1000 resultados para Pk-yritys


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Rapport de synthèse :Le céfépime a été associé à un taux de mortalité supérieur à celui des autres bêta-lactamines chez les patients traités pour un sepsis sévère. Une des hypothèses avancées pour expliquer ces échecs thérapeutiques sont de possibles effets secondaires cachés (par ex. neurologiques) ou des paramètres pharmacocinétiques/pharmacodynamiques (PK/PD) inadaptés. Le présent travail a étudié cette problématique en mesurant prospectivement la pharmacocinétique du céfépime chez 21 patients consécutifs hospitalisés aux soins intensifs adultes (SIAD) pour une pneumonie nosocomiale. La population étudiée avec un âge médian 55,1 ans, a reçu par voie intraveineuse du céfépime à raison de 2 g toutes les 12 heures pour une clairance de la créatinine (Clcr)>50 mI/ min, et 2 g toutes les 24 heures ou 36 heures pour une Clcr<50 ml /min. Les taux plasmatiques de céfépime ont été mesurés à plusieurs reprises avant et après administration du médicament après la lèoe dose et à l'état d'équilibre par chromatographie en phase liquide à haute pression. Les taux plasmatiques ont considérablement varié entre les patients. Cent pour cent (21/21) des patients ont eu une durée appropriée d'antibiothérapie avec des taux plasmatiques supérieures à la CMI du céfépime (T>CMI>50%) pour les agents pathogènes retrouvés dans cette étude (CMI<4 mg/I), mais seulement 45-65% d'entre eux ont eu une couverture appropriée pour les agents pathogènes potentiels présentant une CMI> 8 mg/I pour le céfépime. Deux patients avec une insuffisance rénale (Clcr<30 ml/min) ont présenté des symptômes compatibles avec une épilepsie non-convulsive (état confusionnel et myoclonies) attribuée dans un 2ème temps à une toxicité du céfépime après que les taux plasmatiques aient été communiqués aux soignants qui ont suspendu l'antibiothérapie avec disparition des symptômes. Les résultats de cette étude empirique confirment l'existence d'effets secondaires cachés et de paramètres PK/PD inappropriés (pour les agents pathogènes ayant des CMI de limite supérieure) dans notre population de SIAD. En outre, ils mettent en évidence une fenêtre thérapeutique efficace pour une posologie de céfépime de 2 g toutes les 12 heures chez les patients ayant une Clcr>50 ml/min infectés par des pathogènes avec des CMI pour le céfépime <4 mg/I. Les échecs thérapeutiques constatés dans cette étude sont probablement liés à des taux sériques inadaptés, résultant de la difficulté de prescription dans les situations cliniques complexes. Dans ce contexte, un prompt dosage plasmatique du céfépime doit être considéré en cas de diminution de la Clcr ou en présence de CMI élevées.


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Festskrift till Per Lindholm


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A route of accumulation and elimination of therapeutic engineered nanoparticles (NPs) may be the kidney. Therefore, the interactions of different solid-core inorganic NPs (titanium-, silica-, and iron oxide-based NPs) were studied in vitro with the MDCK and LLC-PK epithelial cells as representative cells of the renal epithelia. Following cell exposure to the NPs, observations include cytotoxicity for oleic acid-coated iron oxide NPs, the production of reactive oxygen species for titanium dioxide NPs, and cell depletion of thiols for uncoated iron oxide NPs, whereas for silica NPs an apparent rapid and short-lived increase of thiol levels in both cell lines was observed. Following cell exposure to metallic NPs, the expression of the tranferrin receptor/CD71 was decreased in both cells by iron oxide NPs, but only in MDCK cells by titanium dioxide NPs. The tight association, then subsequent release of NPs by MDCK and LLC-PK kidney epithelial cells, showed that following exposure to the NPs, only MDCK cells could release iron oxide NPs, whereas both cells released titanium dioxide NPs. No transfer of any solid-core NPs across the cell layers was observed.


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The pharmacokinetics (PK) of efavirenz (EFV) is characterized by marked interpatient variability that correlates with its pharmacodynamics (PD). In vitro-in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) is a "bottom-up" approach that combines drug data with system information to predict PK and PD. The aim of this study was to simulate EFV PK and PD after dose reductions. At the standard dose, the simulated probability was 80% for viral suppression and 28% for central nervous system (CNS) toxicity. After a dose reduction to 400 mg, the probabilities of viral suppression were reduced to 69, 75, and 82%, and those of CNS toxicity were 21, 24, and 29% for the 516 GG, 516 GT, and 516 TT genotypes, respectively. With reduction of the dose to 200 mg, the probabilities of viral suppression decreased to 54, 62, and 72% and those of CNS toxicity decreased to 13, 18, and 20% for the 516 GG, 516 GT, and 516 TT genotypes, respectively. These findings indicate how dose reductions might be applied in patients with favorable genetic characteristics.


