969 resultados para Injeção de 3 amino 1,2,4 triazole (ATZ)
Em 30 cepas de Bordetella pertussis isoladas de crianças com coqueluche, atendidas no Hospital de Isolamento Emílio Ribas de São Paulo, foram pesquisados os antígenos aglutinantes ''major" 1, 2 e 3. Levando-se em conta a presença combinada dos três antígenos, as provas de soro-aglutinação rápida em lamina revelaram que 25 (83,3%) cepas possuiam os fatores 1, 2 e 3, enquanto que 3 (10,0%) e 2 (6,7%) foram positivas, somente, para 1, 2 e 1, 3, respectivamente. Os resultados foram discutidos, considerando-se a importância deste antígeno no preparo de vacinas.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a soroprevalência de anticorpos por vírus herpes simples (HSV-1 e HSV-2) e analisar fatores associados no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado entre 1996 e 1997 em 1.090 indivíduos com idade entre um e 40 anos da população geral, em quatro diferentes regiões geográficas no Brasil. Foram analisadas amostras sangüíneas para detecção de anticorpos para HSV-1 e HSV-2 com teste tipo-específico Elisa. Foram descritas freqüências e proporções, comparadas entre grupos utilizando o teste de Fisher bilateral exato. Foi realizada análise de regressão logística para avaliar influência das variáveis sociodemográficas e histórico de DST, sobre a soroprevalência de HSV-1 e/ou HSV-2. RESULTADOS: As soroprevalências de anticorpos para HSV-1 e HSV-2, ajustadas por idade, foram 67,2% e 11,3% respectivamente, sem diferença quanto ao sexo e maiores na Região Norte. As soroprevalências aumentaram com a idade, e para HSV-2 o maior aumento ocorreu na adolescência e entre adultos jovens. Indivíduos soropositivos para HSV-1 apresentaram maior risco de serem positivos para HSV-2 (15,7%) quando comparados com os negativos para HSV-1 (4,7%). Na análise multivariada, o histórico de DST aumentou significativamente (OR=3,2) a probabilidade de soropositividade para HSV-2. CONCLUSÕES: As soroprevalências para HSV-1 e para HSV-2 variam com a idade e entre as regiões do Brasil. História pregressa de DST é importante fator de risco para aquisição de infecção por HSV-2.
“Cork taint” is a major problem in wine industry and is caused by contamination of wines. This contamination is usually attributed to wine cork stoppers and 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (2,4,6-TCA) is one of the compounds mostly associated to this off-flavour. In this work, a consumer panel performed “forced choice” triangular tests in order to measure Odour Detection Thresholds (ODT) and Taste Detection Thresholds (TDT) of 2,4,6-TCA in water, hydro-alcoholic solutions (11.5% and 18% ethanol) and white and red wines. A paired preference test was also performed by the panel in order to measure Odour Rejection Threshold (ORT) in white and red wine spiked with 2,4,6-TCA. Results obtained show that the ODT and the TDT for 2,4,6-TCA in water were 0.2 and 0.3 ng/L, respectively. In hydro-alcoholic solutions with 11.5% and 18% ethanol the ODT were 4 and 10 ng/L respectively. In red wine the ODT and the TDT were 0.9 and 1.7 ng/L and in white wine were 1.5 and 1.0 ng/L respectively. ORT for white was 10.4 ng/L and for red wines 16.0 ng/L. These results suggest that although this group of consumers detected very low concentrations of 2,4,6-TCA in wines, they did not reject the wine at these low concentration values.
The clinical and public health importance of indeterminate results in HIV-1/2 testing is still difficult to evaluate in volunteer blood donors. At Fundação Hemominas, HIV-1/2 ELISA is used as the screening test and, if reactive, is followed by Western blot (WB). We have evaluated 84 blood donors who had repeatedly reactive ELISA tests for HIV-1/2, but indeterminate WB results. Sixteen of the 84 donors (19.0%) had history of sexually transmitted diseases; 18/84 (21.4%) informed receiving or paying for sex; 3/84 (3.6%) had homosexual contact; 2/26 women (7.6%) had past history of multiple illegal abortions and 3/84 (3.6%) had been previously transfused. Four out of 62 donors (6.5%) had positive anti-nuclear factor (Hep2), with titles up to 1:640. Parasitological examination of the stool revealed eggs of S. mansoni in 4/62 (6.4%) donors and other parasites in 8/62 (12.9%). Five (5.9%) of the subjects presented overt seroconversion for HIV-1/2, 43/84 (51.2%) had negative results on the last visit, while 36/84 (42.9%) remained WB indeterminate. Although some conditions could be found associated with the HIV-1/2 indeterminate WB results and many donors had past of risky behavior, the significance of the majority of the results remains to be determined.
