904 resultados para In-process


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This work aims to understand the phenomenon of corruption in the Brazilian public sphere and its implications for society. It has brought concepts of corruption, and has referred to its highest incidence in the public sphere in the three levels of government (despite its infiltration also in the privative sector) and has called attention to two subjects which intertwine public administration (as a means of ordering social life) and corruption (as a form of denial to the collective welfare). Through literature search whose analysis shows that the phenomenon contains the entire country history, from discovery to present day it was found to be common several dictatorial and democratic political regimes. Finally, it has emphasized the importance and necessity of citizen participation in process, as well as the organization of civil society and media, in addition to highlighting the relevance of autonomy and independence of Powers set for its effective confrontation and fighting


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Tourism in the Northeast of Brazil was introduced as an alternative economic development for the Region by federal promoting policies that focused primarily in structuring the local geographic area. With the completion of these structuring actions, mass tourism expanding the area, as well as spread actions based on cooperation and formalization of governance institutions. This study aimed to examine the relationship between the life cycle of the tourism product 'Coastal Cities of Natal and the cooperation strategies in a historical perspective. Thus was submitted to the life cycle of the tourism product 'Coastal Cities of Natal ; the major projects of tourism development were mapped, the existing cooperation strategies were characterized, and investigated the influence of the cooperation actions for the current stage of product. The specific theoretical support to tourism was built on the perspective of the Theory of Population Ecology, System of Tourism and Touristic Product Life Cycle. Regarding to cooperation the theoretical foundation addressed issues of strategy, New Forms and Collective Efficiency. The survey consisted of a causal descriptive study, using a case study. We used the qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches, and data collected by consulting of secondary data and semistructured interviews with twelve staff working in tourism in Natal. Results showed that the life cycle graph of product 'Coastal Cities of Natal is moving from one stage of growth to a stage of maturity, with a primary upward trend and with crises that are up over the graph. They have been mapped six of tourism development projects of relevance to the product: The Politics of Mega Projects, PRODETUR/NE, Municipalization National Program of Tourism, Regionalization Program, Urbanization Project Beach do Meio and Actions for the Promotion of Destiny. They have been identified sixty-four participating players in process of tourism development, which twenty were considered relevant to the respondents. The main strategies identified for cooperation were the consortium, collective strategy and clusters. Results indicated that co-operation strategies were adopted so that the benefits were obtained at the collective level, dedicated to the strengthening of Natal Destiny and its products. The main reasons were the need of cooperative marketing, international market entry and actions inducing the state. Finally, it was concluded that strategies for cooperation related to product life cycle 'Coastal Cities of Natal' as that work in the consolidation of projects for development of tourism, when the efficiency of collective action is achieved


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Branching bisimilarity and branching bisimilarity with explicit divergences are typically used in process algebras with silent steps when relating implementations to specifications. When an implementation fails to conform to its specification, i.e., when both are not related by branching bisimilarity [with explicit divergence], pinpointing the root causes can be challenging. In this paper, we provide characterisations of branching bisimilarity [with explicit divergence] as games between Spoiler and Duplicator, offering an operational understanding of both relations. Moreover, we show how such games can be used to assist in diagnosing non-conformance between implementation and specification.


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This study focuses on the building ensemble of Avenida Roberto Freire, a main road in Natal, Brazil, as a material expression of the confluence of various factors among which the following may be emphasized: high level of accessibility due to urban spatial re-structuring and the growth of the real estate market, in view of the increasing number of consumers, who arrived in Natal within the last decades. The intense urban modification process that has been going on in Natal since at least the 1980s, has engendered the formation of long axial lines which express the expansion dynamics and some of the forces subjacent to it. Avenida Roberto Freire has been an iconic example of an urban thoroughfare where architecture becomes primarily a communication support that can be perceived by fast moving passers-by, what brings it close to the venturian concept of strip (Venturi at al, 1972). The building types that line the road not only respond to the dynamics in process but also contribute to intensify it, as they house a variety of uses which attract people and generate more movement. The dynamics is further strengthened by the action of the real estate business which benefits from the increase of highly accessible locations, and from the private and public investments and incentives to tourism that aim to insert this city into the globalized world. Although the intention of reconstituting part of the history of density increase on this avenue in a diachronical perspective was attempted within the limits of the available references and documentation, the central contribution of this study is to understand the relations between topological accessibility and the typological nature of the building ensemble. By observing the synchronic morphological frame resulting from the spatial configuration analysis pertinent to this avenue (cf. Hillier and Hanson,1984) and the inventory and classification of the building ensemble there existing, this study aims to understand how architecture responds to accessibility in view of the real estate pressure, boosted by a cosmopolitanizing process brought about by the continuous flow of foreign and Brazilian arrivals as visitors, temporary or permanent residents


