835 resultados para Normes ISO 9000
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El manual que se propone en el trabajo presentado, brinda continuidad y énfasis a la cultura organizacional de calidad que caracteriza a las empresas certificadas con Norma ISO 9001:2000, considerando la calidad como un elemento de movilidad continua, es decir, siempre requiere de monitoreo y control para brindar conformidad a la misma. Este trabajo considera la interrelación de recursos técnicos, prácticos, elementos de eficacia y de efectividad. Se pretende brindar un manual que contenga los elementos necesarios y prácticos para el desarrollo de una auditoría a los sistemas de gestión de calidad, por lo cual se incluyen los programas principales que contiene una auditoría que aplique un examen integral a los principales requisitos que exigen las ISO 9001 y que de manera continua evalúe, no solamente la conformidad con los criterios aceptados, sino también que involucre los reglamentos normativos aplicables a las empresa que brindan servicios educativos, de tal forma que se presente una razonable seguridad sobre la correcta aplicación de los mismos. Es de vital importancia considerar que el elemento calidad es un aspecto, hasta cierto punto subjetivo y no cuantitativo, pero que, sin embargo, se concretiza con los resultados al final de un proceso arduo y continuo, que brinda satisfacción tanto a los clientes de las empresas, a las empresas, así como también al personal mismo en la institución, sin el cual no se lograrían los objetivos propuestos. Para llevar a cabo el manual que se presenta, fue necesario realizar una serie de actividades, que se concretizan en cuatro capítulos que contiene este documento. En el capítulo I se presenta el marco teórico sobre auditoría, sistemas de gestión de calidad y Auditoría de calidad, los cuales resultan de suma importancia a fin de sustentar apropiadamente el manual propuesto. En cada una de éstas variables se consideran sus generalidades, la identificación de sus conceptos, su clasificación, las características, hechos históricos sobre los mismos, entre otros elementos considerados. En el capítulo II se desarrolla el contenido de la investigación de campo que sirvió de justificación para la propuesta del manual. Dicha investigación se llevó a cabo en el área metropolitana de San Salvador, y considerando una población de empresas que hasta ese momento se identificaban como certificadas por CONACYT (Consejo de Ciencia y Tecnología), ente regulador de las mismas. Este capítulo incluye generalidades de la investigación, los objetivos de la investigación, la justificación, la metodología, la tabulación de la encuesta realizada y el análisis de la información recolectada. En el capítulo III se presenta, la propuesta del “MANUAL DE TÉCNICAS Y PROCEDIMIENTOS DE AUDITORÍA Y EL SEGUIMIENTO A LAS ACCIONES CORRECTIVAS, CON BASE A LA NORMATIVA INTERNACIONAL ISO 9001 PARA LAS EMPRESAS QUE SE DEDICAN A PRESTAR SERVICIOS EDUCATIVOS”. Dicho manual constituye una herramienta que facilita la realización de la auditoría, q u e es un elemento vital para la consecución de los objetivos, pues identifica oportunidades de mejora, realiza examen oportuno y enfatiza una seguridad en la calidad de los servicios educativos brindados. En el capítulo IV se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones que surgieron como resultado de la investigación de campo realizada en las empresas que brindan servicios educativos y que se encuentran certificadas con la Norma ISO 9001. Para finalizar se detalla las fuentes bibliográficas que se consultaron para realizar la investigación.
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit war es, die Anwendbarkeit der DIN EN ISO 9001 Anforderungen auf Hochschulen als Dienstleistungsunternehmen zu überprüfen. Dafür wurde das Qualitätsmanagementsystem der Hochschule Anhalt untersucht und bezüglich einer Zertifizierung kontrolliert. Zunächst erfolgte eine Recherche der theoretischen Grundlagen eines Dienstleistungsunternehmens. Hierbei wurden als erstes Begriffe und Rahmenbedingungen definiert und erklärt. Weiter wurden Dienstleistungsmerkmale einer Hochschule identifiziert. Anschließend wurde das Qualitätsmanagement an Hochschulen behandelt. Nach der grundlegenden Erläuterung verschiedener Ansätze von Qualitätsmanagementsystemen, Begriffsdefinitionen, dem Hervorheben von Zielen und positiven Effekten sowie Grundlagen und Erfolgsfaktoren, wurde speziell das Qualitätsmanagement nach DIN EN ISO 9001 betrachtet. Das Hauptaugenmerk in diesem Teil der Arbeit gilt der historischen Entwicklung und dem Darlegen der Grundsätze. Der letzte Teil beschäftigt sich mit dem Qualitätsmanagementsystem der Hochschule Anhalt und den Maßnahmen zur Erfüllung der Anforderungen der DIN EN ISO 9001. In einem abschließenden Fazit wird die Arbeit nochmal einmal kurz zusammengefasst, Verbesserungsvorschläge und ein Ausblick auf zukünftige Herausforderungen gegeben.
