466 resultados para Sat Khande


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El meme es un tipo de Texto Multimodal que puede ser compuesto por im?genes, ilustraciones est?ticas, o fotos digitalizadas de figuras humanas, animales u objetos, que representan una intenci?n o gesto humor?stico en relaci?n con un texto escrito concreto, adherido a la imagen. Esta composici?n de im?genes y palabras tiene como fin expresar a trav?s del dibujo o personaje, una posici?n o visi?n sat?rica ante una situaci?n descrita y contextualizada en lenguaje escrito; aquello entrev? una narrativa en torno a acontecimientos sociales vigentes. El Debate sobre paramilitarismo que tuvo lugar en el Congreso de la Rep?blica de Colombia a mediados del a?o 2014, gener? durante su transcurso una amplia producci?n y difusi?n de memes en las redes sociales, en los que se evidenciaron las distintas reacciones que produjeron en los colombianos, las situaciones y sucesos desarrollados en el Debate. Desde la perspectiva del An?lisis del Discurso, se analiz? una muestra que const? de cuatro memes para determinar su naturaleza enunciativa y su rol como veh?culo de opini?n.


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South Asians migrating to the Western world have a 3 to 5-fold higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes and double the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) than the background population of White European descent, without exhibiting a proportional higher prevalence of conventional cardiometabolic risk factors. Notably, women of South Asian descent are more likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as they grow older compared with South Asian men and, in addition, they have lost the cardio-protective effects of being females. Despite South Asian women in Western countries being a high risk group for developing future type 2 diabetes and CVD, they have been largely overlooked. The aims of this thesis were to compare lifestyle factors, body composition and cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy South Asian and European women who reside in Scotland, to examine whether ethnicity modifies the associations between modifiable environmental factors and cardiometabolic risks and to assess whether vascular reactivity is altered by ethnicity or other conventional and novel CVD risks. I conducted a cross-sectional study and recruited 92 women of South Asian and 87 women of White European descent without diagnosed diabetes or CVD. Women on hormone replacement therapy or hormonal contraceptives were excluded too. Age and body mass index (BMI) did not differ between the two ethnic groups. Physical activity was assessed and with self-reported questionnaires and objectively with the use of accelerometers. Cardiorespiratory fitness was quantified with the predicted maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) during a submaximal test (Chester step test). Body composition was assessed with skinfolds measured at seven body sites, five body circumferences, measurement of abdominal subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral adipose tissue (VAT) with the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and liver fat with the use MR spectroscopy. Dietary density was assessed with food frequency questionnaires. Vascular response was assessed by measuring the response to acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside with the use of Laser Doppler Imaging with Iontophoresis (LDI-ION) and the response to shear stress with the use of Peripheral Arterial Tonometry (EndoPAT). The South Asian women exhibited a metabolic profile consistent with the insulin resistant phenotype, characterised by greater levels of fasting insulin, lower levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL) and higher levels of triglycerides (TG) compared with their European counterparts. In addition, the South Asians had greater levels of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) for any given level of fasting glucose. The South Asian women engaged less time weekly with moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and had lower levels of cardiorespiratory fitness for any given level of physical activity than the women of White descent. In addition, they accumulated more fat centrally for any given BMI. Notably, the South Asians had equivalent SAT with the European women but greater VAT and hepatic fat for any given BMI. Dietary density did not differ among the groups. Increasing central adiposity had the largest effect on insulin resistance in both ethic groups compared with physical inactivity or decreased cardiorespiratory fitness. Interestingly, ethnicity modified the association between central adiposity and insulin resistance index with a similar increase in central adiposity having a substantially larger effect on insulin resistance index in the South Asian women than in the Europeans. I subsequently examined whether ethnic specific thresholds are required for lifestyle modifications and demonstrated that South Asian women need to engage with MVPA for around 195 min.week-1 in order to equate their cardiometabolic risk with that of the Europeans exercising 150 min.week-1. In addition, lower thresholds of abdominal adiposity and BMI should apply for the South Asians compared with the conventional thresholds. Although the South Asians displayed an adverse metabolic profile, vascular reactivity measured with both methods did not differ among the two groups. An additional finding was that menopausal women with hot flushing of both ethnic groups showed a paradoxical vascular profile with enhanced skin perfusion (measured with LDI-ION) but decreased reactive hyperaemia index (measured with EndoPAT) compared with asymptomatic menopausal women. The latter association was independent of conventional CVD risk factors. To conclude, South Asian women without overt disease who live in Scotland display an adverse metabolic profile with steeper associations between lifestyle risk factors and adverse cardiometabolic outcomes compared with their White counterparts. Further work in exploring ethnic specific thresholds in lifestyle interventions or in disease diagnosis is warranted.


