906 resultados para Total Economic Value


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In the literature on firm strategy and product differentiation, consumer price-quality trade-offs are sometimes represented using consumer 'value maps'. These involve the geometric representation of indifferent price and quality combinations as points along curves that are concave to the 'quality' axis. In this paper, it is shown that the value map for price-quality tradeoffs may be derived from a Hicksian compensated demand curve for product quality. The paper provides the theoretical link between analytical methods employed in the existing literature on firm strategy and competitive advantage with the broader body of economic analysis.


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Those over sixty years of age accounted for 6.6% of the total population of Brazil in 1985, in the Federal Republic of Germany this proportion was 20.3% in 1984. As early as 1950 it had been 14.5%. This proportion will not even be reached in Brazil in the year 2000 when persons aged sixty years and older are only projected to make up 8.8% of the total population. Similarly, in 1982/84 life expectancy at birth in the Federal Republic was 70.8 years for men and 77.5 for women; in Brazil the figures for 1980/85 were, by contrast, "only" 61.0 and 66.0. Against this background it is easy to understand why the discussion concerning an ageing society with its many related medical, economic, individual and social problems has been so slow in coming into its own in Brazil. As important as a more intensive consideration of these aspects may be in Brazil at present, they are, nevertheless, only one side of the story. For a European historical demographer with a long-term perspective of three of four hundred years, the other side of the story is just as important. The life expectancy which is almost ten years lower in Brazil is not a result of the fact that no one in Brazil lives to old age. In 1981 people sixty-five years and older accounted for 34.4% of all deaths! At the same time infants accounted for only 22.1% of total mortality. They are responsible, along with the "premature" deaths among youths and adults, for the low, "average" life expectancy figure. In Europe, by contrast, these "premature" deaths no longer play much of a role. In 1982/84 more than half of the women (52.8%) in the Federal Republic of Germany lived to see their eightieth birthdays and almost half of the men (47.3%) lived to see their seventy-fifth. Our biological existence is guaranteed to an extent today that would have been unthinkable a few generations ago. Then, the classic troika of "plague, hunger and war" threatened our forefathers all the time and everywhere. The radical transition from the formerly uncertain to a present-day certain lifetime, which is the result of the repression of "plague, hunger and war", led to unexpected consequences for our living together. Our forefathers were forced to live in closely knit Gemeinschaften in the interest of physical survival and to subordinate their egoistic goals to a common value, but now these pressures have, for the most part, fallen away. Correspondingly, this much more certain EGO has taken center stage. An ever greater number of us chooses to live life as single beings: the number of marriages is lower every year; the number of divorces is on the increase; in Berlin (West) more than half (sic! 52.3%) of all households are already composed on only one person. For the last dozen years the annual number of births in the Federal Republic has been insufficient to ensure population replacement. Not a population explosion but rather the opposite, a population implosion, is our problem. Human beings do not appear to be "social animals", as was axiomatically assumed for so long. They were only forced to behave as such for as long as "plague, hunger and war" forced them to do so. When these life endangering conditions no longer exist and life becomes certain even without their being integrated into a Gemeinschaft then humans suddenly show themselves more and more to be independent single beings. It is not the percentage of the population that is over sixty or sixty-five that is decisive in this context but rather how certain adults perceive their biological lives to be, since they are the ones who organize their lives, who build communities or who are ever more often willing only to enter into means-to-an-end personal unions without lasting or close ties and mutual responsibilities. There are many signs which seem to point to a development in this direction in Brazil as well. More and more adults in Brazil are caught up in the deep-seated transition from an uncertain to a certain lifetime. A third of them die after having reached their sixty-fifth birthday. It therefore seems to me to be high time that one began to give more consideration to the other side of the story in Brazil as well. And who is more suited intensively to consider the long-term perspectives than those engaged in the public health sector in whose competence, after all, such aspects, as "life certainty", "life expectancy" and "age at death" belong?


