493 resultados para Semidry stigma
Cette recherche qualitative a comme objectif de comprendre et d’analyser l’expérience pénale d’individus ayant été déclarés « délinquants dangereux » ou « délinquants à contrôler », en vertu des dispositions légales prévues à la Partie XXIV (articles 752 et suivantes) du Code criminel canadien. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons voulu mettre en lumière comment se vit l’apposition de ce statut « dangereux » au plan personnel et social au moment des procédures judiciaires, lors de l’exécution de leur peine d’incarcération et dans le cadre de leur liberté surveillée, le cas échéant. Pour ce faire, nous avons rencontré dix-neuf hommes visés par ces dispositions légales afin de restituer en profondeur leur expérience pénale par rapport à ce « statut » légalement imposé, et ce, à partir de leur point de vue. Il en ressort que les individus faisant l’objet d’une déclaration spéciale traversent un grand bouleversement émotif, d’une part, en lien avec les délits qu’ils ont commis et d’autre part, relativement à la peine leur ayant été imposée. Ces sentiments complexes semblent se positionner en paradoxe entre un sentiment de culpabilité pour les gestes commis et l’impression d’avoir été traités injustement. Les hommes rencontrés partagent également un parcours pénal difficile marqué par de l’exclusion, du rejet ainsi que des mauvais traitements physiques ou psychologiques. Ils rapportent beaucoup d’impuissance à pouvoir faire évoluer leur situation, soit de se défaire de leur statut « dangereux ». Enfin, l’analyse des propos rapportés montre que l’imposition d’une déclaration spéciale ne constitue pas une « simple » peine puisqu’elle induit un processus de stigmatisation immédiat, discréditant et permanent qui a des implications importantes au niveau social et personnel. Ces implications ont de fait, engendré une transformation à l’égard de la perception qu’ils ont d’eux-mêmes ainsi que dans leurs façons de se comporter socialement.
The effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy (ART) transformed the pediatric HIV epidemic. The disease changed significantly over the course of three decades: while early in the epidemic it was almost always fatal, it has become a chronic condition. This study examined how perinatally-infected youth experience the impact of HIV in their lives. A qualitative study using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was conducted. Twenty in-depth interviews were carried out among 12 women and 8 men aged 18 to 30 years in Puerto Rico. These were conducted in Spanish, audio-recorded, transcribed and translated into English. While narrating their experiences, participants were interpreting what the situation meant to them and how they make sense of it. Three topics emerged: (1) perception and response to treatment and illness, particularly their lived experiences with ART; (2) disclosure experiences; and (3) family matters. Most participants challenged their therapy, in most cases to force their caregivers to disclose their status. Problems with adherence were attributed to busy schedules or forgetfulness. Participants experienced the disfiguring adverse effects of ART, which they endured for years without being informed that ART was the cause of these. Participants’ experiences with disclosure demonstrated the importance of validating them as individuals capable of managing their health. The paternalistic approach of withholding their diagnosis to spare them suffering resulted in increased anxiety. Participants acknowledged the difficulties of revealing their HIV status to their partners. They referred to family and friends as essential in coping with HIV. However, some encountered discrimination and stigma within their families. Participants who had suffered the loss of their parents found other parental figures such as adoptive parents or other family members. Most participants expressed a desire to have children. Perinatally HIV-infected youth will require health services for the rest of their lives. The adult health care into which they transition should consider their needs and journey. Services should consider including family members. This study underscores the need for improved access to mental health services. It is also essential to transcend medical treatment and develop a broader perspective of health care. Health care services should include reproductive decision-making counselling services.
