506 resultados para Pala aeronautica smorzatore passivo
Series editors: Ludwig Philippson, Adolph Jellinek, and I. M. Jost.
List of members in each volume.
The effect of the tumour-forming disease, fibropapillomatosis, on the somatic growth dynamics of green turtles resident in the Pala'au foraging grounds (Moloka'i, Hawai'i) was evaluated using a Bayesian generalised additive mixed modelling approach. This regression model enabled us to account for fixed effects (fibropapilloma tumour severity), nonlinear covariate functional form (carapace size, sampling year) as well as random effects due to individual heterogeneity and correlation between repeated growth measurements on some turtles. Somatic growth rates were found to be nonlinear functions of carapace size and sampling year but were not a function of low-to-moderate tumour severity. On the other hand, growth rates were significantly lower for turtles with advanced fibropapillomatosis, which suggests a limited or threshold-specific disease effect. However, tumour severity was an increasing function of carapace size-larger turtles tended to have higher tumour severity scores, presumably due to longer exposure of larger (older) turtles to the factors that cause the disease. Hence turtles with advanced fibropapillomatosis tended to be the larger turtles, which confounds size and tumour severity in this study. But somatic growth rates for the Pala'au population have also declined since the mid-1980s (sampling year effect) while disease prevalence and severity increased from the mid-1980s before levelling off by the mid-1990s. It is unlikely that this decline was related to the increasing tumour severity because growth rates have also declined over the last 10-20 years for other green turtle populations resident in Hawaiian waters that have low or no disease prevalence. The declining somatic growth rate trends evident in the Hawaiian stock are more likely a density-dependent effect caused by a dramatic increase in abundance by this once-seriously-depleted stock since the mid-1980s. So despite increasing fibropapillomatosis risk over the last 20 years, only a limited effect on somatic growth dynamics was apparent and the Hawaiian green turtle stock continues to increase in abundance.
A pesquisa investiga o processo de simbolização no pensamento de Mircea Eliade. A investigação sobre o simbolismo religioso abrange as categorias do humano bem como as concepções e experiências com o sagrado, vivenciadas pelo homem religioso. O mundo se revela através dos símbolos, sendo possível através deles ter uma melhor compreensão do ser humano. A pesquisa auxilia na compreensão da religião enquanto fenômeno da cultura, considerando que o simbolismo revela o modo de ser humano no mundo. O trabalho contempla a proposta da hermenêutica eliadiana, que se refere a um estudo pela busca do sentido e das significações nos documentos religiosos. Além da compreensão do método hermenêutico foi verificada a possibilidade de indicação para uma nova epistemologia dos símbolos. A proposta de Eliade sobre o simbolismo religioso é também explorada na identificação do que há de passivo e dinâmico no processo de simbolização religiosa e como ocorre essa relação dialética. Passividade e dinâmica são categorias implícitas no pensamento de Eliade, portanto, essa temática constitui-se num esforço hermenêutico para compreender o autor. Outra etapa que foi observada no processo de simbolização foi a ressignificação dos símbolos religiosos. A ressignificação é trabalhada em relação à crise de sentidos vivenciada na contemporaneidade. Um trabalho que ressalta a importância da consideração das diversas disciplinas para compreensão do fenômeno religioso, mas que tem seu enfoque fenomenológico bem demarcado. Poderíamos dizer que a pesquisa abarca tanto as propostas da fenomenologia quanto da hermenêutica, na medida em que visa uma interpretação dos dados religiosos para se chegar à essência ou a uma estrutura que se encontra presente em todas as manifestações religiosas. A investigação pode ser caracterizada como uma interpretação do pensamento de Eliade, onde são apresentadas sistematizações e novas possibilidades de leituras de suas obras.
