1000 resultados para Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban, 1617-1682
Background: Heart rate variability (HRV) is a marker of autonomic dysfunction severity. The effects of physical training on HRV indexes in Chagas heart disease (CHD) are not well established. Objective: To evaluate the changes in HRV indexes in response to physical training in CHD. Methods: Patients with CHD and left ventricular (LV) dysfunction, physically inactive, were randomized either to the intervention (IG, N = 18) or control group (CG, N = 19). The IG participated in a 12-week exercise program consisting of 3 sessions/week. Results: Mean age was 49.5 ± 8 years, 59% males, mean LVEF was 36.3 ± 7.8%. Baseline HRV indexes were similar between groups. From baseline to follow-up, total power (TP): 1653 (IQ 625 - 3418) to 2794 (1617 - 4452) ms, p = 0.02) and very low frequency power: 586 (290 - 1565) to 815 (610 - 1425) ms, p = 0.047) increased in the IG, but not in the CG. The delta (post - pre) HRV indexes were similar: SDNN 11.5 ± 30.0 vs. 3.7 ± 25.1 ms. p = 0.10; rMSSD 2 (6 - 17) vs. 1 (21 - 9) ms. p = 0.43; TP 943 (731 - 3130) vs. 1780 (921 - 2743) Hz. p = 0.46; low frequency power (LFP) 1.0 (150 - 197) vs. 60 (111 - 146) Hz. p = 0.85; except for high frequency power, which tended to increase in the IG: 42 (133 - 92) vs. 79 (61 - 328) Hz. p = 0.08). Conclusion: In the studied population, the variation of HRV indexes was similar between the active and inactive groups. Clinical improvement with physical activity seems to be independent from autonomic dysfunction markers in CHD.
RESUMEN Estudios acerca de la diversidad e historia natural de comunidades de anuros son elementales para distinguir entre fluctuaciones naturales de aquellas causadas por impactos antrópicos (herramienta clave en programas de conservación), evaluar el papel que juegan en la dinámica de los ecosistemas y permitir comparaciones de gradientes de diversidad. En este contexto, se analiza la diversidad, la distribución temporal y espacial, y los turnos de vocalización de anuros de tres sitios de reproducción en los Esteros del Iberá, en el nordeste de Argentina. Los muestreos fueron mensuales entre julio de 2008 y junio de 2010. Se registraron 26 especies pertenecientes a cinco familias: Bufonidae (2), Hylidae (11), Leptodactylidae (11), Microhylidae (1), y Odontophrynidae (1). Se encontraron variaciones en la riqueza de especies por sitio, en el periodo, frecuencia y turno de vocalización y en la abundancia de machos vocalizadores. La riqueza es similar al de otros humedales similares, incluyendo un importante dominio de leptodactílidos e hílidos, patrón frecuente en ensambles neotropicales. La concentración de las especies en actividad de vocalización en los meses más cálidos y lluviosos estuvo asociada con los cambios en la temperatura y en las precipitaciones, las cuales fueron señaladas como algunos de los factores que inician la actividad reproductiva en ambientes estacionales.
I - No Bradypus tridactylus foram encontrados 2 ganglios cervicaes e 13 thoracicos. II - O sympathico abdominal é constitutido inicialmente por um ganglio triangular que representa a fuzão do primeiro ganglio catenario lombar e do ganglio semi-lunar classico. Nota-se tambem na cadeia lombar uma massa ganglionar unica. III - A cadeia pelviana é representada por 7 ganglios, gradativamente reduzidos de tamanho. IV - No Bradypus tridactylus os dois ultimos ganglios pelvianos direito e esquerdo se reunem por uma anastomose transversal. V - No Bradypus tridactylus foi encontrada em dois exemplares origem thoracica rudimentar de um unico esplanchnico em cada lado; nos demais exemplares notou-se ausencia de individualisação anatomica dos nervos esplanchnicos. VI - No Bradypus tridactylus além de um ganglio triangular situado latero-ventralmente á aorta e caudalmente á emergencia da arteria celiaca, encontrou-se um ganglio aortico renal e um ganglio hypogastrico. VII - No Bradypus tridactylus verificou-se a existencia dos nervos esplanchnicos pelvianos de Delmas e do plexo inter-iliaco ou pré-sacro.
Los mercados financieros en economías emergentes como la mexicana se caracterizan por importantes asimetrías de información que dificultan el acceso de las PYMEs al crédito bancario. En este artículo se analiza el problema de la restricción de crédito a partir de una muestra de empresas industriales obtenida en el entorno industrial de Guadalajara (México). Nuestro propósito se centra en identificar qué elementos caracterizan a las empresas que sufren esta restricción, cuestión de gran interés desde la perspectiva de política económica, en el sentido de orientar los esfuerzos de las instituciones gubernamentales(banca de desarrollo) hacia las empresas con mayores problemas de financiación.
