661 resultados para Petite bourgeoisie


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The rise of the English novel needs rethinking after it has been confined to the "formal realism" of Defoe, Richardson, and Fielding (Watt, 1957), to "antecedents, forerunners" (Schlauch, 1968; Klein, 1970) or to mere "prose fiction" (McKillop, 1951; Davis, Richetti, 1969; Fish, 1971; Salzman, 1985; Kroll, 1998). My paper updates a book by Jusserand under the same title (1890) by proving that the social and moral history of the long prose genre admits no strict separation of "novel" and "romance", as both concepts are intertwined in most fiction (Cuddon, Preston, 1999; Mayer, 2000). The rise of the novel, seen in its European context, mainly in France and Spain (Kirsch, 1986), and equally in England, was due to the melting of the nobility and high bourgeoisie into a "meritocracy", or to its failure, to become the new bearer of the national culture, around 1600. (Brink, 1998). My paper will concentrate on Euphues (1578), a negative romance, Euphues and His England (1580), a novel of manners, both by Lyly; Arcadia (1590-93) by Sidney, a political roman à clef in the disguise of a Greek pastoral romance; The Unfortunate Traveller (1594) by Nashe, the first English picaresque novel, and on Jack of Newbury (1596-97) by Deloney, the first English bourgeois novel. My analysis of the central values in these novels will prove a transition from the aristocratic cardinal virtues of WISDOM, JUSTICE, COURAGE, and HONOUR to the bourgeois values of CLEVERNESS, FAIR PLAY, INDUSTRY, and VIRGINITY. A similar change took place from the Christian virtues of LOVE, FAITH, HOPE to business values like SERVICE, TRUST, and OPTIMISM. Thus, the legacy of history proves that the main concepts of the novel of manners, of political romance, of picaresque and middle-class fiction were all developed in the time of Shakespeare.


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En aquest estat de la qüestió, s’hi presenten els resultats d’una anàlisi sobre l’evolució i les característiques principals de les revistes de geografia incloses al Journal of Citation Reports dins de la versió del Social Science Citation Index i, per tant, amb factor d’impacte. El període d’estudi escollit ha estat el que va de 1997 a 2005, és a dir, al llarg dels darrers nou anys amb dades disponibles. En total, hi han aparegut incloses trenta-nou revistes, una bona part de les quals ha romàs a la llista durant tot el temps estudiat. Hi ha hagut deu publicacions que han estat situades entre les cinc amb més factor d’impacte de cada any, i cap no ha estat la primera més de dos anys seguits. S’han trobat divuit temàtiques diferents en el conjunt de les revistes, en destaquen les de caire generalista i les de geografia econòmica i regional. Una gran majoria dels volums està publicada per editorials, Blackwell Publishing n’és la més destacada. L’origen de les revistes és clarament anglosaxó, només n’hi trobem dues d’escrites en una altra llengua. La segona part de l’article descriu totes les publicacions contemplades en els nou anys estudiats, amb una petita ressenya de cadascuna


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Introducción: La enfermedad cardiovascular es la principal causa de muerte a nivel mundial, afectando principalmente la salud pública de países pobres con economías emergentes. La transición epidemiológica en Colombia ha incrementado la proporción de pacientes ancianos con enfermedad cardiovascular y que requieren cirugía cardíaca. Sin embargo, no existe consenso sobre la conducta para la selección de pacientes añosos para este tipo de intervenciones. El objetivo de este estudio fue definir el riesgo mortalidad asociado a cirugía cardíaca en este grupo de pacientes, basados en una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Materiales y Métodos: Se diseñó una revisión sistemática empleando las plataformas PubMed (Medline), EBSCO Discovery Service, Ovid SP-EBMR, Sciverse y MDConsult. Los términos de búsqueda fueron “Aged”, “Cardiac surgery” and “Mortality”, conjugados de acuerdo con el lenguaje de cada buscador. Las publicaciones fueron seleccionadas por consenso. Los resultados se analizaron en un modelo de Mantel-Haenszel. Resultados: La búsqueda arrojó un total de 8.565 publicaciones. Los datos analizados en el modelo incluyeron 81.547 pacientes (7.855 octogenarios y 73.692 más jóvenes). El riesgo de mortalidad asociado a cirugía cardíaca en octogenarios fue de 125% (OR=2,35, IC 95% [2,15 - 2,57]). Discusión: El sometimiento de pacientes octogenarios a cirugías cardíacas mayores es una decisión que requiere un juicio clínico minucioso en el que es importante destacar que la probabilidad de un resultado francamente desfavorable es alta. Se necesitan más estudios diseñados que permitan aumentar la solidez de la evidencia actual en cuanto al riesgo aquí encontrado.


