973 resultados para Terminological definition
Traditionally, importance has been measured using subjective measures. The present thesis explores the possibility of a second type of importance, designated as “associative importance”. A new measure, the IIAT, was designed to capture the strength of association between an object and the attribute of importance. This thesis then evaluated the validity of the IIAT via an intervention paradigm in 2 studies, and by using the measure to predict a memory outcome in 2 other studies. Subjective measures of importance were also included in these studies and correlations between subjective measures and IIAT results were examined. Across all 4 studies, subjective-objective correlations were weak to modest and non-significant. The intervention studies provided promising evidence that interventions do affect associative importance as measured by the IIAT. The prediction studies provided somewhat mixed, but encouraging evidence that the IIAT may be able to predict memory performance. Notably, subjective measures were not able to predict memory performance at all, whereas the IIAT was able to predict some memory indices. Overall, there is some evidence supporting the existence of an associative importance construct, and that the IIAT provides valid results that are nonetheless different from that of subjective measures of attitude importance.
This chapter examines the definition of asset-backed securities under US securities regulations as of August 2014, together with relevant case law prior to and from 2009 edition of this work.
The objective of this paper is to conceptualize Supply Chain Resilience (SCRes) and identify which supply chain capabilities can support the containment of disruptions and how these capabilities affect SCRes. Through a systematic and structured review of literature, this paper provides insights into the conceptualization and research methodological background of the SCM field. A total of one hundred and thirty four carefully selected refereed journal articles were systematically analyzed leading to the introduction of a novel definition for SCRes, which the authors view as the as “the ability to proactively plan and design the Supply Chain network for anticipating unexpected disruptive (negative) events, respond adaptively to disruptions while maintaining control over structure and function and transcending to a post-event robust state of operations, if possible, more favorable than the one prior to the event, thus gaining competitive advantage”. Finally, a critical examination of existing conceptual frameworks for understanding the relationships between the SCRes concept and its identified formative elements, is taking place.
Este trabajo pretende explorar la dimensión ritual en los Textos de las Pirámides, el corpus de literatura religiosa extensa más antiguo de la humanidad. La naturaleza variada de sus componentes textuales ha impedido que los egiptólogos comprendan en profundidad las complejidades de la colección y los contextos originales en los que estos textos (ritos) aparecieron. La aplicación de la teoría del ritual, principalmente la aproximación de la sintaxis ritual, ofrece a los investigadores un marco excelente de análisis e interpretación del corpus, su estructura y función. Sujeto a las reglas de la sintaxis ritual es posible exponer los múltiples niveles de significado en el corpus para la resurrección y salvación del difunto.
La description des termes dans les ressources terminologiques traditionnelles se limite à certaines informations, comme le terme (principalement nominal), sa définition et son équivalent dans une langue étrangère. Cette description donne rarement d’autres informations qui peuvent être très utiles pour l’utilisateur, surtout s’il consulte les ressources dans le but d’approfondir ses connaissances dans un domaine de spécialité, maitriser la rédaction professionnelle ou trouver des contextes où le terme recherché est réalisé. Les informations pouvant être utiles dans ce sens comprennent la description de la structure actancielle des termes, des contextes provenant de sources authentiques et l’inclusion d’autres parties du discours comme les verbes. Les verbes et les noms déverbaux, ou les unités terminologiques prédicatives (UTP), souvent ignorés par la terminologie classique, revêtent une grande importance lorsqu’il s’agit d’exprimer une action, un processus ou un évènement. Or, la description de ces unités nécessite un modèle de description terminologique qui rend compte de leurs particularités. Un certain nombre de terminologues (Condamines 1993, Mathieu-Colas 2002, Gross et Mathieu-Colas 2001 et L’Homme 2012, 2015) ont d’ailleurs proposé des modèles de description basés sur différents cadres théoriques. Notre recherche consiste à proposer une méthodologie de description terminologique des UTP de la langue arabe, notamment l’arabe standard moderne (ASM), selon la théorie de la Sémantique des cadres (Frame Semantics) de Fillmore (1976, 1977, 1982, 1985) et son application, le projet FrameNet (Ruppenhofer et al. 2010). Le domaine de spécialité qui nous intéresse est l’informatique. Dans notre recherche, nous nous appuyons sur un corpus recueilli du web et nous nous inspirons d’une ressource terminologique existante, le DiCoInfo (L’Homme 2008), pour compiler notre propre ressource. Nos objectifs se résument comme suit. Premièrement, nous souhaitons jeter les premières bases d’une version en ASM de cette ressource. Cette version a ses propres particularités : 1) nous visons des unités bien spécifiques, à savoir