Distress can have a profoundly negative impact on the well-being of women (who are the main receivers of treatment for distress). Distress also poses a huge financial problem for the United Kingdom, the cost of which is predicted to reach over £26bn by 2026. A growing body of research has shown that various medicinal plants have potential to treat different aspects of distress. However, there is little research investigating the patient experience of western herbal practice (WHP), and none investigating women’s experiences of WHP for distress. In response, this longitudinal study utilised interviews with twenty-six women who were visiting herbalists for distress across the south-east of The United Kingdom to elicit their stories of distress, as well as their experiences of WHP. The narratives were analysed from a constructionist standpoint, using inductive thematic analysis. The participants’ narratives highlighted the profound impact of everyday distress, whilst feelings associated with distress (anxiety, low mood, isolation, shame and guilt) were frequently communicated via the use of metaphors. These negative feelings, often combined with unsuccessful biomedical encounters, frequently led to the women feeling desperate when first visiting a herbalist. The participants’ experiences of WHP showed that an accessible practitioner and good therapeutic relationship combined with flexible herbal treatment, allowed women with diverse stories of distress to overcome feelings of desperation. Ongoing support allowed the women to feel like they had a safety net as they journeyed from a place of distress, back into the wider world. These findings were supported by more unusual negative accounts, which showed how the herbal therapeutic process could be unsuccessful if elements were missing. This research is of significance as it helps to deepen our understanding of women’s experiences of distress – particularly perceptions of stigma which surround feelings of shame (linked to an inability to cope) and guilt (linked to the perceived impact of distress on others). The research also has relevance for WHP, as it highlights which positive aspects of WHP are of particular importance to women patients who are living with distress.
Research on women prisoners and drug use is scarce in our context and needs theoretical tools to understand their life paths. In this article, I introduce an intersectional perspective on the experiences of women in prison, with particular focus on drug use. To illustrate this, I draw on the life story of one of the women interviewed in prison, in order to explore the axes of inequality in the lives of women in prison. These are usually presented as accumulated and articulated in complex and diverse ways. The theoretical tool of intersectionality allows us to gain an understanding of the phenomenon of women prisoners who have used drugs. This includes both the structural constraints in which they were embedded and the decisions they made, considering the circumstances of disadvantage in which they were immersed. This is a perspective which has already been intuitively present since the dawn of feminist criminology in the English-speaking world and can now be developed further due to new contributions in this field of gender studies.
Based on the results of an ethnographic study with people diagnosed with schizophrenia and their relatives in Barcelona and Tarragona along one year, I problematize the transformation of roles and relationships inside the household from the first burst and the assignation of a diagnosis as rite of passage. I appeal to a cultural interpretation of family, understanding the family group as a specific ethnoscape. I analyze the chronicity meaning, and its consequences in the conformation of the “role of sick person” in the context of parental relationships. I also discuss the paradoxes in terms of autonomy for the affected persons because of the projection of cultural connotation of chronicity.
Sex offending is typically understood from a pathology perspective with the origin of the behavior thought to be within the offending individual. Such a perspective may not be beneficial for those seeking to desist from sexual offending and reintegrate into mainstream society. A thematic analysis of 32 self-narratives of men convicted of sexual offences against children suggests that such individuals typically explain their pasts utilizing a script consistent with routine activity theory, emphasizing the role of circumstantial changes in both the onset of and desistance from sexual offending. It is argued that the self-framing of serious offending in this way might be understood as a form of ‘shame management’, a protective cognition that enables desistance by shielding individuals from internalizing stigma for past violence.
Headline is Ireland's national media monitoring programme, working to promote responsible and accurate coverage of mental health and suicide related issues within the Irish media. Headline aims to highlight mental health issues and address the stigma attached to emotional distress, suicidal behaviour and mental illness through the promotion of responsible media coverage.
Headline is Ireland's national media monitoring programme, working to promote responsible and accurate coverage of mental health and suicide related issues within the Irish media. Headline aims to highlight mental health issues and address the stigma attached to emotional distress, suicidal behaviour and mental illness through the promotion of responsible media coverage.
Headline is Ireland's national media monitoring programme, working to promote responsible and accurate coverage of mental health and suicide related issues within the Irish media. Headline aims to highlight mental health issues and address the stigma attached to emotional distress, suicidal behaviour and mental illness through the promotion of responsible media coverage.