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Considering that in most developing countries there are still no comprehensive lists of addresses for a given geographical area, there has always been a problem in drawing samples from the community, ensuring randomisation in the selection of the subjects. This article discusses the geographical stratification by socio-economic status used to draw a multistage random sample from a community-based elderly population living in a city like S. Paulo - Brazil. Particular attention is given to the fact that the proportion of elderly people in the total population of a certain area appeared to be a good discriminatory variable for such stratification. The validity of the stratification method is analysed in the light of the socio-economic results obtained in the survey.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Supeior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob a orientação da Doutora Sandrina Francisca Teixeira


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Empresas (MBA), 26 de Fevereiro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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A aquacultura desempenha, actualmente, um papel fundamental no abastecimento de proteína animal de elevada qualidade. Nesta dissertação foi elaborado um projecto de uma unidade de piscicultura semi-intensiva de enguia, robalo, dourada e linguado e em regime extensivo a ostra. A unidade está localizada na Ria de Aveiro, na propriedade Ilha do Poço, com uma área total de 54,3 hectares. A execução de um projecto de aquacultura é um trabalho multidisciplinar que necessita a mobilização de diferentes recursos e conhecimentos. Os projectos de aquicultura estão directamente relacionados com o local de instalação da unidade e podem ser negativamente afectados pela poluição, por factores económicos locais ou por factores sociais que coloquem em risco o sucesso desta actividade económica. O principal objectivo desta dissertação foi o estudo de crescimento das espécies, taxa de alimentação, qualidade da água à entrada e saída da aquicultura, o consumo de oxigénio pelas espécies e o oxigénio necessário para oxidar a amónia em nitrato, o estudo de arejamento pelo vento, a necessidade de arejamento mecânico nos tanques de engorda e por fim a análise de investimento do projecto. Os valores obtidos para o tempo de crescimento das espécies até atingir o peso comercial foram, para a enguia 2,25anos, para a dourada 1,5 anos, para o robalo 2 anos, para o linguado 2,25 anos e para a ostra 1ano. Os índices de conversão alimentar (ICA) obtidos para as espécies foram os seguintes: 1 para a enguia, 1,24 para o robalo, 1,2 para a dourada e 1,58 para o linguado. Relativamente à concentração de amónia nos tanques de engorda, a espécie robalo apresenta o maior valor (0,3mg/L) por tanque. O arejamento natural dos tanques apenas é conseguido se o vento tiver uma velocidade de 20m/s. Por essa razão, e para garantir o arejamento requerido, serão necessários pelo menos 46 arejadores mecânicos com potência de 6kW a funcionar 24/24 horas. Para a taxa ponderada obteve-se um valor de 11,80%. O valor obtido para o VAL foi de 2.036.862 € e para a TIR, de 27,95%. O tempo necessário para que o investidor efectue o reembolso do capital investido no projecto é de 5,5 anos. O índice de rentabilidade tem um valor de 1,83 o que significa que o projecto é rentável.


