1000 resultados para São Luis


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PURPOSE: The ability to predict and understand which biomechanical properties of the cornea are responsible for the stability or progression of keratoconus may be an important clinical and surgical tool for the eye-care professional. We have developed a finite element model of the cornea, that tries to predicts keratoconus-like behavior and its evolution based on material properties of the corneal tissue. METHODS: Corneal material properties were modeled using bibliographic data and corneal topography was based on literature values from a schematic eye model. Commercial software was used to simulate mechanical and surface properties when the cornea was subject to different local parameters, such as elasticity. RESULTS: The simulation has shown that, depending on the corneal initial surface shape, changes in local material properties and also different intraocular pressures values induce a localized protuberance and increase in curvature when compared to the remaining portion of the cornea. CONCLUSIONS: This technique provides a quantitative and accurate approach to the problem of understanding the biomechanical nature of keratoconus. The implemented model has shown that changes in local material properties of the cornea and intraocular pressure are intrinsically related to keratoconus pathology and its shape/curvature.


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OBJETIVO: Desenvolver simulação computadorizada de ablação para produzir lentes de contato personalizadas a fim de corrigir aberrações de alta ordem. MÉTODOS: Usando dados reais de um paciente com ceratocone, mensurados em um aberrômetro ("wavefront") com sensor Hartmann-Shack, foram determinados as espessuras de lentes de contato que compensam essas aberrações assim como os números de pulsos necessários para fazer ablação as lentes especificamente para este paciente. RESULTADOS: Os mapas de correção são apresentados e os números dos pulsos foram calculados, usando feixes com a largura de 0,5 mm e profundidade de ablação de 0,3 µm. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados simulados foram promissores, mas ainda precisam ser aprimorados para que o sistema de ablação "real" possa alcançar a precisão desejada.


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PURPOSE: The main goal of this study was to develop and compare two different techniques for classification of specific types of corneal shapes when Zernike coefficients are used as inputs. A feed-forward artificial Neural Network (NN) and discriminant analysis (DA) techniques were used. METHODS: The inputs both for the NN and DA were the first 15 standard Zernike coefficients for 80 previously classified corneal elevation data files from an Eyesys System 2000 Videokeratograph (VK), installed at the Departamento de Oftalmologia of the Escola Paulista de Medicina, São Paulo. The NN had 5 output neurons which were associated with 5 typical corneal shapes: keratoconus, with-the-rule astigmatism, against-the-rule astigmatism, "regular" or "normal" shape and post-PRK. RESULTS: The NN and DA responses were statistically analyzed in terms of precision ([true positive+true negative]/total number of cases). Mean overall results for all cases for the NN and DA techniques were, respectively, 94% and 84.8%. CONCLUSION: Although we used a relatively small database, results obtained in the present study indicate that Zernike polynomials as descriptors of corneal shape may be a reliable parameter as input data for diagnostic automation of VK maps, using either NN or DA.


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OBJETIVO: Desenvolver a instrumentação e o "software" para topografia de córnea de grande-ângulo usando o tradicional disco de Plácido. O objetivo é permitir o mapeamento de uma região maior da córnea para topógrafos de córnea que usem a técnica de Plácido, fazendo-se uma adaptação simples na mira. MÉTODOS: Utilizando o tradicional disco de Plácido de um topógrafo de córnea tradicional, 9 LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) foram adaptados no anteparo cônico para que o paciente voluntário pudesse fixar o olhar em diferentes direções. Para cada direção imagens de Plácido foram digitalizadas e processadas para formar, por meio de algoritmo envolvendo elementos sofisticados de computação gráfica, um mapa tridimensional completo da córnea toda. RESULTADOS: Resultados apresentados neste trabalho mostram que uma região de até 100% maior pode ser mapeada usando esta técnica, permitindo que o clínico mapeie até próximo ao limbo da córnea. São apresentados aqui os resultados para uma superfície esférica de calibração e também para uma córnea in vivo com alto grau de astigmatismo, mostrando a curvatura e elevação. CONCLUSÃO: Acredita-se que esta nova técnica pode propiciar a melhoria de alguns processos, como por exemplo: adaptação de lentes de contato, algoritmos para ablações costumizadas para hipermetropia, entre outros.