We analyze the incentives for cooperation of three players differing in their efficiency of effort in a contest game. We concentrate on the non-cooperative bargaining foundation of coalition formation, and therefore, we adopt a two-stage model. In the first stage, individuals form coalitions following a bargaining protocol similar to the one proposed by Gul (1989). Afterwards, coalitions play the contest game of Esteban and Ray (1999) within the resulting coalition structure of the first stage. We find that the grand coalition forms whenever the distribution of the bargaining power in the coalition formation game is equal to the distribution of the relative efficiency of effort. Finally, we use the case of equal bargaining power for all individuals to show that other types of coalition structures may be observed as well.
This paper analyzes secession and group formation in a general model of contest inspired by Esteban and Ray (1999). This model encompasses as special cases rent seeking contests and policy conflicts, where agents lobby over the choice of a policy in a one-dimensional policy space. We show that in both models the grand coalition is the efficient coalition structure and agents are always better off in the grand coalition than in a symmetric coalition structure. Individual agents (in the rent seeking contest) and extremists (in the policy conflict) only have an incentive to secede when they anticipate that their secession will not be followed by additional secessions. Incentives to secede are lower when agents cooperate inside groups. The grand coalition emerges as the unique subgame perfect equilibrium outcome of a sequential game of coalition formation in rent seeking contests.
We present a model in which an individual's sentiments towards others are determined endogenously on the basis of how they perform relative to the societal average. This, in turn, affects the individual's own behavior and hence other agents' sentiments toward her. We focus on stationary patterns of utility interdependence. To demonstrate the effects of such endogeneity, we consider an example of a production economy with redistributive taxation. There are two types of stationary equilibria: one in which all agents conform to the societal norm, into two or three groups. The main conclusion is that the tax structure, in that it affects behavior which in turn affects sentiments, plays a crucial role in determining which type of equilibrium occurs and its characteristics as well as the extent of altruism and social cohesion in society.
In this paper we propose the infimum of the Arrow-Pratt index of absolute risk aversion as a measure of global risk aversion of a utility function. We then show that, for any given arbitrary pair of distributions, there exists a threshold level of global risk aversion such that all increasing concave utility functions with at least as much global risk aversion would rank the two distributions in the same way. Furthermore, this threshold level is sharp in the sense that, for any lower level of global risk aversion, we can find two utility functions in this class yielding opposite preference relations for the two distributions.
Duro and Esteban (1998) proposed an additive decomposition of Theil populationweighted index by four income multiplicative factors (in spatial contexts). This note makes some additional methodological points: first, it argues that interaction effects are taken into account in the factoral indexes although only in a fairly restrictive way. As a consequence, we suggest to rewrite the decomposition formula as a sum of strict Theil indexes plus the interactive terms; second, it might be instructive to aggregate some of the initial factors; third, this decomposition can be immediately extended to the between- and within-group components.
Sovint parlem de les comarques catalanes en termes de grups més o menys homogenis. Per exemple, les segmenten en riques i pobres, en dinàmiques i estancades, en interiors o costaneres, etc. Apart de l'interès com a instrument de síntesi, el grau de formació de grups cohesionats i distants entre si pot ser un assumpte rellevant en termes de la cohesió territorial. En aquestes circumstàncies, la disponibilitat d'una mesura específica que permeti la quantificació precisa d'aquest fenomen sembla particularment útil. En aquest sentit, la literatura ens ha suggerit diverses mesures de polarització, entre les que shaurien de destacar els Índexos de Polarització Generalitzada (Esteban, Gradín i Ray (1999)). El principal objecte d'aquest treball consisteix a aplicar aquestes mesures a la distribució comarcal de la renda a Catalunya al llarg del període 1990-2002. El principal resultat obtingut apunta cap a una creixent polarització econòmica de les comarques que, conjuntament amb l'increment observat en les desigualtats, recolzaria una actitud molt més decidida per part de l'administració en el reequilibri del territori.
Este ensayo revisa críticamente una gama de informes de medición de la democracia latinoamericana provenientes de diferentes fuentes de la cooperación internacional involucrada en la región. Cuestiona la tendencia a simplificar la democracia con variables atinentes a sus fortalezas e intereses económicos en una visión estadocéntrica, cuantitativista y generalizante. Señala que esta visión restringida no da cuenta de las acciones e iniciativas ciudadanas atinentes a la reivindicación de los derechos cívicos y políticos y a la participación en la búsqueda de soluciones a los problemas obstaculizantes del desarrollo democrático latinoamericano. Concluye propositivamente, señalando la urgencia de complementar estos informes con estudios rigurosos y objetivos fundamentados en el registro de las particularidades idiosincrásicas de cada país de la región.
This paper provides a systematic classification of the different measures of polarization based on their properties. Together with the axioms proposed in Duclos, Esteban and Ray (2004) and in Wang and Tsui (2000) we consider three additional properties. We examine which properties are common to all indices and which set them apart.