456 resultados para Pedestrian Overpasses.
Demands for mechanisms to pay for adaptation to climate risks have multiplied rapidly as concern has shifted from greenhouse gas mitigation alone to also coping with the now-inevitable impacts. A number of viable approaches to how to pay for those adjustments to roads, drainage systems, lifeline utilities and other basic infrastructure are emerging, though untested at the scale required across the nation, which already has a trillion-dollar deferred maintenance and replacement problem. There are growing efforts to find new ways to harness private financial resources via new market arrangements to meet needs that clearly outstrip public resources alone, as well as to utilize and combine public resources more effectively. To date, mechanisms are often seen through a specific lens of scale, time, and method, for example national versus local and public versus market-based means. The purpose here is to integrate a number of those perspectives and also to highlight the following in particular. Current experience with seemingly more pedestrian needs like stormwater management funding is in fact a learning step towards new approaches for broader adaptation needs, using re-purposed but existing fiscal tools. The resources raised from new large-scale market approaches for using catastrophe- and resiliency-bond-derived funds will have their use embodied and operationalized in many separate local and state projects. The invention and packaging of innovative projects—the pre-development phase—will be pivotal to better using fiscal resources of many types. Those efforts can be greatly aided or hindered by larger national and especially state government policy, regulatory and capital market arrangements. Understanding the path to integration of effort across these scales deserves much more attention. Examples are given of how federal, state and local roles are each dimensions of that frontier, how existing tools can apply in new ways and how smart project creation plays a role.
Purpose: An increase in the number of pedelecs on Swedish roads is according to studies soon reality. This creates a need to adapt the bmp-grid (bike-, moped- and pedestrian-grid) to pedelecs for them to experience good security, accessibility and comfort while using it. The guidelines Swedish municipalities follow are VGU(Design of Roads and Streets) and the GCM-manual(Bike-, moped-, and pedestrian-manual) which currently do not take society’s future increase of pedelecs into account. VGU and the GCM-manual are tools that are commonly used during planning and design of roads and streets. The aim of the thesis is to use current advice and recommendations on how to adapt the bmp-grid to the pedelec and with this complete current guidelines for bmp-infrastructure. Method: The document-analysis is made on current federal documents that have an impact on bmp-design. Scetch-suggestions were then developed from the author’s personal improvement suggestions and from advice and recommendations gathered during the document-analysis and the theoretical framework. Findings: It was discovered that if the bmp-grid’s design allow bikes traveling up to 30km/h and has a good standard for bicycles according to VGU, then the infrastructure generally fulfil the needs of the pedelec. Altough there are still areas in VGU that needs complements. This need to be done on the design-guidelines so they can aid the adaption of the infrastructure to the pedelec during the planning- and design process. Necessary steps according to the result is to give clearer notifications on bmp-design, issue guidelines for choosing DTS, motivate minimal widths on roads, categories bikers and pedestrians into separate groups, give out more detailed descriptions of when separation of bikers and pedestrians should be done and also to specify different types of bike-users. When taking needs and claim of the pedelec into consideration the result shows that: adaption of the whole bmp-grid to the pedelec is not possible, to simplify priorities the bmp-grid needs to be divided into different sections, space should be taken from the car-traffic, solutions with mixed-traffic and bike-fields for pedelecs can be used in low-speed areas, larger opportunities to connect towns to increase commuting with bicycles appeared with the pedelec. Implications: After examining current guidelines regarding the design of the bmp-grid and gathering opinions on this from interviews the conclusion is that several areas in VGU needs completion. The following are recommendations on how to take the pedelec into consideration during the design-process:• Connect towns and urban-areas with bmp-grids to make use of pedelecs capacity.• Where there is not enough space for both cars and separated pedelec- and bike lanes the speed for car-traffic can be lowered to 30km/h. This creates opportunities with mixed-traffic or bike-lanes.• The width of existing roads and streets are often greater than what’s described in VGU. They can be made smaller to free space on roads for bicycle-infrastructure.• To prioritize which parts of the bmp-grid that needs design to allow pedelecs the bmp-grid can be divided into main- and local grid. The main grid should be design with consideration to the needs and claim of the pedelecs. Limitations: The limitation of the study lies in that none of the interviews where done with employees in any of the bigger municipalities in Sweden. This gives the study a general application in small- to middle-sized cities but not in bigger cities.Keywords: elcykel, ebike, pedelec, utformning, cykel, infrastruktur, infrastructure, society, planering, utformning, säkerhet, fordonstyp
CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Pathfinder Satellite Observations) Level 3 (CL3) data were compared against EARLINET (European Aerosol Research Lidar Network) monthly averages obtained by profiles during satellite overpasses. Data from EARLINET stations of Évora, Granada, Leipzig, Naples and Potenza, equipped with advanced multi-wavelength Raman lidars were used for this study. Owing to spatial and temporal differences, we reproduced the CL3 filtering rubric onto the CALIPSO Level 2 data. The CALIPSO monthly mean profiles following this approach are called CALIPSO Level 3*, CL3*. This offers the possibility to achieve direct comparable datasets. In respect to CL3 data, the agreement typically improved, in particular above the areas directly affected by the anthropogenic activities within the planetary boundary layer. However in most of the cases a subtle CALIPSO underestimation was observed with an average bias of 0.03 km-1. We investigated the backscatter coefficient applying the same screening criteria, where the mean relative difference in respect to the extinction comparison improved from 15.2% to 11.4%. Lastly, the typing capabilities of CALIPSO were assessed outlining the importance of the correct aerosol type (and associated lidar ratio value) assessment to the CALIPSO aerosol properties retrieval.
