901 resultados para LITTER BAGS
Following a prescribed fire in a Pinus pinaster forest site located in the north-west Portugal, monitoring of any changes in selected soil characteristics and soil hydrology was undertaken to assess the effects of burning on the following: pH, electrical conductivity, water content, organic carbon and porosity. Thirty plots were established on a regular grid. At each sample plot before and after the fire, samples were collected (disturbed samples from depths of 0-1cm and 1-5cm; undisturbed core samples from 0-5cm). The results indicate that there was no measurable impact on the properties of the soil following this carefully conducted prescribed fire. The fire only affected the litter layer, as intended. Confirmation of this minimal impact on the soil was provided by regrowth of grasses and herbs already occurring two months after the fire. The implication is, therefore, that provided this wildfire-risk reduction strategy is carried out under existing strict guidelines, any impact on soil quality will be minimal.
Trabalho de projecto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas
O transporte de cargas é uma tarefa comum para crianças, adolescentes e adultos, pela necessidade de transferência diária de objetos pessoais, livros e artigos de papelaria para os locais de trabalho ou escolas. Diversos autores apontam que o peso carregado durante transporte de material é o principal responsável pelo aparecimento de dor lombar. Deste modo é importante o constante estudo da temática para a definição recomendações e limites. O presente estudo teve como principais objetivos a caraterização da problemática associada à utilização de mochilas e a determinação do Peso Máximo Aceitável (PMA) e do Índice de Esforço Percebido (IEP) para a tarefa de transporte de mochilas, através da abordagem psicofísica. O estudo foi desenvolvido com estudantes do 7º, 8º e 9º ano de escolaridade e, foi dividido em duas fases. Na 1ª fase foram aplicados questionários para a análise da problemática associada à utilização de diferentes tipos de mochilas escolares. Nesta fase, foram incluídos aspetos associados à identificação do tipo de mochila mais utilizada, as rotinas e hábitos dos estudantes e as características da mochila utilizada. Verificou-se que os estudantes utilizam, maioritariamente, a mochila de duas alças para transporte de material escolar. Posteriormente foram efetuadas medições de peso da mochila, altura e peso aos 131 estudantes que constituíram a amostra da 1º fase. O principal objetivo deste ponto foi identificar o tipo de mochila habitualmente utilizada pelos estudantes assim como, o peso transportado nas mochilas. Na 2ª fase foi efetuado um estudo para a determinação do PMA e do IEP, através da abordagem psicofísica, para a tarefa de transporte de mochila, considerando-se uma amostra constituída por 10 estudantes. Para este estudo, apenas foi considerada a mochila mais frequentemente utilizada, identificada na 1º fase. A tarefa consistiu no transporte da mochila nos dois ombros e com as alças devidamente ajustadas ao corpo, num percurso pré-definido, de acordo com o procedimento experimental. Os resultados indicaram que nem todos os estudantes transportam mochilas com pesos dentro das recomendações da Organização Mundial de Saúde. O PMA determinado pelos estudantes foi de 6.8 kg para a mochila de duas alças e a região dos ombros foi identificada durante todo o estudo como sendo a que apresentava maior intensidade de dor durante o transporte da mochila.
In order to decrease the risk of severe wildfire, prescribed fire has recently been adopted in Portugal and elsewhere in the Mediterranean as a major tool for reducing the fuel load instead of manual or mechanical removal of vegetation. There has been some research into its impact on soils in shrublands and grasslands, but to date little research has been conducted in forested areas in the region. As a result, the impact of prescribed fire on the physico-chemical soil characteristics of forest soils has been assumed to be minimal, but this has not been demonstrated. In this study, we present the results of a monitoring campaign of a detailed pre- and post-prescribed fire assessment of soil properties in a long-unburnt P. pinaster plantation, NW Portugal. The soil characteristics examined were pH, total porosity, bulk density, moisture content, organic matter content and litter/ash quantity. The results show that there was no significant impact on the measured soil properties, the only effect being confined to minor changes in the upper 1 cm of soil. We conclude that provided the fire is carried out according to strict guidelines in P. pinaster forest, a minimal impact on soil properties can be expected.