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Conventional Si complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) scaling is fast approaching its limits. The extension of the logic device roadmap for future enhancements in transistor performance requires non-Si materials and new device architectures. III-V materials, due to their superior electron transport properties, are well poised to replace Si as the channel material beyond the 10nm technology node to mitigate the performance loss of Si transistors from further reductions in supply voltage to minimise power dissipation in logic circuits. However several key challenges, including a high quality dielectric/III-V gate stack, a low-resistance source/drain (S/D) technology, heterointegration onto a Si platform and a viable III-V p-metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor (MOSFET), need to be addressed before III-Vs can be employed in CMOS. This Thesis specifically addressed the development and demonstration of planar III-V p-MOSFETs, to complement the n-MOSFET, thereby enabling an all III-V CMOS technology to be realised. This work explored the application of InGaAs and InGaSb material systems as the channel, in conjunction with Al2O3/metal gate stacks, for p-MOSFET development based on the buried-channel flatband device architecture. The body of work undertaken comprised material development, process module development and integration into a robust fabrication flow for the demonstration of p-channel devices. The parameter space in the design of the device layer structure, based around the III-V channel/barrier material options of Inx≥0.53Ga1-xAs/In0.52Al0.48As and Inx≥0.1Ga1-xSb/AlSb, was systematically examined to improve hole channel transport. A mobility of 433 cm2/Vs, the highest room temperature hole mobility of any InGaAs quantum-well channel reported to date, was obtained for the In0.85Ga0.15As (2.1% strain) structure. S/D ohmic contacts were developed based on thermally annealed Au/Zn/Au metallisation and validated using transmission line model test structures. The effects of metallisation thickness, diffusion barriers and de-oxidation conditions were examined. Contacts to InGaSb-channel structures were found to be sensitive to de-oxidation conditions. A fabrication process, based on a lithographically-aligned double ohmic patterning approach, was realised for deep submicron gate-to-source/drain gap (Lside) scaling to minimise the access resistance, thereby mitigating the effects of parasitic S/D series resistance on transistor performance. The developed process yielded gaps as small as 20nm. For high-k integration on GaSb, ex-situ ammonium sulphide ((NH4)2S) treatments, in the range 1%-22%, for 10min at 295K were systematically explored for improving the electrical properties of the Al2O3/GaSb interface. Electrical and physical characterisation indicated the 1% treatment to be most effective with interface trap densities in the range of 4 - 10×1012cm-2eV-1 in the lower half of the bandgap. An extended study, comprising additional immersion times at each sulphide concentration, was further undertaken to determine the surface roughness and the etching nature of the treatments on GaSb. A number of p-MOSFETs based on III-V-channels with the most promising hole transport and integration of the developed process modules were successfully demonstrated in this work. Although the non-inverted InGaAs-channel devices showed good current modulation and switch-off characteristics, several aspects of performance were non-ideal; depletion-mode operation, modest drive current (Id,sat=1.14mA/mm), double peaked transconductance (gm=1.06mS/mm), high subthreshold swing (SS=301mV/dec) and high on-resistance (Ron=845kΩ.μm). Despite demonstrating substantial improvement in the on-state metrics of Id,sat (11×), gm (5.5×) and Ron (5.6×), inverted devices did not switch-off. Scaling gate-to-source/drain gap (Lside) from 1μm down to 70nm improved Id,sat (72.4mA/mm) by a factor of 3.6 and gm (25.8mS/mm) by a factor of 4.1 in inverted InGaAs-channel devices. Well-controlled current modulation and good saturation behaviour was observed for InGaSb-channel devices. In the on-state In0.3Ga0.7Sb-channel (Id,sat=49.4mA/mm, gm=12.3mS/mm, Ron=31.7kΩ.μm) and In0.4Ga0.6Sb-channel (Id,sat=38mA/mm, gm=11.9mS/mm, Ron=73.5kΩ.μm) devices outperformed the InGaAs-channel devices. However the devices could not be switched off. These findings indicate that III-V p-MOSFETs based on InGaSb as opposed to InGaAs channels are more suited as the p-channel option for post-Si CMOS.