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The term body without organs is present in a poem by the french writer, actor and director Antonin Artaud, written in 1947 and titled: To Have Done with the Judgement of God. I aim, in this work, from what we call investigative scenic writing, to problematize this term and its possible relations with the theater and also with some aspects of the Hindu myths. I unite the idea of the body without organs with the body in trance present in the stories of an Indian master named Caitanya Mahaprabhu. These ideas, along with the development of practices that come from some principles of Theatre Anthropology, are incentives for a creation process that highlights the work of preparation and creation of corporeal work of the actor. The relationship between the concepts and the practice raise discussions about where I stand as an actor-researcher in process


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Process systems design, operation and synthesis problems under uncertainty can readily be formulated as two-stage stochastic mixed-integer linear and nonlinear (nonconvex) programming (MILP and MINLP) problems. These problems, with a scenario based formulation, lead to large-scale MILPs/MINLPs that are well structured. The first part of the thesis proposes a new finitely convergent cross decomposition method (CD), where Benders decomposition (BD) and Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition (DWD) are combined in a unified framework to improve the solution of scenario based two-stage stochastic MILPs. This method alternates between DWD iterations and BD iterations, where DWD restricted master problems and BD primal problems yield a sequence of upper bounds, and BD relaxed master problems yield a sequence of lower bounds. A variant of CD, which includes multiple columns per iteration of DW restricted master problem and multiple cuts per iteration of BD relaxed master problem, called multicolumn-multicut CD is then developed to improve solution time. Finally, an extended cross decomposition method (ECD) for solving two-stage stochastic programs with risk constraints is proposed. In this approach, a CD approach at the first level and DWD at a second level is used to solve the original problem to optimality. ECD has a computational advantage over a bilevel decomposition strategy or solving the monolith problem using an MILP solver. The second part of the thesis develops a joint decomposition approach combining Lagrangian decomposition (LD) and generalized Benders decomposition (GBD), to efficiently solve stochastic mixed-integer nonlinear nonconvex programming problems to global optimality, without the need for explicit branch and bound search. In this approach, LD subproblems and GBD subproblems are systematically solved in a single framework. The relaxed master problem obtained from the reformulation of the original problem, is solved only when necessary. A convexification of the relaxed master problem and a domain reduction procedure are integrated into the decomposition framework to improve solution efficiency. Using case studies taken from renewable resource and fossil-fuel based application in process systems engineering, it can be seen that these novel decomposition approaches have significant benefit over classical decomposition methods and state-of-the-art MILP/MINLP global optimization solvers.


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One of the criticisms of the recent educational reforms sweeping the nation is that low achieving and minority students will not be helped by the reforms. The reforms, some contend, will be harmful to low achieving and minority students because the higher standards and testing programs, which are typically included in the reforms, may actually create new barriers blocking at-risk student progress. This investigation studied this contention in South Carolina, which has been rich in educational reforms. Early evidence from this state indicates that the achievement of Black students and low achieving students of all races was not blocked by the reforms in South Carolina. In fact, low achieving students, Black and all students, made substantial progress in South Carolina since a combination of educational reforms have been in process.


