979 resultados para Institutional Support
"Lecture notes in computer science series, ISSN 0302-9743, vol. 9273"
Due to the increasing acceptance of BPM, nowadays BPM tools are extensively used in organizations. Core to BPM are the process modeling languages, of which BPMN is the one that has been receiving most attention these days. Once a business process is described using BPMN, one can use a process simulation approach in order to find its optimized form. In this context, the simulation of business processes, such as those defined in BPMN, appears as an obvious way of improving processes. This paper analyzes the business process modeling and simulation areas, identifying the elements that must be present in the BPMN language in order to allow processes described in BPMN to be simulated. During this analysis a set of existing BPM tools, which support BPMN, are compared regarding their limitations in terms of simulation support.
The occurrence of Barotrauma is identified as a major concern for health professionals, since it can be fatal for patients. In order to support the decision process and to predict the risk of occurring barotrauma Data Mining models were induced. Based on this principle, the present study addresses the Data Mining process aiming to provide hourly probability of a patient has Barotrauma. The process of discovering implicit knowledge in data collected from Intensive Care Units patientswas achieved through the standard process Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining. With the goal of making predictions according to the classification approach they several DM techniques were selected: Decision Trees, Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine. The study was focused on identifying the validity and viability to predict a composite variable. To predict the Barotrauma two classes were created: “risk” and “no risk”. Such target come from combining two variables: Plateau Pressure and PCO2. The best models presented a sensitivity between 96.19% and 100%. In terms of accuracy the values varied between 87.5% and 100%. This study and the achieved results demonstrated the feasibility of predicting the risk of a patient having Barotrauma by presenting the probability associated.
PhD thesis in Educational Sciences (specialization in Politics of Education).
The observational method in tunnel engineering allows the evaluation in real time of the actual conditions of the ground and to take measures if its behavior deviates considerably from predictions. However, it lacks a consistent and structured methodology to use the monitoring data to adapt the support system in real time. The definition of limit criteria above which adaptation is required are not defined and complex inverse analysis procedures (Rechea et al. 2008, Levasseur et al. 2010, Zentar et al. 2001, Lecampion et al. 2002, Finno and Calvello 2005, Goh 1999, Cui and Pan 2012, Deng et al. 2010, Mathew and Lehane 2013, Sharifzadeh et al. 2012, 2013) may be needed to consistently analyze the problem. In this paper a methodology for the real time adaptation of the support systems during tunneling is presented. In a first step limit criteria for displacements and stresses are proposed. The methodology uses graphics that are constructed during the project stage based on parametric calculations to assist in the process and when these graphics are not available, since it is not possible to predict every possible scenario, inverse analysis calculations are carried out. The methodology is applied to the “Bois de Peu” tunnel which is composed by two tubes with over 500 m long. High uncertainty levels existed concerning the heterogeneity of the soil and consequently in the geomechanical design parameters. The methodology was applied in four sections and the results focus on two of them. It is shown that the methodology has potential to be applied in real cases contributing for a consistent approach of a real time adaptation of the support system and highlight the importance of the existence of good quality and specific monitoring data to improve the inverse analysis procedure.
Institutional rearing adversely affects children’s development, but the extent to which specific characteristics of the institutional context and the quality of care provided contribute to problematic development remains unclear. In this study, 72 preschoolers institutionalised for at least 6 months were evaluated by their caregiver using the Child Behavior Checklist and the Disturbances of Attachment Interview. Distal and proximate indices of institutional caregiving quality were assessed using both staff reports and direct observation. Results revealed that greater caregiver sensitivity predicted reduced indiscriminate behaviour and secure-base distortions. A closer relationship with the caregiver predicted reduced inhibited attachment behaviour. Emotional and behavioural problems proved unrelated to caregiving quality. Results are discussed in terms of (non)-shared caregiving factors that influence institutionalised children’s development.
Objectives: This study analyzed the moderating role of partners’ support and satisfaction with healthcare services in the relationship between psychological morbidity and adherence to diet in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Methods: Participants were 387 recently diagnosed T2DM patients that answered the following instruments: Revised Summary of Diabetes Self- Care Activities Measure, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scales, Multidimensional Diabetes Questionnaire and Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire. Results: Partners’ positive and negative support moderated the relationship between psychological morbidity and adherence to diet. Satisfaction with healthcare services also moderated the relationship between psychological morbidity and adherence to diet. Conclusions: Intervention programs to promote adherence to diet in patients with type 2 diabetes should focus on partners’ support and patient satisfaction with healthcare services.
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the link between social entrepreneurs and institutional environment in Portugal. A quantitative approach is used in the study, and primary data were collected through an online survey. A questionnaire was emailed to, both, Portuguese Non-Governmental organizations and projects available on the Portuguese social stock exchange. In the analysis of the data were used descriptive statistics, factorial analysis and t-student tests to validate (or not) the research hypotheses. The results show that a favorable institutional environment has a low importance in the decision to develop social initiatives. This conclusion supports the idea that many social entrepreneurs can emerge even in developing regions where the institutional environment is weak. Therefore, social entrepreneurship could be an instrument of regional development and contribute to attenuate the social and economic differences among Portuguese regions.