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Després d'esbossar la trajectòria del grup empresarial dels Ensesa (la farinera, la metal·lúrgica Batlle, Solés i Cia, el Garatge Callicó, Indústries Químiques Tartàriques, la ciutat-jardí de S'Agaró, Suberolita, etc), la recerca s'orienta especialment cap a l'estudi del sistema d'informació comptable de "La Montserrat", que posa en relleu les característiques econòmiques, financeres i patrimonials de l'empresa. Des del principi, les activitats empresarials dels Ensesa tenen dimensions catalanes, espanyoles i internacionals, que s'amplien i diversifiquen molt ràpidament durant el primer terç del segle XX, en especial amb "els Químics" i la zona residencial de S'Agaró, on conflueixen la burgesia de Girona, Barcelona i el turisme de luxe. La seva adscripció a la burgesia catalanista sembla ser precisament el motiu de l'expedient de Responsabilitats Polítiques que els varen incoar al 1939-1940, però, absolts, recuperen les propietats que els havien estat col·lectivitzades durant la guerra civil, fins que a principis dels anys vuitanta procedeixen a la liquidació i venda de les indústries del grup empresarial.


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The ability of four operational weather forecast models [ECMWF, Action de Recherche Petite Echelle Grande Echelle model (ARPEGE), Regional Atmospheric Climate Model (RACMO), and Met Office] to generate a cloud at the right location and time (the cloud frequency of occurrence) is assessed in the present paper using a two-year time series of observations collected by profiling ground-based active remote sensors (cloud radar and lidar) located at three different sites in western Europe (Cabauw. Netherlands; Chilbolton, United Kingdom; and Palaiseau, France). Particular attention is given to potential biases that may arise from instrumentation differences (especially sensitivity) from one site to another and intermittent sampling. In a second step the statistical properties of the cloud variables involved in most advanced cloud schemes of numerical weather forecast models (ice water content and cloud fraction) are characterized and compared with their counterparts in the models. The two years of observations are first considered as a whole in order to evaluate the accuracy of the statistical representation of the cloud variables in each model. It is shown that all models tend to produce too many high-level clouds, with too-high cloud fraction and ice water content. The midlevel and low-level cloud occurrence is also generally overestimated, with too-low cloud fraction but a correct ice water content. The dataset is then divided into seasons to evaluate the potential of the models to generate different cloud situations in response to different large-scale forcings. Strong variations in cloud occurrence are found in the observations from one season to the same season the following year as well as in the seasonal cycle. Overall, the model biases observed using the whole dataset are still found at seasonal scale, but the models generally manage to well reproduce the observed seasonal variations in cloud occurrence. Overall, models do not generate the same cloud fraction distributions and these distributions do not agree with the observations. Another general conclusion is that the use of continuous ground-based radar and lidar observations is definitely a powerful tool for evaluating model cloud schemes and for a responsive assessment of the benefit achieved by changing or tuning a model cloud


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Déjà utilisé dans un sens large à Byzance au VIe, le terme « stratégie » ne tut adopté en Europe occidentale qu’au XVIIIe siècle. Dans cet ouvrage, l’auteur définit la stratégie est une voie globale pour parvenir à des fins politiques, utilisant la menace ou l’usage effectif de la force et prenant en compte les moyens disponibles, mais aussi les valeurs et les objectifs des adversaires, dans une dialectique des volontés des adversaires. Ces variables sont au centre de cet ouvrage. Depuis Aristote et la notion de guerre juste développée par Augustin d’Hippone et Thomas d’Aquin, jusqu’au « paradigme napoléonien », qui a dominé la stratégie et la guerre à partir de la fin de l’époque moderne, et le concept de la guerre totale de Ludendorff, Béatrice Heuser expose l’évolution d’un discours sur la guerre et sa justification (ou non) comme recherche de la paix. Si, après Napoléon et Clausewitz, la victoire militaire apparaît comme le but ultime de tout conflit, à partir de la Première Guerre mondiale, et surtout de l’utilisation de la bombe atomique en 1945, les stratégistes redécouvrent l’importance de penser la paix après la guerre, le « paradigme de la paix ». Les développements de la stratégie navale, puis des stratégies aériennes et nucléaires, ainsi que les concepts de petite guerre ou de guérilla, qui dominent l’actualité, prennent leur place dans cette histoire de la stratégie, ou « comment les hommes ont pensé la guerre .


