821 resultados para Sweet potatoes
Melhoramento genetico de batata na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Melhoramento genetico de batata na Embrapa Clima Temperado; Melhoramento genetico de batata em Santa Catarina; Melhoramento Genetico da batata no Instituto Agronomico do Parana; Melhoramento genetico de batata no Instituto Agronomico de Campinas e a bataticultura em Sao Paulo; Melhoramento genetico da batata na Universidade Federal de Lavras; Melhoramento genetico de batata na Embrapa Hortalicas; Avaliacao de clones para resistencia a requeima; Avaliacao de clones e novas cultivares de batata producao de batata-semente na Embrapa Sementes Basicas, Gerencia Local de Canoinhas; Industrializacao de batata no Brasil; Apresentacao das instituicoes e temas tecnicos: comentarios e apartes.
O patógeno; A doença; Ciclo da doença; Distribuição do patógeno; Considerações epidemiológicas relativas a uma possível introdução da praga.
O gênero Verticillium apresenta duas importantes espécies de fitopatógenos (V. dahliae e V. albo-atrum). A capacidade de produção de microescleródios dos isolados de V. dahliae em cultura tem sido empregada como a principal característica para distinção destas duas espécies. Verticillium dahliae é um fungo bastante polífago, amplamente disseminado no território brasileiro, causando murcha vascular em tomate, berinjela, jiló, algodão, morango, cacau, quiabo, dentre outras hospedeiras. Verticillium dahliae apresenta especialização fisiológica em tomateiro tendo sido descritas duas raças. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo investigar a capacidade de isolados de V. dahliae em infectar e causar doença em plantas de diversas famílias botânicas. Para avaliação da gama de hospedeiros, quatro isolados do fungo foram inoculados em 62 acessos de 54 espécies em 40 gêneros e 18 famílias botânicas. A maioria dos acessos mostrou-se susceptível ao patógeno. Foram classificadas como plantas não-hospedeiras todas as gramíneas avaliadas, as solanáceas Datura stramonium, Nicandra physaloides e Physalis ?oridana, couve-flor (linhagem CNPH-003), melancia (cv. Crimson Sweet), melão (cv. Eldorado 300) alface (cvs. Regina e Robinson), cenoura, feijão, soja-verde, beterraba, maracujá azedo (Passi?ora edulis), capuchinha (Trapaeolum majus) e cariru (Talinum triangulare). Foram identificadas 27 novas hospedeiras experimentais de V. dahliae.
Cultivares; Praticas culturais; Controle de pragas e doencas; Colheita.
Wheeler, Nicholas. 'The Kosovo Bombing Campaign', In: The Politics of International Law, C. Reus-Smit (Ed.), (Cambridge Studies in International Relations 96. Cambridge University Press, 2004), pp. 189-216, 2004. 1. Introduction Christian Reus-Smit; 2. The politics of international law Christian Reus-Smit; 3. When states use armed force Dino Kritsiotis; 4. Soft law, hard politics, and the Climate Change Treaty Robyn Eckersley; 5. Emerging customary norms, and anti-personnel landmines Richard Price; 6. International law, politics, and migrant rights Amy Gurowitz; 7. The International Criminal Court David Wippman; 8. The Kosovo bombing campaign Nicholas Wheeler; 9. International financial institutions Antony Anghie; 10. Law, politics, and international governance Wayne Sandholtz and Alec Stone Sweet; 11. Socety, power, and ethics Christian Reus-Smit. RAE2008
Mike J. Wilkinson, Luisa J. Elliott, Jo?l Allainguillaume, Michael W. Shaw, Carol Norris, Ruth Welters, Matthew Alexander, Jeremy Sweet, David C. Mason (2003). Hybridization between Brassica napus and B-rapa on a national scale in the United Kingdom, Science, 302 (5644), 457-459. RAE2008
El nucleopoliedrovirus de Spodoptera exigua (SeMNPV) es un patógeno natural de las poblaciones larvarias de S. exigua que constituye la base de un bioinsecticida comercializado en España para el control biológico de esta plaga en pimiento. Recientes estudios han demostrado que la transmisión del virus a la descendencia (transmisión vertical) se da con frecuencia y podría ser una característica deseable para su uso en aplicaciones de campo. En el presente trabajo se discute la conveniencia de utilizar una mezcla de dos genotipos SeAl1 (transmisión vertical) y SeG25 (transmisión horizontal) en determinadas proporciones para mejorar las características que cada uno de ellos presenta por separado y así explotar cada una de las vías de transmisión. La patogenicidad (CL50) del genotipo SeG25, y de cualquiera de las mezclas que contienen un 25, 50 o 75 % del mismo, fue más alta que la del aislado SeAl1. Sin embargo, en términos de virulencia (TMM) y productividad (OBs/larva) no se observaron diferencias significativas entre genotipos ni entre sus mezclas. Además se evaluó la capacidad de producir infecciones encubiertas de cada genotipo y sus mezclas sometiendo larvas de S. exigua a infecciones subletales del virus. Se encontraron transcritos del virus para el gen temprano ie0 mediante RT-PCR en los adultos supervivientes a infecciones provocadas por el genotipo SeG25 y todas las mezclas. También se testaron otros dos genes virales que se expresan de manera temprana y tardía en la infección de baculovirus (DNA-polimerasa y polihedrina) para los que en ningún caso se detectaron transcritos.
