961 resultados para Species Composition


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Foraminifera scientific studies became, historically, of your apply in relative dating of rocks, stratigraphic correlations and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. In the last decades, they have been applied on the studies of modern ecosystems, with or without antrhopic influence. Both aspects are interest of petroleum industry. Among other approaches, foraminífera are used as good indicators of the fluctuation of relative sea level. This study aimed to survey and taxonomic study of the community structure of foraminifera in surface samples of a core, 60 cm, collected in mangrove located in Itapanhaú river in Bertioga (SP).It also aims to contribute to the discussion about typical patterns of community structure of mangrove margins and provide elements for discussion on the relative sea level behavior in this area in almost modern times. It was been collected 6 samples along the core of 60 cm of length, each one 10 cm depth. They were made in laboratory and in each sample sought to find at least 100 foraminifera per ml. The species identification was made with reference specified material and collection available on IGCE-UNESPetro, Rio Claro. The community structure was studied in terms of richness, diversity and species composition and was made the results comparison from similar areas to interpret the depositional environment. Were found 21 species within them 13 calcareous and 8 binders, being the most abundant and frequent species Ammonia tepida, Ammonia parkinsoniana e Elphidium spp. Essentially there wasn’t change in the community structure within the period covered by the core which reflects an environment of outer margin of mangrove without noticeable change in relative sea level at the respective time of deposition of muddy sediments. The community structure here recognized its similar to estuarine environment well maintained which indicates a low human impact in the area over the time interval. The agreement of the results...


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Amphibian conservation depends on knowledge about species composition and distribution. This emphasizes the need for inventories, especially in poorly sampled areas. This is the case of Southern grasslands (Campos Sulinos) associated with Araucaria forest in the state of Paraná, southern Brazil. We sampled amphibians in 105 environments from 2004 to 2013 using transect sampling, active search and surveys at breeding sites. We found 61 anuran species and two caecilians. This is the first comprehensive list of amphibian species inhabiting grasslands in Paraná. This landscape deserves high conservation priority before these natural grasslands vanish.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA


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Background: Imbalance in bacterial species composition of the gut microbiota is one of the factors associated with the cause or complication of the symptoms of Crohn's disease (CD). This disequilibrium consists in the reduction of biodiversity, decrease of genus such as Bifidobacterium and elevation of species such as Escherichia coli. Human microbiota varies among subjects of a same population irrespective of their health condition and among individuals living in distinct geographic locations. In animal models, sex related differences could also be observed in gut bacterial species composition under some pathological conditions. Experiments conducted with mice have demonstrated that the manifestation of type 1 diabetes (T1D) could be under the influence of the animal sex and its serum level of testosterone, which in turn could be modulated by a particular gut microbiota. Considering the existence of similar features between T1D and CD, such as strong genetic component and malfunctioning of the immune system, we investigated whether differences could be observed in the gut microbiota dysbiosis of male and female CD patients. Methods: Fifty and 5 gut mucosal biopsies from 25 adult CD patients (11 males and 14 females) and 43 specimens of an equivalent clinical material from 22 control subjects (11 males and 11 females) were screened for bacterial biodiversity by analyzing sequences of 16SrDNA V6 region. A number of 2-3 samples each from distinct gut segments (from ileum to rectum) were taken from each subject. The 16SrDNA sequences were obtained by sequencing PCR amplicons of the corresponding gene in the Ion torrent PGM sequencer. Identification and classification of the bacterial groups followed the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) website pipeline. The relationships of the bacterial taxa with each of the study parameters was performed by compiling the data in a MS Excel and the level of statistical significance determined by the Chi-square test. Results: A total of 3203 16SrDNA sequences were detected in the 98 biopsies samples, the majority of which matching Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacterioidetes, and Actinobacteria. The percentage of DNA sequences for each of these phyla found in Male control subjects/Male CD patients was 40.5/33, 32.7/32.4, 20.8/24.5, and 4.4/4,4 for Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacterioidetes, and Actinobacteria, respectively. In Female comparisons, these values were 35.6/42, 39.2/26.3, 19.8/23.3, 5.2/7. Both Male and Female CD patients presented higher numbers of sequences of Actinobacteria and Bacterioidetes than those of control subjects of the same gender. Case-control differences for Firmicutes could be observed only in female comparisons and, for Proteobacteria, although case-control differences were observed in both genders, the nature of difference was distinct, since while in CD female patients a higher number of sequences matching this phylum was detected, in males a reduced number was observed, in comparison with controls. The species responsible for the Proteobacteria variation in both gender was Escherichia coli. Conclusions: The data presented above suggest that any analysis of dysbiosis in CD must take in account the patient's gender, an observation particularly relevant for Escherichia coli, whose association with CD has been most intensively investigated and for which the present study shows a reverse quantitative variation regarding the patients' gender.