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This edited volume explores the origins of the term small wars and traces it to special operations. In the 17th century, such "guerrilla/petite guerre" special operations grew out of training and winter operations of the regular forces as practiced in the 16th century. In the 18th century, they fused with a tradition going back to Antiquity, of employing special ethnic groups (such as the Hungarian Hussars) for special operations. Side by side with these special operations, however, there was the even older genealogy of uprisings and insurgencies, which since the Spanish Guerrilla of 1808-1812 has been associated with this term. All three traditions have influenced each other.


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O Iseb foi um Instituto de Pesquisas de um Grupo de Intelectuais Nacionalistas Que, nos Anos 50, Tentaram Entender o Brasil Numa Visão Global que Incorporava os Aspectos Sociais e Políticos. Definiram o Desenvolvimento como Sendo um Processo Nacional de Mudanças Radicais de Natureza Capitalista. Mais Especificamente, como um Processo de Industrialização que Levasse a um Crescimento Auto-Sustentado da Renda Per Capita. no Processo de Formação Nacional e de Institucionalização de um Mercado Nacional, a Burguesia se Associaria À Burocracia Estatal e Aos Trabalhadores, Tendo por Objetivo Comum o Interesse Nacional. suas Idéias Forma Criticadas Pela Escola de Sociologia de são Paulo, que Veio a Surgir Dez Anos Depois, e que Criticava o Nacionalismo e Insistia na Tese do Conflito de Classes. as Falhas no Pensamento do Iseb, Entretanto, não Decorrem Desses Aspectos. Superestimaram a Capacidade de o Setor Moderno Absorver o Excedente de Mão-De-Obra Existente no Setor Tradicional Enquanto que Subestimaram a Possibilidade de a Crise Originária do Endividamento Externo Poder por um Fim ao Processo da Transformação Nacional.


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Nos anos 1960 e 1970 a América Latina foi palco de golpes militares modernizadores e da transição de seus intelectuais do nacionalismo para a dependência associada. Nos anos 1950 dois grupos de intelectuais públicos, organizados entre a Cepal, em Santiago, Chile, e o ISEB, no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, abriram caminho para o pensamento das sociedades e economias latino-americanas (inclusive do Brasil) a partir de uma visão nacionalista. A Cepal criticava principalmente a lei das vantagens comparativas e suas essenciais implicações imperialistas; o ISEB se focava na definição política de uma estratégia nacional-desenvolvimentista. A idéia de uma burguesia nacional era a resposta para esta interpretação da América Latina. A Revolução Cubana, a crise econômica dos anos 1960 e os golpes militares nos países do Cone Sul, entretanto, criaram espaço para a crítica a essas idéias com uma nova interpretação: a da dependência. Ao rejeitar totalmente a possibilidade de uma burguesia nacional, duas versões da interpretação da dependência (a interpretação “associada” e a “superexploração”) também rejeitaram a possibilidade de uma estratégia nacional-desenvolvimentista. Apenas uma terceira interpretação, a “nacional-dependente” continuava a afirmar a necessidade e a possibilidade de uma burguesia nacional e de uma estratégia nacional. Entretanto, foi a interpretação da dependência associada que foi dominante na América Latina nos anos 1970 e 1980.


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Este trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa exploratória. Pesquisa esta, que tem como pressuposto bãsico, a vinculação entre educação e reprodução da força de trabalho. E tambem como educação e consciência/não-consciência andam juntas. Preocupamo-nos basicamente como a questão consciência/educação é colocada para as camadas populares. Fizemos então a análise de caso para o "Jardim da Esperança". Conjunto feito para as camadas populares em Aracaju/Se. Observamos então como um dos elementos fundamentais para a reprodução do trabalho - a habitação, pela importância estratégica que assu me diante das outras necessidades, ê local privilegiado de educação/consciência. Local que é tomado pela burguesia. Levantamos a história do "Jardim da Esperança", atraves dos jornais, o que nos levou a uma constatação prelimi nar, qual seja: os projetos educativos, destinados as camadas populares, são sempre desmobilizantes políticos dessas mesmas camadas.


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O Movimento Associativo de Moradores do Rio e seu potencial político na perspectiva da transformação da sociedade. Breve histórico das Associações de Moradores, de 1910 à década de 80. Assistencialismo, colaboracionismo e busca de autonomia. A vinculação com o Estado e com os partidos políticos. As lutas específicas da FAMERJ: Saúde, Habitação, Abastecimento, Transportes Coletivos, Educação, Cultura, Lazer e Saneamento Básico. Os limites do Movimento: reivindicações localistas, visão classista pequeno-burguesa. As possibilidades do Movimento: questionamento da estrutura urbana decorrente da hegemonia capitalista. A função social da cidade. A pedagogia do Movimento: primeiro patamar da vida gregária e solidária; uma linguagem nova; ações criativas como chamamento à participação. A politização de base resultante da função educativa dos Movimentos Sociais Urbanos. A apreensão do cotidiano em sua dimensão sócio-política. A crise do Movimento. Suas virtualidades.