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No âmbito da Unidade Curricular (UC) de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada (PPS), integrada no 2º ciclo de estudos do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar, foi elaborado o presente relatório de qualificação profissional, com o principal objetivo de ilustrar todo o processo de desenvolvimento das competências profissionais no decorrer do estágio que, por sua vez, foi realizado na XXXXX. Ao longo do relatório serão abordadas as fundamentações teóricas e legais, sobre as quais assentou a formação e a prática da mestranda. Desta forma, importa referir a metodologia investigação-ação usada pela mestranda durante a sua formação, e que permitiu uma prática reflexiva e investigativa, proporcionando o desenvolvimento de capacidades críticas. Assim, a partir dos processos de observação, planificação, ação, avaliação e reflexão, foi possível a construção e desenvolvimento de um perfil de desempenho profissional. Foi, também, no âmbito da prática em contexto de pré-escolar e creche, que a estagiária desenvolveu competências que possibilitaram a articulação entre os saberes teóricos e a ação educativa. Assim, ao longo do ano, a estagiária consolidou de uma forma reflexiva e sempre sustentada as suas competências, profissionais e pessoais, tendo ainda a consciência que a formação é para o resto da vida, na medida em que é essencial e atualização dos conhecimentos valorizando, assim, a aprendizagem ao longo da vida.


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This paper consists in a study case at the Alesat company, which aims at analyzing how the networks from the former companies Ale and Sat influence the formation of partnerships. The study was based on literature by Burt (1992), Granovetter (1973), Uzzi (1997), Contractor and Lorange (1988), Gulati (1998), Child and Faulkner (1998), and others, to verify how important the social relations were between the companies to the formation of a strategic alliance. The research method we adopted analyzed the first partnership between Ale and Sat and the last one that ended up with the merger of the companies resulting in a new company, Alesat. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2008 with the council board of the company. Secondary data were also collected from specific web sites from the area, such as ANP, Sindicom and Fecombustíveis, as well as from important newspapers in the market. The primary data were analyzed through the content analysis technique from Triviños (1987). The secondary data were analyzed through the documental analysis technique from Richardson (1985). This way, through the data collected, it can be concluded that the social ties between the companies were important in the partnership, and among the reasons that made the companies get together, the key one was the fact that the union would make possible to the companies act in regions in which they didn t have too much market share, making them a bigger player nationally wise


