1000 resultados para Organización virtual


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This paper is based on the hypothesis that the use of technology to support learning is not related to whether a student belongs to the Net Generation, but that it is mainly influenced by the teaching model. The study compares behaviour and preferences towards ICT use in two groups of university students: face-to-face students and online students. A questionnaire was applied to asample of students from five universities with different characteristics (one offers online education and four offer face-to-face education with LMS teaching support).


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BACKGROUND: Several European HIV observational data bases have, over the last decade, accumulated a substantial number of resistance test results and developed large sample repositories, There is a need to link these efforts together, We here describe the development of such a novel tool that allows to bind these data bases together in a distributed fashion for which the control and data remains with the cohorts rather than classic data mergers.METHODS: As proof-of-concept we entered two basic queries into the tool: available resistance tests and available samples. We asked for patients still alive after 1998-01-01, and between 180 and 195 cm of height, and how many samples or resistance tests there would be available for these patients, The queries were uploaded with the tool to a central web server from which each participating cohort downloaded the queries with the tool and ran them against their database, The numbers gathered were then submitted back to the server and we could accumulate the number of available samples and resistance tests.RESULTS: We obtained the following results from the cohorts on available samples/resistance test: EuResist: not availableI11,194; EuroSIDA: 20,71611,992; ICONA: 3,751/500; Rega: 302/302; SHCS: 53,78311,485, In total, 78,552 samples and 15,473 resistance tests were available amongst these five cohorts. Once these data items have been identified, it is trivial to generate lists of relevant samples that would be usefuI for ultra deep sequencing in addition to the already available resistance tests, Saon the tool will include small analysis packages that allow each cohort to pull a report on their cohort profile and also survey emerging resistance trends in their own cohort,CONCLUSIONS: We plan on providing this tool to all cohorts within the Collaborative HIV and Anti-HIV Drug Resistance Network (CHAIN) and will provide the tool free of charge to others for any non-commercial use, The potential of this tool is to ease collaborations, that is, in projects requiring data to speed up identification of novel resistance mutations by increasing the number of observations across multiple cohorts instead of awaiting single cohorts or studies to reach the critical number needed to address such issues.


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Un treball final de carrera (TFC) és un dels últims passos de molts estudis, com per exemple els graus d'enginyeria. Els estudiants solen presentar els resultats del seu projecte final en una presentació pública, on un comitè avalua el seu treball. Els estudiants, en aquesta activitat, s'ocupen de competències com ara: fer presentacions orals efectives en entorns públics, en una situació estressant. Però, es pot assolir aquesta competència en un entorn virtual?A la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), una universitat 100% virtual, es proposa una solució basada en les presentacions en vídeo que es pugen en una eina, Present@, que els permet compartir les presentacions i permet fer preguntes i escriure les respostes en un entorn obert.Present@ ofereix una eina millorada per pujar vídeos, que simplifica el procés i fa que sigui apropiada per als estudiants de qualsevol àrea de coneixement. Però treballar amb vídeos va un pas més enllà i requereix també la tecnologia adequada per donar suport a aquest tipus d'arxius. Així, s'ha afegit al Present@ un servei d'"streaming", Kaltura. Amb aquest servei els estudiants poden pujar fàcilment gairebé qualsevol format de vídeo i és possible fer comentaris en vídeo.131 estudiants han estat usant el Present@ durant 4 semestres. Per avaluar l'eina, els estudiants han contestat un qüestionari i de les respostes rebudes es conclou que aquest enfocament permet als estudiants virtuals adquirir la major part de les competències relacionades amb el TFC i, en concret, amb la dissertació virtual en entorns virtuals. Potser l'única característica a què no s'enfronten és la tensió de les preguntes.És important assenyalar que, gràcies a les millores introduïdes, el Present@ està present, actualment en més de 100 aules a UOC i s'utilitza no només per al TFC, sinó també per explicar assignatures per ajudar els estudiants