Este estudo qualitativo foi elaborado por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica de estudiosos do tema da avaliação do rendimento de alunos, como Luckesi (2005), Hoffmann (2003), Paro (2003), Hadji (1994) e Figari (1996), e de pesquisa de campo, com o objetivo de investigar como está ocorrendo a avaliação do ensino fundamental da rede pública paulista, na vigência do regime de progressão continuada. Considerando que os fundamentos da prática avaliativa distam quase sempre dos apregoados pela política educacional instituída e com o propósito de verificar se isto está ocorrendo com a política de progressão continuada, participei, durante um ano letivo, das atividades educacionais de uma escola pública da periferia da Grande São Paulo, observando, colhendo depoimentos e anotando cuidadosamente tudo o que vivenciei nesse período. Para empreender uma leitura dos dados coletados, busquei também o apoio no construto teórico de Michel de Certeau, para quem aos "produtos impostos" códigos, leis, políticas culturais, etc. rigorosamente organizados de forma a atribuir um lugar, um papel ao homem ordinário, contrapõem-se práticas construídas no processo de apropriação desses produtos. Por meio de suas "artes de fazer", os usuários reinventam o cotidiano. Utilizando-se de "táticas astuciosas", o usuário da cultura reapropria-se dos espaços, altera-lhes os códigos e deles faz uso "a seu jeito". Nesta pesquisa, que enfoca as relações dos protagonistas de processos avaliativos escolares, confirmam-se os postulados de Certeau, que não conferem ao consumidor da política um lugar passivo. Como já foi caracterizado por este instigante pensador, o usuário da política (o instituinte), enquanto portador de astúcias, move-se no campo espacial do outro (o instituído) e, taticamente, fazendo uso de práticas não previstas, escreve uma "outra história". O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi contribuir com reflexões que mostrem a importância de se analisar as tensões geradas por políticas educacionais impostas, desprovidas de sentido para aqueles que não participam de sua elaboração, o que tem provocado movimentos táticos de seus usuários, neste caso, os docentes, os quais, sem as condições objetivas necessárias para promover a política instituída, enunciada no discurso, utilizam-se do seu potencial instituinte de transformação, escrevendo uma "outra história".
Este estudo avaliou as alterações produzidas nos arcos dentais superiores de pacientes submetidos à Expansão Rápida da Maxila Assistida Cirurgicamente (ERMAC). A amostra utilizada foi composta de 50 modelos de gesso superiores de 18 pacientes, sendo seis do sexo masculino e 12 do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 23,3 anos. Para cada paciente foram preparados três modelos de gesso obtidos em diferentes fases: Inicial, antes do procedimento operatório (T1); três meses pós-expansão (travamento do expansor) e momento da remoção do aparelho expansor tipo Hyrax e colocação da placa removível de acrílico para contenção (T2); seis meses pós-expansão e momento de remoção da placa de acrílico (T3). O dispositivo expansor utilizado foi o disjuntor tipo Hyrax. O procedimento cirúrgico adotado foi a osteotomia lateral da maxila sem o envolvimento da lâmina pterigóide, osteotomia da espinha nasal à linha média dental (incisivos centrais superiores), separação da sutura palatina mediana por meio de cinzel e separação do septo nasal. O início da ativação ocorreu no terceiro dia pós-operatório, sendo ¼ de volta pela manhã e ¼ à noite, sendo que as ativações seguiram critérios clínicos para o controle da expansão. As medidas foram realizadas por meio da máquina de medição tridimensional (SAC), baseando-se nas alterações nos três planos (vertical, sagital e transversal) que ocorreram nos modelos de gesso. Concluiu-se que: 1. Houve um aumento estatisticamente significante nas distâncias transversais em todos os grupos de dentes (de incisivos centrais até segundos molares) de T1 para T2, demonstrando a efetividade do tratamento. De T2 para T3 não houve diferença estatisticamente significante para nenhuma variável, indicando, assim, estabilidade após seis meses do término da ERMAC; 2. Houve um aumento estatisticamente significante nas inclinações dos primeiros e segundos molares dos lados direito e esquerdo e dos segundos pré-molares apenas do lado esquerdo, sugerindo um comportamento assimétrico dos dentes avaliados; 3. Houve um aumento na largura palatina nos intervalos analisados, com diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre T1 x T2 e T1 x T3; 4. Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes na profundidade palatina nos intervalos analisados.(AU)
Since the 1950s, pedagogical stylistics has been intrinsically linked with the teaching of written texts (and especially literary texts) to speakers of English as a second language. This is despite the fact that for decades many teachers have also structured their lessons in L1 classrooms to focus upon the linguistic features of literary texts as a means of enhancing their students’ understanding of literature and language. Recognizing that instructors in both L1 and L2 settings were often employing related pedagogical techniques without realizing that their colleagues in the other context were facing similar challenges, the PEDSIG group of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) has sought to add a theoretical dimension to research undertaken into practice in the stylistics classroom. Its goals, then, were: to establish a working definition of pedagogical stylistics; to identify the theoretical and pedagogical underpinnings of the discipline shared by L1 and L2 practitioners; to point if possible towards any emerging consensus on good practice. The group determined that the principal aim of stylistics in the classroom is to make students aware of language use within chosen texts, and that what characterizes pedagogical stylistics is classroom activities that are interactive between the text and the (student) reader. Preliminary findings, from a pilot study involving a poem by Langston Hughes, suggest that the process of improving students’ linguistic sensibilities must include greater emphasis upon the text as action: i.e. upon the mental processing which is such a proactive part of reading and interpretation; and how all of these elements – pragmatic and cognitive as well as linguistic – function within quite specific social and cultural contexts.