This doctoral dissertation represents a cluster of research activities carried out at the DICAM Department of the University of Bologna during a three-year Ph.D. course. The goal of this research is to show how the development of an interconnected infrastructure network, aimed at promoting accessibility and sustainability of places, is fundamental in a framework of deep urban regeneration. Sustainable urban mobility plays an important role in improving the quality of life of citizens. From an environmental point of view, a sustainable mobility system means reducing fuel discharges and energy waste and, in general, aims to promote low carbon emissions. At the same time, a socially and economically sustainable mobility system should be accessible to everybody and create more job opportunities through better connectivity and mobility. Environmentally friendly means of transport such as non-motorized transport, electric vehicles, and hybrid vehicles play an important role in achieving sustainability but require a planned approach at the local policy level. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that, through a targeted reconnection of road and cycle-pedestrian routes, the quality of life of an urban area subject to degradation can be significantly improved just by increasing its accessibility and sustainability. Starting from a detailed study of the European policies and from the comparison with real similar cases, the case study of the Canal Port of Rimini (Italy) has been analysed within the European project FRAMESPORT. The analysis allowed the elaboration of a multicriterial methodology to get to the definition of a project proposal and of a priority scale of interventions. The applied methodology is a valuable tool that may be used in the future in similar urban contexts. Finally, the whole project was represented by using virtual reality to visually show the difference between the before and after the regeneration intervention.
City streets carry a lot of information that can be exploited to improve the quality of the services the citizens receive. For example, autonomous vehicles need to act accordingly to all the element that are nearby the vehicle itself, like pedestrians, traffic signs and other vehicles. It is also possible to use such information for smart city applications, for example to predict and analyze the traffic or pedestrian flows. Among all the objects that it is possible to find in a street, traffic signs are very important because of the information they carry. This information can in fact be exploited both for autonomous driving and for smart city applications. Deep learning and, more generally, machine learning models however need huge quantities to learn. Even though modern models are very good at gener- alizing, the more samples the model has, the better it can generalize between different samples. Creating these datasets organically, namely with real pictures, is a very tedious task because of the wide variety of signs available in the whole world and especially because of all the possible light, orientation conditions and con- ditions in general in which they can appear. In addition to that, it may not be easy to collect enough samples for all the possible traffic signs available, cause some of them may be very rare to find. Instead of collecting pictures manually, it is possible to exploit data aug- mentation techniques to create synthetic datasets containing the signs that are needed. Creating this data synthetically allows to control the distribution and the conditions of the signs in the datasets, improving the quality and quantity of training data that is going to be used. This thesis work is about using copy-paste data augmentation to create synthetic data for the traffic sign recognition task.
Gli UAV, o meglio conosciuti come ‘droni’, sono aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto il cui utilizzo si estende dal settore militare a quello civile. Quest’ultimi, possono essere attrezzati con numerosi dispositivi accessori, come ad esempio disturbatori di frequenze. La simbiosi UAV-jammer attacca le comunicazioni wireless tramite interferenze a radiofrequenza, per degradare o interrompere il servizio offerto dalle reti. Questo elaborato, si concentra sull’analisi di algoritmi di localizzazione passiva, per stimare la posizione dell’UAV e interrompere l’interferenza. Inizialmente, viene descritto il segnale emesso dall’UAV, che utilizza lo standard di comunicazione 802.11a. A seguire, dato che la localizzazione passiva si basa sulle misure TDOA rilevate da una stazione di monitoraggio a terra, vengono presentati tre algoritmi di stima TDOA, tra i quali fast TDOA, adaptive threshold-based first tap detection e un algoritmo sviluppato per i nuovi sistemi GNSS. Successivamente, vengono esaminati tre algoritmi di localizzazione passiva, che sfruttano il principio dei minimi quadrati (LS), ovvero il CTLS, LCLS e CWLS. Infine, le prestazioni degli algoritmi di localizzazione vengono valutate in un ambiente di simulazione realistico, con canale AWGN o con canale ITU Extended pedestrian A.