910 resultados para Recepção da teoria queer no Brasil


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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This article chiefly aims at discussing issues concerning reflective teacher education for and in virtual environments for language learning. Given the need for research on reflective practice in new virtual environments, we present the experience of pedagogical supervision through mediation in the virtual context for collaborative learning in teletandem. Some research results in this context, such as in Salomão (2008), Kfouri-Kaneoya (2008), Cândido (2010) and Silva (2010), show how favorable and conducive to the development of reflective pre-service teacher education it seems to be, as it emphasizes the co-construction of knowledge in a dynamic relationship between theory and practice.


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Este estudo analisa o desenvolvimento do processo de integração vertical na indústria petroquímica brasileira a partir da década de 90, focando nos determinantes para este movimento e confrontando com o mesmo processo adotado em grandes empresas mundiais da indústria


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Economia - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper analyzes the opinions of legislators members of parliamentaries elites of Legislative Assemblies of the States of São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina on democracy. The opinions of legislators paulistas were collected using a questionnaire selfadministered and structured, while the opinions of legislators paranaenses and catarinenses were collected with the surveys “As elites administrativas, parlamentares e partidárias do Paraná, 1995-2006” and “Elites políticas e a democracia: os valores políticos dos parlamentares catarinenses da 16º Legislatura, 2007”. The results were: i) democracy is stable, ii) it is superior to any other type of regime, iii) is supported by some social policies and the use of voting and iv) democracy has support of various ideological currents.


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The present text intents to explore how the observation and the annotation of cultural practices of a nation can have a decisive role in the image construction of its literature and how this image can be decisive for the perception of the texts written about the target nation. To exemplify this idea, some important topics for the construction of the image of Brazil and for the text written about this country in Germany are taken under consideration.


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This article proposes a reflection on a place for epistemological studies about the Bakhtin Circle, as well as it also reflects on the perspectives of Brazilian approaches to that. It also sheds light to the issues concerning the production, the circulation and the reception of works of the Russian Circle in order to understand why, in Brazil, we can speak of Dialogic Discourse Analysis (DDA), affiliating the so-called dialogical philosophy of language to an analytical theory, grounded in the relation between linguistics and cross-linguistics. In order to do that, this paper focuses on the notions of dialogue, ideological sign, subject and exotopia. The hypothesis put forward is that, unlike other Analyzes of Discourses, the theoretical-analytical method of the Circle is dialogical. This is the peculiarity of its proposal.


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The present article starts from the initial consideration that, in the perspective of the investigations of the Brazil/Germany literary relations, not always the study of the presence of Brazilian literary works in Germany has been receiving sufficient attention in Brazil. Initially, the natural existence of mental paths is signalized. This fact, in a way, guides the general lines of the critical Brazilian thought in the consideration of aspects of the cultural and literary dialog here in question. This consideration favors the movement that goes from Germany to Brazil, which doesn’t give enough space for the study of the opposite movement. Finally, some historical literary elements are presented, which can base deeper studies of the literary relations Brazil/Germany in the sense that here is intended to be rescued, i.e., the one that goes from South America to Europe.


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There are several receptions of the Bakhtinian work: those which situate it in a cultural and historical perspective, making it possible to understand the context inherent to it, the interchanges with which it was instituted and its development paths; those which separately take one or other of its ideas, and those which search to infer a less or more systemized framework from it in order to consider a specific object. When we concentrate on those last ones and on the field of studies about language, we examine the receptions of the Bakhtinian thought as a pragmatics, a sociolinguistics, a semiotics, a social theory, a theory of the discourse. The perspective of this branch of instruction is the one on which we lastly focus in order to reflect upon some of its fundamental basis.


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Inflation targeting regime is a monetary policy adopted by several countries in the 1990s, Brazil being among them, which adopted it in 1999 after a currency crisis. With a theoretical framework inspired by the new-classical theory, this regime is adopted by countries attempting to achieve price stability and it brings the prior announcement of a numerical target for inflation as a key feature. The present work aims at discussing the use of IPCA (Consumer Price Index) as a measuring index for Brazil's inflation after briefly explain the theoretical basis of the IT regime.


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Essa coletânea reúne alguns trabalhos apresentados e discutidos no “Encontro internacional participação, democracia e políticas públicas: aproximando agendas e agentes”, realizado na Faculdade de Ciências e Letras da Unesp de Araraquara em abril de 2013. O encontro foi organizado pelo Grupo de Pesquisa Participação, Democracia e Políticas Públicas, formado por docentes e pesquisadores ligados ao Departamento de Antropologia, Política e Filosofia e também ao Departamento de Administração Pública desta faculdade. A proposta do encontro partiu do diagnóstico de ambos os departamentos da necessidade de se ampliar os debates que relacionem as temáticas da participação, das políticas públicas e da democracia no Brasil e na América Latina, no atual contexto de insuficiência das instituições políticas calcadas no âmbito da democracia liberal e de uma notória “crise da representação”. O livro foi dividido em três partes, “Ação coletiva e institucionalização: interfaces socioestatais”, que trata dos processos de institucionalização dos movimentos sociais; “Instituições participativas da teoria à implementação: dilemas e desafios”, sobre estratégias de governança; e “Participação como política e a política da participação: difusão, impactos, poder”, sobre políticas públicas e o trabalho das ONGs nas ações governamentais.