A adoção de ferramentas de gestão na Administração Pública é, hoje em dia, um procedimento comum da nova gestão pública, em particular na gestão autárquica. A mudança organizacional que se tem assistido no setor público e a aproximação da sua gestão a modelos de gestão comummente usados no setor privado, têm permitido uma mudança de paradigma do “serviço público” para que a mesma se encontre “ao serviço do público”. Tal mudança, tem-se traduzido numa maior e efetiva procura da melhoria contínua dos serviços prestados e da satisfação dos cidadãos. O trabalho apresentado pretende realçar o potencial da norma NP1 EN2 ISO 9001:2008 – Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ), adiante designada por ISO 9001, na melhoria contínua dos municípios Portugueses que a ela recorrem para a implementação e certificação de SGQ. Esta norma tem sido adotada por alguns municípios Portugueses como ferramenta de gestão válida na indução de melhoria no seu desempenho, sendo objetivo desta dissertação identificar quais as principais áreas que poderão ser alvo de melhoria, em resultado deste processo, numa amostra de municípios certificados. A identificação destas áreas, mediante a construção de uma tipologia que agrupa situações identificadas em auditoria que carecem de melhoria, permitirá tornar visível algumas das principais fragilidades do desempenho destes municípios, traduzindo-se numa mais-valia para a elaboração de estudos futuros que visem o desenvolvimento de novas metodologias de trabalho que possam colmatar estas mesmas fragilidades. Os resultados desta dissertação apontam para uma maior fragilidade em áreas como a gestão das infraestruturas municipais, a gestão das atividades municipais, e a gestão da informação gerada que suporte a decisão, o que importará uma reflexão mais aprofundada sobre as práticas de gestão adotadas na Administração Pública Local.
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo mostrar los factores de éxito del programa de Responsabilidad Social de la Fundación Cardioinfantil, teniendo en cuenta que esta institución se ha convertido en un referente de compromiso social y sostenibilidad en el sector salud y en las instituciones de cuarto nivel de complejidad. Para alcanzar este objetivo se realizaron visitas y se aplicó un instrumento en la Fundación Cardioinfantil y en cuatro instituciones más del mismo nivel de atención en las ciudades de Bogotá, Cali y Medellín, donde generosamente aportaron información acerca del desarrollo de sus programas de Responsabilidad Social y de la aplicación de los tópicos contenidos en la ISO 26000 dentro de sus instituciones. Así mismo dentro de la Fundación Cardioinfantil se realizó una entrevista con la persona encargada de desarrollar el programa, quien manifestó los detalles del funcionamiento de este y los esfuerzos realizados para lograr la diferenciación en el sector salud. A través de este recorrido por las diferentes instituciones de salud consultadas y de la investigación realizada en la fundación Cardioinfantil se realizó una matriz DOFA que nos reveló la falta de comunicación en las mejoras realizadas en las diferentes organizaciones de salud, una vez han detectado las fallas en inherentes a su actuación con los grupos de interés. La adopción de estándares internacionales para la gobernanza y aplicación de los programas de RSE aún es incipiente en el sector salud en general. También es posible resaltar el hecho de que programas de RSE desarrollados a nivel de la fundación Cardioinfantil evolucionan hacia la innovación en la calidad de la atención y la trasformación de sus organizaciones hacia la mejora continua.
SRI has examined the organosolv (organic solvation) pulping of Australian bagasse using technology supplied by Ecopulp. In the process, bagasse is reacted with aqueous ethanol in a digester at elevated temperatures (between 150ºC and 200ºC). The products from the digester are separated using proprietary technology before further processing into a range of saleable products. Test trials were undertaken using two batch digesters; the first capable of pulping about 25 g of wet depithed bagasse and the second, larger samples of about 1.5 kg of wet depithed bagasse. From this study, the unbleached pulp produced from fresh bagasse did not have very good strength properties for the production of corrugated medium for cartons and bleached pulp. In particular, the lignin contents as indicated by the Kappa number for the unbleached pulps are high for making bleached pulp. However, in spite of the high lignin content, it is possible to bleach the pulp to acceptable levels of brightness up to 86.6% ISO. The economics were assessed for three tier pricing (namely low, medium and high price). The economic return for a plant that produces 100 air dry t/d of brownstock pulp is satisfactory for both high and medium pricing levels of pricing. The outcomes from the project justify that work should continue through to either pilot plant or upgraded laboratory facility.