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Este trabalho é uma análise dos efeitos da implementação das últimas recomendações do Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) também conhecidas como o Basel III de 2010 que deverão ser faseadamente implementadas desde 1 de Janeiro de 2013 até 1 de Janeiro de 2019, no capital próprio dos bancos Portugueses. Neste trabalho assume-se que os ativos pesados pelo risco de 2012 mantêm-se constantes e o capital terá de ser aumentado segundo as recomendações ano após ano até ao fim de 2018. Com esta análise, pretende-se entender o nível de robustez do capital próprio dos bancos Portugueses e se os mesmos têm capital e reservas suficientes para satisfazer as recomendações de capital mínimo sugeridas pelo BCBS ou caso contrário, se necessitarão de novas injeções de capital ou terão de reduzir a sua atividade económica. O Basel III ainda não foi implementado em Portugal, pois a União Europeia está no processo de desenvolvimento e implementação do Credit Requirement Directive IV (CRD IV) que é uma recomendação que todos os bancos centrais dos países da zona Euro deverão impor aos respetivos bancos. Esta diretiva da União Europeia é baseada totalmente nas recomendações do Basel III e deverá ser implementada em 2014 ou nos anos seguintes. Até agora, os bancos Portugueses seguem um sistema com base no aviso 6/2010 do Banco de Portugal que recomenda o cálculo dos rácios core tier 1, tier 1 e tier 2 usando o método notações internas (IRB) de avaliação da exposição do banco aos riscos de crédito, operacional, etc. e onde os ativos ponderados pelo risco são calculados como 12,5 vezes o valor dos requisitos totais de fundos calculados pelo banco. Este método é baseado nas recomendações do Basel II que serão substituídas pelo Basel III. Dado que um dos principais motivos para a crise económica e financeira que assolou o mundo em 2007 foi a acumulação de alavancagem excessiva e gradual erosão da qualidade da base do capital próprio dos bancos, é importante analisar a posição dos bancos Portugueses, que embora não sejam muito grandes a nível global, controlam a economia do país. Espera-se que com a implementação das recomendações do Basel III não haja no futuro uma repetição dos choques sistémicos de 2007. Os resultados deste estudo usando o método padrão recomendado pelo BCBS mostram que de catorze bancos Portugueses incluídos neste estudo, apenas seis (BES, Montepio, Finantia, BIG, Invest e BIC) conseguem enquadrar nas recomendações mínimas do Basel III até 1-1- 2019 e alguns outros estão marginalmente abaixo dos rácios mínimos (CGD, Itaú e Crédito Agrícola).


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Screening of topologies developed by hierarchical heuristic procedures can be carried out by comparing their optimal performance. In this work we will be exploiting mono-objective process optimization using two algorithms, simulated annealing and tabu search, and four different objective functions: two of the net present value type, one of them including environmental costs and two of the global potential impact type. The hydrodealkylation of toluene to produce benzene was used as case study, considering five topologies with different complexities mainly obtained by including or not liquid recycling and heat integration. The performance of the algorithms together with the objective functions was observed, analyzed and discussed from various perspectives: average deviation of results for each algorithm, capacity for producing high purity product, screening of topologies, objective functions robustness in screening of topologies, trade-offs between economic and environmental type objective functions and variability of optimum solutions.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras


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The present work aims to study the feasibility of deploying a farm of sea current turbines for electricity generation in Portugal. An approach to the tides, which are they, how they are formed, its prediction, is held. It is also conducted a study about the energy of sea currents and it is presented some technology about ocean currents too. A model of tidal height and velocity of the currents it is also developed. The energy produced by a hypothetical park, built in Sines (Portugal), is calculated and afterwards, an economical assessment is performed for two possible scenarios and a sensitivity analysis of NVP (Net Present Value) and LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy) is figured. The conclusions about the feasibility of the projects are also presented. Despite being desired due to its predictability, this energy source is not yet economically viable as it is in an initial state of development. To push investment in this technology a feed-in tariff of, at least €200/MWh, should be considered.


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The present work aims to study the feasibility of deploying a farm of sea current turbines for electricity generation in Portugal. An approach to the tides, which are they, how they are formed, its prediction, is held. It is also conducted a study about the energy of sea currents and it is presented some technology about ocean currents too. A model of tidal height and velocity of the currents it is also developed. The energy produced by a hypothetical park, built in Sines (Portugal), is calculated and afterwards, an economical assessment is performed for two possible scenarios and a sensitivity analysis of NVP (Net Present Value) and LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy) is figured. The conclusions about the feasibility of the projects are also presented. Despite being desired due to its predictability, this energy source is not yet economically viable as it is in an initial state of development. To push investment in this technology a feed-in tariff of, at least €200/MWh, should be considered.


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Mestrado em Radioterapia - Área de especialização: Dosimetria Clínica