Potatoes (Solanum Tuberosum L.) contain secondary metabolites that may have an impact on human health. The aim of this study was to assess the levels of some of these compounds in a wide range of varieties, including rare, heritage and commercial cultivars. Vitamin C, total carotenoids, phenolics, flavonoids, antioxidant activity and glycoalkaloids were determined, using spectroscopy and chromatography, in the skin and flesh of tubers grown in field trials. Transcript levels of key synthetic enzymes were assessed by qPCR. Accumulation of selected metabolites was higher in the skin than in the flesh of tubers, except ascorbate, which was undetected in the skin. Differences were on average 2.5 to 3-fold for carotenoids, 6-fold for phenolics, 15 to 16-fold for flavonoids, 21-fold for glycoalkaloids and 9 to 10-fold for antioxidant activity. Higher contents of carotenoids were associated with yellow skin or flesh, and higher values of phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant activity with blue flesh. Variety ‘Burren’ had maxima values of carotenoids in skin and flesh, variety ‘Nicola’ of ascorbate, variety ‘Congo’ of phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant activity in both tissues, except antioxidant activity in the skin, which was higher in ‘Edzell Blue’. Varieties ‘May Queen’ and ‘International Kidney’ had highest glycoalkaloid content in skin and flesh respectively. The effect of the environment was diverse: year of cultivation was significant for all metabolites, but site of cultivation was not for carotenoids and glycoalkaloids. Levels of expression of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and chalcone synthase were higher in varieties accumulating high contents of phenolic compounds. However, levels of expression of phytoene synthase and L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase were not different between varieties showing contrasting levels of carotenoids and ascorbate respectively. This work will help identify varieties that could be marketed as healthier and the most suitable varieties for extraction of high-value metabolites such as glycoalkaloids.
Spank is a duet about two women’s journeys as they play out different roles. One woman recalls stinging anecdotes marked by intimacy, jealousy, fear and fantasy from her childhood in the 70s suburbs – round the corner from where Mike Leigh would film Life Is Sweet. Her Double (projected on screen) reads from a newspaper about an event that punctured the local community, creating an enduring cultural scar, her voice lacking emotion. Both women must eventually face one another and ask, who is deceiving whom? The consequences of guilt and shame and the unstable shift from private memory to public consequence is inevitable and deadly.[ABSTRACT BY THE AUTHOR]
There is evidence that oxidative stress plays a role in the development of chronic lung disease (CLD), with immature lungs being particularly sensitive to the injurious effect of oxygen and mechanical ventilation. We analyzed total ascorbate, urate, and protein carbonyls in 102 bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples from 38 babies (33 preterm, 24–36 wk gestation; 5 term, 37–39 wk gestation). Preterm babies had significantly decreasing concentrations of ascorbate, urate, and protein carbonyls during the first 9 days of life (days 1–3, 4–6, and 7–9, Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA: P 5 0.016, P , 0.0001, and P 5 0.010, respectively). Preterm babies had significantly higher protein carbonyl concentrations at days 1–3 and 4–6 (P 5 0.005 and P 5 0.044) compared with term babies. Very preterm babies (24–28 wk gestation) had increased concentrations of protein carbonyls at days 4–6 (P 5 0.056) and significantly decreased ascorbate concentrations at days 4–6 (P 5 0.004) compared with preterm babies (29–36 wk gestation). Urate concentrations were significantly elevated at days 1–3 (P 5 0.023) in preterm babies who subsequently developed CLD. This study has shown the presence of oxidative stress in the lungs of preterm babies during ventilation, especially in those who subsequently developed CLD.
Among the duties of the government bodies’ members of the different entities, which are connected to the good government, the duty of loyalty must be underlined. This duty, derived from the good-faith duty, obliges to act in the interest of the entity in case of conflict of interest, and to subordinate one’s own interests, except when there is an authorisation. Loyalty duty is applicable both to managers, who must manage the entity’s interest, and to partners, according to the common purpose derived from the company contract. This duty, at the same time, includes some particular rules, referred to transparency, remuneration, prohibition of competition, self-contracting... This essay compares the regulation of the duty of loyalty and its realizations in the different Cooperative Laws in Spain, both referring to the managers and to the partners, comparing this, at the same time, with the regulation of these aspects in companies’ general legislation, an in the Spanish Corporate Enterprises Act in particular, in order to obtain a general view of the issue, a necessary basis to go more deeply into it, and suggesting some preliminary conclusions or assessments.