Headline is Ireland's national media monitoring programme, working to promote responsible and accurate coverage of mental health and suicide related issues within the Irish media. Headline aims to highlight mental health issues and address the stigma attached to emotional distress, suicidal behaviour and mental illness through the promotion of responsible media coverage.
Headline is Ireland's national media monitoring programme, working to promote responsible and accurate coverage of mental health and suicide related issues within the Irish media. Headline aims to highlight mental health issues and address the stigma attached to emotional distress, suicidal behaviour and mental illness through the promotion of responsible media coverage.
Headline is Ireland's national media monitoring programme, working to promote responsible and accurate coverage of mental health and suicide related issues within the Irish media. Headline aims to highlight mental health issues and address the stigma attached to emotional distress, suicidal behaviour and mental illness through the promotion of responsible media coverage.
The issue of diagnosed children has been heavily debated in the media over the past decade. This study deals with the issue of diagnosis from a family perspective and utilizes a method of thematic analysis trough a literature review of four autobiographies that describes the parents experience of the diagnosis issue regarding attitudes and responses towards their children and family. The purpose is to create a greater understanding of the family situation and to explore new approaches and strategies to counter psychological affliction and exclusion in society. The results show a widespread exclusion based on the main themes, internal and external influences. These themes represent exclusion factors like for example inexperience in dealing with power bearing institutions such as schools and health facilities and creates few opportunities for socialization processes due to the child's disability, stigma. Both of these themes can be seen as a result of sensory deprivation. The attitudes and responses of society towards the stigma bearing child has a great negative impact on the families with diagnosed children.
Background Early intervention services (EIS) comprise low-stigma, youth-friendly mental health teams for young people undergoing first-episode psychosis (FEP). Engaging with the family of the young person is central to EIS policy and practice. Aims By analysing carers' accounts of their daily lives and affective challenges during a relative's FEP against the background of wider research into EIS, this paper explores relationships between carers' experiences and EIS. Method Semi-structured longitudinal interviews with 80 carers of young people with FEP treated through English EIS. Results Our data suggest that EIS successfully aid carers to support their relatives, particularly through the provision of knowledge about psychosis and medications. However, paradoxical ramifications of these user-focused engagements also emerge; they risk leaving carers' emotions unacknowledged and compounding an existing lack of help-seeking. Conclusions By focusing on EIS's engagements with carers, this paper draws attention to an urgent broader question: as a continuing emphasis on care outside the clinic space places family members at the heart of the care of those with severe mental illness, we ask: who can, and should, support carers, and in what ways?
Bakgrund: HIV är en infektionssjukdom som kan överföras vid bland annat oskyddade samlag, via blod och transplanterad vävnad. Då det idag finns antivirala läkemedel ses HIV inte längre som en dödlig utan en kronisk sjukdom. Personer med HIV/AIDS upplever att sjukdomen påverkar den fysiska och psykiska hälsan negativt. Sjuksköterskor har bristande kunskaper om sjukdomen samt är ovilliga att ge omvårdnad till dessa personer. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva personers upplevelser av att leva med HIV/AIDS. Metod: Litteraturöversikten baserades på 13 artiklar med kvalitativ design som analyserades enligt Fribergs femstegsmodell. En induktiv ansats användes. Resultat: Huvudtemat stigmatisering identifierades tillsammans med temat transition med tillhörande fem underteman samt temat rädsla med tillhörande tre underteman. Slutsats: Personerna med HIV/AIDS upplevde sig stigmatiserade av närstående, i samhället och i kontakt med hälso- och sjukvården. För att stigmatiseringen ska upphöra behöver sjuksköterskor mer kunskap om HIV/AIDS. För att nå ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt behöver sjuksköterskor se personerna bakom sjukdomen samt medvetandegöra sina attityder och förutfattade meningar mot personerna som lever med HIV/AIDS.