855 resultados para Social-historical psychology
Industrial relations research that attempts to grapple with individuals' union-related sentiments and activities often draws on one of two traditions of psychological research—the individual-level factors tradition (for example, personality and attitude-behaviour relations) and the social context tradition (for example, frustration-aggression and relative deprivation). This paper provides an overview of research conducted from within these traditions to explain union-related phenomena and identifies some of the limitations that arise as a consequence of a shared tendency to treat people in an atomistic fashion. The paper argues for an understanding of the psychological processes that underpin group-based action. To this end, it elaborates a theoretical framework based on social identity theory and self-categorisation theory that would allow us to examine the dynamic interplay between the individual, their cognitions and their environment. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of a specific case of union mobilisation, to indicate how this theoretical framework might aid empirical analysis.
The authors investigated the extent to which the joint-attention behaviors of gaze following, social referencing, and object-directed imitation were related to each other and to infants vocabulary development in a sample of 60 infants between the ages of 8 and 14 months. Joint-attention skills and vocabulary development were assessed in a laboratory setting. Split-half reliability analyses on the joint-attention measures indicated that the tasks reliably assessed infants' capabilities. In the main analysis, no significant correlations were found among the joint-attention behaviors except for a significant relationship between gaze following and the number of names in infants' productive vocabularies. The overall pattern of results did not replicate results of previous studies (e.g., M. Carpenter, K. Nagell, & M. Tomasello, 1998) that found relationships between various emerging joint-attention behaviors.
Esta dissertação teve o objetivo de investigar como a formalização das políticas de proteção social via programas e projetos socioeducativos se articulam com a educação escolarizada. Realiza uma discussão conceitual acerca das políticas de proteção social e “vulnerabilidade e risco social” a partir de aspectos históricos situando-as na lógica societária das desigualdades e complexificações das refrações da questão social do modelo capitalista de produção e reprodução social, sobretudo no contexto das reformas do Estado brasileiro enquanto demanda dos ajustes neoliberais. O lócus da pesquisa foi uma escola da rede pública municipal de Serra/ES. As investigações foram realizadas em duas etapas. A primeira constituiu-se de um estudo exploratório de caráter qualitativo. Por meio das análises abstraídas dessa fase, foi realizado um estudo de caso como segunda etapa da pesquisa. Os instrumentos utilizados, análise de documentos, observação participante e entrevistas, evidenciam que os programas e projetos socioeducativos desenvolvidos no espaço escolar visando a uma suposta proteção social, não guardam relação concreta com a melhoria dos processos de aprendizagem dos alunos, logo, seus efeitos na vida escolar desses alunos não foram evidenciados. Verificou-se ainda profunda desarticulação entre as propostas pedagógicas da escola e dos docentes com os programas e projetos investigados. A partir dos dados da pesquisa, pudemos ainda constatar que tais programas e projetos adentram o espaço escolar por meio de demandas externas envolvendo a Secretaria Municipal de Educação e a iniciativa privada. Concluímos que a proteção social no espaço escolar via programas e projetos socioeducativos necessita voltar-se à articulação com políticas públicas que ultrapassem os muros da escola e que de fato garantam o acesso a bens materiais e simbólicos com vista à melhoria das condições de vida material e sociocultural dos alunos a quem são destinados e, consequentemente, a melhoria da qualidade da educação escolarizada.
Ao longo dos últimos trinta anos, os profissionais da Psicologia têm buscado conhecer suas práticas profissionais. Tem-se feito estudos e discussões referentes aos paradigmas que sustentam a profissão, às práticas e crenças sobre o psicólogo e sua prática. Dentre eles, percebe-se a relevância e a importância da psicologia clínica, entretanto, poucos são os estudos realizados com os profissionais inseridos nessa área. A pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar e analisar a representação social de prática profissional para psicólogos clínicos da Grande Vitória/ES. Foi utilizada a Análise Dimensional e Dinâmica das Representações Sociais (Teoria das Representações Sociais) para investigar as noções que compõem a prática. Foram entrevistados 18 psicólogos clínicos atuantes em consultório. Utilizou-se o software ALCESTE na análise. Trabalhou-se com os elementos das classes identificadas pelo Alceste para compor as dimensões da representação social. Constatou-se que os entrevistados construíram informações sobre a psicologia clínica e sua prática antes da entrada no curso ou cedo na formação. As teorias utilizadas na clínica são aspectos importantes nessa aproximação. As atitudes frente à prática são extremamente favoráveis, sendo desfavoráveis quando comparadas às crenças da população ou às práticas médicas, tocando em aspectos identitários. Quanto ao campo, reconheceu-se uma imagem dividida em duas: 1) Imagem das atribuições e da prática clássicas do psicólogo clínico; 2) Imagem dos problemas, das mudanças e das dificuldades. Foi possível identificar a representação social de prática profissional para os psicólogos clínicos, levantando questões importantes para a área da psicologia clínica e para a teoria das representações sociais.