Prescribed fire is a common forest management tool used in Portugal to reduce the fuel load availability and minimize the occurrence of wildfires. In addition, the use of this technique also causes an impact to ecosystems. In this presentation we propose to illustrate some results of our project in two forest sites, both located in Northwest Portugal, where the effect of prescribed fire on soil properties were recorded during a period of 6 months. Changes in soil moisture, organic matter, soil pH and iron, were examined by Principal Component Analysis multivariate statistics technique in order to determine impact of prescribed fire on these soil properties in these two different types of soils and determine the period of time that these forest soils need to recover to their pre-fire conditions, if they can indeed recover. Although the time allocated to this study does not allow for a widespread conclusion, the data analysis clearly indicates that the pH values are positively correlated with iron values at both sites. In addition, geomorphologic differences between both sampling sites, Gramelas and Anjos, are relevant as the soils’ properties considered have shown different performances in time. The use of prescribed fire produced a lower impact in soils originated from more amended bedrock and therefore with a ticker humus covering (Gramelas) than in more rocky soils with less litter covering (Anjos) after six months after the prescribed fire occurrence.
A dissertação foi realizada em ambiente industrial, mais precisamente na empresa Monteiro, Ribas – Embalagens Flexíveis, S.A.. Esta empresa dedica-se à impressão e laminagem de filmes, assim como à confeção de sacos. Os seus produtos são direcionados na sua maioria para a indústria alimentar, exportando mais de 50% da sua produção, e dizem respeito a complexos (dois ou mais filmes unidos pela presença de um adesivo) que podem possuir impressão ou não. Estes complexos podem ser enviados para o cliente em bobina ou já em saco. Os objetivos propostos pela empresa diziam respeito a estudos relacionados com a força de laminagem dos complexos, com o coeficiente de atrito dos mesmos e com a identificação dos espetros dos componentes dos adesivos, assim como o estudo do processo de reticulação dos mesmos por espetrofotometria de Infravermelho. Relativamente aos resultados obtidos verificou-se que tanto a tinta como os metalizados influenciam negativamente a força de laminagem. Por sua vez o coeficiente de atrito é afetado por vários fatores. Através dos ensaios experimentais verificou-se que o adesivo, a tinta e o verniz mate favorecem o aumento do valor do COF. Além disso, nos complexos em que se utilizaram filmes de polietileno de maior espessura obtiveram-se valores de COF mais baixos, e no que diz respeito à temperatura e à tensão de enrolamento, verificou-se que valores mais elevados e muito baixos da primeira traduzem-se num aumento do valor do COF e uma tensão de enrolamento maior também tem o mesmo efeito. Relativamente ao tipo de filme impresso, substratos com maior energia superficial atraem mais o agente de deslizamento (slip). Por último, não se conseguiu perceber qual o tipo de adesivo (com ou sem solvente) que tem maior impacto no COF uma vez que em 55% dos casos o valor do COF é superior nas amostras que foram complexadas com adesivo sem solvente e em 45% o COF era superior nas amostras complexadas com adesivo base solvente. No que diz respeito aos espetros obtidos verificou-se que a reticulação dos adesivos é identificada pela diminuição da extensão do pico correspondente à ligação N=C=O.