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In the early 1990s, the Cold War ended, Back to the Future III was in theaters, and Iowa led the nation in reading and mathematics. Times have changed. A decade into the 21st century, Iowa has conceded its place at the top. During the past 20 years, achievement trends illustrate Iowa’s slide from a national leader in PK-12 education to a national average―sometimes below average―performer as other states (and nations) have accelerated past the state. Iowa students’ futures are at risk. Collectively, Iowa students are not hitting the mark in mathematics and reading competency. Sure, Iowa has its share of super-achievers. But the mass of Iowa students—not just underprivileged or minority students, but many of the majority white, relatively affluent students as well—are falling short of what is needed to attain quality jobs, growing incomes, and secure livelihoods in today’s globally competitive world. The world has moved beyond the industrial age and information age and is now in the innovation age. Students must be armed not only with knowledge, but also with skills and insights needed to critically analyze and innovate. The pressing problems and grand opportunities the world faces require that many more people contribute as innovators and problem solvers, not order takers and implementers. Innovators will prosper. Order takers will stagnate. The days of an abundance of low-skill jobs have come to an end.


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Pasture is the main form of land use in Amazonia. Over time the pasture grass loses vigor and yields decrease, indicating a certain degree of degeneration. The main causes of degradation are lack of pasture maintenance and subsequent weed infestation, the choice of regionally unsuitable forage species and excessive grazing. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of different recovery managements on soil chemical properties and grass yield of a degraded pasture in Rondônia. For this purpose, an experiment was installed in October 2001, consisting of five treatments: C = control; HA = harrowing + NPK + micronutrients; HE = Herbicide + NK + micronutrients; R = No-tillage rice + NPK + micronutrients; and S = No-tillage soybean + PK + micronutrients. The following N, P and K sources were used: ammonium sulfate for N, calcined phosphate for P and potassium chloride for K. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. The shoot dry matter yield of the grass was analyzed as of the 35th month of experimentation, in a dry and a rainy period. Phosphorus fertilization resulted in significant increases in Ca2+ and Mg2+ and increasing trend of P in the topsoil in the initial months of the experiment in treatments HA and S and increases in Ca2+ and P (trend) in the treatment R. The cumulative production of Brachiaria brizantha, from Sep/2004 to Mar/2005, was 30,025, 28,267 and 27,735 kg ha-1 shoot dry matter in the treatments HA, R and S, respectively. These values differed significantly from treatments C and HE, with 17,040 and 17,057 kg ha-1, respectively. It was concluded that phosphorus fertilization associated to pasture reform was effective to raise the dry matter yield of Brachiaria brizantha. Rice or soybean under no-tillage is recommended as a practice of pasture recovery, due to the residual effect of fertilization.


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Drug development has improved over recent decades, with refinements in analytical techniques, population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) modelling and simulation, and new biomarkers of efficacy and tolerability. Yet this progress has not yielded improvements in individualization of treatment and monitoring, owing to various obstacles: monitoring is complex and demanding, many monitoring procedures have been instituted without critical assessment of the underlying evidence and rationale, controlled clinical trials are sparse, monitoring procedures are poorly validated and both drug manufacturers and regulatory authorities take insufficient account of the importance of monitoring. Drug concentration and effect data should be increasingly collected, analyzed, aggregated and disseminated in forms suitable for prescribers, along with efficient monitoring tools and evidence-based recommendations regarding their best use. PK-PD observations should be collected for both novel and established critical drugs and applied to observational data, in order to establish whether monitoring would be suitable. Methods for aggregating PK-PD data in systematic reviews should be devised. Observational and intervention studies to evaluate monitoring procedures are needed. Miniaturized monitoring tests for delivery at the point of care should be developed and harnessed to closed-loop regulated drug delivery systems. Intelligent devices would enable unprecedented precision in the application of critical treatments, i.e. those with life-saving efficacy, narrow therapeutic margins and high interpatient variability. Pharmaceutical companies, regulatory agencies and academic clinical pharmacologists share the responsibility of leading such developments, in order to ensure that patients obtain the greatest benefit and suffer the least harm from their medicines.