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En el presente documento vamos a explicar el modelo de implementación y ejecución de la empresa Outlanders Colombia, dedicada al ofrecimiento de experiencias de ecoturismo a un público local y extranjero ubicado en Bogotá principalmente caracterizado por ser dinámico y buscar la realización de actividades de contacto con la naturaleza. Para el año 2018 queremos posicionarnos como una empresa referente en nuestro sector por ofrecer servicios de alta calidad en los destinos que abarcamos. Adicionalmente buscaremos concretar la realización de alianzas y acuerdos de cooperación con universidades, ONG´s y demás entidades que puedan ser fuentes de usuarios para nuestras actividades. Por otra parte y aprovechando un eventual escenario de paz en nuestro país, continuaremos con la exploración de lugares de alto atractivo natural en toda Colombia y seguiremos con nuestro modelo de desarrollo de alianzas con operadores y guías turísticos locales que tengan experiencia en la atención al mercado local y se adecúen a la gestión de calidad que planteamos para la prestación de servicios a un público más exigente. Dentro de nuestro portafolio actual ofrecemos productos enmarcados en 4 categorías distintas: Actividades de 1 día, Experiencias en ambientes naturales, recorridos por corredores turísticos y expediciones técnicas. En un futuro cercano desarrollaremos una nueva categoría: Inmersiones etnográficas, en donde pretendemos que nuestro cliente comparta con comunidades indígenas y socialmente lejanas al pensamiento occidental. Para hacer conocer al cliente potencial de nuestros servicios, realizaremos inicialmente caminatas y recorridos gratuitos en donde la gente interesada en actividades outdoor tenga una “muestra gratis” de nuestros servicios. Adicionalmente estamos en proceso de consolidación de alianzas para la promoción de nuestros servicios en entidades con flujo de clientes potenciales: Universidades, ONG´s, colegios, etc. Para complementar nuestra estrategia de publicidad y mercadeo realizaremos una fuerte presencia en redes sociales y canales virtuales de mercadeo. Sabemos de la gran influencia que tiene el componente audiovisual en la promoción de nuestros servicios por lo que nos enfocaremos en mostrar imágenes de lugares con alto atractivo natural por nuestros medios virtuales. Por otra parte sabemos de la importancia de ofrecer un servicio de alta calidad a nuestros turistas, por lo que nos aseguraremos de contar con equipo y personal adecuado para el desarrollo de las actividades. Programas de aseguramiento de la calidad y mejora continua son para nosotros una prioridad. Nuestro equipo inicialmente se compone de dos personas, que se encargan inicialmente de desarrollar labores en las dos principales áreas con las que por el momento cuenta la empresa: Logística y Marketing. Sin embargo para la realización de nuestras actividades contratamos temporalmente (dependiendo de la duración de los viajes) los servicios de expertos, guías y una serie de terceros preferiblemente provenientes de los lugares que visitamos. Actualmente contamos con experiencia en el sector con un acumulado de más de 30 viajes organizados en distintos destinos dentro del país que hacen parte de nuestro portafolio. Nos visualizamos como expertos en la realización de viajes destinos de difícil acceso en el país y así mismo nos queremos posicionar como una empresa ambiental y socialmente responsable con un modelo financiero sostenible.


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Este trabajo pretende analizar el papel de las organizaciones sociales en los procesos de reintegración, en la configuración de escenarios dedicados al perdón y la resocialización de mujeres en proceso de reintegración en la ciudad de Cali, durante el periodo comprendido entre 2010-2014. Esta investigación puso en evidencia la falta de precisión en la ruta de reintegración de la particularidad de los procesos de reintegración de mujeres excombatientes de las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC) han llevado a la discriminación de las mujeres durante el proceso. Dejando vacíos importantes que llenaron las organizaciones sociales con las comunidades. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se realizaron entrevistas grupales a seis mujeres en proceso de reintegración, la líder de la Cooperativa Multiactiva de Madres Comunitarias, y ochenta y cinco sondeos de opinión realizados de manera aleatoria en las ciudades de Cali y Bogotá.