In this paper we present the design and analysis of an intonation model for text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis applications using a combination of Relational Tree (RT) and Fuzzy Logic (FL) technologies. The model is demonstrated using the Standard Yorùbá (SY) language. In the proposed intonation model, phonological information extracted from text is converted into an RT. RT is a sophisticated data structure that represents the peaks and valleys as well as the spatial structure of a waveform symbolically in the form of trees. An initial approximation to the RT, called Skeletal Tree (ST), is first generated algorithmically. The exact numerical values of the peaks and valleys on the ST is then computed using FL. Quantitative analysis of the result gives RMSE of 0.56 and 0.71 for peak and valley respectively. Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) of 9.5 and 6.8, on a scale of 1 - -10, was obtained for intelligibility and naturalness respectively.
Environmental liabilities from accidents in the retail petroleum industry, especially in urban areas, have represented a serious problem whose impact reaches the underground, people's health and even economic losses with the remediation process. In U.S.A. are estimated hundreds of billions of dollars invested in soil remediation processes. The results of the reports and investigative reports of liabilities in fuel stations distributed in the urban area of Natal-RN were used to estimate the local scenario of contamination. This database has been possible to determine the main contaminants (BTEX, PAHs, TOC), affected neighborhoods and types of potentially more impacted soils. Experiments were carried out in order to reverse contamination of this scenario, where the soil type was a factor in the planning, because it influences directly on the effectiveness of remediation techniques studied: Oxidation by hydrogen peroxide and oxidation by sodium persulphate. These oxidants are activated forming free radicals (HO•-, SO4 •-, HO2 • , O2 •-, S2O8 -2, etc) responsible for to mineralize the hydrocarbons and other organic compounds (releasing O2 e CO2). In the activation process, the ferrous ions (II) and ferric (III) were studied as well as hydrogen peroxide activation technique with sodium persulfate, the latter being presented the best efficiency among all the study, when activated with Fe+3. In addition to defining the most efficient technique, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different soils among oxidative techniques, characterizing the effect of the concentration of these oxidants and also the concentration of the catalysts. Exists in most scenarios evaluated the presence of intrinsic total iron soil matrix. The so-called latosols present microaggregates reddish indicating the presence of these reactive species like iron and clayey aspect. The kinetic study was conducted by experimental design and monitoring of the percentage of total carbon (SSM-5000A) in the solid and liquid phases, knowing that 82.4% of the diesel molecule is carbon. Yet organic carbon and pH of liquid samples were analyzed for technical, characterizing the influence of soil type and its operating condition. The Fenton-like technique H2O2 e Fe+2 presented satisfactory oxidation, including sandy soil, but well below the best result. The sodium persulphate only activated with temperature, even in the most favorable soil, did not provide good efficiency. The best technique in the study had the concentration profile with 2,2x10- 1mol.L-1 of Na2S2O8 activated with 6,53x10-1mol.L-1 of H2O2 and 2,5x10-2 Fe3+mol.L-1 which reduced in less than a day 96 contamination in red soil, initially with 66,667 mg of diesel per kg of clean soil
Building installations of cold water are key parts in any model of housing, are homes or condos. However, these systems are subject to failure, which can range from a leak in a device until faults in the structure of water reservoirs and distribution system. These faults are responsible for great economic and environmental costs. In order to reduce these losses, this work proposes the development of a system able to detect the presence and identify some types of water leaks that may occur. For implementation and testing, consumption model was used in a simulator capable of reproducing a similar behavior to a real model and its consequent failures. The detection of leaks is done based on an expert like model having two detection modules, one active and one passive, which use an array of sensors and actuators (valves) to do the sensing. For testing and implementation has been developed a software capable of coupling the system simulator and detector. From the results it can be seen that the system proposed in this work, as well as functioning satisfactorily, can be easily implemented in microcontrollers or embedded systems due to its simplicity.
