971 resultados para Mycobacterium bovis.


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The crude prevalence of antibodies to Babesia bovis infection in cattle was estimated by serology using indirect ELISA during the period January to April, 1999. Sera were obtained from 1395 dairy cattle (of all ages, sexes and breeds) on smallholder farms, the majority being kept under a zero grazing regime. The crude prevalence of antibodies to Babesia bovis was 6 % for Tanga and 12 % for Iringa. The forces of infection based on the age sero-prevalence profile, were estimated at six for Iringa and four for Tanga per 100 cattle years-risk, respectively. Using random effect logistic regression as the analytical method, the factors (variables) of age, source of animals and geographic location were hypothesised to be associated with sero-positivity of Babesia bovis in the two regions.


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A tuberculose (TB) é uma doença infecto-contagiosa causada pelo bacilo Mycobacterium tuberculosis e que permanece como um importante problema de saúde pública mundial, sendo a TB pulmonar a forma mais comum de apresentação da doença. O diagnóstico precoce e tratamento adequado são essenciais para a eficácia dos programas públicos de controle da TB. Novos metodologias mais rápidas, sensíveis e específicas, como a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), vem sendo propostas no diagnóstico da doença. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o desempenho de duas PCR, a PCR em tempo real (qPCR) e a Nested PCR em único tubo (STNPCR), em diferentes amostras biológicas, no diagnóstico da tuberculose pulmonar, além de compará-las com as metodologias convencionais (baciloscopia e cultura) e entre si. Para isso foram analisados 125 pacientes que tiveram amostras de sangue (125 amostras de plasma e 116 amostras de PBMC), urina (n=125) e escarro (n=125) coletadas, totalizando a análise de 491 amostras biológicas. Amostras de escarro e urina foram descontaminadas pelo método de Petroff NAOH 4 por cento modificado e semeadas em meio de cultura Lõwenstein-Jensen (LJ), enquanto as amostras de sangue eram separadas em plasma e PBMC. Após processamento, deu-se a extração de DNA através do kit comercial da Qiagen seguida de amplificação pelas duas metodologias de PCR. Para análise estatística calculou-se a sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivo e negativo e índice kappa das técnicas. A STNPCR apresentou, em amostras de sangue, sensibilidade de 26,3 por cento e especificidade de 97,7 por cento. Em amostras de urina observou-se uma S = 7,9 por cento e E = 98,9 por cento e em escarro S = 21,1 por cento e E = 98,9 por cento. Quando analisadas as asmotras em paralelo, a sensibilidade da STNPCR foi igual a 44,7 por cento enquanto sua especificidade foi 97,7 por cento. Já a qPCR, em amostras de sangue, obteve sensibilidade igual a 26,3 por cento e especificidade de 95,4 por cento. Em amostras de urina a sensibilidade obtida foi 47,4 por cento e a especificidade 79,3 por cento e, em escarro, S = 36,8 por cento e E = 95,4 por cento. Quando analisada em paralelo, a sensibilidade da qPCR foi 65,8 por cento e a especificidade foi 79,3 por cento. A baciloscopia de escarro apresentou sensibilidade de 41,7 por cento e especificidade de 100 por cento, enquanto as culturas em urina e escarro apresentaram sensibilidade e especificidade, respectivamente, de 10,5 por cento e 100 por cento e 60,5 por cento e 96,6 por cento. Pode-se concluir que a qPCR apresentou melhor desempenho quando comparada à STNPCR e também bom desempenho quando comparada às metodologias convencionais, e que quando analisa-se mais de um tipo de amostras biológica, a eficácia das técnicas é aumentada. Espera-se que com a utilização dessa técnica molecular, seja possível a melhor elucidação dos casos de TB pulmonar, promovendo maior taxa de tratamento dos pacientes e menor risco de transmissão da doença


