced to reprogramme this movement on-line (i.e. they were not provided with advance information about the location of the upcoming target). DAT patients were found to have programming deficits, taking longer to initiate movements; particularly in the absence of cues. While problems spontaneously programming a movement might cause a greater reliance upon on-line guidance, when both groups were required to guide the movement on-line, DAT patients continued to show slower and less efficient movements implying declining sensori-motor function; these differences were not simply due to strategy or medication status. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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It has been claimed that the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be ameliorated by eye-movement desensitization-reprocessing therapy (EMD-R), a procedure that involves the individual making saccadic eye-movements while imagining the traumatic event. We hypothesized that these eye-movements reduce the vividness of distressing images by disrupting the function of the visuospatial sketchpad (VSSP) of working memory, and that by doing so they reduce the intensity of the emotion associated with the image. This hypothesis was tested by asking non-PTSD participants to form images of neutral and negative pictures under dual task conditions. Their images were less vivid with concurrent eye-movements and with a concurrent spatial tapping task that did not involve eye-movements. In the first three experiments, these secondary tasks did not consistently affect participants' emotional responses to the images. However, Expt 4 used personal recollections as stimuli for the imagery task, and demonstrated a significant reduction in emotional response under the same dual task conditions. These results suggest that, if EMD-R works, it does so by reducing the vividness and emotiveness of traumatic images via the VSSP of working memory. Other visuospatial tasks may also be of therapeutic value.


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Among nonmotor symptoms observed in Parkinson`s disease (PD) dysfunction in the visual system, including hallucinations, has a significant impact in their quality of life. To further explore the visual system in PD patients we designed two fMRI experiments comparing 18 healthy volunteers with 16 PD patients without visual complaints in two visual fMRI paradigms: the flickering checkerboard task and a facial perception paradigm. PD patients displayed a decreased activity in the primary visual cortex (Broadmann area 17) bilaterally as compared to healthy volunteers during flickering checkerboard task and increased activity in fusiform gyms (Broadmann area 37) during facial perception paradigm. Our findings confirm the notion that PD patients show significant changes in the visual cortex system even before the visual symptoms are clinically evident. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the contribution of these abnormalities to the development visual symptoms in PD. (C) 2010 Movement Disorder Society


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Age-related changes and the effects of dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT) were investigated during a visual orienting attention task in which attention was pre-cued to one or other hemifields. Central cues were either valid, neutral, invalid or NoGo (inhibitory). The response time cost-benefit analysis showed a decreased benefit after valid cueing in the old compared with the young group with no change in the cost of invalid cueing. The older group were also slower over all cue types. These results suggest there is an age-related reduced ability to covertly orient attention in a visual hemifield before target onset. In contrast, the DAT group showed an increased response time benefit and showed a trend for a decreased cost in response time compared with controls. This was due to slowest response times after neutral cues. They also made significantly more response errors particularly following neutral cueing, and were less able to inhibit responses on NoGo trials than controls. The increased benefit and reduced cost found in the DAT group was interpreted as an impairment in dividing attention between left and right target locations.


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This paper analyzes the astroglial and neuronal responses in subtelencephalic structures, following a bilateral ablation of the telencephalon in the Columba livia pigeons. Control birds received a sham operation. Four months later the birds were sacrificed and their brains processed for glial fribillary acid protein (GFAP) and neurofilament immunohistochemistry, markers for astrocytes and neurons, respectively. Computer-assisted image analysis was employed for quantification of the immunoreactive labeling in the nucleus rotundus (N.Rt) and the optic tectum (OT) of the birds. An increased number of GFAP immunoreactive astrocytes were found in several subregions of the N.Rt (p .001), as well as in layers 1, 2cd, 3, and 6 of the OT (p .001) of the lesioned animals. Neurofilament immunoreactivity decreased massively in the entire N.Rt of the lesioned birds; however, remaining neurons with healthy aspect showing large cytoplasm and ramified branches were detected mainly in the periphery of the nucleus. In view of the recently described paracrine neurotrophic properties of the activated astrocytes, the data of the present study may suggest a long-lasting neuroglial interaction in regions of the lesioned bird brain far from injury. Such events may trigger neuronal plasticity in remaining brain structures that may lead spontaneous behavior recovery as the one promoted here even after a massive injury.


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Objective: To determine intraocular pressure (IOP)-dependent and IOP-independent variables associated with visual field (VF) progression in treated glaucoma. Design: Retrospective cohort of the Glaucoma Progression Study. Methods: Consecutive, treated glaucoma patients with repeatable VF loss who had 8 or more VF examinations of either eye, using the Swedish Interactive Threshold Algorithm (24-2 SITA-Standard, Humphrey Field Analyzer II; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc, Dublin, California), during the period between January 1999 and September 2009 were included. Visual field progression was evaluated using automated pointwise linear regression. Evaluated data included age, sex, race, central corneal thickness, baseline VF mean deviation, mean follow-up IOP, peak IOP, IOP fluctuation, a detected disc hemorrhage, and presence of beta-zone parapapillary atrophy. Results: We selected 587 eyes of 587 patients (mean [SD] age, 64.9 [13.0] years). The mean (SD) number of VFs was 11.1 (3.0), spanning a mean (SD) of 6.4 (1.7) years. In the univariable model, older age (odds ratio [OR], 1.19 per decade; P = .01), baseline diagnosis of exfoliation syndrome (OR, 1.79; P = .01), decreased central corneal thickness (OR, 1.38 per 40 mu m thinner; P < .01), a detected disc hemorrhage (OR, 2.31; P < .01), presence of beta-zone parapapillary atrophy (OR, 2.17; P < .01), and all IOP parameters (mean follow-up, peak, and fluctuation; P < .01) were associated with increased risk of VF progression. In the multivariable model, peak IOP (OR, 1.13; P < .01), thinner central corneal thickness (OR, 1.45 per 40 mu m thinner; P < .01), a detected disc hemorrhage (OR, 2.59; P < .01), and presence of beta-zone parapapillary atrophy (OR, 2.38; P < .01) were associated with VF progression. Conclusions: IOP-dependent and IOP-independent risk factors affect disease progression in treated glaucoma. Peak IOP is a better predictor of progression than is IOP mean or fluctuation.


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Substance-dependence is highly associated with executive cognitive function (ECF) impairments. However. considering that it is difficult to assess ECF clinically, the aim of the present study was to examine the feasibility of a brief neuropsychological tool (the Frontal Assessment Battery FAB) to detect specific ECF impairments in a sample of substance-dependent individuals (SDI). Sixty-two subjects participated in this study. Thirty DSM-IV-diagnosed SDI, after 2 weeks of abstinence, and 32 healthy individuals (control group) were evaluated with FAD and other ECF-related tasks: digits forward (DF), digits backward (DB), Stroop Color Word Test (SCWT), and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). SDI did not differ from the control group on sociodemographic variables or IQ. However, SDI performed below the controls in OF, DB, and FAB. The SDI were cognitively impaired in 3 of the 6 cognitive domains assessed by the FAB: abstract reasoning, motor programming, and cognitive flexibility. The FAB correlated with DF, SCWT, and WCST. In addition, some neuropsychological measures were correlated with the amount of alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine use. In conclusion, SDI performed more poorly than the comparison group on the FAB and the FAB`s results were associated with other ECF-related tasks. The results suggested a negative impact of alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine use on the ECF. The FAB may be useful in assisting professionals as an instrument to screen for ECF-related deficits in SDI. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.