The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus Illiger 1815) is the biggest canid in South America and it is considered a “near threatened” species by IUCN. Because of its nocturnal, territorial and solitary habits, there are still many understudied aspects of their behavior in natural environments, including acoustic communication. In its vocal repertoire, the wolf presents a longdistance call named “roar-bark” which, according to literature, functions for spacing maintenance between individuals and/or communication between members of the reproductive pair inside the territory. In this context, this study aimed: 1) to compare four methods for detecting maned wolf’s roar-barks in recordings made in a natural environment, in order to elect the most efficient one for our project; 2) to understand the night emission pattern of these vocalizations, verifying possible weather and moon phases influences in roarbark’s emission rates; and 3) to test Passive Acoustic Monitoring as a tool to identify the presence of maned wolves in a natural environment. The study area was the Serra da Canastra National Park (Minas Gerais, Brazil), where autonomous recorders were used for sound acquisition, recording all night (from 06pm to 06am) during five days in December/2013 and every day from April to July/2014. Roar-barks’ detection methods were tested and compared regarding time needed to analyze files, number of false positives and number of correctly identified calls. The mixed method (XBAT + manual) was the most efficient one, finding 100% of vocalizations in almost half of the time the manual method did, being chosen for our data analysis. By studying roarbarks’ temporal variation we verified that the wolves vocalize more in the early hours of the evening, suggesting an important social function for those calls at the beginning of its period of most intense activity. Average wind speed negatively influenced vocalization rate, which may indicate lower sound reception of recorders or a change in behavioral patterns of wolves in high speed wind conditions. A better understanding of seasonal variation of maned wolves’ vocal activity is required, but our study already shows that it is possible to detect behavioral patterns of wild animals only by sound, validating PAM as a tool in this species’ conservation.
The farm’s rural dwellings of creation from the Seridó Potiguar microregion, built in the nineteenth century, became a reference by its vernacular character, i.e. these buildings, besides having recognized relevance to the identity of the region, they are adapted to the conditions of the place in many aspects (economic, cultural, construction, physical, et.) and consist in protective spaces in relation to hostile characteristics of Seridó’s climate. Considering the above premise, the following question arises: What characteristics of the nineteenth century Seridó Potiguar’s cattle farms are crucial for them to be a protective space in relation to the semiarid climate? In order to answer the question, this research aim to identify which particularities of the Seridó’s farmhouses that contribute to adaptability in these buildings to semiarid climate, as protection environments; and contribute to the stock valuation of the architectural heritage concerned. Therefore, procedures were adopted divided into two stages. Were first identified the recurring characteristics in the studied buildings, through typological study performed from existing inventories (DINIZ, 2008; FEIJÓ, 2002; IPHAN, 2012). To define the type it worked up with the concept that merges Durand’s analytical typology that identifies the similarities and differences to classify buildings, having the character of historical survey and architectural documentation, with the definition proposed by Argan (1963) that the type is not defined a priory, but the deduction from a number of illustrative cases which have formal and functional similarity with each other. Then worked up in a sample of five different types with each other, defined by the possibility of access to the interior of the houses, proximity to other copies, good state of conservation and preservation. The contemplated farms were: Pitombeiras, Agenus e Garrotes in Acari’s town, and the municipality of Caicó, Palma and Penedo. The second stage consists of the architectural survey, photographic record, digital three-dimensional modeling (aiming to expand the existing documentation and registration) and thermal monitoring over approximately a representative day in five farmhouses, relating the thermal performance of the houses with their individual characteristics. The selected variables for analysis monitoring are based on the thermal comfort adaptive model (SPAGNOLO and DE DEAR, 2003 apud NEGREIROS, 2010). The characteristics of the houses were analyzed as meeting the passive thermal conditioning strategies recommended by NBR 15220 (ABNT, 2005), for the bioclimatic zone 7 where the municipalities of Caicó and Acari are located. The house’s analysis of the operating temperatures revealed that 90% of the times of day the environments are within the comfort range. The farmhouses, which had a higher degree of compliance with recommended bioclimatic strategies, had the best thermal performance. In environments (usually the kitchen and rooms with low ceiling heights, exposed to west radiation) which still had discomfort hours, the thermal comfort can be reached with air movement approximately 1,0 m/s.