O presente trabalho reúne os elementos que compõem a atual concepção de assistência social no Brasil, a partir da promulgação da constituição de 1988, quando a assistência social foi reconhecida pela primeira vez como direito de cidadania e dever legal do Estado, garantido pela Lei Suprema. Nesta lei, a assistência social pressupunha uma lógica de pleno emprego, destinada, portanto, prioritariamente aos incapazes para o trabalho. No entanto, em um contexto de desemprego estrutural esta passa a ser compreendida em termos de garantias de seguranças, buscando assumir a proteção social daqueles capazes para o trabalho, tendo em vista a deterioração do mercado de trabalho, restrição de oportunidades e de renda e o crescimento progressivo do desemprego e da informalidade. A ideia central é a de que se trata de uma descrição crítica da concepção de assistência social no Brasil, problematizando cada um de seus argumentos mais explícitos com o intuito de revelar uma intencionalidade vinculada à uma perspectiva de Estado. Utilizamos o termo concepção no sentido de conceber, pensar, sentir, entender ou interpretar algo. A assistência social, na atualidade, responde a um único processo que reúne aspectos históricos, econômicos, políticos, sociais e ideológicos e neste sentido, representa uma concepção de mundo e um projeto de sociedade, defendido pela classe dominante, pautado pela exploração do trabalho. A atual concepção de assistência social segue, portanto, uma nova forma de política social a partir da perspectiva de desenvolvimento humano e combate à pobreza em que a grande ênfase tem sido a de retirar as discussões e a intervenção na pobreza do âmbito da questão social, alocando-a nos indivíduos e em suas “incapacidades”. A assistência social ao assumir a responsabilidade ou coresponsabilidade no desenvolvimento de capacidades dos indivíduos sinaliza a tendência de uma nova concepção de bem-estar social.
RESUMO: Breve apresentação de uma família e sua problemática, beneficiária do Rendimento Social de Inserção, bem como as dificuldades que a técnica encontra no acompanhamento da mesma. ABSTRACT: Brief presentation of a family and set of problems raised by their social situation that receives a social subsidy for reinsertion, as well as the difficulties that the social worker encounters.
RESUMO: Esta investigação teve como objectivo analisar a relação entre Perspectivas face a morte com o Suporte Social e a Solidão em Idosos. Para esta investigação foi recolhida uma amostra de 117 sujeitos, sendo 34 do género masculino e 83 sujeitos do género feminino com idades compreendidas entre os 65 e os 92 anos (M═76,36; DP═7,150). O protocolo de avaliação foi constituído pela versão portuguesa das Escalas Breves de Perspectivas de Morte (Barros, 2004), Escala de Satisfação de Suporte Social (Ribeiro, 1999) e a Escala de Solidão da UCLA (Neto, 1989). Os resultados revelaram uma correlação negativa entre perspectivas de morte como fim natural e o suporte social (r= .02; p< .05), verificou-se também uma correlação negativa entre perspectiva de morte como fim natural e a solidão (r= -.14; p< .05), e uma correlação positiva entre o suporte social e a solidão (r=.37 ; p< .05; r=.43; p< .05), o que confirmou duas das hipóteses estudadas. Estes resultados foram discutidos em função da literatura e suas implicações no âmbito da terceira idade. ABSTRACT: This study was performed to analyze the relationship between Death Perspectives, Social Support and Loneliness in late life. The sample was composed of 117 adults (34 males and 83 females), ranging in age from 65 and 92 years with a mean of 76,36 years (SD=7,150). Three scales were used for data collection: the Portuguese version of Death Perspectives Scales (Barros, 2004) and The UCLA Loneliness Scale (Neto, 1989), and also Social Support Satisfaction Scale (Ribeiro, 1999). The data revealed a negative correlation between Death Perspectives – death as a natural end and Social Support (r= .02; p< .05), a negative correlation between Death Perspectives – death as a natural end and Loneliness (r= -.14; p< .05) and a positive correlation between Social Support and Loneliness (r=.37; p< .05; r=.43; p<.05),. These results confirmed 2 hypotheses previously made. Considering other studies, these results and their implications were discussed.
