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Actualmente o contacto com uma notícia é feito em rede e através de diversos media, o Papel, a Internet, a Televisão, os Telemóveis e os Tablets. Como dispositivo técnico de leitura de notícias os Tablets são uma plataforma que apresenta os conteúdos da notícia de uma revista de forma diferente. A informação é apresentada através de soluções visuais e com uma nova narrativa, diferente das revistas tradicionais. Os conteúdos estão mais fragmentados, o leitor pode ver um vídeo, ouvir uma música, seleccionar uma informação através de um sistema de “árvore de decisão” carregando num simples botão, aceder a um hyperlink ou simplesmente visualizar um slideshow. Todos estes recursos interativos estão disponíveis. Os números de venda de Tablets induzem a que muitas editoras se adaptem a esta inovação e que desenvolvam os seus produtos editoriais neste novo suporte. A revista Proteste, o principal produto da linha generalista que abrange todos os domínios do equipamento e os serviços destinados ao consumidor, da Editora DecoProteste Editores para a defesa do consumidor, LDA, necessita de migrar para estes dispositivos para cativar novos públicos. A presença desta revista nos Tablets está actualmente disponível através de um pdf com interação diminuta. Esta limitação será o ponto de partida deste trabalho de Projeto. A proposta terá um novo layout, que será estruturado com base na revista tradicional em papel, o objetivo é privilegiar a fácil usabilidade e apreensão dos conteúdos pelo leitor. A aplicação será concebida através de software compatível com o utilizado na produção da revista. Serão seleccionados conteúdos já publicados e identificadas as respectivas fontes. O projecto centrar-se-á no design de uma aplicação na qual serão criados todos os elementos interactivos de forma a introduzir uma nova narrativa/storytelling na publicação onde o consumidor possa interagir. A identificação com a revista em papel será muito forte através de uma nomenclatura que nos remeterá para os conteúdos disponibilizados em papel, nomeadamente as rubricas, os testes comparativos com designação de uma Escolha Acertada, que define a melhor relação “qualidade/preço”, bem como a selecção dos produtos e serviços com melhor desempenho. Os estudos de preços, outro dos sectores fundamentais da informação disponível em papel, também serão abordados. O modo como consumimos informação mudou. Com boas “histórias” em mãos e através dos meios tecnológicos disponíveis é a altura ideal para poder contá-las.
The Layout of My Thesis This thesis contains three chapters in Industrial Organization that build on the work outlined above. The first two chapters combine leniency programs with multimarket contact and provide a thorough analysis of the potential effects of Amnesty Plus and Penalty Plus. The third chapter puts the whole discussion on leniency programs into perspective by examining other enforcement tools available to an antitrust authority. The main argument in that last chapter is that a specific instrument can only be as effective as the policy in which it is embedded. It is therefore important for an antitrust authority to know how it best accompanies the introduction or modification of a policy instrument that helps deterrence. INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 examines the efféct of Amnesty Plus and Penalty Plus on the incentives of firms to report cartel activities. The main question is whether the inclusion of these policies in a leniency program undermine the effectiveness of the latter by discouraging the firms to apply for amnesty. The model is static and focus on the ex post incentives of firms to desist from collusion. The results suggest that, because Amnesty Plus and Penalty Plus encourage the reporting of a second cartel after a first detection, a firm, anticipating this, may be reluctant to seek leniency and to report in the first place. However, the effect may also go in the opposite direction, and Amnesty Plus and Penalty Plus may encourage the simultaneous reporting of two cartels. Chapter 2 takes this idea further to the stage of cartel formation. This chapter provides a complete characterization of the potential anticompetitive and procompetitive effects of Amnesty Plus in a infinitely repeated game framework when the firms use their multimarket contact to harshen punishment. I suggest a clear-cut policy rule that prevents potential adverse effects and thereby show that, if policy makers follow this rule, a leniency program with Amnesty Plus performs better than one without. Chapter 3 characterizes the socially optimal enforcement effort of an antitrust authority and shows how this effort changes with the introduction or modification of specific policy instruments. The intuition is that the policy instrument may increase the marginal benefit of conducting investigations. If this effect is strong enough, a more rigorous detection policy becomes socially desirable.
