990 resultados para Lisa Ellis
Since the begínning ofAdvertising, art has been a source ofinexhaustible inspiration for the advertising creative, who have used or misused it with any limits. With more or less direct references to artists, pieces or art movements, to references to the act ofart creation itself and certain aesthetic categories. Taking into account the various semantic versions that art offers, with multiple connotative lectures, this use has not been much profitable in many occasions, not as much as it could have been. However, in other circumstances, thís use has been vampirizing, only preoccupied for the audience impact ofa well knowll reference, but despising it and reducing it to a mere reclaim. In the case ofGiocconda by Leonardo da Vinci or the Birth ofVenus by Bottícelli are significant examples ofthis use, maybe popular, ofthe art productíon. That is to say that the depository was used as a source ofreferences to enrich the lectures ofthe advertising pieces (for instance, the excellent Citroen Xsara Picasso advertisement with the fordism mass production chain) or ¡ust to allow a higher t1Otoriety (like the Chupa-Chups advertisement where the Mona Lisa heartily sucks one ofthe mythical sweets with a stick). Thanks to a selected advertising pieces, graphical and audiovisual, we will be able to go through this kind ofadvertising creation logistics, from the moment that this one decided to call out these art references that were sleeping dreamingly Oll the fair in a depository until this strictly cultural moment came.
Dois experimentos foram conduzidos, por dois anos consecutivos, em Seropédica, RJ, com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho agronômico dos consórcios das cultivares de alface 'Regina 71' (lisa) e 'Verônica' (crespa) com cenoura 'Brasília' e rabanete 'Híbrido nº 19', sob manejo orgânico, assim como determinar as quantidades de macronutrientes exportadas. O delineamento experimental usado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. No primeiro experimento, os tratamentos consistiram de alface crespa em consórcio com cenoura, alface crespa em consórcio com rabanete e os cultivos solteiros. No segundo experimento, usou-se alface lisa em lugar da crespa. Nos consórcios entre cenoura e alface crespa ou lisa, foram observados índices de uso eficiente da terra, superiores a 1,60. Nos consórcios de rabanete com alface, crespa ou lisa, esses índices foram de 1,54 e 1,27, respectivamente. As quantidades de nutrientes extraídas do sistema pelos produtos colhidos foram inferiores aos aportes efetuados, evidenciando a viabilidade de qualquer dos consórcios avaliados.
The objective of this work was to determine the viability equation constants for cottonseed and to detect the occurrence and depletion of hardseededness. Three seedlots of Brazilian cultivars IAC-19 and IAC-20 were tested, using 12 moisture content levels, ranging from 2.2 to 21.7% and three storage temperatures, 40, 50 and 65ºC. Seed moisture content level was reached from the initial value (around 8.8%) either by rehydration, in a closed container, or by drying in desiccators containing silica gel, both at 20ºC. Twelve seed subsamples for each moisture content/temperature treatment were sealed in laminated aluminium-foil packets and stored in incubators at those temperatures, until complete survival curves were obtained. Seed equilibrium relative humidity was recorded. Hardseededness was detected at moisture content levels below 6% and its releasing was achieved either naturally, during storage period, or artificially through seed coat removal. The viability equation quantified the response of seed longevity to storage environment well with K E = 9.240, C W = 5.190, C H = 0.03965 and C Q = 0.000426. The lower limit estimated for application of this equation at 65ºC was 3.6% moisture content.
High-speed non-contact laser profilers have become the standard testing equipment for pavement management ride quality testing. The same technology used in the high-speed profilers is now being used in lightweight profilers for construction smoothness testing. The lightweight profilers have many advantages over the California 25-ft profilograph. Despite the many advantages of the lightweight profilers, there is resistance from the contracting industry toward eliminating the 25-ft profilograph for construction ride testing. One way to reduce or overcome the resistance is to evaluate and demonstrate the advantages/disadvantages of the lightweight profiler in actual field use in Iowa. The objective of the study was to purchase a lightweight profiler and to evaluate its suitability for construction smoothness quality verification and quality acceptance on Iowa projects. A lightweight profiler, an Ames Engineering, Inc. LISA single laser unit, was received in February 2003 for the study. Based on the work done during the 2003 construction season, the following conclusions can be made: (1) For hot mix asphalt surfaces, the LISA correlated well with the contractors' profilographs; (2) LISA results are significantly affected by longitudinal tining on portland cement concrete pavements, requiring a laser system upgrade to give accurate results; (3) A significant timesaving was realized by using the LISA; (4) Increasing visibility and reducing time in the construction zone improved safety; (5) One person with limited lifting capabilities could set up and operate the LISA; and (6) With the current Iowa Department of Transportation specification, the LISA cannot totally replace the profilograph, since bridges and short segments with no adjoining pavement would still require a profilograph.