In order to decrease the risk of severe wildfire, prescribed fire has recently been adopted in Portugal and elsewhere in the Mediterranean as a major tool for reducing the fuel load instead of manual or mechanical removal of vegetation. There has been some research into its impact on soils in shrublands and grasslands, but to date little research has been conducted in forested areas in the region. As a result, the impact of prescribed fire on the physico-chemical soil characteristics of forest soils has been assumed to be minimal, but this has not been demonstrated. In this study, we present the results of a monitoring campaign of a detailed pre- and post-prescribed fire assessment of soil properties in a long-unburnt P. pinaster plantation, NW Portugal. The soil characteristics examined were pH, total porosity, bulk density, moisture content, organic matter content and litter/ash quantity. The results show that there was no significant impact on the measured soil properties, the only effect being confined to minor changes in the upper 1 cm of soil. We conclude that provided the fire is carried out according to strict guidelines in P. pinaster forest, a minimal impact on soil properties can be expected.
Logoplaste is a specialist in operating in-house industrial sites for manufacturing rigid plastic packaging containers. In developing countries, especially in Africa, the low income of consumers does not allow a widespread adoption of products typically sold in rigid plastic containers. In these countries the flexible packages are usually adopted as they allow for better ratios of cost/litter of product, particularly in smaller packages. Should Logoplaste offer this type of technology in order to expand into developing countries?
Postcard addressed to Mr. Henry Woodruff of St. Davids regarding 33 bags placed to Mr. Woodruff’s credit. The postcard is signed by John May, Aug. 6, 1883.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Dans cette étude, la stabilité de préparations intraveineuses de cyclosporine (0.2 et 2.5 mg/mL dans NaCl 0.9% ou dextrose 5%) entreposées dans des seringues de polypropylène, des sacs de polypropylène-polyoléfine et des sacs de vinyle acétate d’éthylène a été évaluée. Une méthode HPLC indicatrice de la stabilité à base de méthanol a été développée et validée suite a des études de dégradation forcée. Les solutions évaluées ont été préparées de façon aseptique, puis entreposées à 25°C. La stabilité chimique a été évaluée par HPLC et la stabilité physique a été évaluée par inspection visuelle et aussi par diffusion dynamique de la lumière (DLS). Tous les échantillons sont demeurés stables chimiquement et physiquement dans des sacs de polypropylène-polyoléfine (>98% de cyclosporine récupérée après 14 jours). Lorsqu’entreposés dans des seringues de polypropylène, des contaminants ont été extraits des composantes de la seringue. Toutefois, aucune contamination n’a été observée après 10 min de contact entre la préparation de cyclosporine non-diluée et ces mêmes seringues. Les préparations de 2.5 mg/mL entreposées dans des sacs de vinyle acétate d’éthylène sont demeurés stables chimiquement et physiquement (>98% de cyclosporine récupérée après 14 jours). Toutefois, une adsorption significative a été observée avec les échantillons 0.2 mg/mL entreposés dans des sacs de vinyle acétate d’éthylène (<90% de cyclosporine récupéré après 14 jours). Une étude cinétique a démontré une bonne corrélation linéaire entre la quantité adsorbée et la racine carrée du temps de contact (r2 > 0.97). Un nouveou modèle de diffusion a été établi. En conclusion, les sacs de polypropylène-polyoléfine sont le meilleur choix; les seringues de polypropylène présentent un risque de contamination, mais sont acceptables pour un transfert rapide. Les sacs de vinyle acétate d’éthylène ne peuvent être recommandés à cause d’un problème d’adsorption.