les UTP verbales et déverbales; 2) la méthodologie développée pour la compilation du DiCoInfo original devra être adaptée pour prendre en compte une langue sémitique. Par la suite, nous souhaitons créer une version en cadres de cette ressource, où nous regroupons les UTP dans des cadres sémantiques, en nous inspirant du modèle de FrameNet. À cette ressource, nous ajoutons les UTP anglaises et françaises, puisque cette partie du travail a une portée multilingue. La méthodologie consiste à extraire automatiquement les unités terminologiques verbales et nominales (UTV et UTN), comme Ham~ala (حمل) (télécharger) et taHmiyl (تحميل) (téléchargement). Pour ce faire, nous avons adapté un extracteur automatique existant, TermoStat (Drouin 2004). Ensuite, à l’aide des critères de validation terminologique (L’Homme 2004), nous validons le statut terminologique d’une partie des candidats. Après la validation, nous procédons à la création de fiches terminologiques, à l’aide d’un éditeur XML, pour chaque UTV et UTN retenue. Ces fiches comprennent certains éléments comme la structure actancielle des UTP et jusqu’à vingt contextes annotés. La dernière étape consiste à créer des cadres sémantiques à partir des UTP de l’ASM. Nous associons également des UTP anglaises et françaises en fonction des cadres créés. Cette association a mené à la création d’une ressource terminologique appelée « DiCoInfo : A Framed Version ». Dans cette ressource, les UTP qui partagent les mêmes propriétés sémantiques et structures actancielles sont regroupées dans des cadres sémantiques. Par exemple, le cadre sémantique Product_development regroupe des UTP comme Taw~ara (طور) (développer), to develop et développer. À la suite de ces étapes, nous avons obtenu un total de 106 UTP ASM compilées dans la version en ASM du DiCoInfo et 57 cadres sémantiques associés à ces unités dans la version en cadres du DiCoInfo. Notre recherche montre que l’ASM peut être décrite avec la méthodologie que nous avons mise au point.
Following inspections in 2013 of all police forces, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary found that one-third of forces could not provide data on repeat victims of domestic abuse (DA) and concluded that in general there were ambiguities around the term ‘repeat victim’ and that there was a need for consistent and comparable statistics on DA. Using an analysis of police-recorded DA data from two forces, an argument is made for including both offences and non-crime incidents when identifying repeat victims of DA. Furthermore, for statistical purposes the counting period for repeat victimizations should be taken as a rolling 12 months from first recorded victimization. Examples are given of summary statistics that can be derived from these data down to Community Safety Partnership level. To reinforce the need to include both offences and incidents in analyses, repeat victim chronologies from policerecorded data are also used to briefly examine cases of escalation to homicide as an example of how they can offer new insights and greater scope for evaluating risk and effectiveness of interventions.
There is currently no consensus about what the notion of death anxiety means. This commentary explores the complexity of death anxiety, asserts the distinction between anxiety and fear,and attempts a definition that encompasses the many facets associated with the term.
Task-based approach implicates identifying all the tasks developed in each workplace aiming to refine the exposure characterization. The starting point of this approach is the recognition that only through a more detailed and comprehensive understanding of tasks is possible to understand, in more detail, the exposure scenario. In addition allows also the most suitable risk management measures identification. This approach can be also used when there is a need of identifying the workplace surfaces for sampling chemicals that have the dermal exposure route as the most important. In this case is possible to identify, through detail observation of tasks performance, the surfaces that involves higher contact (frequency) by the workers and can be contaminated. Identify the surfaces to sample when performing occupational exposure assessment to antineoplasic agents. Surfaces selection done based on the task-based approach.
International audience
Homeless women are one of the most vulnerable groups worldwide since they are victims of labor and sexual exploitation, abuse, discrimination and marginalization at a higher rate than the rest of the population. However, currently, Mexico lacks of an accurate definition of such social group, and their characteristics as well as the magnitude and dimensions of the phenomenon are only partially and superficially known. The purpose of this research was to develop and validate a typology of homeless women living in Mexico City. To fulfill this purpose, 300 indepth interviews were conducted and examined thoroughly with a systematic analysis of the content. The main results indicate that homeless women constitute a social group immersed predominantly in circumstances of violence, marginalization, poverty and social exclusion. Also, this collective includes two subgroups: women at risk of homelessness and women emergency sheltered, unsheltered or absolutely homeless and living in places not intended for human habitation. With this typology it is possible to define, characterize and distinguish homeless women. In addition, the phenomenon can be known with more certainty and accuracy enabling, thus, the design of effective treatment strategies.