This report describes results from a study evaluating the use of stringless paving using a combination of global positioning and laser technologies. CMI and Geologic Computer Systems developed this technology and successfully implemented it on construction earthmoving and grading projects. Concrete paving is a new area for considering this technology. Fred Carlson Co. agreed to test the stringless paving technology on two challenging concrete paving projects located in Washington County, Iowa. The evaluation was conducted on two paving projects in Washington County, Iowa, during the summer of 2003. The research team from Iowa State University monitored the guidance and elevation conformance to the original design. They employed a combination of physical depth checks, surface location and elevation surveys, concrete yield checks, and physical survey of the control stakes and string line elevations. A final check on profile of the pavement surface was accomplished by the use of the Iowa Department of Transportation Light Weight Surface Analyzer (LISA). Due to the speed of paving and the rapid changes in terrain, the laser technology was abandoned for this project. Total control of the guidance and elevation controls on the slip-form paver were moved from string line to global positioning systems (GPS). The evaluation was a success, and the results indicate that GPS control is feasible and approaching the desired goals of guidance and profile control with the use of three dimensional design models. Further enhancements are needed in the physical features of the slipform paver oil system controls and in the computer program for controlling elevation.
Computer-Aided Tomography Angiography (CTA) images are the standard for assessing Peripheral artery disease (PAD). This paper presents a Computer Aided Detection (CAD) and Computer Aided Measurement (CAM) system for PAD. The CAD stage detects the arterial network using a 3D region growing method and a fast 3D morphology operation. The CAM stage aims to accurately measure the artery diameters from the detected vessel centerline, compensating for the partial volume effect using Expectation Maximization (EM) and a Markov Random field (MRF). The system has been evaluated on phantom data and also applied to fifteen (15) CTA datasets, where the detection accuracy of stenosis was 88% and the measurement accuracy was with an 8% error.
The factor structure of a back translated Spanish version (Lega, Caballo and Ellis, 2002) of the Attitudes and Beliefs Inventory (ABI) (Burgess, 1990) is analyzed in a sample of 250 university students.The Spanish version of the ABI is a 48-items self-report inventory using a 5-point Likert scale that assesses rational and irrational attitudes and beliefs. 24-items cover two dimensions of irrationality: a) areas of content (3 subscales), and b) styles of thinking (4 subscales).An Exploratory Factor Analysis (Parallel Analysis with Unweighted Least Squares method and Promin rotation) was performed with the FACTOR 9.20 software (Lorenzo-Seva and Ferrando, 2013).The results reproduced the main four styles of irrational thinking in relation with the three specific contents of irrational beliefs. However, two factors showed a complex configuration with important cross-loadings of different items in content and style. More analyses are needed to review the specific content and style of such items.
The factor structure of a back translated Spanish version (Lega, Caballo and Ellis, 2002) of the Attitudes and Beliefs Inventory (ABI) (Burgess, 1990) is analyzed in a sample of 250 university students.The Spanish version of the ABI is a 48-items self-report inventory using a 5-point Likert scale that assesses rational and irrational attitudes and beliefs. 24-items cover two dimensions of irrationality: a) areas of content (3 subscales), and b) styles of thinking (4 subscales).An Exploratory Factor Analysis (Parallel Analysis with Unweighted Least Squares method and Promin rotation) was performed with the FACTOR 9.20 software (Lorenzo-Seva and Ferrando, 2013).The results reproduced the main four styles of irrational thinking in relation with the three specific contents of irrational beliefs. However, two factors showed a complex configuration with important cross-loadings of different items in content and style. More analyses are needed to review the specific content and style of such items.