Since 1995 the buildingSMART International Alliance for Interoperability (buildingSMART)has developed a robust standard called the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). IFC is an object oriented data model with related file format that has facilitated the efficient exchange of data in the development of building information models (BIM). The Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation has contributed to the international effort in the development of the IFC standard and specifically the reinforced concrete part of the latest IFC 2x3 release. Industry Foundation Classes have been endorsed by the International Standards Organisation as a Publicly Available Specification (PAS) under the ISO label ISO/PAS 16739. For more details, go to http://www.tc184- sc4.org/About_TC184-SC4/About_SC4_Standards/ The current IFC model covers the building itself to a useful level of detail. The next stage of development for the IFC standard is where the building meets the ground (terrain) and with civil and external works like pavements, retaining walls, bridges, tunnels etc. With the current focus in Australia on infrastructure projects over the next 20 years a logical extension to this standard was in the area of site and civil works. This proposal recognises that there is an existing body of work on the specification of road representation data. In particular, LandXML is recognised as also is TransXML in the broader context of transportation and CityGML in the common interfacing of city maps, buildings and roads. Examination of interfaces between IFC and these specifications is therefore within the scope of this project. That such interfaces can be developed has already been demonstrated in principle within the IFC for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) project. National road standards that are already in use should be carefully analysed and contacts established in order to gain from this knowledge. The Object Catalogue for the Road Transport Sector (OKSTRA) should be noted as an example. It is also noted that buildingSMART Norway has submitted a proposal
A study of Australian nurses on their use of information technology in the workplace was undertaken by the Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) in 2007. This study of over 4000 nurses highlighted that nurses recognise benefits to adopting more information technology in the workplace although there are significant barriers to their use. It also identified gross deficits in the capacity of the nursing workforce to engage in the digital processing of information. Following the release of the study last year, the ANF commenced work on a number of key recommendations from the report in order to overcome identified barriers and provide opportunities for nurses to better utilise information technology and information management systems. One of these recommendations was to seek research funding to develop national information technology and information management competency standards for nurses. This project has now received Federal Government funding to undertake this development. This project is being developed in collaboration with the ANF and the Queensland University of Technology. This paper will discuss the methodology, development and publication of the Australian Nursing Informatics Competency Standards Project which is currently underway and due for completion in May 2009. The Australian Nursing Informatics Competencies will be presented at the conference.
The macerals in bituminous coals with varying organic sulfur content from the Early Permian Greta Coal Measures at three locations (Southland Colliery, Drayton Colliery and the Cranky Corner Basin), in and around the Sydney Basin (Australia), have been studied using light-element electron microprobe (EMP) analysis and micro-ATR–FTIR. Electron microprobe analysis of individual macerals reveals that the vitrinite in both the Cranky Corner Basin and Drayton Colliery (Puxtrees seam) samples have similar carbon contents (ca. 78% C in telocollinite), suggesting that they are of equivalent rank. However, the Cranky Corner coals have anomalously low vitrinite reflectance (down to 0.45%) vs. the Drayton materials (ca. 0.7%). They also have very high organic S content (3–6.5%) and lower O content (ca. 10%) than the equivalent macerals in the Drayton sample (0.7% S and 15.6% O). A study was carried out to investigate the impacts of the high organic S on the functional groups of the macerals in these two otherwise iso-rank, stratigraphically-equivalent seams. An iso-rank low-S coal from the overlying Wittingham Coal Measures near Muswellbrook and coals of slightly higher rank from the Greta Coal Measures at Southland Colliery near Cessnock were also evaluated using the same techniques to extend the data set. Although the telocollinite in the Drayton and Cranky Corner coals have very similar carbon content (ca.78% C), the ATR–FTIR spectra of the vitrinite and inertinite macerals in these respectively low S and high S coals show some distinct differences in IR absorbance from various aliphatic and aromatic functional groups. The differences in absorbance of the aliphatic stretching bands (2800–3000 cm−1) and the aromatic carbon (CC) peak at 1606 cm−1 are very obvious. Compared to that of the Drayton sample (0.7% S and 15% O), the telocollinite of the Cranky Corner coal (6% S and 10% O) clearly shows: (i) less absorbance from OH groups, represented by a broad region around 3553 cm−1, (ii) much stronger aliphatic C–H absorbance (stretching modes around 3000–2800 cm−1 and bending modes around 1442 cm−1) and (iii) less absorbance from aromatic carbon functional groups (peaking at 1606 cm−1). Evaluation of the iso-rank Drayton and Cranky Corner coals shows that: (i) the aliphatic C–H absorbances decrease with increasing oxygen content but increase with increasing organic S content and (ii) the aromatic H to aliphatic H ratio (Har/Hali) for the telocollinite increases with (organic) O%, but decreases progressively with increasing organic S. The high organic S content in the maceral appears to be accompanied by a greater proportion of aliphatic functional groups, possibly as a result of some of the O within maceral ring structures in the high S coal samples being replaced.