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O feijoeiro é tradicionalmente cultivado em pequenas propriedades, onde é comum o uso de dejetos animais para adubação das culturas. Como é uma cultura de ciclo curto, os nutrientes precisam estar disponíveis logo após a germinação, o que nem sempre acontece quando a fertilização ocorre a partir de fertilizantes orgânicos. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência de diferentes camas de aves em relação aos fertilizantes minerais na produção de matéria seca e na liberação de nutrientes para o feijoeiro, em casa de vegetação. O experimento foi conduzido em 2010, com amostras de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico com 16 g kg-1 de matéria orgânica, 1,9 e 84 mg dm-3 de P e K, respectivamente, e pH 6,0. Adotou-se delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com 10 tratamentos e cinco repetições. As unidades experimentais foram constituídas por vasos com 14 dm³ de solo e cinco plantas de feijão, do cultivar BRS Requinte, durante 60 dias. Os tratamentos consistiram de cinco camas de aves compostas pelos seguintes materiais: palha de milho, bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, palha de pastagem natural, areia ou acícula de Pinus, formulações de nutrientes (NPK, NP, PK e NK) e um testemunha, sem nenhum fertilizante. Os fertilizantes minerais com P proporcionaram maior produção de matéria seca da parte aérea (MSPA) e de raízes (MSRA) do feijoeiro do que as camas de aves, por causa da maior liberação para o solo de N e P disponíveis. Dentre as camas estudadas, aquela constituída por areia foi a que proporcionou os maiores valores de MSPA e de MSRA. As plantas fertilizadas com as camas de aves acumularam, em média, 58,6 % do N e 59,0 % do P, em relação às fertilizadas com os tratamentos que continham N e P minerais. A taxa de recuperação pelas plantas de N e K foi maior para os nutrientes aplicados na forma mineral do que na orgânica. As camas de aves podem ser utilizadas como fertilizantes para a cultura do feijoeiro desde que sejam suplementadas com N e P minerais.


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BACKGROUND: Sorafenib (Sb) is a multiple kinase inhibitor targeting both tumour cell proliferation and angiogenesis that may further act as a potent radiosensitizer by arresting cells in the most radiosensitive cell cycle phase. This phase I open-label, noncontrolled dose escalation study was performed to determine the safety and maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of Sb in combination with radiation therapy (RT) and temozolomide (TMZ) in 17 patients with newly diagnosed high-grade glioma. METHODS: Patients were treated with RT (60 Gy in 2 Gy fractions) combined with TMZ 75 mg m(-2) daily, and Sb administered at three dose levels (200 mg daily, 200 mg BID, and 400 mg BID) starting on day 8 of RT. Thirty days after the end of RT, patients received monthly TMZ (150-200 mg m(-2) D1-5/28) and Sb (400 mg BID). Pharmacokinetic (PK) analyses were performed on day 8 (TMZ) and on day 21 (TMZ&Sb) (Clinicaltrials ID: NCT00884416). RESULTS: The MTD of Sb was established at 200 mg BID. Dose-limiting toxicities included thrombocytopenia (two patients), diarrhoea (one patient) and hypercholesterolaemia (one patient). Sb administration did not affect the mean area under the curve(0-24) and mean Cmax of TMZ and its metabolite 5-amino-imidazole-4-carboxamide (AIC). Tmax of both TMZ and AIC was delayed from 0.75 (TMZ alone) to 1.5 h (combined TMZ/Sb). The median progression-free survival was 7.9 months (95% confidence interval (CI): 5.4-14.55), and the median overall survival was 17.8 months (95% CI: 14.7-25.6). CONCLUSIONS: Although Sb can be combined with RT and TMZ, significant side effects and moderate outcome results do not support further clinical development in malignant gliomas. The robust PK data of the TMZ/Sb combination could be useful in other cancer settings.


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Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) can be defined as the measurement of drug in biological samples to individualise treatment by adapting drug dose to improve efficacy and/or reduce toxicity. The cytotoxic drugs are characterised by steep dose-response relationships and narrow therapeutic windows. Inter-individual pharmacokinetic (PK) variability is often substantial. There are, however, a multitude of reasons why TDM has never been fully implemented in daily oncology practice. These include difficulties in establishing appropriate concentration target, common use of combination chemotherapies and the paucity of published data from pharmacological trials. The situation is different with targeted therapies. The large interindividual PK variability is influenced by the pharmacogenetic background of the patient (e.g. cytochrome P450 and ABC transporters polymorphisms), patient characteristics such as adherence to treatment and environmental factors (drug-drug interactions). Retrospective studies have shown that targeted drug exposure correlates with treatment response in various cancers. Evidence for imatinib currently exists, others are emerging for compounds including nilotinib, dasatinib, erlotinib, sunitinib, sorafenib and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors. Applications for TDM during oral targeted therapies may best be reserved for particular situations including lack of therapeutic response, severe or unexpected toxicities, anticipated drug-drug interactions and concerns over adherence treatment. There are still few data with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in favour of TDM approaches, even if data showed encouraging results with rituximab and cetuximab. TDM of mAbs is not yet supported by scientific evidence. Considerable effort should be made for targeted therapies to better define concentration-effect relationships and to perform comparative randomised trials of classic dosing versus pharmacokinetically-guided adaptive dosing.


