985 resultados para Parasitized Hosts


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The effect of anesthetic drugs on the localization of adult worms in albino mice was compared. The animals with 56 days of infection were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium, ether or chlorophorm. Perfusion was carried out immediately after, recovering the worms and classifying them in relation to their localization on the liver or portal vein and the mesenteric veins. Our results showed that pentobarbital sodium produced a greater displacement of the worms to the liver (89%) than ether (76%) and chlorophorm (34%) did, when compared to the control group (22%). The difference between pentobarbital sodium and ether was significant (p < 0.05). We suggest that anesthetic drugs may not be used in studies on the distribution of adult worms in several hosts.


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Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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We report data related to arbovirus antibodies detected in wild birds periodically captured from January 1978 to December 1990 in the counties of Salesópolis (Casa Grande Station), Itapetininga and Ribeira Valley, considering the different capture environments. Plasmas were examined using hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) tests. Only monotypic reactions were considered, except for two heterotypic reactions in which a significant difference in titer was observed for a determined virus of the same antigenic group. Among a total of 39,911 birds, 269 birds (0.7%) belonging to 66 species and 22 families were found to have a monotypic reaction for Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE), Western equine encephalitis (WEE), Ilheus (ILH), Rocio (ROC), St. Louis encephalitis (SLE), SP An 71686, or Caraparu (CAR) viruses. Analysis of the data provided information of epidemiologic interest with respect to these agents. Birds with positive serology were distributed among different habitats, with a predominance of unforested habitats. The greatest diversity of positive reactions was observed among species which concentrate in culture fields.


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At least eighteen species of triatominae have been found in the Brazilian Amazon, nine of them naturally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi or "cruzi-like" trypanosomes and associated with numerous wild reservoirs. Despite the small number of human cases of Chagas' disease described to date in the Brazilian Amazon the risk that the disease will become endemic in this area is increasing for the following reasons: a) uncontrolled deforestation and colonization altering the ecological balance between reservoir hosts and wild vectors; b) the adaptation of reservoir hosts of T.cruzi and wild vectors to peripheral and intradomiciliary areas, as the sole feeding alternative; c) migration of infected human population from endemic areas, accompanied by domestic reservoir hosts (dogs and cats) or accidentally carrying in their baggage vectors already adapted to the domestic habitat. In short, risks that Chagas' disease will become endemic to the Amazon appear to be linked to the transposition of the wild cycle to the domestic cycle in that area or to transfer of the domestic cycle from endemic areas to the Amazon.


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In these experiments the ratio of male to female S. mansoni larvae in D. glabrata from Belo Horizonte and Ribeirão das Neves Minas Gerais, Brazil, either reared in laboratoty or collected in the field, varied from 1:1 to 1:1.3 or 1.4:1. Cercariae of LE strain of Schistosoma mansoni, shed by 39 snails maintained at 25±0.5ºC were used to infect mice on a weekly basis. Subsequent perfusion resulted in 76.6% male and 23.4% female worms. The cercariac produced by 32 infected snails maintained at 27+0.5°C were inoculated into mice and produced 43.4% male and 56.6% female worms (p<0.05). Cercariae eliminated by snails collected in Barreiro and Ressaca, Belo Horizonte, during hot months, produced 45.7 to 47.7% male and 52.3 to 54.3% female worms. A lower number of cercariae shed by snails collected in Gorduras, Belo Horizonte, at 20+3.0°C, produced 51.6% male and 48.4% female worms. Thus, in this region the infection of vertebrate hosts with S. mansoni cercariae would be more severe in the summer due to the higher level of parasites and the number of eggs.


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The ratios of male to female worms of Schistosoma mansoni were determined in mice infected with cercariae from LE, SJ and AL strains shed by mollusc hosts of the parasite in Brazil. The sex ratios of worms in the animals were similar with cercariae from Biomphialaria glabrata and B. tenagophila varying from 1.1:1 to 1.6:1 with LE and AL strains and 1:1.1 with SJ. In the animals infected with cercariae from B. straminea the ratio of male to female worms was similar to those obtained using cercariae shed from the other two species of molluscs, 1.5:1 with LE strain. Inoculations by AL and SJ cercariae resulted in sex ratios of 3.1:1 and 6:1 respectively. The normal sex ratios of worms established in Brazil in animals inoculated with cercariae from B. glabrata and B. tenagophila is from 1:1 to 2:1. The higher number of male worms that developed from cercariae of the AL and SJ strains obtained from B. straminea indicate a lower compatibility of the snail concerning these strains of S. mansoni.


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Wild rodents have been described as the most important hosts for Angiostrongylus costaricensis in Central America and southern Brazil. Sinantropic rodents apparently do not play a significant role as natural hosts. A search for natural infection failed to document worms in 14 mice captured in the house of a patient with diagnosis of abdominal angiostrongylosis and experimental infection of a "wild" Mus musculus strain and groups of albino Swiss mice were carried out. Mortality was not significantly different and varied from 42% to 80% for Swiss mice and from 26% to 80% for "wild" mice. The high mortality of a "wild" M. musculus infected with A. costaricensis was very similar to what is observed with most laboratory mice strains. These data may be taken as indications that M. musculus is not a well adapted host for A. costaricensis, although susceptibility was apparently higher with "wild" populations of M. musculus as compared to Swiss strain.