The farm’s rural dwellings of creation from the Seridó Potiguar microregion, built in the nineteenth century, became a reference by its vernacular character, i.e. these buildings, besides having recognized relevance to the identity of the region, they are adapted to the conditions of the place in many aspects (economic, cultural, construction, physical, et.) and consist in protective spaces in relation to hostile characteristics of Seridó’s climate. Considering the above premise, the following question arises: What characteristics of the nineteenth century Seridó Potiguar’s cattle farms are crucial for them to be a protective space in relation to the semiarid climate? In order to answer the question, this research aim to identify which particularities of the Seridó’s farmhouses that contribute to adaptability in these buildings to semiarid climate, as protection environments; and contribute to the stock valuation of the architectural heritage concerned. Therefore, procedures were adopted divided into two stages. Were first identified the recurring characteristics in the studied buildings, through typological study performed from existing inventories (DINIZ, 2008; FEIJÓ, 2002; IPHAN, 2012). To define the type it worked up with the concept that merges Durand’s analytical typology that identifies the similarities and differences to classify buildings, having the character of historical survey and architectural documentation, with the definition proposed by Argan (1963) that the type is not defined a priory, but the deduction from a number of illustrative cases which have formal and functional similarity with each other. Then worked up in a sample of five different types with each other, defined by the possibility of access to the interior of the houses, proximity to other copies, good state of conservation and preservation. The contemplated farms were: Pitombeiras, Agenus e Garrotes in Acari’s town, and the municipality of Caicó, Palma and Penedo. The second stage consists of the architectural survey, photographic record, digital three-dimensional modeling (aiming to expand the existing documentation and registration) and thermal monitoring over approximately a representative day in five farmhouses, relating the thermal performance of the houses with their individual characteristics. The selected variables for analysis monitoring are based on the thermal comfort adaptive model (SPAGNOLO and DE DEAR, 2003 apud NEGREIROS, 2010). The characteristics of the houses were analyzed as meeting the passive thermal conditioning strategies recommended by NBR 15220 (ABNT, 2005), for the bioclimatic zone 7 where the municipalities of Caicó and Acari are located. The house’s analysis of the operating temperatures revealed that 90% of the times of day the environments are within the comfort range. The farmhouses, which had a higher degree of compliance with recommended bioclimatic strategies, had the best thermal performance. In environments (usually the kitchen and rooms with low ceiling heights, exposed to west radiation) which still had discomfort hours, the thermal comfort can be reached with air movement approximately 1,0 m/s.