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The thought of Eloy de Souza is studied (1873-1959), that left a significant intellectual production in the journalistic, cultural and politicial scope on the Northeast and the dilemmas of the droughts. Through the method of content analysis, his journalistic and literary speech is investigated, looking at to understand the elaboration and/ or reiteration of categories, of representations and of values; it is verified how was conceived the constitution of the political thought and which is it´s principal slopes; the parliamentary speech, present in his interventions is analyzed in plenary session, participation in commissions and in his projects, particularly in the thematic area of the droughts. It is verified that his work is built in a political and ideological perspective inserting the bourgeoisie landowner's interests and Northeastern commercial and of it´s political strata, inside the historical block of agro-industry power that has as irradiation focus the area of the coffee represented politically by the oligarchies person from São Paulo and Minas Gerais. In that sense, two crucial categories emerge: the droughts and the country, as the Northeastern and Brazilian man's synthesis, with their resistance capacity and adaptation, and their creative effort in an adverse enviroment, that Eloy de Souza started to insert in his political speech. However, the vision that he passes of the "country suffer", expresses a certain idealization of a lifestyle that corresponds to a traditional dominance, that he want´s to be reproduced. Although it looked for the solution for the drought through the modernization of the economy by the adoption of advanced methods as the irrigation, his concern went back to the conservation of the economical and cultural political hegemony of that elite. Thus, his inquietude with the process of integration of the subordinate sections, justifies his consensual speech, harmonic as organic intellectual of the agrarian-commercial bourgeoisie of the Brazilian Northeast


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L'objectif de cette étude est de comprendre la relation entre les situations didactiques faisant appel aux connaissances historiques et la construction de l'identité personnelle pour les enfants dans l'éducation de la petite enfance. Sa question centrale se demande si les connaissances sont offrent des contributions à la construction de l'identité personnelle par les enfants de la petite enfance. Se distingue, lui aussi, entend contribuer à élargir le débat sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des thèmes historiques dans l'éducation des enfants, et permettre un dialogue avec d'autres enseignants dans cette étape de l'éducation. Ont été analysés par des principes théoriques et méthodologiques de qualité et a assumé les orientations méthodologiques de la recherche collaborative. Il a été constaté que la systématisation des situations didactiques impliquant la connaissance historique dans l'éducation de la petite enfance contribue à la construction de l'identité personnelle de l'enfant. Ceci, pour prendre possession de ces connaissances, ils recueillent des renseignements qui permet le plus large éventail de relations, afin de comparer les pratiques culturelles de son temps avec des pratiques à d'autres moments. Ainsi orientée, l'enfant cherche à raconter son histoire avec le thème historique à laquelle elle a eu accès, d'organiser et de construire des réponses des explications sur leur environnement et de lui-même. Tout cela montre à la réalisation que le processus d'internalisation des connaissances historiques de l'enfant est construit comme un sujet et, par conséquent, cette connaissance peut être conçu comme un médiateur dans la formation de l'identité personnelle


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The problematic that gives shape to this research is the question of the historical process of demobilization of the movement of the working classes in your accented contemporary moment. Their object of study, however, and that it particularizes, it relates to a portion this problematic; it relates to set of determinations that comprise a broader set of determinations of this historical process: it is a set of determinations forged and mediated by bourgeois strategies of management for the conformation of the circumstances necessary for the domination and for the conduct of labor force on operations in work processes for the production of surplus value. What we investigated are, because, the strategies of disarticulation that the bourgeoisie utilizes, under the mantle of subsidies conceptual and interventive of its management of work processes and the sieve of class struggles, to obstruct the union of workers; hamper the movements proletarians. Managerial strategies that intentionally or unintentionally, instill in the social relations of production means to produce and reproduce, activate and reactivate conditions of incitement of individualism and competition between the workers themselves. We shall see, thus, by analyzing means, centrally, from some of the fundamentals of disarticulation in the managerial strategies bourgeois and some of the fundamental strategies of management bourgeois hegemonized with the restructuring productive of 1970, that the disarticulation, and also the demobilization, is a concrete condition, is an objective condition, that is beyond a question that can be "solved" only by enlightenment cognitive, only by formation criticism intellectual. In everyday of the work spaces permeated by managerial strategies bourgeois there elements, then, operating as a material force putting difficulties important for the articulation of the workers, the solidarity of the proletariat; elements that constitute obstacle significant to an awareness of class and belonging; elements act in favor of the atomization of the worker - even if engenders, in the same process, as a contradiction, potentiality of resistance and fight the forces of labor