Työn tavoitteena on esitellä suunnitelma VAASAN Oy:n Vantaan leipomon laajennetun lähettämön materiaalivirtojen hallinasta. Suunnitelma pohjautuu laskelmiin, jotka sisältävät arviot lähettämön kasvavista materiaalivirroista sekä niiden vaikutuksista lähettämön toimintaan. Laskelmien pohjalta määritetään erikokoisten varastointialueiden sijoittelu, varastointikapasiteetit sekä kunkin alueen kuormittuneisuudet. Teoriaosuus käsittelee työn taustaksi keskeisimpiä teorioita materiaalivirtojen hallinnasta, layoutsuunnittelusta sekä lähettämön toiminnoista. Kunkin osa-alueen avulla voidaan vaikuttaa yrityksen materiaalivirtojen hallintaan. Teoriaosuutta koskevaa tietoa on hankittu logistiikan alan kirjallisuudesta, erilaisista tieteellisistä julkaisuista sekä verkkomateriaaleista. Empiirisessä osuudessa esitellään aluksi Vantaan leipomon lähettämön nykyinen toimintaperiaate. Tämän jälkeen arvioidaan laajennetun lähettämön kasvavia materiaalivirtoja. Työn tuloksena esitellään laskelmia apuna käyttäen suunnitelma laajennetun lähettämön materiaalivirtojen hallinnasta.
Model layout of the 3 stage residence expansion to the university proposed in September of 1967. This was a revision of the original master plan which called for high rise residences east of the Tower rather then the sprawling residences shown here. Although modified slightly from the model, the first stage of the residence would become a reality in the form of the Decew Residence. The realization of the second stage would also eventually take place when the Gordon and Betty Vallee Residence was constructed.
Model layout of the 3 stage residence expansion to the university proposed in September of 1967. This was a revision of the original master plan which called for high rise residences east of the Tower rather then the sprawling residences shown here. Although modified slightly from the model, the first stage of the residence would become a reality in the form of the Decew Residence. The realization of the second stage would also eventually take place when the Gordon and Betty Vallee Residence was constructed.
Master Plan Phase 2. Map of the original 1964 master plan showing the planned campus layout and distances from the centre of campus (ie. the Tower).
Master Plan Phase 2. This overhead map of the original 1964 Master Plan shows the planned campus layout along the escarpment.
This study \Alas initiated in response to the Junior Division Review (1985) publ ished by the Ministry of Education for the Province of Ontario. Curriculum integration is an element used within the educational paradigm designed by the Ontario Ministry of Education. It is a term frequent1y verbal ized b>' educators in this province, but because of 1 imi ted resource support regarding this methodology, it was open to broad interpretation resulting in an extreme v ar i at i on i nit simp 1 eme n tat i on • I n de ed, the Min i s try intimated that it was not occurring to any significant degree across the province. The objective of this thes is was· to define integration in the junior classroom and de-:.ign a meas.ur·ement in-:.tr-ument which would in turn high 1 i gh t indicators of curriculum integration. The :.tudy made a prel iminary, field-based survey of educa tiona 1 professionals in order to generate a relevant description of integrated curr-iculum programm i ng as def i ned in the j un i or classroom. The description was a compilation of views expressed by a random selection of teachers, consultants, supervisory officers and principals. The survey revea 1 ed a much more comprehens i ve vi et·<,l of the attributes of integrated programming than tradition would dictate and resulted in a functional definition tha t was broader than past prac t ices. Based on the information generated by this survey, an instrument ou t 1 in i ng program cr iter i a of was devised. an integrated junior cla~·sroom Th i s measuremen t i nstrumen t , designed for all levels of educators, was named uThe Han~.son I nstrumen t for the Measuremen t of Program Integrat ion in the Jun i or Cl assroom". It refl ected five categories intrinsic to the me thodol ogy of integration: Teacher Behaviour, Student Behaviour, Classroom Layout, Cl as~·r oom Environment and Progr amm i ng. Each category and the items therein were successfully tested in val idi ty and rel iabi 1 i ty checKs. Interestingly, the individual class was found to be the major variable programming in in the measuremen t the j un i or d i vis i on • of The integrated instrument demonstrated potential not onl)' a~· an initial measure of the degree of integrated curriculum, but as a guide to strategies to implement such a methodology.