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O Parque Estadual Intervales (PEI) e sua Zona de Amortecimento (ZA), inseridos nos vales dos rios Ribeira de Iguape e Paranapanema, situam-se em domínios de rochas carbonáticas proterozóicas de grande interesse para a mineração, onde se verifica a formação de carste com ocorrência expressiva de cavernas. A caracterização do carste no PEI e ZA para o plano de manejo foi baseada em estudos geológicos e geomorfológicos que permitiram definir o grau de vulnerabilidade à contaminação do aquífero cárstico. As regiões de maior vulnerabilidade do carste no PEI e ZA são aquelas que permitem a introdução direta de contaminantes no aquífero e se caracterizam pela presença de feições cársticas tais como cavernas e sumidouros. Para as regiões onde a recarga ocorre exclusivamente por infiltração difusa e o escoamento superficial converge para rios de superfície, foi associado grau de vulnerabilidade intermediário. Considerando essa análise, foram identificadas áreas com maior potencial para impactos e feitas recomendações para a gestão do parque e sua zona de amortecimento.


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The present research deals with two mural paintings made in 1947 with the fresco technique by Fulvio Pennacchi in the Catholic Chapel of the Hospital das Clínicas (São Paulo City, Brazil), namely the Virgin Annunciation and the Supper at Emmaus. This study regards the materials and painting techniques used by the artist, based on historical research,on in situ observations and laboratory analytical techniques (stereomicroscopy,scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive spectrometer, X-ray diffractometry, electron microprobe, images obtained with UV-light), aiming to improve the methods of characterization of objects of our cultural heritage, and to enhance its preservation accordingly. The results lead to the identification of the plaster components and of distinct layers in the frescoes, besides further information on grain size, impurities and textures, composition of pigments, and features of deterioration, such as efflorescences. The degree of degradation of the murals painting was assessed by this way. Our data suggest that a single layer of plaster was used by Pennacchi, as a common mortar with fine- and medium-grained aggregates. Differences in texture were obtained by adding gypsum to the plaster.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze alcohol, tobacco and other drug use among medical students. METHOD: Over a five-year period (1996-2001), we evaluated 457 students at the Universidade de São Paulo School of Medicine, located in São Paulo, Brazil. The students participated by filling out an anonymous questionnaire on drug use (lifetime, previous 12 months and previous 30 days). The influence that gender and academic year have on drug use was also analyzed. RESULTS: During the study period, there was an increase in the use of illicit drugs, especially inhalants and amphetamines, among the medical students evaluated. Drug use (except that of marijuana and inhalants) was comparable between the genders, and academic year was an important influencing factor. DISCUSSION: Increased inhalant use was observed among the medical students, especially among males and students in the early undergraduate years. This is suggestive of a specific behavioral pattern among medical students. Our findings corroborate those of previous studies. CONCLUSION: Inhalant use is on the rise among medical students at the Universidade de São Paulo School of Medicine. Because of the negative health effects of illicit drug use, further studies are needed in order to deepen the understanding of this phenomenon and to facilitate the development of preventive measures.


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Neste artigo estudamos configurações centrais planares do tipo pipa para o problema de quatro corpos. Mostramos a existência de tais configurações para as pipas côncavas, quando uma das massas está no interior do triângulo formado pelas outras três massas, e para as pipas convexas, quando uma das massas está no exterior do triângulo formado pelas outras três massas.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar uso de jogos eletrônicos (videogames, jogos de computador e internet) em uma amostra de universitários. MÉTODO: Um questionário a respeito de comportamentos relacionados ao uso de jogos eletrônicos, contendo a escala Problem Videogame Playing (PVP), foi aplicado em 100 alunos da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). RESULTADOS: A maioria (83%) relatou ter jogado no último ano, dentre a qual 81,9% eram homens, 51,8% jogavam de 1 a 2 horas por sessão; 74,4% afirmaram que jogar não interfere em seus relacionamentos sociais e 60,5%, que o uso de jogos violentos não influencia sua agressividade. Os estudantes dividiram-se entre jogadores ocasionais e frequentes, diferenciando-se por duração de cada sessão, jogo preferido, motivação para jogar, e influência do jogo na vida social. Cerca de 5% relataram só parar de jogar quando interrompidos, normalmente jogar mais de 4 horas por sessão e se relacionar mais com amigos virtuais, sugerindo maior envolvimento com a atividade. Na escala PVP, 15,8% da amostra preencheu mais da metade dos itens, indicando consequências adversas associadas ao uso dos jogos eletrônicos. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se que o uso de jogos eletrônicos é comum entre os estudantes da USP e que uma parcela apresenta problemas relacionados ao excesso de jogo.