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Line converters have become an attractive AC/DC power conversion solution in industrial applications. Line converters are based on controllable semiconductor switches, typically insulated gate bipolar transistors. Compared to the traditional diode bridge-based power converters line converters have many advantageous characteristics, including bidirectional power flow, controllable de-link voltage and power factor and sinusoidal line current. This thesis considers the control of the lineconverter and its application to power quality improving. The line converter control system studied is based on the virtual flux linkage orientation and the direct torque control (DTC) principle. A new DTC-based current control scheme is introduced and analyzed. The overmodulation characteristics of the DTC converter are considered and an analytical equation for the maximum modulation index is derived. The integration of the active filtering features to the line converter isconsidered. Three different active filtering methods are implemented. A frequency-domain method, which is based on selective harmonic sequence elimination, anda time-domain method, which is effective in a wider frequency band, are used inharmonic current compensation. Also, a voltage feedback active filtering method, which mitigates harmonic sequences of the grid voltage, is implemented. The frequency-domain and the voltage feedback active filtering control systems are analyzed and controllers are designed. The designs are verified with practical measurements. The performance and the characteristics of the implemented active filtering methods are compared and the effect of the L- and the LCL-type line filteris discussed. The importance of the correct grid impedance estimate in the voltage feedback active filter control system is discussed and a new measurement-based method to obtain it is proposed. Also, a power conditioning system (PCS) application of the line converter is considered. A new method for correcting the voltage unbalance of the PCS-fed island network is proposed and experimentally validated.


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La metodología lean production tiene una extensión creciente en todo el mundo. Las principalesobras sobre la metodología no definen en detalle las prácticas de organización del trabajo propia.Los objetivos finales del método se pueden resumir en conseguir la producción en flujo y en lamejora continua. Ambos fines necesitan una organización del trabajo apropiada. Se deducen de laliteratura siete principios que habrá de cumplir: estandarización y control, la formación, laparticipación y el empowermen, el trabajo en equipo, la polivalencia y la adaptabilidad, laimplicación con los valores de la empresa y remuneración y promociones que apoyen laimplantación del lean producción. Estos principios de concretan en políticas y prácticas que hande definir la concreción de esos principios. Finalmente, las políticas y prácticas se relacionan conindicadores. Ello ha de permitir valorar las características y el nivel de una determinadaimplantación del lean production. Se proponen posteriores investigaciones que han de suponer elanálisis de una o más factorías lean con el uso de los indicadores obtenidos.


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A reinforcement learning (RL) method was used to train a virtual character to move participants to a specified location. The virtual environment depicted an alleyway displayed through a wide field-of-view head-tracked stereo head-mounted display. Based on proxemics theory, we predicted that when the character approached within a personal or intimate distance to the participants, they would be inclined to move backwards out of the way. We carried out a between-groups experiment with 30 female participants, with 10 assigned arbitrarily to each of the following three groups: In the Intimate condition the character could approach within 0.38m and in the Social condition no nearer than 1.2m. In the Random condition the actions of the virtual character were chosen randomly from among the same set as in the RL method, and the virtual character could approach within 0.38m. The experiment continued in each case until the participant either reached the target or 7 minutes had elapsed. The distributions of the times taken to reach the target showed significant differences between the three groups, with 9 out of 10 in the Intimate condition reaching the target significantly faster than the 6 out of 10 who reached the target in the Social condition. Only 1 out of 10 in the Random condition reached the target. The experiment is an example of applied presence theory: we rely on the many findings that people tend to respond realistically in immersive virtual environments, and use this to get people to achieve a task of which they had been unaware. This method opens up the door for many such applications where the virtual environment adapts to the responses of the human participants with the aim of achieving particular goals.


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In this paper address we the question as to why participants tend to respond realistically to situations and events portrayed within an Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) system. The idea is put forward, based on experience of a large number of experimental studies, that there are two orthogonal components that contribute to this realistic response. The first is"being there", often called"presence", the qualia of having a sensation of being in a real place. We call this Place Illusion (PI). Second, Plausibility Illusion (Psi) refers to the illusion that the scenario being depicted is actually occurring. In the case of both PI and Psi the participant knows for sure that that they are not"there" and that the events are not occurring. PI is constrained by the sensorimotor contingencies afforded by the virtual reality system. Psi is determined by the extent to which the system can produce events that directly relate to the participant, and the overall credibility of the scenario being depicted in comparison with expectations. We argue that when both PI and Psi occur, participants will respond realistically to the virtual reality.