La tesi è il risultato di uno studio condotto sulle reti distribuzione dell’energia termica, elettrica e frigorifera; queste reti possono essere sviluppate per aumentare la diffusione della microgenerazione e generazione diffusa con l’obiettivo di renderle autonome elettricamente, termicamente e in alcuni casi indipendenti dal punto di vista del combustibile sfruttando possibilmente cogeneratori integrati e sistemi a fonte rinnovabile. In particolare la tesi si sofferma sull’analisi di criteri di gestione di una rete di teleriscaldamento esistente in modo da ridurne al minimo le dispersioni di energia termica in ambiente e gli scambi di energia elettrica con la rete nazionale. Lo sviluppo della tesi è stato suddiviso sostanzialmente in tre parti: la prima riguarda la caratterizzazione del comportamento di una rete di teleriscaldamento reale nel comprensorio urbano di Corticella a Bologna con determinati sistemi di produzione dell’energia elettrica e termica in centrale; nella seconda parte vengono analizzati nuovi sistemi in centrale di produzione e presso le utenze; infine la terza parte riguarda l’analisi economica ed energetica di tutte le soluzioni di gestione esaminate. Quindi ogni configurazione, data da nuovi sistemi di produzione delle fonti energetiche richieste e di gestione della rete, viene prima analizzata in riferimento a tre tipologie di scambio termico presso le utenze e poi valutata in termini di consumo di combustibile e di scambi di energia elettrica con la rete nazionale attraverso il costo di acquisto del gas naturale, il costo d’acquisto dell’energia elettrica dalla rete e il prezzo di vendita dell’energia elettrica alla rete. Sebbene le utenze vengano considerate sempre in assetto passivo all’interno di alcune configurazioni viene sfruttata la delocalizzazione della produzione di energia termica e la gestione della rete a bassa temperatura per ridurre il più possibile l’impatto ambientale della centrale e della rete di teleriscaldamento.
The human being is understood as an integral being, complex, which has multiple dimensions: social, biological, psychological, anthropological, spiritual and others. As its biological dimension, the man presents the possibility of physical illness, which means that the body requires care. The sick away from humans in health and safety conditions, approaching them directly from the finitude and vulnerability condition, leading us to contact the major uncertainties of life: suffering of disease and death. Religiosity and spirituality are important coping strategy for human when faced with borderline situations. When people turn to religion to cope with stress is the religious and spiritual coping. The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship between the views on death and the religious-spiritual coping in patients with chronic diseases hospitalized. The study included ten patients hospitalized for chronic disease complications Medical Clinic Unit of a public hospital in the city of Uberlândia/MG. two psychological scales were used: Scale Religious-Spiritual Coping Brief (CRE-Brief Scale) and Scale Brief Diverse Perspectives of Death and a structured interview (audiogravada) on the subject of death and religious and spiritual coping. The results indicated that 80% of the sample (N = 8) consisted of patients hospitalized due to chronic diseases, while 20% accounted for patients with AIDS complications. Analyzing the results of scale CRE-Brief, it emphasizes the use of strategies of religious and spiritual coping by participants as compared to CRE Total, all study participants had average or high scores for this index, with a low utilization CRE negative and average utilization CRE Positive. Regarding views on death, the results obtained by the Different Perspectives Quick Scale on Death suggest that this sample agrees with the view death as something that is part of the natural cycle of life (M8 - Death as a natural end) and features the prospect of death as uncertainty, mystery and ignorance (M4 - death as Unknown). The correlations between the measures the factors and items of CRE-Bref and dimensions of Short scales on different perspectives of Death notes the prevalence of correlations of M4 dimensions - Death as unknown and M8 - Death as a natural order to the creditor scale soon. In the interview analysis revealed a positive influence of religion/ spirituality on health, from the perspective of the respondent, highlighting the protection promoted by religion. It also noticed the use of prayer as a coping strategy of hospitalization and illness. Regarding the interview about the topic of death, there was a predominance of issues related to "afterlife", "unknown" and "abandonment", which are associated with the visions of death and mystery and death as a natural end. In the interviews there belief clues about death as a terrifying mystery connected, so the unknown and the feeling of fear on the same. The experience of illness can therefore be considered as a source of vulnerability, since it is present personal perception of danger (external) - own illness and possible death, especially in those patients undergoing ICU - and where control is insufficient for the sense of security, since the hospital providing care to the patient are delegated to third parties and patients assume a passive role. This fact is important and relevant to health professionals who deal daily with patients hospitalized for chronic diseases, since the recourse to religion and spirituality as a coping strategy that psychic movement was not constituted in a form of negative distance or even denial of health condition. On the contrary, it refers to a movement in search of comfort and security provided by the religion and spirituality.