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International audience


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El marco jurídico de las Sociedades Agrarias de Transformación (SAT) no regula con detalle aspectos jurídicos y económicos de estas sociedades, concediendo un amplísimo margen a la voluntad de los socios, quienes lo configurarán en los estatutos sociales. Esta ausencia de regulación u otorgamiento de libertad, como se quiera interpretar, en torno al régimen económico de esta figura societaria, ha dado lugar a la existencia de SAT muy distintas en función de su particular solución negocial plasmada en los estatutos. Ello motiva la existencia de SAT que toman como modelo económico-financiero de referencia el de las cooperativas, otras que han puesto la vista en la estructura económico-financiera de las sociedades anónimas y limitadas, y un tercer grupo, que no contienen apenas normas concretas relativas a su régimen económico y en alguna ocasión se han calificado como sociedades económicamente muy básicas. En este trabajo analizamos la configuración que en la realidad presentan estas organizaciones y que como se verá, da lugar en ocasiones a unas entidades híbridas. Para constatar la realidad de las SAT, analizamos todos los estatutos y actas fundacionales de las SAT inscritas en Baleares. Así hemos conocido la verdadera regulación estatutaria de aspectos políticos, económicos y sociales, que el legislador dejó a criterio de sus socios. Sobre lo anterior, expondremos propuestas de mejora en la regulación de estas entidades.


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El problema de selección de requisitos (o Next Release Problem, NRP) consiste en seleccionar el subconjunto de requisitos que se va a desarrollar en la siguiente versión de una aplicación software. Esta selección se debe hacer de tal forma que maximice la satisfacción de las partes interesadas a la vez que se minimiza el esfuerzo empleado en el desarrollo y se cumplen un conjunto de restricciones. Trabajos recientes han abordado la formulación bi-objetivo de este problema usando técnicas exactas basadas en resolutores SAT y resolutores de programación lineal entera. Ambos se enfrentan a dificultades cuando las instancias tienen un gran tamaño, sin embargo la programación lineal entera (ILP) parece ser más efectiva que los resolutores SAT. En la práctica, no es necesario calcular todas las soluciones del frente de Pareto (que pueden llegar a ser muchas) y basta con obtener un buen número de soluciones eficientes bien distribuidas en el espacio objetivo. Las estrategias de búsqueda basadas en ILP que se han utilizado en el pasado para encontrar un frente bien distribuido en cualquier instante de tiempo solo buscan soluciones soportadas. En este trabajo proponemos dos estrategias basadas en ILP que son capaces de encontrar el frente completo con suficiente tiempo y que, además, tienen la propiedad de aportar un conjunto de soluciones bien distribuido en el frente objetivo en cualquier momento de la búsqueda.


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En los últimos tiempos se ha producido un cambio en el comportamiento del turista, ahora requiere un trato más personalizado, dejando a un lado los paquetes turísticos estandarizados. Las motivaciones del turista también han ido evolucionando, actualmente el turista se desplaza buscando diversos atractivos turísticos, debiendo repartir por tanto el tiempo de sus vacaciones. Gracias a las tecnologías de la información, cada turista podría planificar su viaje según sus necesidades, sin embargo, sería muy complejo elegir la mejor alternativa. Por tanto es de gran utilidad una herramienta que ayude a tomar una decisión, considerando sus objetivos, restricciones y preferencias. El enoturismo recoge una amplia tipología de turistas, desde los más expertos hasta los nuevos aficionados, y cada uno de ellos, por tanto, deseará recibir un trato diferente y realizar unas actividades de distinto tipo, lo cual hace muy conveniente un sistema de ayuda al turista. En este sentido se ha desarrollado SAT, un sistema de ayuda al turista aplicado al turismo cultural y de ocio, planteando en esta comunicación la aplicación de este sistema a turismos más específicos, como puede ser el turismo enológico.