BACKGROUND: Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of serous membrane effusions may fulfil a challenging role in the diagnostic analysis of both primary and metastatic disease. From this perspective, liquid-based cytology (LBC) represents a feasible and reliable method for empowering the performance of ancillary techniques (ie, immunocytochemistry and molecular testing) with high diagnostic accuracy. METHODS: In total, 3171 LBC pleural and pericardic effusions were appraised between January 2000 and December 2013. They were classified as negative for malignancy (NM), suspicious for malignancy (SM), or positive for malignancy (PM). RESULTS: The cytologic diagnoses included 2721 NM effusions (2505 pleural and 216 pericardic), 104 SM effusions (93 pleural and 11 pericardic), and 346 PM effusions (321 pleural and 25 pericardic). The malignant pleural series included 76 unknown malignancies (36 SM and 40 PM effusions), 174 metastatic lesions (85 SM and 89 PM effusions), 14 lymphomas (3 SM and 11 PM effusions), 16 mesotheliomas (5 SM and 11 SM effusions), and 3 myelomas (all SM effusions). The malignant pericardic category included 20 unknown malignancies (5 SM and 15 PM effusions), 15 metastatic lesions (1 SM and 14 PM effusions), and 1 lymphoma (1 PM effusion). There were 411 conclusive immunocytochemical analyses and 47 molecular analyses, and the authors documented 88% sensitivity, 100% specificity, 98% diagnostic accuracy, 98% negative predictive value, and 100% positive predictive value for FNAC. CONCLUSIONS: FNAC represents a primary diagnostic tool for effusions and a reliable approach with which to determine the correct follow-up. Furthermore, LBC is useful for ancillary techniques, such as immunocytochemistry and molecular analysis, with feasible diagnostic and predictive utility.
Many funding agencies have Open Access mandates in place, but how often are scientific publications as outputs linked to funding details? The benefits of linking funding information to publications as part of the deposit workflow can assist in adhering to Open Access mandates. This paper examines how OpenAIRE – Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe – can ease monitoring Open Access and reporting processes for funders, and presents some results and opportunities. It also outlines how it relies on cleaned and curated repository content, a vital cog in the ever turning wheel of the global scholarly landscape, and the benefits it brings.
A inclusão de estudantes com deficiência na Universidade tem desafiado as instituições a responderem às demandas de acesso e permanência específicas destes estudantes. Neste artigo analisaremos como estão organizadas as iniciativas institucionais de inclusão, tomando como objeto os serviços de apoio na universidade e os desafios explicitados pelos responsáveis dos setores. Participaram do estudo três responsáveis técnicas pelos serviços de inclusão em três universidades portuguesas. Os dados foram recolhidos por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e analisados numa abordagem exploratória. Os resultados apontam para o desafio de proporcionar, para além das condições de acesso, a qualificação das condições de permanência que possam resultar em experiências exitosas dos estudantes, ampliando a oportunidades de obter autonomia e sucesso académico. A partir da discussão, apresentaremos considerações que podem constituir indicadores de intervenção e, ainda, temas para investigações futuras que possam contribuir para práticas mais adequadas de atendimento a esse grupo de estudantes.
Tese de Doutoramento em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação
Tese de Doutoramento em Geografia Humana.
Tese de doutoramento em Ciência da Comunicação.
O presente trabalho de investigação avalia a situação atual relativa à adoção do disposto na IAS 38 e suas consequências no reconhecimento, mensuração e divulgação obrigatória, e à divulgação voluntária, interna e externa, dos intangíveis nas empresas brasileiras cotadas na BM&FBOVESPA. Adotando a perspectiva positivista e uma abordagem quantitativa, foi utilizado o inquérito por questionário como método de recolha de dados. O questionário foi elaborado de raiz, suportado pelo arcabouço teórico. Os resultados são interpretados à luz dos argumentos da teoria dos stakeholders e da teoria institucional, que revelaram um bom potencial explicativo para o fenômeno em análise. Com a adoção das IAS/IFRS para elaboração dos balanços consolidados de empresas cotadas e não cotadas, o Brasil passa a utilizar a IAS 38, para o registro das operações envolvendo os ativos intangíveis, obrigatoriamente no exercício de 2010. A adoção deste normativo se deu essencialmente por pressões legais. No entanto, as empresas que adotaram a IAS 38 de forma voluntária validaram as razões apresentadas na literatura. Constatou-se que existe concordância quanto à nova forma de contabilização dos intangíveis prevista, sendo o grau de satisfação relativamente ao tratamento contábil dos ativos intangíveis de acordo com o novo modelo contábil adotado no Brasil (IAS 38 e CPC 04) elevado. Como principais dificuldades no reconhecimento contábil dos ativos intangíveis segundo o normativo em vigor, foram confirmados os problemas evidenciados na literatura, tais como incerteza quanto aos benefícios econômicos futuros e falta de medida com confiabilidade suficiente para o registro das transações. As empresas brasileiras acreditam ser importante que haja uma expansão da divulgação sobre intangíveis, no entanto a divulgação interna e externa está ainda em fase embrionária, não sendo uma prática generalizada. Contudo, os objetivos apresentados na literatura para a divulgação interna e externa de informações sobre intangíveis encontram suporte empírico no estudo desenvolvido. No que diz respeito aos stakeholders, conclui-se que as empresas brasileiras têm grande preocupação em atendê-los quando se trata de divulgação voluntária sobre intangíveis, entendendo que todos eles poderão beneficiar com estas informações.