RESUMO: A presente investigação teve como objectivo, conhecer as experiências emocionais que caracterizam os estudantes dos PALOP ao saberem que vão entrar no Ensino Superior em Portugal e durante o primeiro semestre; verificar se as emoções sentidas durante a frequência do primeiro semestre estão relacionadas com a sua integração social e académica. Participaram 100 alunos oriundos dos PALOP no primeiro ano do ensino superior português, de diferentes estabelecimentos de Ensino Superior, com idades entre os 20 e os 50 anos. Nesta investigação foram utilizados como instrumentos de medidas, as seguintes medidas: um Questionário sócio-demográfico, um questionário de experiências emocionais (Russell & Carroll); Escala de Emoções Mistas (AES, Carrera & Oceja, 2007); Teste de Positividade (Fredrickson, 2009); Escala de Integração Social e Académica (ISA, Silva; Abrantes, & Duarte (2009) e a Escala de Integração Social no Ensino Superior (EISES, Diniz & Almeida 2005). Concluímos assim que as emoções mistas mais sentidas são alegria e medo, assim como alegria e tristeza. Foi ainda possível concluir que o processo de integração está relacionado com um maior rácio da positividade na frequência do primeiro semestre. ABSTRACT: The objective of the present investigation is to know the emotional experiences that characterize the students of the African Countries with Portuguese as the Official Language while knowing that they are going to enter in the Superior Teaching in Portugal and during the first semester; to check if the emotions felt during the frequency of the first semester are connected with his social and academic integration. The participants were 100 pupils originating from the African Countries with Portuguese as the Official Language in the first year of the superior Portuguese teaching, of different establishments of Superior Teaching, with ages between the 20 and 50 years. In this investigation we used the following measures: a Questionnaire demographic-partner, a questionnaire of emotional experiences (Russell & Carroll); Analogical Emotional Scale (AES, Carrera & Oceja, 2007); Positivity Self-Test (Fredrickson, 2009); Scale of Social and Academic Integration (ISA, Silva, Abrantes, & Duarte, 2009) and the Scale of Social Integration in the Superior Teaching (EISES, Diniz & Almeida 2005). We concluded that the most felt mixed emotions are joy and fear, as well as joy and sadness. It was also possible to conclude that the process of integration is connected with a bigger ratio of the positivity during the frequency of the first semester.
Those over sixty years of age accounted for 6.6% of the total population of Brazil in 1985, in the Federal Republic of Germany this proportion was 20.3% in 1984. As early as 1950 it had been 14.5%. This proportion will not even be reached in Brazil in the year 2000 when persons aged sixty years and older are only projected to make up 8.8% of the total population. Similarly, in 1982/84 life expectancy at birth in the Federal Republic was 70.8 years for men and 77.5 for women; in Brazil the figures for 1980/85 were, by contrast, "only" 61.0 and 66.0. Against this background it is easy to understand why the discussion concerning an ageing society with its many related medical, economic, individual and social problems has been so slow in coming into its own in Brazil. As important as a more intensive consideration of these aspects may be in Brazil at present, they are, nevertheless, only one side of the story. For a European historical demographer with a long-term perspective of three of four hundred years, the other side of the story is just as important. The life expectancy which is almost ten years lower in Brazil is not a result of the fact that no one in Brazil lives to old age. In 1981 people sixty-five years and older accounted for 34.4% of all deaths! At the same time infants accounted for only 22.1% of total mortality. They are responsible, along with the "premature" deaths among youths and adults, for the low, "average" life expectancy figure. In Europe, by contrast, these "premature" deaths no longer play much of a role. In 1982/84 more than half of the women (52.8%) in the Federal Republic of Germany lived to see their eightieth birthdays and almost half of the men (47.3%) lived to see their seventy-fifth. Our biological existence is guaranteed to an extent today that would have been unthinkable a few generations ago. Then, the classic troika of "plague, hunger and war" threatened our forefathers all the time and everywhere. The radical transition from the formerly uncertain to a present-day certain lifetime, which is the result of the repression of "plague, hunger and war", led to unexpected consequences for our living together. Our forefathers were forced to live in closely knit Gemeinschaften in the interest of physical survival and to subordinate their egoistic goals to a common value, but now these pressures have, for the most part, fallen away. Correspondingly, this much more certain EGO has taken center stage. An ever greater number of us chooses to live life as single beings: the number of marriages is lower every year; the