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Twenty-eight isolates of Histoplasma capsulation were obtained from eight species of forest mammals from the States of Amazonas, Pará and Rondônia in the Amazon Region of Brazil. Primary isolates were obtained by inoculating triturated liver and spleen tissue intradermally and intraperito-neally in hamsters. Mycological diagnosis in hamsters presenting lesions was confirmed by histopathology and culture on Sabouraud dextrose-agar. Infected hamsters developed signs of disease within two to nine months; all had disseminated visceral lesions and most also had skin lesions at the sites of inoculation. None of the hamsters inoculated with skin macerates of the original hosts developed histoplasmosis, and histopathological examination of the viscera of the wild hosts failed to reveal H. capsulation. Prevalence of infection was considerably higher in females than in males both for the opossum Didelphis marsupialis and for total wild animals (479) examined. It is proposed that canopy-dwelling mammals may acquire the infection from conidia borne on convective currents in hollow trees with openings at ground-level.


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Visceral Larva Migrans syndrome (VLM) results from the presence or migration of helminth larvae in humans, who nonetheless only play the role of paratenic hosts in the helminths' life cycle. In humans, VLM can be caused by larvae of various nematode species, chiefly those of the ascarid Toxocara canis, which can then be found at a variety of body sites, such as the liver, lungs, heart, and brain. Clinical and pathological manifestations depend primarily on larvae number and location, infection duration, reinfection occurrence, and host's immunological condition. Signs and symptoms may range from asymptomatic infection to severe disease. In humans, infection is acquired through ingestion of T. canis eggs present in soil, containing larvae in the infective stage7, 8, 9. Indeed, eggs of Toxocara sp. have been found in sandboxes in several public places in the city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul state2. This study was carried out to detect the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies in children attending the Pediatrics division of Hospital Universitário of Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul at Campo Grande, Brazil. Over the years 1992-94, 454 serum samples, obtained from children of 5.25 ± 3.28 years of mean age and selected at that hospital on the basis of eosinophil count greater than or equal to 1000/mm3 of blood, were tested for the presence of antibodies by means of the ELISA technique employing Toxocara canis larvae excretory-secretory antigens5. A high prevalence rate for toxocariasis (35.55%) was found, which was observed to be associated with eosinophil levels lower than those usually reported in literature. Furthermore, a higher frequency of positive serology among boys was also observed (13 cases in contrast to only 3 among girls), a result also reported by other authors


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Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas’disease assumes two distinct forms in vertebrate hosts: circulating trypomastigote and tissular amastigote. This latter form infects predominantly the myocardium, smooth and skeletal muscle, and central nervous system. The present work describes for the first time the detection of amastigote forms of T. cruzi in the renal parenchyma of a kidney graft recipient one month after transplantation. The patient was serologically negative for Chagas’disease and received no blood transfusion prior to transplant. The cadaver donor was from an endemic area for Chagas’disease. The recipient developed the acute form of the disease with detection of amastigote forms of T. cruzi in the renal allograft biopsy and circulating trypomastigote forms. The present report demonstrates that T. cruzi can infect the renal parenchyma. This mode of transmission warrants in endemic areas of Chagas’disease


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Iron plays a central role in host-parasite interactions, since both intervenients need iron for survival and growth, but are sensitive to iron-mediated toxicity. The host’s iron overload is often associated with susceptibility to infection. However, it has been previously reported that iron overload prevented the growth of Leishmania major, an agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis, in BALB/c mice. In order to further clarify the impact of iron modulation on the growth of Leishmania in vivo, we studied the effects of iron supplementation or deprivation on the growth of L. infantum, the causative agent of Mediterranean visceral leishmaniasis, in the mouse model. We found that dietary iron deficiency did not affect the protozoan growth, whereas iron overload decreased its replication in the liver and spleen of a susceptible mouse strain. The fact that the iron-induced inhibitory effect could not be seen in mice deficient in NADPH dependent oxidase or nitric oxide synthase 2 suggests that iron eliminates L. infantum in vivo through the interaction with reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Iron overload did not significantly alter the mouse adaptive immune response against L. infantum. Furthermore, the inhibitory action of iron towards L. infantum was also observed, in a dose dependent manner, in axenic cultures of promastigotes and amastigotes. Importantly, high iron concentrations were needed to achieve such effects. In conclusion, externally added iron synergizes with the host’s oxidative mechanisms of defense in eliminating L. infantum from mouse tissues. Additionally, the direct toxicity of iron against Leishmania suggests a potential use of this metal as a therapeutic tool or the further exploration of iron anti-parasitic mechanisms for the design of new drugs.