Mangroves are considered to play a significant role in global carbon cycling. Themangrove forests would fix CO2 by photosynthesis into mangrove lumber and thus decrease the possibility of a catastrophic series of events - global warming by atmospheric CO2, melting of the polar ice caps, and inundation of the great coastal cities of the world. The leaf litter and roots are the main contributors to mangrove sediments, though algal production and allochthonous detritus can also be trapped (Kristensen et al, 2008) by mangroves due to their high organic matter content and reducing nature are excellent metal retainers. Environmental pollution due to metals is of major concern. This is due to the basic fact that metals are not biodegradable or perishable the way most organic pollutants are. While most organic toxicants can be destroyed by combustion and converted into compounds such as C0, C02, SOX, NOX, metals can't be destroyed. At the most the valance and physical form of metals may change. Concentration of metals present naturally in air, water and soil is very low. Metals released into the environment through anthropogenic activities such as burning of fossils fuels, discharge of industrial effluents, mining, dumping of sewage etc leads to the development of higher than tolerable or toxic levels of metals in the environment leading to metal pollution. Of course, a large number of heavy metals such as Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni, Zn, Co, Cr, Mo, and V are essential to plants and animals and deficiency of these metals may lead to diseases, but at higher levels, it would lead to metal toxicity. Almost all industrial processes and urban activities involve release of at least trace quantities of half a dozen metals in different forms. Heavy metal pollution in the environment can remain dormant for a long time and surface with a vengeance. Once an area gets toxified with metals, it is almost impossible to detoxify it. The symptoms of metal toxicity are often quite similar to the symptoms of other common diseases such as respiratory problems, digestive disorders, skin diseases, hypertension, diabetes, jaundice etc making it all the more difficult to diagnose metal poisoning. For example the Minamata disease caused by mercury pollution in addition to affecting the nervous system can disturb liver function and cause diabetes and hypertension. The damage caused by heavy metals does not end up with the affected person. The harmful effects can be transferred to the person's progenies. Ironically heavy metal pollution is a direct offshoot of our increasing ability to mass produce metals and use them in all spheres of existence. Along with conventional physico- chemical methods, biosystem approachment is also being constantly used for combating metal pollution
The situation in the backwaters of Kerala, which reportedly had about 70,000 ha of mangroves, is unique in the sense that there has been a total conversion to other uses such as paddy cultivation, coconut plantation, aquaculture, harbour development and urban development In order to save and restore what is left over national and international organisations are mounting pressure on scientists and policy makers to work out ways and means conserving and managing the mangrove ecosystems. In this context, it has been observed in recent years that mangrove vegetation has remained intact in isolated pockets of undisturbed areas in the Cochin estuarine system and also that there is resurgence of mangroves in areas of accretion and silting. The candidate took up the present study with a view to make an inventory of the existing mangrove locations, the areas of resurgence, species composition, zonation and other ecological parameters to understand their dynamism and to suggest a mangement plan for this important coastal ecosystem
Commercially, Pleurotus spp. of mushroom are cultivated in bags. After mushroom cultivation, spent substrate remains as residual material. Proper recycling of spent substrate is beneficial for our economy. Spent substrate can be utilized for various other value added purposes through the proper knowledge of its components. Composition of various components depends on the activity of extracellular enzymes in the spent substrate. The present study was conducted to know the enzyme profile of some major extracellular enzymes - cellulase, hemicellulase (xylanase), pectinase and ligninase (lignin peroxidase and laccase) and to estimate cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and lignin in the substrate. The use of spent substrate as a source of fibre and ethanol, and in the biodegradation of phenol by Pleurotus spp. was also investigated
For establishing nitrification in prawn (non-penaeid, salinity 10–15 ppt) and shrimp (penaeid, salinity 30–35 ppt) larval production systems, a stringed bed suspended bioreactor (SBSBR) was designed, fabricated, and validated. It was fabricated with 5 mm polystyrene and low density polyethylene beads as the substrata for ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacterial consortia, respectively, with an overall surface area of 684 cm2. The reactors were activated in a prototype activator and were transported in polythene bags to the site of testing. Performance of the reactors activated with the nitrifying bacterial consortia AMONPCU-1 (ammonia oxidizers for non-penaeid culture) and NIONPCU-1 (nitrite oxidizers for non-penaeid culture) was evaluated in a Macrobrachium rosenbergii larval rearing system and those activated with AMOPCU-1 (ammonia oxidizers for penaeid culture) and NIOPCU-1 (nitrite oxidizers for penaeid culture) in a Penaeus monodon seed production system. Rapid setting up of nitrification could be observed in both the static systems which resulted in a higher relative per cent survival of larvae