number of divorces is on the increase; in Berlin (West) more than half (sic! 52.3%) of all households are already composed on only one person. For the last dozen years the annual number of births in the Federal Republic has been insufficient to ensure population replacement. Not a population explosion but rather the opposite, a population implosion, is our problem. Human beings do not appear to be "social animals", as was axiomatically assumed for so long. They were only forced to behave as such for as long as "plague, hunger and war" forced them to do so. When these life endangering conditions no longer exist and life becomes certain even without their being integrated into a Gemeinschaft then humans suddenly show themselves more and more to be independent single beings. It is not the percentage of the population that is over sixty or sixty-five that is decisive in this context but rather how certain adults perceive their biological lives to be, since they are the ones who organize their lives, who build communities or who are ever more often willing only to enter into means-to-an-end personal unions without lasting or close ties and mutual responsibilities. There are many signs which seem to point to a development in this direction in Brazil as well. More and more adults in Brazil are caught up in the deep-seated transition from an uncertain to a certain lifetime. A third of them die after having reached their sixty-fifth birthday. It therefore seems to me to be high time that one began to give more consideration to the other side of the story in Brazil as well. And who is more suited intensively to consider the long-term perspectives than those engaged in the public health sector in whose competence, after all, such aspects, as "life certainty", "life expectancy" and "age at death" belong?
A case series to study factors related to family expectation regarding schizophrenic patients was conducted in an out-patient setting in the city of S. Paulo, Brazil. Patients diagnosed as presenting schizophrenia by the ICD 9th Edition and having had the disease for more than four years were included in the study. Family Expectation was measured by the difference between the Katz Adjustment Scale (R2 and R3) scores based on the relative's expectation and the socially expected activities of the patient (Discrepancy Score), and social adjustment was given by the DSM-III-R Global Assessment Scale (GAS) . Outcome assessments were made independently, and 44 patients comprised the sample (25 males and 19 females). The Discrepancy mean score was twice as high for males as for females (p < 0.02), and there was an inverse relationship between the discrepancy score and social adjustment (r =-0.46, p < 0.001). Moreover, sex and social adjustment exerted independent effects on the discrepancy score when age, age at onset and number of psychiatric admissions were controlled by means of a multiple regression technique. There was an interaction between sex and social adjustment, the inverse relationship between social adjustment and discrepancy score being more pronounced for males. These findings are discussed in the light of the potential association between the family environment, gender and social adjustment of schizophrenic patients, and the need for further research, i.e. ethnographic accounts of interactions between patient and relatives sharing households particularly in less developed countries.
How does the construction of proof relate to the social practice developed in the mathematics classroom? This report addresses the role of diagrams in order to focus the complementarity of participation and reification in the process of constructing a proof and negotiating its meaning. The discussion is based on the analysis of the mathematical practice developed by a group of four 9th grade students and is inspired by the social theory of learning
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Mestre Armindo Fernando Sousa Lima
In the context of the design of working hours inequities in health associated with biological, psychological, social, and socioeconomic diversities can be observed. The paper first tries to set up a frame of reference for a discussion of this topic, relating to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and some recent discussions on equity in health and then goes into some factors that produce inequities in health in the context of the design of working hours, dealing with sex or gender, age and job age, personality traits, marital status, social support, diversities in values, and socio-economic differences; the discussion deals with approaches on how to deal with these differences and inequities.
The TIMEMESH game, developed in the scope of the European Project SELEAG, is an educational game for learning history, culture and social relations. It is supported by an extensible, online, multi-language, multi-player, collaborative and social platform for sharing and acquiring knowledge of the history of European regions. The game has been already used, with remarkable success, in different European countries like Portugal, Spain, England, Slovenia, Estonia and Belgium.