998 resultados para Musical perception
OBJECTIVE: This study analyzes symptom perception by parents and healthcare professionals and the quality of symptom management in a pediatric palliative home care setting and identifies which factors contribute to a high quality of palliative and end-of-life care for children. METHODS: In this retrospective, cross-sectional study, parents were surveyed at the earliest three months after their child's death. All children were cared for by a specialized home pediatric palliative care team that provides a 24/7 medical on-call service. Questionnaires assessed symptom prevalence and intensity during the child's last month of life as perceived by parents, symptom perception, and treatment by medical staff. The responses were correlated with essential palliative care outcome measures (e.g., satisfaction with the care provided, quality-of-life of affected children and parents, and peacefulness of the dying phase). RESULTS: Thirty-eight parent dyads participated (return rate 84%; 35% oncological disorders). According to parental report, dyspnea (61%) and pain (58%) were the dominant symptoms with an overall high symptom load (83%). Pain, agitation, and seizures could be treated more successfully than other symptoms. Successful symptom perception was achieved in most cases and predicted the quality of symptom treatment (R 2, 0.612). Concordant assessment of symptom severity between parents and healthcare professionals (HCPs) improved the satisfaction with the care provided (p = 0.037) as well as the parental quality-of-life (p = 0.041). Even in cases with unsuccessful symptom control, parents were very satisfied with the SHPPC team's care (median 10; numeric rating scale 0-10) and rated the child's death as highly peaceful (median 9). Significance of the results: The quality and the concordance of symptom perception between parents and HCPs essentially influence parental quality-of-life as well as parental satisfaction and constitute a predictive factor for the quality of symptom treatment and palliative care.
Il faut distinguer timing pubertaire objectif (TPO ; comparaison du timing pubertaire réel d'un sujet avec celui d'un groupe de référence) et timing pubertaire subjectif (TPS ; perception subjective par le sujet de son timing pubertaire par rapport à celui de ses pairs). Chez l'adolescente, la ménarche est couramment utilisée comme marqueur du TPO. La littérature s'intéressant aux variations physiologiques (normales) du timing pubertaire montre qu'un TPO précoce est corrélé chez les adolescentes avec de nombreux problèmes de santé (p.ex. dépression, abus de substances, comportements à risques, niveau d'études inférieur). Un TPO tardif chez l'adolescente serait quant à lui associé à une meilleure réussite scolaire. Les diverses hypothèses expliquant ces corrélations sont brièvement décrites dans notre travail. Certaines hypothèses impliquent des facteurs objectifs tels les changements du corps à la puberté, alors que d'autres privilégient des facteurs plus subjectifs, dans le registre de la perception de soi. A ce jour, la littérature ne s'est que très peu intéressée au TPS en soi. Une adolescente percevant son timing pubertaire comme précoce est-elle à risque même si sa puberté survient objectivement au même âge que la majorité de ses pairs ? L'objectif de ce travail est de rechercher d'éventuelles corrélations entre TPS et adoption de comportements à risque chez des adolescentes rapportant un TPO dans la moyenne. Nos données proviennent de l'enquête SMASH 2002, une étude par questionnaire auto-administré conduite parmi un échantillon de 7548 adolescentes et adolescents suisses âgés de 16-20 ans. Des 3658 adolescentes de l'échantillon initial, nous ne sélectionnons que les 1003 d'entre elles qui ont répondu à la question sur le TPS et qui ont rapporté un âge à la ménarche de 13 ans, soit la moyenne et la médiane de l'âge à la ménarche rapporté par les 3658 adolescentes de l'échantillon initial. Ces 1003 adolescentes sélectionnées sont considérées comme ayant un TPO dans la moyenne. Ces 1003 adolescentes sont séparées en 3 groupes en fonction de leur TPS (précoce/correspondant à la moyenne/tardif). A l'aide d'analyses bivariées et logistiques, nous comparons ces 3 groupes en termes d'adoption de comportements à risque dans le champ de la sexualité (précocité des rapports sexuels) et dans celui de la consommation de substances (tabac, cannabis, drogues dures). Nos résultats montrent principalement qu'une perception de précocité pubertaire est associée avec une précocité des premiers rapports sexuels et de l'usage de drogues dures. A l'inverse, les adolescentes percevant leur puberté comme tardive rapportent moins fréquemment des rapports sexuels avant 16 ans que les adolescentes percevant leur puberté comme dans la moyenne. Les implications cliniques sont les suivantes : face à une adolescente percevant sa puberté comme étant ou ayant été précoce, le praticien devrait investiguer l'existence de comportements à risque même si la puberté survient ou est survenue à un âge similaire à ce qui est retrouvé chez la majorité des pairs. En effet, notre étude suggère que même si cette adolescente se trompe en percevant sa puberté comme précoce, la probabilité de comportements à risque est augmentée dans le champ de la sexualité et de la consommation de substances. Nos résultats suggèrent aussi que l'association retrouvée dans la littérature entre précocité objective de la puberté et comportements à risque chez les adolescentes n'est pas uniquement médiée par les changements corporels pubertaires mais qu'un facteur psychologique tel que la perception subjective est également impliqué.
The objective of this master’s thesis was to examine how corporate values come true among the white-collar employees in the case organization. It was also studied if values were perceived similarly in the different departments. Impact of organizational position and education on value orientation was tested through hypotheses based on earlier values research. There are only few value scales available for measuring organizational values. The empirical study results indicate that personnel’s perception of organizational values can be measured statistically. When defining the scale it is utmost important to link the questions and claims close to the employees’ daily working environment. In this study, Work ethic appeared as the strongest organizational value reflecting respondents’ commitment to their duties. Related to corporate values, Performance was perceived as the strongest value and Emphasis on people the weakest. Value consensus between the departments varied. According to the previous research organizational position and educational level has an impact on value perceptions. In this study, employees in superior position or with higher education perceived organizational values to come true better than subordinates or employees with lower education. Empirical data (N=229) was collected by a web-based survey questionnaire among white-collar employees in the case organization in April 2008. Statistical analyses were performed by SPSS programme.
