516 resultados para Reggio, Educazione, Cina


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Bound with the author's Ragionamento sulla lingua del testo misnico [Reggio, 1819]


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Reprint of the 1833-1841 ed. published by Tip. Torreggiani, Reggio, under title: Notizie biografiche e letterarie degli scrittori dello Stato Estense in continuazione della Biblioteca modenese del cavalier abate Girolamo Tiraboschi.


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Top Row: Shelly Adkins, Nikki Alexadner, Amy L. Ancona, Adem Arslani, Noel Baldwin, Lea Bell, Michelle Bellah, Nicole Bills, Sarah Boyle, Rebekah Brandstatter, Margitt Brigant, Matthew Brooks, Julie Campbell, Lea Clemmons

Row 2: Iracema M. Crawford, Amy Decker, Danielle Terry, Jennifer McGeown, Megan Lindsey Tvaska, Molly McIntyre, Sharon M. Hoover, Mary Beth Pohanka, Jennifer Nelson, Jennifer Carney, Katheryn E. Huffman, Toria Dial, Mary Dooley

Row 3: Pamela Earl, Stacy Ekelman, Jennfier Emery, Robert Farrell, Stephanie R. Faudel, Amy Fischer, Rochelle Fountain, Diane Fox

Row 4: Tina Garcia, Monica Gatica, Meredith Giles, Karla Giminez, Emily Goodsell, Barbara Gurd, Keren Kay Hahn, Beth Hosmer, Shana N. Howard, Cina Jackson-Hanner

Row 5: Kristy Jakubiak, Rebekah Johnson, Stephanie T. Johnson, Jennifer Jorissen, Richard W. Redman, Beverly Jones, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Nola Pender, Susan Boehm, Renee Kaplan, Angela Kendrick-Newing, Emily Kerschbaum, Donulae Knuckles

Row 6: Diane Kramer, Alyce Krause, Krista L. Kuczewski, Lori LaCrone, Melissa E. Lorencen, Sarah Lyons, Melissa Magante, Kathleen Mahon, Christy Mayes, Joseph Morris, Elizabeth Morrow, Tamala Myers, Michele Nextico

Row 7: Jacquelyn Nino, Denise Noto, Catherine Orser, Elizabeth Palad, Ann Peterson, Joshua Pietsch, Pati Putt, Lisa Reinhart, Jamie C. Renken, Amy Robbins, Ernest Saxton, Amy Schafer, Joelle Schroeder, Matthew Seiler

Row 8: Sarah Bellestri Shih, Kristen Sisson, Shalonda Smith, Kathleen Stewart, Jeannine Sutter, Jamie Swan, Arita Ann Sywenkyj, Julie Talbott, Diana Thorrez, Natasha Tokarz, Whitney Tonkin, Rea Tsatsanifos, Tina Urbanski

Row 9: Maricar Uy, Dana Van Singel, Tanya D. Venton, Christina Vitucci, Samuel Walsh, Susan Warren, Tiana Washington, Yvette White, Judy M. Wilson, Cerise Wotorson, Bella Yagolkovskaya, Karen Zalenko, Susan M. Zucal


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With this are bound: [Venette, Nicolas] Traité du scorbut. La Rochelle, 1671. - Copy 3 of Brunacci, Gaudenzio. De cina cina. Venetiis, 1661. - Menon, Dominique. L'ecole de Salerne. La Haye, 1695.


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Model transformations are an integral part of model-driven development. Incremental updates are a key execution scenario for transformations in model-based systems, and are especially important for the evolution of such systems. This paper presents a strategy for the incremental maintenance of declarative, rule-based transformation executions. The strategy involves recording dependencies of the transformation execution on information from source models and from the transformation definition. Changes to the source models or the transformation itself can then be directly mapped to their effects on transformation execution, allowing changes to target models to be computed efficiently. This particular approach has many benefits. It supports changes to both source models and transformation definitions, it can be applied to incomplete transformation executions, and a priori knowledge of volatility can be used to further increase the efficiency of change propagation.


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La tesi si propone di indagare la massiccia presenza di rimandi classici, greci e latini, nell'opera di Seamus Heaney, con particolare attenzione alle poesie giovanili non incluse in raccolta. Attraverso la definizione di un personale "mythic method", Heaney elabora un'originale ars poetica, proponendo le sue composizioni come terreno per un confronto dialettico fra presente e passato.