Layout planning is a process of sizing and placing rooms (e.g. in a house) while a t t empt ing to optimize various criteria. Often the r e are conflicting c r i t e r i a such as construction cost, minimizing the distance between r e l a t ed activities, and meeting the area requirements for these activities. The process of layout planning ha s mostly been done by hand, wi th a handful of a t t empt s to automa t e the process. Thi s thesis explores some of these pa s t a t t empt s and describes several new techniques for automa t ing the layout planning process using evolutionary computation. These techniques a r e inspired by the existing methods, while adding some of the i r own innovations. Additional experimenLs are done to t e s t the possibility of allowing polygonal exteriors wi th rectilinear interior walls. Several multi-objective approaches are used to evaluate and compare fitness. The evolutionary r epr e s ent a t ion and requirements specification used provide great flexibility in problem scope and depth and is worthy of considering in future layout and design a t t empt s . The system outlined in thi s thesis is capable of evolving a variety of floor plans conforming to functional and geometric specifications. Many of the resulting plans look reasonable even when compared to a professional floor plan. Additionally polygonal and multi-floor buildings were also generated.
As important social stimuli, faces playa critical role in our lives. Much of our interaction with other people depends on our ability to recognize faces accurately. It has been proposed that face processing consists of different stages and interacts with other systems (Bruce & Young, 1986). At a perceptual level, the initial two stages, namely structural encoding and face recognition, are particularly relevant and are the focus of this dissertation. Event-related potentials (ERPs) are averaged EEG signals time-locked to a particular event (such as the presentation of a face). With their excellent temporal resolution, ERPs can provide important timing information about neural processes. Previous research has identified several ERP components that are especially related to face processing, including the N 170, the P2 and the N250. Their nature with respect to the stages of face processing is still unclear, and is examined in Studies 1 and 2. In Study 1, participants made gender decisions on a large set of female faces interspersed with a few male faces. The ERP responses to facial characteristics of the female faces indicated that the N 170 amplitude from each side of the head was affected by information from eye region and by facial layout: the right N 170 was affected by eye color and by face width, while the left N 170 was affected by eye size and by the relation between the sizes of the top and bottom parts of a face. In contrast, the P100 and the N250 components were largely unaffected by facial characteristics. These results thus provided direct evidence for the link between the N 170 and structural encoding of faces. In Study 2, focusing on the face recognition stage, we manipulated face identity strength by morphing individual faces to an "average" face. Participants performed a face identification task. The effect of face identity strength was found on the late P2 and the N250 components: as identity strength decreased from an individual face to the "average" face, the late P2 increased and the N250 decreased. In contrast, the P100, the N170 and the early P2 components were not affected by face identity strength. These results suggest that face recognition occurs after 200 ms, but not earlier. Finally, because faces are often associated with social information, we investigated in Study 3 how group membership might affect ERP responses to faces. After participants learned in- and out-group memberships of the face stimuli based on arbitrarily assigned nationality and university affiliation, we found that the N170 latency differentiated in-group and out-group faces, taking longer to process the latter. In comparison, without group memberships, there was no difference in N170 latency among the faces. This dissertation provides evidence that at a neural level, structural encoding of faces, indexed by the N170, occurs within 200 ms. Face recognition, indexed by the late P2 and the N250, occurs shortly afterwards between 200 and 300 ms. Social cognitive factors can also influence face processing. The effect is already evident as early as 130-200 ms at the structural encoding stage.
The skill to identify and use best practices in literacy to promote achievement for students of all abilities cannot be underestimated by elementary educators. This qualitative case study investigates 1 year of a literacy initiative for primary and junior educators organized by a southern Ontario school board. The goals of the initiative were to design a literacy guide for teachers while building teacher capacity with literacy practices. Data were culled and analyzed from an examination of the guide, the meetings’ field notes and artifacts, as well as interviews with the educators at the end of the year. Several themes from the results emerged. The educators perceived the design process as unclear but the collaborative components were deemed valuable. The guide’s incompletion led to mixed reactions from the educators about the guide and its structure. Overall, the first year of the 3-year initiative acted as a catalyst for professional learning on literacy. The findings of this study accentuated the value of training educators to use empirical research to support their practices and professional knowledge. Also, the significance of promoting strong leadership with a comprehensive layout consisting of coherent tangible goals for professional development is highlighted.