The purpose of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1/2), human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-I/II), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), Treponema pallidum and Trypanosoma cruzi among 63 male prisoners in Manhuaçu, Minas Gerais, Brazil and to compare this with data from eligible blood donors. The positive results were as follows: 11/63 (17.5%) for HBV, 5/63 (7.4%) for syphilis, 4/63 (6.3%) for HCV, 3/63 (4.8%) for Chagas' disease, 2/63 (3.2%) for HIV-1/2 and 1/63 (1.6%) for HTLV-I/II. The seroprevalence in prisoners was higher than among blood donors, mainly for antibodies to HIV-1/2, HCV and HBV. This is probably due to low social economic level, illiteracy, higher proportion with a prior history of intravenous drug use and/or unsafe sexual behavior. Therefore, these prisoners constitute a high risk group and routine screening and counseling are recommended.
Iryanthera paraensis e I. tricornis (Myristicaceae) contêm na madeira de seus troncos 1-(2', 4' - dihidroxifenil) -3- (4", 5"-metilenodoxi-2" -metoxifenil) -propano (1a 1-(2', 4' dihidroxifenil) -3-(3", 4" -metilenodioxifenil)-propano (1b) e 1-(4' -hidroxi -2'-metoxifenil) -3-(4"-hidroxi-3"-metoxifenil) -propano (1c). Apenas da primeira espécie se isolou adicionalmente 1-(2', 4'-dihidroxi-3' -metilfenil)-3-(4", 5"-metilenodioxi-2"- metoxifenil) -propano (1d) e 1-(2'-hidroxi-4'metoxifenil) -3-(3", 4"-metilenodioxifenil) -propano (1e). Dados espectroscópicos para a substância 1b, são descritos pela primeira vez.
Tumour cells are known to be highly glycolytic, thus producing high amounts of lactic acid. Monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs), by promoting the efflux of the accumulating acids, constitute one of the most important mechanisms in the maintenance of tumour intracellular pH. Since data concerning MCT expression in colorectal carcinomas (CRC) are scarce and controversial, the present study aimed to assess the expressions of MCT1, 2, and 4 in a well characterized series of CRC and assess their role in CRC carcinogenesis. CRC samples (126 cases) were analyzed for MCT1, MCT2, and MCT4 immunoexpression and findings correlated with clinico-pathological parameters. Expression of all MCT isoforms in tumour cells was significantly increased when compared to adjacent normal epithelium. Remarkably, there was a significant gain of membrane expression for MCT1 and MCT4 and loss of plasma membrane expression for MCT2 in tumour cells. Plasma membrane expression of MCT1 was directly related to the presence of vascular invasion. This is the larger study on MCT expression in CRC and evaluates for the first time its clinico-pathological significance. The increased expression of these transporters suggests an important role in CRC, which might justify their use, especially MCT1 and MCT4, as targets in CRC drug therapy.
Among the flaviviruses, dengue, with its four serotypes, has spread throughout the tropics. The most advanced vaccines developed so far include live attenuated viruses, which have been tested in humans but none has been licensed. Preclinical testing of dengue vaccine candidates is performed initially in mice and in nonhuman primates. In the latter the main criteria used to assay protection are neutralizing antibodies elicited by the vaccine candidate and the magnitude and duration of peripheral viremia upon challenge of previously immunized animals. Towards the identification of wild-type viruses that could be used in challenge experiments a total of 31 rhesus monkeys were inoculated subcutaneously of wild dengue types 1, 2, and 3 viruses. The viremia caused by the different viruses was variable but it was possible to identify dengue viruses useful as challenge strains.
Cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix proteins occurs through interactions with integrins that bind to Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) tripeptides, and syndecan-4, which recognizes the heparin-binding domain of other proteins. Both receptors trigger signaling pathways, including those that activate RhoGTPases such as RhoA and Rac1. This sequence of events modulates cell adhesion to the ECM and cell migration. Using a neuron-astrocyte model, we have reported that the neuronal protein Thy-1 engages αVβ3 integrin and syndecan-4 to induce RhoA activation and strong astrocyte adhesion to their underlying substrate. Thus, because cell-cell interactions and strong cell attachment to the matrix are considered antagonistic to cell migration, we hypothesized that Thy-1 stimulation of astrocytes should preclude cell migration. Here, we studied the effect of Thy-1 expressing neurons on astrocyte polarization and migration using a wound-healing assay and immunofluorescence analysis. Signaling molecules involved were studied by affinity precipitation, western blotting and the usage of specific antibodies. Intriguingly, Thy-1 interaction with its two receptors was found to increase astrocyte polarization and migration. The latter events required interactions of these receptors with both the RGD-like sequence and the heparin-binding domain of Thy-1. Additionally, prolonged Thy-1-receptor interactions inhibited RhoA activation while activating FAK, PI3K and Rac1. Therefore, sustained engagement of integrin and syndecan-4 with the neuronal surface protein Thy-1 induces astrocyte migration. Interestingly we identify here, a cell-cell interaction that despite initially inducing strong cell attachment, favors cell migration upon persistent stimulation by engaging the same signaling receptors and molecules as those utilized by the extracellular matrix proteins to stimulate cell movement.