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INTRODUCTION: Cefepime has been associated with a greater risk of mortality than other beta-lactams in patients treated for severe sepsis. Hypotheses for this failure include possible hidden side-effects (for example, neurological) or inappropriate pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) parameters for bacteria with cefepime minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) at the highest limits of susceptibility (8 mg/l) or intermediate-resistance (16 mg/l) for pathogens such as Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. We examined these issues in a prospective non-interventional study of 21 consecutive intensive care unit (ICU) adult patients treated with cefepime for nosocomial pneumonia. METHODS: Patients (median age 55.1 years, range 21.8 to 81.2) received intravenous cefepime at 2 g every 12 hours for creatinine clearance (CLCr) >or= 50 ml/min, and 2 g every 24 hours or 36 hours for CLCr < 50 ml/minute. Cefepime plasma concentrations were determined at several time-points before and after drug administration by high-pressure liquid chromatography. PK/PD parameters were computed by standard non-compartmental analysis. RESULTS: Seventeen first-doses and 11 steady states (that is, four to six days after the first dose) were measured. Plasma levels varied greatly between individuals, from two- to three-fold at peak-concentrations to up to 40-fold at trough-concentrations. Nineteen out of 21 (90%) patients had PK/PD parameters comparable to literature values. Twenty-one of 21 (100%) patients had appropriate duration of cefepime concentrations above the MIC (T>MIC >or= 50%) for the pathogens recovered in this study (MIC <or= 4 mg/l), but only 45 to 65% of them had appropriate coverage for potential pathogens with cefepime MIC >or= 8 mg/l. Moreover, 2/21 (10%) patients with renal impairment (CLCr < 30 ml/minute) demonstrated accumulation of cefepime in the plasma (trough concentrations of 20 to 30 mg/l) in spite of dosage adjustment. Both had symptoms compatible with non-convulsive epilepsy (confusion and muscle jerks) that were not attributed to cefepime-toxicity until plasma levels were disclosed to the caretakers and symptoms resolved promptly after drug arrest. CONCLUSIONS: These empirical results confirm the suspected risks of hidden side-effects and inappropriate PK/PD parameters (for pathogens with upper-limit MICs) in a population of ICU adult patients. Moreover, it identifies a safety and efficacy window for cefepime doses of 2 g every 12 hours in patients with a CLCr >or= 50 ml/minute infected by pathogens with cefepime MICs <or= 4 mg/l. On the other hand, prompt monitoring of cefepime plasma levels should be considered in case of lower CLCr or greater MICs.


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This article is attempt to crarify some conceptuel and linguistic problems in the translation (from Russian and French) of philosophical texts written in the first of the 20th century - in particular, those by S. Bulgakov and A. Losev. We consider any transation as a form of cross-cultural communication taking place between the author and the translator(s) of the texte. Any translation involves a complex interaction of different historical and cultural factors that are attempt to combine and to remove cultural and conceptual misunderstandings.


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Objectives: Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) aims at optimizing treatment by individualizing dosage regimen based on blood concentrations measurement. Maintaining concentrations within a target range requires pharmacokinetic (PK) and clinical capabilities. Bayesian calculation represents a gold standard in TDM approach but requires computing assistance. The aim of this benchmarking was to assess and compare computer tools designed to support TDM clinical activities.¦Methods: Literature and Internet were searched to identify software. Each program was scored against a standardized grid covering pharmacokinetic relevance, user-friendliness, computing aspects, interfacing, and storage. A weighting factor was applied to each criterion of the grid to consider its relative importance. To assess the robustness of the software, six representative clinical vignettes were also processed through all of them.¦Results: 12 software tools were identified, tested and ranked. It represents a comprehensive review of the available software characteristics. Numbers of drugs handled vary from 2 to more than 180, and integration of different population types is available for some programs. Nevertheless, 8 programs offer the ability to add new drug models based on population PK data. 10 computer tools incorporate Bayesian computation to predict dosage regimen (individual parameters are calculated based on population PK models). All of them are able to compute Bayesian a posteriori dosage adaptation based on a blood concentration while 9 are also able to suggest a priori dosage regimen, only based on individual patient covariates. Among those applying Bayesian analysis, MM-USC*PACK uses a non-parametric approach. The top 2 programs emerging from this benchmark are MwPharm and TCIWorks. Others programs evaluated have also a good potential but are less sophisticated or less user-friendly.¦Conclusions: Whereas 2 software packages are ranked at the top of the list, such complex tools would possibly not fit all institutions, and each program must be regarded with respect to individual needs of hospitals or clinicians. Programs should be easy and fast for routine activities, including for non-experienced users. Although interest in TDM tools is growing and efforts were put into it in the last years, there is still room for improvement, especially in terms of institutional information system interfacing, user-friendliness, capability of data storage and automated report generation.