This essay presents a series of discussions revolving around the discipline of library professionals who are trained in it.It covers the concept of Library from the formal point of view, contributed by some authors and dictionaries, but also from the particular vision of the author, who conceptualized from the working level, academy, research and daily contact with users.Therefore, it is a short journey from the traditional to the current reality with the inclusion of information technology and communication. But above all, a journey of a very personal feel.
Ciertamente llama sobremanera la atención tener que reflexionar sobre un conflicto –bastantes tenemos ya en nuestro mundo- aunque se trate de un conflicto podríamos decir de carácter epistemológico, de fundamentación paradigmática de qué es o qué debe ser la disciplina a la que con tanto entusiasmo nos dedicamos. Me refiero, naturalmente, a la Bibliotecología. Y aquí arranca el primer conflicto:. ¿Cómo llamar a esta disciplina o, tal vez, conjunto de disciplinas: ¿Bibliotecología? ¿Biblioteconomía? ¿Documentación? ¿Ciencia de la Información? ¿Y cómo llamar de modo unánime a los componentes, factores y aspectos diversos de las actividades documentales? Esto es algo que no ocurre en las disciplinas consagradas como Historia, Medicina, Química, Derecho, etc. e, incluso, en las todavía relativamente recientes como el Periodismo, el Marketing, la Publicidad, etc. Si grave es la inexistencia de unanimidad en los términos que empleamos, más grave es sospechar que, tras estas dudas, se pueda esconder una falta de unanimidad en su concepto, en su definición, en su fundamentación epistemológica, en suma.Ambos conflictos, si no se resuelven provocan, indefectiblemente, consecuencias de incertidumbre a la hora de planificar líneas docentes y de investigación, a la hora de establecer la figura del estudioso o profesional que debemos formar en nuestros centros. Se impone, pues, la construcción definitiva de un paradigma, en definitiva de una teoría de la documentación siempre actualizada y que sea objeto de estudio preliminar y piedra angular en nuestros centros docentes. Y yo les invito desde aquí a pensar en esta cuestión y a proponer elementos que contribuyan a su construcción.
Ao longo de todo o séc. XX, o jazz construiu um espaço alternativo às dicotomias heurísticas tradicionais, como por ex. tradição/inovação, erudito/popular, composição/improvisação, entre outras. Por entre discursos polarizados, o jazz afirmou-se como domínio musical conciliador de diferenças culturais e sociais, configurando um espaço novo de mediação, um “jazz art world” como definido pelo sociólogo Paul Lopes. Nesse espaço, a individualidade sempre assumiu enorme centralidade, em virtude do papel particularmente criativo do performer e também da sua relação elástica com os «modelos» referenciais para a performance. Assim, o jazz afigura-se um domínio privilegiado para a expressão da individualidade e, por conseguinte, para a construção e identificação de uma «identidade musical», tal como a expressão é proposta nesta tese. Para a discussão destes problemas conceptuais, esta tese recorre, como estudos de caso, a um conjunto de pianistas portugueses: António Pinho Vargas (1951-), Mário Laginha (1960-), João Paulo Esteves da Silva (1961-) e Bernardo Sassetti (1970-2012). É traçada a sua trajectória pessoal e formativa, e é apresentada uma análise da sua produção musical, com recurso à «teoria das tópicas» enquanto modelo particularmente orientado para a análise da música popular. No sentido de compreender os processos de construção das identidades musicais destes pianistas, são ainda abordadas outras temáticas, como a própria definição de «jazz», o jazz enquanto música dialógica, ou os fluxos diaspóricos do jazz (incluindo as respectivas implicações e variantes terminológicas, como “jazz diaspora”, “musical cosmopolitanism” e “glocalization”). Recorrendo a pesquisa bibliográfica, trabalho de campo (mormente a entrevista) e técnicas de análise musical, esta tese realiza uma exploração aprofundada destes tópicos e do trabalho dos músicos em particular. Desta forma, pretende oferecer um contributo para uma reflexão conceptual sobre o jazz em geral no âmbito dos jazz studies, e também para um mapeamento estilístico e identitário do jazz em Portugal.