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The Cervarola Sandstones Formation (CSF), Aquitanian-Burdigalian in age, was deposited in an elongate, NW-stretched foredeep basin formed in front of the growing Northern Apennines orogenic wedge. The stratigraphic succession of the CSF, in the same way of other Apennine foredeep deposits, records the progressive closure of the basin due to the propagation of thrust fronts toward north-east, i.e. toward the outer and shallower foreland ramp. This process produce a complex foredeep characterized by synsedimentary structural highs and depocenters that can strongly influence the lateral and vertical turbidite facies distribution. Of consequence the main aim of this work is to describe and discuss this influence on the basis of a new high-resolution stratigraphic framework performed by measuring ten stratigraphic logs, for a total thickness of about 2000m, between the Secchia and Scoltenna Valleys (30km apart). In particular, the relationship between the turbidite sedimentation and the ongoing tectonic activity during the foredeep evolution has been describe through various stratigraphic cross sections oriented parallel and perpendicular to the main tectonic structures. On the basis of the high resolution physical stratigraphy of the studied succession, we propose a facies tract and an evolutionary model for the Cervarola Sandstones in the studied area. Thanks to these results and the analogies with others foredeep deposits of the northern Apennines, such as the Marnoso-arenacea Formation, the Cervarola basin has been interpreted as a highly confined foredeep controlled by an intense synsedimentary tectonic activity. The most important evidences supporting this hypothesis are: 1) the upward increase, in the studied stratigraphic succession (about 1000m thick), of sandstone/mudstone ratio, grain sizes and Ophiomorpha-type trace fossils testifying the high degree of flow deceleration related to the progressive closure and uplift of the foredeep. 2) the occurrence in the upper part of the stratigraphic succession of coarse-grained massive sandstones overlain by tractive structures such as megaripples and traction carpets passing downcurrent into fine-grained laminated contained-reflected beds. This facies tract is interpreted as related to deceleration and decoupling of bipartite flows with the deposition of the basal dense flows and bypass of the upper turbulent flows. 3) the widespread occurrence of contained reflected beds related to morphological obstacles created by tectonic structures parallel and perpendicular to the basin axis (see for example the Pievepelago line). 4) occurrence of intra-formational slumps, constituted by highly deformed portion of fine-grained succession, indicating a syn-sedimentary tectonic activity of the tectonic structures able to destabilize the margins of the basin. These types of deposits increase towards the upper part of the stratigraphic succession (see points 1 and 2) 5) the impressive lateral facies changes between intrabasinal topographic highs characterized by fine-grained and thin sandstone beds and marlstones and depocenters characterized by thick to very thick coarse-grained massive sandstones. 6) the common occurrence of amalgamation surfaces, flow impact structures and mud-draped scours related to sudden deceleration of the turbidite flows induced by the structurally-controlled confinement and morphological irregularities. In conclusion, the CSF has many analogies with the facies associations occurring in other tectonically-controlled foredeeps such as those of Marnoso-arenacea Formation (northern Italy) and Annot Sandstones (southern France) showing how thrust fronts and transversal structures moving towards the foreland, were able to produce a segmented foredeep that can strongly influence the turbidity current deposition.


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Il lavoro consta di un’introduzione dedicata in primis alla presentazione formale di P. Oxy. XXIII 2382, di cui sono posti in evidenza i legami strutturali e concettuali con il racconto di Hdt. I 8-12. Segue dunque la trattazione dei problemi posti da P. Oxy. 2382, quello del genere letterario di appartenenza (tragedia o novella in versi?) e quello della datazione (età classica o età ellenistica?), finalizzata ad una puntuale definizione dello status quaestionis. Le conclusioni mettono in luce gli elementi a favore dell’ipotesi tragica: la presenza di paragraphoi e il passo di Ach. Tat. I 8 4-7 (corredato da un’appendice relativa alla storia del termine δρᾶμα: se e quando tale termine assume l’accezione di ‘narrazione romanzesca’?), nonché il soggetto storico (con un excursus relativo ai drammi di argomento storico). Si evidenziano infine gli elementi di debolezza contenuti nelle ipotesi avanzate da Cantarella (1952) e Lloyd-Jones (1953), propensi a ritenere P. Oxy. 2382 rispettivamente una novella in versi (il che offre lo spunto per una breve trattazione relativa alle caratteristiche contenutistiche e formali delle novelle milesie) e un giambo archilocheo, di cui il fr. 19 W.2 conserverebbe l’incipit. Quanto alla cronologia, sono enumerati i limiti della datazione alta, nonché gli elementi di affinità di P. Oxy. 2382 con la tragedia ellenistica; infine, pensando ad una possibile attribuzione, si propone, in termini puramente ipotetici, il confronto con l’esperienza della Pleiade alessandrina. Segue dunque un’analisi (laddove le condizioni dei testi, spesso frammentarie, lo consentano) dell’opera di Licofrone di Calcide, Sositeo e Sosifane di Siracusa, esponenti della Pleiade, nonché di Moschione ed Ezechiele, volta ad individuare elementi di continuità con P. Oxy. 2382. Il lavoro si conclude con l’edizione critica e il commento verso per verso di P. Oxy. XXIII 2382, corredati da un’appendice dedicata a P. Oxy. XLIV 3161, testo con notazioni musicali apparentemente affine a P. Oxy. XXIII 2382, costituito da 4 frr. notevolmente accidentati, di cui si fornisce l’edizione critica.