Catalan has drawn considerable attention given its impressive institutional support and increased usage since the restoration of the Generalitat of Catalonia. We report a study on 112 Catalan-speaking students who were administered the"subjective vitality questionnaire". Results show (and these are compared with reports 20 years ago) that it continues to gain momentum and status, even with the International stature of Spanish. The theoretical and pragmatic significance of these findings are discussed in terms of vitality"s role in shaping Language choices (Catalan vs. Castilian) in everyday communication as well as the societal level in forging Language policies for communicating in Catalan in business, political, educational, and media arenas
La cantata humana per a veu solista a la Península Ibèrica a finals del segle XVII i inicis del XVIII. Estudi i edició musical d'una part del còdex 82 de la Colección Pombalinas de la Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
This study makes an attempt to capture some of the aesthetic ideas prospering in the latter half of the eighteenth century and investigates in what way these are possibly being manifested in different musical aspects in Beethoven's early work, and most specifically in his eight sonata, often referred to as the Pathétique sonata. Beginning the first chapter with an introduction to aesthetic notions in Beethoven's age, the second chapter is mostly concerned with anecdotes regarding the Pathétique sonata. Further the third chapter exhibits possible influences between Cherubini, Beethoven and Wagner, and the last three chapters treat different musical and aesthetic aspects like Beethoven's relation to the C minor tonality, the German Sturm und Drang movement, and finally some parallels that can be found between literature and music.
Soitinnus: Piano.
Soitinnus: Piano.
This thesis is an experimental study regarding the identification and discrimination of vowels, studied using synthetic stimuli. The acoustic attributes of synthetic stimuli vary, which raises the question of how different spectral attributes are linked to the behaviour of the subjects. The spectral attributes used are formants and spectral moments (centre of gravity, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis). Two types of experiments are used, related to the identification and discrimination of the stimuli, respectively. The discrimination is studied by using both the attentive procedures that require a response from the subject, and the preattentive procedures that require no response. Together, the studies offer information about the identification and discrimination of synthetic vowels in 15 different languages. Furthermore, this thesis discusses the role of various spectral attributes in the speech perception processes. The thesis is divided into three studies. The first is based only on attentive methods, whereas the other two concentrate on the relationship between identification and discrimination experiments. The neurophysiological methods (EEG recordings) reveal the role of attention in processing, and are used in discrimination experiments, while the results reveal differences in perceptual processes based on the language, attention and experimental procedure.
UNA DE LES FORMES MÉS COMPLEXES de comportament creatiu és la improvisació musical, tan típica d'alguns estils com el jazz i el freestyle rap, però que tanmateix es pot aplicar a qualsevol estil, des de la música clàssica fins al rock'n'roll, passant per la música tradicional. Roger E. Beaty, de la Universitat de Carolina del Nord, als EUA, ha publicat un treball a Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews on compara l'activitat neural durant la improvisació musical en músics de diferents estils. Els resultats indiquen que els processos mentals seguits per uns i altres no són exactament els mateixos, i que les principals diferències es troben en la predominança de control cognitiu durant la improvisació o alternativament de pensament divergent.
The purpose of this descriptive survey was to investigate the risk perceptions of smoking in a sample of 1,510 Spanish adolescents(49.1% males; mean age = 14.03; SD = 1.28). In addition, the present research categorised adolescents into one of the fourstages of smoking acquisition, as described by the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TMC): Precontemplation (notthinking about trying smoking in the next 6 months), Contemplation (thinking about trying smoking in the next 6 months), Preparation (thinking about starting smoking in the next 30 days) and Action (smokers), by gender and age. The results showed that age and risk perceptions are important variables in the progression through the stages of change towards regular tobacco consumption (Action stage). These results clearly demonstrate the importance of starting antismoking campaigns at an early age to prevent smoking acquisition or the thought of starting in the near future. These findings also highlight the need to continuously remind adolescents about the negative consequences of smoking
La experiencia se enmarca en un proyecto de intercambio Comenius desarrollado entre los años 2002-2005, con la participación de seis centros europeos. A partir de la asignatura de prácticas de los alumnos de la Universidad de Girona, se ha implicado la educación musical en el proyecto y se ha desarrollado, a lo largo de tres cursos, una rica experiencia intercultural a través de la canción, la danza y la composición. A su vez, se analizan las aportaciones del proyecto al trabajo de las competencias básicas de la etapa
This paper presents an ongoing investigation regarding ethical competence, protective factors, strengths of character and coping strategies analyzed in a sample of students in Early Childhood Education Degree from the University of Barcelona. Along with a theoretical study will be an observational study using standardized instruments and standardized, which include the VIA-IS questionnaire Seligman. With all that is expected to draw conclusions to improve the training of teachers in kindergarten, especially since the subjects of musical expression and body where they develop these skills ethics.
The music is a compulsory subject in the first stage of primary education. We detected several teachers from different educational areas, including the area of music, using e-learning platforms and web tools for teaching the curriculum that marks the “Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya”. From the body of analysis has drawn the picture in e-learning platforms, analyzing the types and uses. Through the sample of e-learning platforms in music education, have identified four schools with e-learning platforms in advanced stage. We performed a case study on one of these platforms for content analysis and validate the interview format used; this has served to create a model that can be used in other centers with e-learning platform for music subject.