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Infection of Swiss/NIH mice with Leishmania major was compared with infection in isogenic resistant C57BL/6 and susceptible BALB/c mice. Swiss/NIH mice showed self-controlled lesions in the injected foot pad. The production of high levels of interferon-g (IFN-g) and low levels of interleukin-4 (IL-4) by cells from these animals suggests that they mount a Th1-type immune response. The importance of the indigenous microbiota on the development of murine leishmaniasis was investigated by infecting germfree Swiss/NIH in the hind footpad with L. major and conventionalizing after 3 weeks of infection. Lesions from conventionalized Swiss/NIH mice were significantly larger than conventional mice. Histopathological analysis of lesions from conventionalized animals showed abscesses of variable shapes and sizes and high numbers of parasitized macrophages. In the lesions from conventional mice, besides the absence of abscess formation, parasites were rarely observed. On the other hand, cells from conventional and conventionalized mice produced similar Th1-type response characterized by high levels of IFN-g and low levels of IL-4. In this study, we demonstrated that Swiss/NIH mice are resistant to L. major infection and that the absence of the normal microbiota at the beginning of infection significantly influenced the lesion size and the inflammatory response at the site of infection.


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Este documento descreve um modelo de tolerância a falhas para sistemas de tempo-real distribuídos. A sugestão deste modelo tem como propósito a apresentação de uma solu-ção fiável, flexível e adaptável às necessidades dos sistemas de tempo-real distribuídos. A tolerância a falhas é um aspeto extremamente importante na construção de sistemas de tempo-real e a sua aplicação traz inúmeros benefícios. Um design orientado para a to-lerância a falhas contribui para um melhor desempenho do sistema através do melhora-mento de aspetos chave como a segurança, a confiabilidade e a disponibilidade dos sis-temas. O trabalho desenvolvido centra-se na prevenção, deteção e tolerância a falhas de tipo ló-gicas (software) e físicas (hardware) e assenta numa arquitetura maioritariamente basea-da no tempo, conjugada com técnicas de redundância. O modelo preocupa-se com a efi-ciência e os custos de execução. Para isso utilizam-se também técnicas tradicionais de to-lerância a falhas, como a redundância e a migração, no sentido de não prejudicar o tempo de execução do serviço, ou seja, diminuindo o tempo de recuperação das réplicas, em ca-so de ocorrência de falhas. Neste trabalho são propostas heurísticas de baixa complexida-de para tempo-de-execução, a fim de se determinar para onde replicar os componentes que constituem o software de tempo-real e de negociá-los num mecanismo de coordena-ção por licitações. Este trabalho adapta e estende alguns algoritmos que fornecem solu-ções ainda que interrompidos. Estes algoritmos são referidos em trabalhos de investiga-ção relacionados, e são utilizados para formação de coligações entre nós coadjuvantes. O modelo proposto colmata as falhas através de técnicas de replicação ativa, tanto virtual como física, com blocos de execução concorrentes. Tenta-se melhorar ou manter a sua qualidade produzida, praticamente sem introduzir overhead de informação significativo no sistema. O modelo certifica-se que as máquinas escolhidas, para as quais os agentes migrarão, melhoram iterativamente os níveis de qualidade de serviço fornecida aos com-ponentes, em função das disponibilidades das respetivas máquinas. Caso a nova configu-ração de qualidade seja rentável para a qualidade geral do serviço, é feito um esforço no sentido de receber novos componentes em detrimento da qualidade dos já hospedados localmente. Os nós que cooperam na coligação maximizam o número de execuções para-lelas entre componentes paralelos que compõem o serviço, com o intuito de reduzir atra-sos de execução. O desenvolvimento desta tese conduziu ao modelo proposto e aos resultados apresenta-dos e foi genuinamente suportado por levantamentos bibliográficos de trabalhos de in-vestigação e desenvolvimento, literaturas e preliminares matemáticos. O trabalho tem também como base uma lista de referências bibliográficas.


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Susceptibility of snails to infection by certain trematodes and their suitability as hosts for continued development has been a bewildering problem in host-parasite relationships. The present work emphasizes our interest in snail genetics to determine what genes or gene products are specifically responsible for susceptibility of snails to infection. High molecular weight DNA was extracted from both susceptible and non-susceptible snails within the same species Biomphalaria tenagophila. RAPD was undertaken to distinguish between the two types of snails. Random primers (10 mers) were used to amplify the extracted DNA by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and silver staining. The results suggest that RAPD represents an efficient means of genome comparison, since many molecular markers were detected as genetic variations between susceptible and non-susceptible snails.


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The authors describe a case of abdominal angiostrongyliasis in an adult patient presenting acute abdominal pain caused by jejunal perforation. The case was unusual, as this affliction habitually involves the terminal ileum, appendix, cecum or ascending colon. The disease is caused by the nematode Angiostrongylus costaricensis, whose definitive hosts are forest rodents while snails and slugs are its intermediate hosts. Infection in humans is accidental and occurs via the ingestion of snail or slug mucoid secretions found on vegetables, or by direct contact with the mucus. Abdominal angiostrongyliasis is clinically characterized by prolonged fever, anorexia, abdominal pain in the right-lower quadrant, and peripheral blood eosinophilia. Although usually of a benign nature, its course may evolve to more complicated forms such as intestinal obstruction or perforation likely to require a surgical approach. Currently, no efficient medication for the treatment of abdominal angiostrongyliasis is known to be available. In this study, the authors provide a review on the subject, considering its etiopathogeny, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.