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Background: The intestinal microbiome (IM) has extensively been studied in the search for a link of bacteria with the cause of Crohn`s disease (CD). The association might result from the action of a specific pathogen and/or an eventual imbalance in bacterial species composition of the gut. The innumerous virulence associated markers and strategies described for adherent and invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) have made them putative candidate pathogens for CD. IM of CD patients shows dysbiosis, manifested by the proliferation of bacterial groups such as Enterobacteriaceae and reduction of others such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. The augmented bacterial population comprising of commensal and/or pathogenic organisms super stimulates the immune system, triggering the inflammatory reactions responsible for the clinical manifestations of the disease. Considering the role played by IM in CD and the multiple variables influencing its species composition, resulting in differences among populations, the objective of this study was to determine the bacterial biodiversity in the mucosa associated microbiome of CD patients from a population not previously subject to this analysis, living in the middle west region of Sao Paulo state. Methods: A total of 4 CD patients and 5 controls subjects attending the Botucatu Medical School of the Sao Paulo State University (UNESP) for routine colonoscopy and who signed an informed consent were included in the study. A number of 2 biopsies, one from the ileum and other from any part of the terminal colon, were taken from each subject and immediately frozen at -70[degrees]C until DNA purification. The bacterial biodiversity was assessed by next generation (ion torrent) sequencing of PCR amplicons of the ribosomal DNA 16S V6 region (16S V6 rDNA). The bacterial identification was performed at the genus level, by alignment of the generated DNA sequences with those available at the ribosomal database project (RDP) website. Results: The overall DNA sequence output was based on an average number of 526,427 reads per run, matching 50 bacterial genus 16SrDNA sequences available at the RDB website, and 22 non matching sequences. Over 95% of the sequences corresponded to taxa belonging to the major phyla: Firmicutes, Bacterioidetes, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria. Irrespective of the intestinal site analyzed, no case-control differences could be observed in the prevalence of Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. The prevalence of Proteobacteria was higher (40%) in the biopsies of control subjects as compared to that of DC patients (16%). For Bacterioidetes, the higher prevalence was observed among DC patients (33% as opposed to 14,5% in controls). The significance for all comparisons considered a p value < 0,05 in a Chi2 test. No mucosal site specific differences could be observed in IM comparisons of CD and control subjects. Conclusions: The rise in the number of Bacterioidetes observed here among CD patients seems to be in agreement with most of studies published thus far. Yet, the reduction in the number of Proteobacteria along with an apparently unaltered population of Actinobacteria and Firmicutes, which include the so called "beneficial" organisms Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus were rather surprising. These data suggest that the analyses on the role of IM in CD should consider the multiple variables that may influence its species composition.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Ambientais - Sorocaba


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edge effect. Thus, under the influence of the adjacent matrix, fragments undergo microclimatic alterations that accentuate changes in species composition and community structure. In order to better understand edge and matrix effects on the richness and abundance of edaphic arthropods, this study assessed: (a) the difference between habitat (fragment) and non-habitat (matrix); (b) whether there is a continuous interior-edge-matrix gradient; and (c) the difference between matrices for arthropod orders richness and abundance. We selected 15 landscapes, 5 of which contained a cerrado fragment surrounded by sugarcane cultivation, 5 with a cerrado fragment within eucalyptus and 5 with a cerrado fragment within pasture. In each landscape the soil fauna was collected along with the soil and then extracted with the aid of the modified Berlese-Tullgren funnel. We chose the orders Coleoptera, Collembola, Mesostigmata and Oribatida for analysis, and after separation of the individuals we used model selection analysis via AIC. The model type fragment x matrix was the most likely to explain richness, total and relative abundances of the four orders (wAICc between 0,6623 and 1,0). The model of edge distance (edge effect) was plausible to total abundance and relative abundance of Mesostigmata order (wAICc=0,2717 and 0,186). Local environmental variables (soil texture, temperature and relative humidity), and fragment size were also measured to avoid confounding factors and were not presented as plausible models to explain the patterns. So edaphic arthropods, despite protecting themselves under the ground, are extremely sensitive to fragmentation, even with the replacement of natural habitat by agricultural use, such as sugarcane, pasture and eucalyptus. This group should be studied environmental impact assessments because provides important ecosystem se ravincde s inacnludd eisd ainn efficient bio-indicator


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We studied relations between river size, fish species diversity, and fish species composition along four major rivers in the Great Plains of southwestern South Dakota to assess patterns of species diversity and composition. We expected diversity to increase with river size and fish composition to change via species addition downstream. Previous surveys of 52 sampling stations provided fish assemblage data, and we used the Geographic Information System (GIS) to determine watershed area by station. Watershed area did not predict species richness or species diversity (Fisher's a), so species richness of 12 ± 3.5 SD species and Fisher's a of 2.3 ± 0.87 SD characterized species diversity in the study area. Cluster analysis of faunal similarity (Sorensen's Index) among the 52 sampling stations identified two geographically distinct faunal divisions, so species composition was variable within the study area, but changed via species replacements among faunas rather than species additions downstream. Nonnative species were a minor component of all faunas. Uniform species diversity may be a recent phenomenon caused by impacts of Missouri River dams on native large-river fishes and the unsuitability of rivers in the Great Plains for nonnative species. Variation in faunal composition may also be recent because it was affected by dams.


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The changes in diatom species composition in a sediment core from Crevice Lake, Yellowstone National Park, spanning the past 2550 yr, were used to reconstruct long-term limnological and ecological conditions that may be related to late Holocene climate variability. Planktic forms dominate the fossil diatom assemblages throughout this record, but changes in species dominance indicate varying nutrient levels over time, particularly phosphorus. The changes in the nutrient concentrations in the lake were probably driven by changes in temperature and wind strength that affected the duration of watercolumn mixing and thus the extent of nutrient recycling from deep waters. Prior to 2100 cal before present (BP), Stephanodiscus minutulus and Synedra tenera dominated, suggesting long cool springs with extensive regeneration of phosphorus from the hypolimnion that resulted from isothermal mixing. From 2100 to 800 cal BP, these species were replaced by Cyclotella michiganiana and Cyclotella bodanica. These species are characteristic of lower nutrient concentrations and are interpreted here to reflect warm summers with long periods of thermal stratification. From 800 to 50 cal BP, S. minutulus dominated the diatom assemblage, suggesting a return to lengthy mixing during spring. The most dramatic late Holocene changes in the fossil diatom assemblages occurred during the transition from the Medieval Period to the Little Ice Age, approximately 800 cal BP.