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Since the damage of the onion thrips (Thrips tabaci Lindemann) first occurred on white cabbage in Hungary several observations have been carried out, both in Hungary and abroad, to assess varietal resistance. The use of a new evaluation method for field screening is described and the result of the monitoring of 64 varieties is reported. The most susceptible varieties were ‘Bejo 1860’, ‘SG 3164’, ‘Quisto’, ‘Green Gem’ and ‘Ramada’. On the other hand, ‘Golden Cross’, ‘Balashi’, ‘Riana’, ‘Autumn Queen’, ‘Leopard’, Ama-Daneza’ and ‘Galaxy’ suffered the least damage under natural infestation. Methods for testing the patterns of resistance are also described and evaluated. In case of plants at the few leaf growth stage significant negative correlation was found between egg mortality and the egg laying preference of adults. The results of the other antibiotic and antixenotic tests were greatly affected by differences in the physiological age and condition of the varieties.


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Questa tesi espone il mio lavoro all'interno del progetto di ricerca del FAMT&L, progetto sviluppato dal dipartimento di Matematica e dal dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione sulla valutazione formativa in matematica, finanziato dall'Unione Europea e svolto in collaborazione con Francia, Svizzera, Olanda e Cipro. Questo progetto di ricerca è centrato sulla formazione degli insegnanti alla valutazione formativa. L'obiettivo è quello di formare gli insegnanti a fare valutazione formativa in matematica. Lo strumento scelto è quello di lavorare su video di situazioni in classe. Il mio lavoro di tesi è consistito nell'analizzare le situazioni dei video per trovare delle categorie relative ai contenuti, alle competenze matematiche e alle caratteristiche dell'apprendimento della matematica. Questi materiali saranno utilizzati come materiale nella formazione insegnanti.


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Il lavoro di tesi ha l'obiettivo di fornire un quadro conoscitivo preliminare della Conoide Enza, importante corpo idrico sotterraneo situato nella provincia di Reggio-Emilia. Unitamente viene data una sua rappresentazione cartografica digitale attraverso software GIS, utile a geo-referenziare l'acquifero. Tale lavoro permette di convogliare ed archiviare in un sistema informativo territoriale le osservazioni e i dati necessari a successive indagini quantitative sulla Conoide. In tal senso, viene fornito un esempio di modellazione di flusso nell'acquifero tramite software MODFLOW, così da mostrare l'analisi di uno scenario di prelievo a partire dai dati forniti. In particolare, è simulato il comportamento dell'acquifero in presenza di un pozzo di estrazione, valutando il conseguente effetto indotto sulla piezometria.


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Research on women’s employment has proliferated over recent decades, often under a perspective that conceptualizes female labour market activity as independent of male presences and absences in the productive and reproductive spheres. In the face of these approaches, the article argues the need to focus on the couple as the unit of analysis of work-life articulation. After referring to the main theoretical arguments that, from a gender perspective within labour studies, have pointed out the relevance of placing the household as the central space for the analysis of the sexual division of labour, the article reviews different empirical contributions that have incorporated such perspective in the international literature. Next, the state of the art in the Spanish literature is presented, before arguing the desirability of applying such framework of analysis to the study of employment and care work in Spanish households, which are at present undergoing major transformations.


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El derecho a ser escuchado y participar en aquellos asuntos que afectan a los niños es un derecho fundamental de la infancia escasamente respetado por el adulto, quien tiende a silenciar su voz, infravalorando su visión y posible aportación. Ante esta realidad, la Escuela Infantil se erige como un marco privilegiado para la escucha y la participación de la infancia en aquellos temas que les afectan, contribuyendo a la formación de ciudadanos democráticos. A partir de un marco de escucha donde se concibe al pequeño como un sujeto activo, competente y experto en su propia vida, se ha llevado a cabo una investigación que ha adoptado el formato de estudio de caso, en la que se ha recogido a través de las técnicas del dibujo y de las conversaciones con niños, la visión que poseen los más pequeños sobre la Escuela Infantil, analizando el bienestar del niño en el contexto escolar, el sentido y finalidad que los niños otorgan a la escuela; el grado de satisfacción con la misma; sus gustos y preferencias en el contexto escolar; la autonomía y libertad que dicen poseer en la escuela; su visión sobre los aspectos organizativos que rigen el funcionamiento del centro y su perspectiva sobre cómo es y cómo les gustaría que fuera la participación de las familias en la escuela. Finalmente, se recogen sus propuestas de mejora para hacer de la Escuela Infantil a la que asisten su escuela ideal. Los resultados del estudio ponen de manifiesto la demanda de los niños de una Escuela Infantil diferente a la que conocen y la existencia de un pensamiento divergente del pensamiento adulto que es necesario escuchar y tener en consideración, siendo sus aportaciones de gran valía para poder iniciar procesos de innovación y mejora educativa.