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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Sequence Type (ST)1, Clonal Complex(CC)1, SCCmec V is one of the major Livestock-Associated (LA-) lineages in pig farming industry in Italy and is associated with pigs in other European countries. Recently, it has been increasingly detected in Italian dairy cattle herds. The aim of this study was to analyse the differences between ST1 MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) from cattle and pig herds in Italy and Europe and human isolates. Sixty-tree animal isolates from different holdings and 20 human isolates were characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), spa-typing, SCCmec typing, and by micro-array analysis for several virulence, antimicrobial resistance, and strain/host-specific marker genes. Three major PFGE clusters were detected. The bovine isolates shared a high (≥90% to 100%) similarity with human isolates and carried the same SCCmec type IVa. They often showed genetic features typical of human adaptation or present in human-associated CC1: Immune evasion cluster (IEC) genes sak and scn, or sea; sat and aphA3-mediated aminoglycoside resistance. Contrary, typical markers of porcine origin in Italy and Spain, like erm(A) mediated macrolide-lincosamide-streptograminB, and of vga(A)-mediated pleuromutilin resistance were always absent in human and bovine isolates. Most of ST(CC)1 MRSA from dairy cattle were multidrug-resistant and contained virulence and immunomodulatory genes associated with full capability of colonizing humans. As such, these strains may represent a greater human hazard than the porcine strains. The zoonotic capacity of CC1 LA-MRSA from livestock must be taken seriously and measures should be implemented at farm-level to prevent spill-over.


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La normativa sustantiva de las Sociedades Agrarias de Transformación (SAT) presenta unas notables lagunas respecto a su régimen contable. De este modo, existen dudas respecto a los libros contables obligatorios y su legalización; así como del proceso de elaboración, auditoría, aprobación y depósito de las cuentas anuales. Por ello en este artículo trataremos en primer lugar los libros sociales y contables de las SAT, sobre la base de la normativa nacional y autonómica de estas sociedades, enunciando propuestas al respecto en la estela de la reciente normativa sobre la legalización de libros sociales y contables de aplicación general. Se analizará también, con espíritu crítico, todo el proceso de elaboración, auditoría, aprobación y depósito de las cuentas anuales y demás documentación que las SAT deben remitir anualmente a los respectivos Registros autonómicos. Se procederá a diferenciar los registros jurídico-mercantiles de los administrativos y en este último sentido, se plantearán cambios respecto al lugar y finalidad de dicho depósito. Tras treinta y cuatro años de antigüedad, la legislación sustantiva en materia económica y contable de las SAT está desfasada respecto al Derecho actual, siendo necesaria su revisión. Las recientes normas autonómicas no han supuesto un verdadero avance en este sentido. En suma, aseveramos la existencia de un gap entre la normativa sustantiva de las SAT y la normativa contable general en materia de cuentas anuales, que es insostenible y requiere una pronta intervención legislativa que lo anule.


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El interés de este Estudio de Caso, tiene como objetivo analizar la incidencia de la desmovilización de las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC) en la Política de Seguridad Ciudadana y Convivencia de Bogotá (PSCCB) durante el periodo 2004 – 2013. Se identifica y analiza, cómo se incluyó un programa para desmovilizados en la Política de Seguridad Ciudadana y Convivencia; además de la reconfiguración de las estructuras del crimen organizado tras dicha desmovilización. Lo anterior, para explicar el aumento de los delitos de alto impacto y la percepción de inseguridad en la capital durante este periodo de tiempo.


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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal, analizar las dinámicas de desarrollo local del distrito minero Litoral Pacífico durante el periodo 2008-2012 a partir del modelo extractivista, con el fin de demostrar que, a pesar del auge minero durante estos gobiernos, el crecimiento de la actividad y la entrada de capital a estos municipios, el desarrollo local es escaso ante las dinámicas del conflicto armado interno y el abandono estatal que ha existido por excelencia en esta zona. Por lo tanto, a partir de la utilización del método cualitativo, se utilizarán estudios e informes de las fuentes primarias y secundarias, que permitan un análisis explicativo de este fenómeno económico y social.


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En el presente estudio de caso, se busca exponer de qué manera la Diplomacia Deportiva en Colombia ha sido utilizada como una estrategia para cumplir los objetivos de Política Exterior y cambiar la percepción que se tiene del mismo, encaminando la investigación en el problema del reclutamiento infantil en el marco del conflicto armado. Para realizarlo, se utiliza la Diplomacia Deportiva como estrategia de poder blando, que pretende influir positivamente en la imagen que se tiene del país en el exterior, mientras se combate el flagelo interno del reclutamiento infantil.