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This work investigates novel alternative means of interaction in a virtual environment (VE).We analyze whether humans can remap established body functions to learn to interact with digital information in an environment that is cross-sensory by nature and uses vocal utterances in order to influence (abstract) virtual objects. We thus establish a correlation among learning, control of the interface, and the perceived sense of presence in the VE. The application enables intuitive interaction by mapping actions (the prosodic aspects of the human voice) to a certain response (i.e., visualization). A series of single-user and multiuser studies shows that users can gain control of the intuitive interface and learn to adapt to new and previously unseen tasks in VEs. Despite the abstract nature of the presented environment, presence scores were generally very high.


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Individuals with vestibular dysfunction may experience visual vertigo (VV), in which symptoms are provoked or exacerbated by excessive or disorientating visual stimuli (e.g. supermarkets). VV can significantly improve when customized vestibular rehabilitation exercises are combined with exposure to optokinetic stimuli. Virtual reality (VR), which immerses patients in realistic, visually challenging environments, has also been suggested as an adjunct to VR to improve VV symptoms. This pilot study compared the responses of sixteen patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular disorder randomly allocated to a VR regime incorporating exposure to a static (Group S) or dynamic (Group D) VR environment. Participants practiced vestibular exercises, twice weekly for four weeks, inside a static (Group S) or dynamic (Group D) virtual crowded square environment, presented in an immersive projection theatre (IPT), and received a vestibular exercise program to practice on days not attending clinic. A third Group D1 completed both the static and dynamic VR training. Treatment response was assessed with the Dynamic Gait Index and questionnaires concerning symptom triggers and psychological state. At final assessment, significant betweengroup differences were noted between Groups D (p = 0.001) and D1 (p = 0.03) compared to Group S for VV symptoms with the former two showing a significant 59.2% and 25.8% improvement respectively compared to 1.6% for the latter. Depression scores improved only for Group S (p = 0.01) while a trend towards significance was noted for Group D regarding anxiety scores (p = 0.07). Conclusion: Exposure to dynamic VR environments should be considered as a useful adjunct to vestibular rehabilitation programs for patients with peripheral vestibular disorders and VV symptoms.


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In body ownership illusions participants feel that a mannequin or virtual body (VB) is their own. Earlier results suggest that body ownership over a body seen from behind in extra personal space is possible when the surrogate body is visually stroked and tapped on its back, while spatially and temporal synchronous tactile stimulation is applied to the participant's back. This result has been disputed with the claim that the results can be explained by self-recognition rather than somatic body ownership. We carried out an experiment with 30 participants in a between-groups design. They all saw the back of a VB 1.2 m in front, that moved in real-time determined by upper body motion capture. All felt tactile stimulation on their back, and for 15 of them this was spatially and temporally synchronous with stimulation that they saw on the back of the VB, but asynchronous for the other 15. After 3 min a revolving fan above the VB descended and stopped at the position of the VB neck. A questionnaire assessed referral of touch to the VB, body ownership, the illusion of drifting forwards toward the VB, and the VB drifting backwards. Heart rate deceleration (HRD) and the amount of head movement during the threat period were used to assess the response to the threat from the fan. Results showed that although referral of touch was significantly greater in the synchronous condition than the asynchronous, there were no other differences between the conditions. However, a further multivariate analysis revealed that in the visuotactile synchronous condition HRD and head movement increased with the illusion of forward drift and decreased with backwards drift. Body ownership contributed positively to these drift sensations. Our conclusion is that the setup results in a contradiction-somatic feelings associated with a distant body-that the brain attempts to resolve by generating drift illusions that would make the two bodies coincide.


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This paper describes a simple low-cost approach toadding an element of haptic interaction within a virtualenvironment. Using off-the-shelf hardware and software wedescribe a simple setup that can be used to explore physically virtual objects in space. This setup comprises of a prototype glove with a number of vibrating actuators to provide the haptic feedback, a Kinect camera for the tracking of the user's hand and a virtual reality development environment. As proof of concept and to test the efficiency of the system as well as its potential applications, we developed a simple application where we created 4 different shapes within a virtual environment in order to try toexplore them and guess their shape through touch alone.