Il est généralement admis que la vision joue un rôle prépondérant dans la formation des représentations spatiales. Qu’advient-il alors lorsqu’un individu est atteint de cécité? Dans le premier volet de cette thèse, les habiletés spatiales des personnes aveugles ont été examinées à l’aide de différentes tâches et comparées à celles de personnes voyantes effectuant les mêmes tâches avec les yeux bandés. Dans une première étude, les capacités de rotation mentale ont été évaluées à l’aide d’une épreuve d’orientation topographique tactile. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les personnes aveugles parviennent généralement à développer des capacités de rotation mentale similaires à celles de personnes voyantes et ce, malgré l’absence d’information de nature visuelle. Dans une seconde étude, nous avons utilisé différentes tâches spatiales nécessitant l’utilisation de la locomotion. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les personnes aveugles font preuve d’habiletés supérieures à celles de voyants lorsqu’elles doivent apprendre de nouveaux trajets dans un labyrinthe. Elles parviennent également à mieux reconnaître une maquette représentant un environnement exploré précédemment. Ainsi, l’absence de vision ne semble pas entraver de manière significative la formation de concepts spatiaux. Le second volet de cette thèse s’inscrit dans la lignée des études sur la plasticité cérébrale chez les personnes aveugles. Dans le cas présent, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’hippocampe, une structure profonde du lobe temporal dont le rôle au plan spatial a été établi par de nombreuses études animales ainsi que par des études cliniques chez l’humain incluant l’imagerie cérébrale. L’hippocampe joue un rôle particulièrement important dans la navigation spatiale. De plus, des changements structuraux de l’hippocampe ont été documentés en relation avec l’expérience des individus. Par exemple, l’étude de Maguire et al. (2000) a mis en évidence de telles modifications structurelles de l’hippocampe chez des chauffeurs de taxi. À l’instar de ces derniers, les personnes aveugles doivent emmagasiner de nombreuses informations au sujet de leur environnement puisqu’elles ne peuvent bénéficier de la vision pour mettre à jour les informations sur celui-ci, sur leur position dans l’espace et sur la position des objets se trouvant hors de leur portée. Nous avons montré, pour la première fois, une augmentation du volume des hippocampes chez les personnes aveugles en comparaison avec les personnes voyantes. De plus, cette augmentation de volume était positivement corrélée à la performance à une tâche d’apprentissage de trajets. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse permettent d’appuyer les études antérieures qui soutiennent que les personnes aveugles parviennent à compenser leur déficit et à développer des habiletés spatiales comparables, voire supérieures, à celles de personnes voyantes. Ils permettent également d’apporter un éclairage nouveau sur le concept de plasticité cérébrale présent chez cette population en montrant pour la première fois un lien entre le volume de l’hippocampe et les habiletés spatiales chez les personnes aveugles.
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Ce mémoire prend comme point de départ le paradoxe central qui marque l’écriture de Pierre Perrault : le fait qu’en dehors de son travail cinématographique, il écrit des textes littéraires alors qu’il refuse à la fois le statut d’écrivain et la catégorie même de « littérature ». L’analyse du discours des poèmes du recueil Gélivures et des essais du recueil De la parole aux actes permet de montrer que Perrault arrive, grâce à tout un imaginaire de la parole, à écrire en se dégageant symboliquement de la littérature, dont il critique la volonté de conquête. Ce mémoire fait appel à une critique où la réflexion sur la langue joue un grand rôle, à la croisée de l’histoire et du social. Le premier chapitre traite de ce que signifie la parole chez Perrault et de ce qu’elle implique. Sont abordés en particulier le champ sémantique qui entoure ce motif omniprésent dans son œuvre ainsi que les rapprochements métaphoriques entre parole, mémoire et identités. Le deuxième chapitre porte sur les manifestations plus directes de la parole, soit le don que fait Perrault de la parole à travers son œuvre. Sont étudiés l’intertextualité, la mise en page et le travail de la citation. La volonté de prise de parole de Perrault lui-même est étudiée au dernier chapitre. Son écriture est alors envisagée comme un combat pour la défense d’une parole qui est d’ailleurs étroitement liée à sa quête identitaire, laquelle inspire un style foncièrement polémique et la recherche d’une énonciation qu’on pourrait qualifier de performative.