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Iron is an essential cofactor for both mycobacterial growth during infection and for a successful protective immune response by the host. The immune response partly depends on the regulation of iron by the host, including the tight control of expression of the iron-storage protein, ferritin. BCG vaccination can protect against disease following Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, but the mechanisms of protection remain unclear. To further explore these mechanisms, splenocytes from BCG-vaccinated guinea pigs were stimulated ex vivo with purified protein derivative from M. tuberculosis and a significant down-regulation of ferritin light- and heavy-chain was measured by reverse-transcription quantitative-PCR (P ≤0.05 and ≤0.01, respectively). The mechanisms of this down-regulation were shown to involve TNFα and nitric oxide. A more in depth analysis of the mRNA expression profiles, including genes involved in iron metabolism, was performed using a guinea pig specific immunological microarray following ex vivo infection with M. tuberculosis of splenocytes from BCG-vaccinated and naïve guinea pigs. M. tuberculosis infection induced a pro-inflammatory response in splenocytes from both groups, resulting in down-regulation of ferritin (P ≤0.05). In addition, lactoferrin (P ≤0.002), transferrin receptor (P ≤0.05) and solute carrier family 11A1 (P ≤0.05), were only significantly down-regulated after infection of the splenocytes from BCG-vaccinated animals. The results show that expression of iron-metabolism genes is tightly regulated as part of the host response to M. tuberculosis infection and that BCG-vaccination enhances the ability of the host to mount an iron-restriction response which may in turn help to combat invasion by mycobacteria.


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BACKGROUND: Mycobacterium tuberculosis genotypes resistant to reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNI) predominate in certain urban communities, suggesting that this phenotype influences disease transmission. OBJECTIVE: To compare different M. tuberculosis genotypes for resistance to RNI generated in vitro. DESIGN: We genotyped 420 M. tuberculosis isolates from a neighborhood in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and analyzed them for susceptibility to RNI generated in acidified sodium nitrite (ASN) solution. RESULTS: Seventy-one (43%) of 167 recent-infection strains and 68 (43%) of 158 endogenous infection strains showed moderate- to high-level ASN resistance. CONCLUSION: ASN resistance of M. tuberculosis is not necessarily a determining factor for enhanced transmission.


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Drug resistance and virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are partially related to the pathogen`s antioxidant systems. Peroxide detoxification in this bacterium is achieved by the heme-containing catalase peroxidase and different two-cysteine peroxiredoxins. M. tuberculosis genome also codifies for a putative one-cysteine peroxiredoxin, alkyl hydroperoxide reductase E (MtAhpE). Its expression was previously demonstrated at a transcriptional level, and the crystallographic structure of the recombinant protein was resolved under reduced and oxidized states. Herein, we report that the conformation of MtAhpE changed depending on its single cysteine redox state, as reflected by different tryptophan fluorescence properties and changes in quaternary structure. Dynamics of fluorescence changes, complemented by competition kinetic assays, were used to perform protein functional studies. MtAhE reduced peroxynitrite 2 orders of magnitude faster than hydrogen peroxide (1.9 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1) vs 8.2 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1) at pH 7.4 and 25 degrees C, respectively). The latter also caused cysteine overoxidation to sulfinic acid, but at much slower rate constant (40 M(-1) s(-1)). The pK(a) of the thiol in the reduced enzyme was 5.2, more than one unit lower than that of the sulfenic acid in the oxidized enzyme. The pH profile of hydrogen peroxide-mediated thiol and sulfenic acid oxidations indicated thiolate and sulfenate as the reacting species. The formation of sulfenic acid as well as the catalytic peroxidase activity of MtAhpE was demonstrated using the artificial reducing substrate thionitrobenzoate. Taken together, our results indicate that MtAhpE is a relevant component in the antioxidant repertoire of M. tuberculosis probably involved in peroxide and specially peroxynitrite detoxification.