The NIR spectra of reichenbachite, scholzite and parascholzite have been studied at 298 K. The spectra of the minerals are different, in line with composition and crystal structural variations. Cation substitution effects are significant in their electronic spectra and three distinctly different electronic transition bands are observed in the near-infrared spectra at high wavenumbers in the 12000-7600 cm-1 spectral region. Reichenbachite electronic spectrum is characterised by Cu(II) transition bands at 9755 and 7520 cm-1. A broad spectral feature observed for ferrous ion in the 12000-9000 cm-1 region both in scholzite and parascholzite. Some what similarities in the vibrational spectra of the three phosphate minerals are observed particularly in the OH stretching region. The observation of strong band at 5090 cm-1 indicates strong hydrogen bonding in the structure of the dimorphs, scholzite and parascholzite. The three phosphates exhibit overlapping bands in the 4800-4000 cm-1 region resulting from the combinations of vibrational modes of (PO4)3- units.
Special collections, because of the issues associated with conservation and use, a feature they share with archives, tend to be the most digitized areas in libraries. The Nineteenth Century Schoolbooks collection is a collection of 9000 rarely held nineteenth-century schoolbooks that were painstakingly collected over a lifetime of work by Prof. John A. Nietz, and donated to the Hillman Library at the University of Pittsburgh in 1958, which has since grown to 15,000. About 140 of these texts are completely digitized and showcased in a publicly accessible website through the University of Pittsburgh’s Library, along with a searchable bibliography of the entire collection, which expanded the awareness of this collection and its user base to beyond the academic community. The URL for the website is http://digital.library.pitt.edu/nietz/. The collection is a rich resource for researchers studying the intellectual, educational, and textbook publishing history of the United States. In this study, we examined several existing records collected by the Digital Research Library at the University of Pittsburgh in order to determine the identity and searching behaviors of the users of this collection. Some of the records examined include: 1) The results of a 3-month long user survey, 2) User access statistics including search queries for a period of one year, a year after the digitized collection became publicly available in 2001, and 3) E-mail input received by the website over 4 years from 2000-2004. The results of the study demonstrate the differences in online retrieval strategies used by academic researchers and historians, archivists, avocationists, and the general public, and the importance of facilitating the discovery of digitized special collections through the use of electronic finding aids and an interactive interface with detailed metadata.
The importance of NIR spectroscopy has been successfully demonstrated in the present study of smithsonite minerals. The fundamental observations in the NIR spectra, in addition to the anions of OH- and CO32- are Fe and Cu in terms of cation content. These ions exhibit broad absorption bands ranging from 13000 to 7000cm-1 (0.77 to 1.43 µm). One broad diagnostic absorption feature centred at 9000 cm-1 (1.11 µm) is the result of ferrous ion spin allowed transition, (5T2g ® 5Eg). The splitting of this band (>1200 cm-1) is a common feature in all the spectra of the studied samples. The light green coloured sample from Namibia show two Cu(II) bands in NIR at 8050 and 10310 cm-1 (1.24 and 0.97 µm) are assigned to 2B1g ® 2A1g and 2B1g ® 2B2g transitions. The effects of structural cations substitution (Ca2+, Fe2+, Cu2+, Cd2+ and Zn2+) on band shifts in the electronic spectra1 region of 11000-7500 cm-1 (0.91-1.33 µm) and vibrational modes of OH- and CO32- anions in 7300 to 4000 cm-1 (1.37-2.50 µm) region were used to distinguish between the smithsonites.