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Interactions of cationic dye methylene blue (MB) with clay particles in aqueous suspension have been extensively studied. As already known, the number of natural negative charges on the clay modifies significantly the particle sizes dispersed in water and therefore the nature of the interaction with the dye. This work evaluated with UV-Vis spectroscopy method how the clay particle sizes weighted on the adsorption and rearrangement of the dye molecules in aqueous system. The results obtained from light-scattering measurements confirmed that larger particles are found in suspensions containing the high-charged clays as the visible absorption band related to the MB aggregates (570 nm) on these suspensions prevailed.


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This paper reports a study of electrochemical degradation of the chloramphenicol antibiotic in aqueous medium using a flow-by reactor with DSA® anode. The process efficiency was monitored by chloramphenicol concentration analysis with liquid chromatography (HPLC) during the experiments. Analysis of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) was performed to estimate the degradation degree and Ion Chromatography (IC) was performed to determinate inorganic ions formed during the eletrochemical degradation process. In electrochemical flow-by reactor, 52% of chloramphenicol was degraded, with 12% TOC reduction. IC analysis showed the production of chloride ions (25 mg L-1), nitrate ions (6 mg L-1) and nitrite ions (4.5 mg L-1).


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Fruits juices are natural sources of several compounds that present antioxidant action. Together with the fruits, they contribute with almost 40% of the antioxidant capacity in a healthy diet avoiding and preventing diseases deriving from oxidative stress. The present study determined the antioxidant capacity of seven samples of industrialized fruits juices applying CRAC (Ceric Reducing/Antioxidant Capacity) assay, a new electrochemistry assay that evaluates, by means of chronoamperometric measurements, the ability of a sample in reducing species Ce4+ in acid media. At the end of the assay was obtained the following classification: cashew > guava > grape > mango > apple > orange > passion fruit.


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Alkaline salts of the palmitic acid were synthesized and characterized from aqueous and ethanolic medium. The salts were characterized by elemental analysis (EA) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). EA and IR, being its synthesis comproved, also characterized the ethyl palmitate. All the salts and the ester were submitted to thermal analysis using thermogravimetry (TG), and differential thermal analysis (DTA) in the temperature ranging from room to 700 ºC under air dynamic atmosphere. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements were taken from -90 ºC up to temperatures close to the starting of the decomposition temperature, determined by thermogravimetry, using heating and cooling cycles.


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This work describes a comparative study of the electrocrystallization of Ni and Ni-P on Pt ultramicroelectrodes using chronoamperometric measurements. It was possible to confirm that in all cases a progressive nucleation was the predominant mechanism. Moreover, the application of the Atomistic Theory to the experimental rate of nuclei formation showed that the number of atoms in the critical nucleus was zero, except for Ni-P on Pt at low overpotentials were a value of one was observed. Furthermore, the physical characterisation of the different deposits on Pt by atomic force microscopy allowed observing the coalescence of the hemispherical nuclei of Ni and Ni-P at t max thus confirming the results obtained from the current-time analysis.


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The characterization of dextran in sugars by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) has been carried out according to the number-average molecular weight (Mn), the weight-average molecular weight (Mw), the Z-average molecular weight (Mz), and the polydispersity (Mw/Mn). The results suggest that all the analyzed thirty sugar samples from São Paulo state were contaminated with two or three different dextran polymers. The collected data clearly point out that the total dextran content together with the mass distribution parameters Mw, Mn, Mz, and Mw/Mn should be considered during the evaluation of the quality of the sugar used for the cachaça sweeting process.