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Investigating the proteolytic activity of the recombinant Mycobacterium leprae Heat Shock Protein of 65 kDa (rHsp65), chaperonin 2 (cpn2), we observed that it displays high instability. The fragmentation process starts at the C-terminus followed by progressive degradation of the N-terminus, which leads to a stable fragment comprising the middle region of the molecule. Urea was able to prevent autolysis, probably due to its denaturing action, while EDTA increased degradation levels indicating the need for metal ions. Peptides originated from autolysis were purified and analyzed by mass spectrometry, generating a continuous map. Since the bacteria and mammalian Hsp60 are known to be targets of the immune response and have been implicated in autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammation, the in vivo effect of rHsp65 peptides was evaluated in the spontaneous Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) model developed by the (NZB/NZW)F(1) mouse hybrids, and their individual anti-rHsp65 IgG2a/IgG1 antibody titer ratio was determined. The results showed orientation toward a T(H)1 responsiveness, and the treatment with the rHsp65 peptides diminished the environmental variance of the survival time of treated animals. These results outline the fact that environmental factors may also act through the modified stability expression of Heat Shock Proteins intervening during autoimmune processes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The development of more efficient anti-tuberculosis drugs is of interest. Three oxovanadium(IV) and three cis-dioxovanadium(V) complexes with thiosemicarbazone derivatives bearing moieties with different lipophilicity have been prepared and had their inhibitory activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H(37)Rv ATCC 27294 evaluated. The analytical methods used by the complexes` characterization included IR, EPR, (1)H, (13)C and (51)V NMR spectroscopies, elemental analysis, cyclic voltammetry, magnetic susceptibility measurement and single crystal X-ray diffractometry. [VO(acac)(aptsc)], [VO(acac)(apmtsc)] and [VO(acac)(apptsc)] (acac = acetylacetonate; Haptsc = 2-acetylpyridinethiosemicarbazone; Hapmtsc = 2-acetylpyridine-N(4)-methyl-thiosemicarbazone and Happtsc = 2-acetylpyridine-N(4)-phenyl-thiosemicarbazone) are paramagnetic and their EPR spectra are consistent with the monoanionic N,N,S-tridentate coordination of the thiosemicarbazone ligands, resulting in octahedral structures of rhombic symmetry and with the oxidation state +IV for the vanadium atom. As result of oxidation of the vanadium(IV) complexes above, the diamagnetic cis-dioxovanadium(V) complexes [VO(2)(aptsc)[, [VO(2)(apmtsc)[ and [VO(2)(apptsc)] are formed. Their (1)H, (13)C and (51)V NMR spectra were acquired and support a distorted square pyramidal geometry for them, in accord with the solid state X-ray structures determined for [VO(2)(aptsc)] and [VO(2)(apmtsc)]. In general, the vanadium compounds show comparable or larger anti-M. tuberculosis activities than the free thiosemicarbazone ligands, with MIC values within 62.5-1.56 (mu g/mL). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tuberculosis (TB) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world, and it is estimated that one-third of the world`s population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Among a series of tested compounds, we have recently identified five synthetic chalcones which inhibit the activity of M. tuberculosis protein tyrosine phosphatase A (PtpA), an enzyme associated with M. tuberculosis infectivity. Kinetic studies demonstrated that these compounds are reversible competitive inhibitors. In this work we also carried out the analysis of the molecular recognition of these inhibitors on their macromolecular target, PtpA, through molecular modeling. We observed that the predominant determinants responsible for the inhibitory activity of the chalcones are the positions of the two methoxyl groups at the A-ring, that establish hydrogen bonds with the amino acid residues Arg17, His49, and Thr12 in the active site of PtpA, and the substitution of the phenyl ring for a 2-naphthyl group as B-ring, that undergoes p stacking hydrophobic interaction with the Trp48 residue from PtpA. Interestingly, reduction of mycobacterial survival in human macrophages upon inhibitor treatment suggests their potential use as novel therapeutics. The biological activity, synthetic versatility, and low cost are clear advantages of this new class of potential tuberculostatic agents. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An outbreak of infections affecting 311 patients who had undergone different invasive procedures occurred in 2004 and 2005 in the city of Belem, in the northern region of Brazil. Sixty-seven isolates were studied; 58 were from patients who had undergone laparoscopic surgeries, 1 was from a patient with a postinjection abscess, and 8 were from patients who had undergone mesotherapy. All isolates were rapidly growing nonpigmented mycobacteria and presented a pattern by PCR-restriction enzyme analysis of the hsp65 gene with BstEII of bands of 235 and 210 bp and with HaeIII of bands of 200, 70, 60, and 50 bp, which is common to Mycobacterium abscessus type 2, Mycobacterium bolletii, and Mycobacterium massiliense. hsp65 and. rpoB gene sequencing of a subset of 20 isolates was used to discriminate between these three species. hsp65 and rpoB sequences chosen at random from 11 of the 58 isolates from surgical patients and the postinjection abscess isolate presented the highest degrees of similarity with the corresponding sequences of M. massiliense. In the same way, the eight mesotherapy isolates were identified as M. bolletii. Molecular typing by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) grouped all 58 surgical isolates, while the mesotherapy isolates presented three different PFGE patterns and the postinjection abscess isolate showed a unique PFGE pattern. In conclusion, molecular techniques for identification and typing were essential for the discrimination of two concomitant outbreaks and one case, the postinjection abscess, not related to either outbreak all of which were originally attributed to a single strain of M. abscessus.


