959 resultados para SAGAMI-BAY
At the NW-slope of Eckernforder Bay (Western Baltic) between 14 and 21 m water depth 7 sand cores were taken with a vibrocorer. The cores were between 85 and 250 cm long. The sand was analysed for grain size distribution, proportions of organic carbon and carbonate, and contents of microfossils. The radiometric age and stable carbon isotope ratios were determined on organic material from 14 sample. With regard to benthic foraminifera and other microorganisms four different types of depositional conditions could be distinguished: Types 1 and 2: two types of offshore sand areas. Type 3: lagoon and nearshore. Type 4: subaerial or limnic. Using sedimentological and geochemical parameters two formation areas could be distinguished with the aid of a discriminant analysis: offshore (types 1 and 2) and nearshore (types 3 and 4). A juxtaposition of core sections indicated two distinct profiles. Their ages fit into the picture of the assumed postglacial sea-level rise. The lagoon- and nearshore sands are interpreted as the result of sea-level stagnation at 17-18 m below present sea-level. The accumulation rates of the sand in the offshore areas are, with a maximum of 0.15 mm/yr., an order of magnitude smaller than in the mud areas, located several hundred metres away.
The Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) is a major global climatic phenomenon. Long-term precipitation proxy records of the ISM, however, are often fragmented and discontinuous, impeding an estimation of the magnitude of precipitation variability from the Last Glacial to the present. To improve our understanding of past ISM variability, we provide a continuous reconstructed record of precipitation and continental vegetation changes from the lower Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna catchment and the Indo-Burman ranges over the last 18,000 years (18 ka). The records derive from a marine sediment core from the northern Bay of Bengal (NBoB), and are complemented by numerical model results of spatial moisture transport and precipitation distribution over the Bengal region. The isotopic composition of terrestrial plant waxes (dD and d13C of n-alkanes) are compared to results from an isotope-enabled general atmospheric circulation model (IsoCAM) for selected time slices (pre-industrial, mid-Holocene and Heinrich Stadial 1). Comparison of proxy and model results indicate that past changes in the dD of precipitation and plant waxes were mainly driven by the amount effect, and strongly influenced by ISM rainfall. Maximum precipitation is detected for the Early Holocene Climatic Optimum (EHCO; 10.5-6 ka BP), whereas minimum precipitation occurred during the Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1; 16.9-15.4 ka BP). The IsoCAM model results support the hypothesis of a constant moisture source (i.e. the NBoB) throughout the study period. Relative to the pre-industrial period the model reconstructions show 20% more rain during the mid-Holocene (6 ka BP) and 20% less rain during the Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), respectively. A shift from C4-plant dominated ecosystems during the glacial to subsequent C3/C4-mixed ones during the interglacial took place. Vegetation changes were predominantly driven by precipitation variability, as evidenced by the significant correlation between the dD and d13C alkane records. When compared to other records across the ISM domain, precipitation and vegetation changes inferred from our records and the numerical model results provide evidence for a coherent regional variability of the ISM from the Last Glacial to the present.
This dataset consists of average water depth, average current velocity and direction and roughness lengths calculated from the spatially-averaged velocity profiles collected with an ADCP along a transect in the Jade Bay in 2008.