De acuerdo con los planteamientos de la Terapia Cognitiva (TC) de Aaron Beck y la terapia Racional Emotivo Conductual (TREC) de Albert Ellis, el mantenimiento de creencias rígidas y actitudes disfuncionales constituyen factores de vulnerabilidad a los trastornos psicológicos. En base a estos planteamientos, la adecuada evaluación de las creencias y actitudes disfuncionales es fundamental, no sólo para saber cuáles están en el origen y mantenimiento de la perturbación emocional que puede aquejar a una persona, sino también para su cambio y prevención, e incluso para la promoción de actitudes más funcionales o saludables.El presente estudio se centra específicamente en el análisis de las similitudes y diferencias existentes entre los instrumentos de evaluación de las creencias y actitudes disfuncionales elaborados desde tales enfoques teóricos. Concretamente, entre el Inventario de Actitudes y Creencias (ABI) y la Escala de Actitudes Disfuncionales (DAS) desarrollados desde la perspectiva de la TREC y la TC, respectivamente. Para ello se han administrado sendos cuestionarios a una muestra de 156 estudiantes universitarios con un rango de edad comprendido entre los 19 y 57 años (media: 22.03; desviación típica: 5.09), y sus puntuaciones se han sometido a diversos análisis de correlación (de Spearman y canónica) y de regresión para verificar el grado de variancia compartida, así como a un análisis factorial de componentes principales (ACP) para comprobar la estructura de la agrupación de las escalas respectivas...
To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.
Contient : აღსარება მართლისა სარწმუნოებისა წმიდისა კათოლიკე და სამოციქულოისა ეკკლესიისა (!) მართლმადიდებელთა აღმოსავალისათა ; Aḡsareba mart'lisa sarcmunoebisa cmidisa katolike da samocʼik'uloisa eklesiisa mart'lmadidebelt'a aḡmosavalisat'a ; Confession de la vraie foi, de la Sainte Eglise, véritable et apostolique des orthodoxes de l'Orient ; Commentaires sur la liturgie
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho agronômico do cultivo de alface orgânica sob diferentes níveis de sombreamento, épocas de plantio e preparo do solo, no Acre. Para cada cultivar de alface avaliada, lisa (Baba de Verão) e crespa (Vera), foram instalados quatro experimentos em ambientes com níveis distintos de sombreamento (casa de vegetação, 35%; tela, 50%; latada de maracujazeiro, 52%; e a pleno sol), em duas épocas de plantio (estiagem e chuvosa). Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três métodos de preparo do solo (plantio direto, cultivo mínimo e preparo convencional) e quatro repetições. O cultivo em casa de vegetação proporciona maior massa de matéria fresca e produtividade de alface 'Vera', e desempenho similar ao observado sob tela de sombreamento, com preparo mínimo do solo, para as duas épocas de plantio avaliadas. O cultivo a pleno sol, em plantio direto, proporciona maior massa de matéria fresca e produtividade de alface 'Vera', para o período de estiagem. A massa de matéria seca da parte aérea das cultivares Baba de Verão e Vera é maior em cultivo em casa de vegetação, seguida do cultivo sob tela de sombreamento.
Background: Estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancers (BC) are heterogeneous with regard to their clinical behavior and response to therapies. The ER is currently the best predictor of response to the anti-estrogen agent tamoxifen, yet up to 30-40% of ER+ BC will relapse despite tamoxifen treatment. New prognostic biomarkers and further biological understanding of tamoxifen resistance are required. We used gene expression profiling to develop an outcome-based predictor using a training set of 255 ER+ BC samples from women treated with adjuvant tamoxifen monotherapy. We used clusters of highly correlated genes to develop our predictor to facilitate both signature stability and biological interpretation. Independent validation was performed using 362 tamoxifen-treated ER+ BC samples obtained from multiple institutions and treated with tamoxifen only in the adjuvant and metastatic settings.Results: We developed a gene classifier consisting of 181 genes belonging to 13 biological clusters. In the independent set of adjuvantly-treated samples, it was able to define two distinct prognostic groups (HR 2.01 95% CI: 1.29-3.13; p = 0.002). Six of the 13 gene clusters represented pathways involved in cell cycle and proliferation. In 112 metastatic breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen, one of the classifier components suggesting a cellular inflammatory mechanism was significantly predictive of response.Conclusion: We have developed a gene classifier that can predict clinical outcome in tamoxifen-treated ER+ BC patients. Whilst our study emphasizes the important role of proliferation genes in prognosis, our approach proposes other genes and pathways that may elucidate further mechanisms that influence clinical outcome and prediction of response to tamoxifen.