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Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most common infectious diseases known to man and responsible for millions of human deaths in the world. The increasing incidence of TB in developing countries, the proliferation of multidrug resistant strains, and the absence of resources for treatment have highlighted the need of developing new drugs against TB. The shikimate pathway leads to the biosynthesis of chorismate, a precursor of aromatic amino acids. This pathway is absent from mammals and shown to be essential for the survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of TB. Accordingly, enzymes of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis pathway represent promising targets for structure-based drug design. The first reaction in phenylalanine biosynthesis involves the conversion of chorismate to prephenate, catalyzed by chorismate mutase. The second reaction is catalyzed by prephenate dehydratase (PDT) and involves decarboxylation and dehydratation of prephenate to form phenylpyruvate, the precursor of phenylalanine. Here, we describe utilization of different techniques to infer the structure of M. tuberculosis PDT (MtbPDT) in solution. Small angle X-ray scattering and ultracentrifugation analysis showed that the protein oligomeric state is a tetramer and MtbPDT is a flat disk protein. Bioinformatics tools were used to infer the structure of MtbPDT A molecular model for MtbPDT is presented and molecular dynamics simulations indicate that MtbPDT i.s stable. Experimental and molecular modeling results were in agreement and provide evidence for a tetrameric state of MtbPDT in solution.


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The aim of this study was to identify a candidate drug for the development of anti-tuberculosis therapy from previously synthesized compounds based on the thiosemicarbazones, semicarbazones, dithio-carbazates and hydrazide/hydrazones compounds. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of these compounds against Mycobacterium tuberculosis was determined. Their in vitro cytotoxicity to J774 cells (IC(50)) was determined to establish a selectivity index (SI) (SI = IC(50)/MIC). The best compounds were the thiosemicarbazones (2, 3 and 4) and the hydrazide/hydrazones (14, 15, 16 and 18). The results are comparable to or better than those of ""first line"" or ""second line"" drugs commonly used to treat TB, suggesting these compounds as anti-TB drug candidates. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Entre as doenças causadas por bactérias do gênero Mycobacterium, a tuberculose por M. tuberculosis é a mais conhecida. O diagnóstico da doença é feito utilizando-se um conjunto de exames que possibilitam a identificação da mesma (WATT, 2000). Contudo, sabe-se que o diagnóstico combinado de microscopia direta e com o posterior isolamento em meio de cultivo é o “padrão-ouro”. A principal desvantagem desse método é que tal bactéria possui um crescimento lento (cerca de 8 semanas). Recentemente, a detecção de doenças através da técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) tem proporcionado avanços significativos no diagnóstico. O uso da amplificação específica de genes, para identificar a M. tuberculosis, tais como rDNA 16S, IS6110 ou a região intergênica senX3-regX3, tem apresentado algumas restrições, ao nível de confiabilidade e sensibilidade, para a aplicação da técnica de PCR. O presente estudo mostra a construção e a aplicação de um novo alvo para a aplicação da PCR no diagnóstico da tuberculose, baseado no ensaio da diferença de organização gênica do operon plcA, B e C diferenciando a M. tuberculosis das demais micobactérias. Neste trabalho, foram examinadas 273 amostras de pacientes com suspeita de tuberculose, sendo estas submetidas ao estudo comparativo da técnica de PCR versus cultivo (padrão ouro). A PCR amplificou fragmentos de 439pb. Os resultados mostram 93,7% de acurácia para PCR/Cultivo (p<000,1), 93,1% de sensibilidade com intervalo de confiança de 88,7-96,0 e especificidade de 96,4% com intervalo de confiança de 96,4-99,4. O valor da estatística Kappa (k) foi de 0,82 com erro padrão de 0,041, demonstrando um alinhamento quase perfeito para a verificação do grau de concordância entre os testes. Desta forma, o uso desta nova região para a amplificação da PCR se mostra uma importante e confiável ferramenta no diagnóstico específico da tuberculose. Outra região que compreende parte dos genes mbaA e inhA foi utilizada para diferenciar o Complexo tuberculosis do Complexo avium. Porém, novos experimentos serão necessários para o emprego desta região como uma ferramenta de diagnóstico.