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Colombia atraviesa un proceso de desmovilización y una de las metas es la reintegración laboral, entendida como el proceso a través del cual las personas que han hecho parte de un grupo armado ilegal obtienen un empleo y se insertan definitivamente a la sociedad. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo fundamental comprender las actitudes de un grupo de tres directivos hacia la vinculación laboral de las personas en proceso de reintegración laboral (PPR), mediante un diseño cualitativo. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una serie de entrevistas semiestructuradas a una muestra de tres directivos del sector público y privado. La información obtenida se analizó mediante un proceso de codificación axial. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que las actitudes de los tres empresarios frente a la contratación de personas en proceso de reintegración laboral, pueden ser positivas o negativas. Así mismo, una de las actitudes predominantes, son la evaluación de creencias y prejuicios de los empresarios frente al proceso de integración laboral, estos son: la incertidumbre frente al desempeño laboral del PPR, la falta de dedicación por parte del PPR, los posibles conflictos laborales y la dificultad de relacionamiento del PPR. En conclusión, el modelo del comportamiento organizacional juega un papel muy importante, dado que abarca los elementos que influyen y determinan la construcción de las actitudes. Estas guían la evaluación de conductas que pueden ser a favor o en contra, de diversos ámbitos del proceso de contratación de personas desmovilizadas.


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RESUMO: O profissional de Secretariado Executivo desenvolveu nos últimos anos uma série de novas competências, que lhe tem permitido contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento da qualidade e para a produtividade das organizações em uma conjuntura permeada pela complexidade. A Gestão de Processos se refere a um relevante modelo de gestão, que emergiu em resposta a essa complexidade organizacional. Diante desse contexto, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a atuação do profissional de Secretariado Executivo na Gestão de Processos e, como objetivos específicos, caracterizar a Gestão de Processos, investigar as atribuições e as competências do profissional de Secretariado Executivo, e verificar se há alinhamento entre as atribuições e competências previstas para o profissional de Secretariado Executivo e a Gestão de Processos. Realizou-se um estudo de caso de natureza qualitativa e descritiva na Embrapa Soja, cujos dados foram coletados em entrevistas semiestruturadas e em documentos. Os resultados permitiram identificar a existência de alinhamento entre as atribuições e competências previstas para esse profissional e referido modelo de gestão. Nesse sentido, o estudo constatou a capacidade do profissional de Secretariado Executivo para atuar na Gestão de Processos, com postura crítica e analítica em relação ao ambiente em que está inserido e às atividades que lhe competem. ABSTRACT: Executive assistants have developed, over the past few years, a series of new competencies, which have enabled them to contribute to the organizational quality and productivity improvement in a context permeated by complexity. Process Management refers to a relevant business model, which has emerged in response to this organizational complexity. In this context, the present study has the main purpose of analyzing the performance of executive assistants in Process Management. As specific objectives, it aims to characterize Process Management, to investigate the responsibilities and competencies of executive assistants, as well as to verify the relationship between the responsibilities and competencies of executive assistants with Process Management. We conducted a qualitative and descriptive case study at Embrapa Soybean, whose data were collected through semi-structured interviews and documents. The results allowed us to identify the existence of relationship between the responsibilities and competencies of this professional with this management model. Thus, the study verified the ability of executive assistants to work in Process Management, with a critical and analytical position towards the environment in which they are engaged and the activities which they are responsible for.


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En este ensayo nos interesa abordar las implicaciones del cambio político y social que se vive en América Latina, particularmente enfocado en Bolivia y sobre la educación y su relación con el desarrollo, a partir del estudio del proyecto de Nueva Ley de Educación “Avelino Siñani-Elizardo Pérez”, presentado para su tramitación al Congreso Nacional por iniciativa del Gobierno de la República y del movimiento indígena-popular. Mediante la metodología del análisis de coyuntura y del análisis estructural temático del discurso, se busca mostrar de qué manera esta reforma construye formas de resistencia cultural y alternativas educativas ante la llamada educación para la globalización neoliberal, propia de un modelo de desarrollo económico impuesto a Bolivia hace más de 20 años.AbstractThis essay aims to find out on the implications of political and social changes currently in process in Latin America focusing in Bolivia’s education and development in the New Act in Education, Avelino Siñani-Elizardo Pérez. The bill of law was submitted to the National Congress by the Government of Bolivia and the Indigenous Popular Movement. Based on current situation analysis and in topic-structure discourse analysis as a methodological approach, it discourse analysis as a methodological approach, it endeavours to show how this reform may build cultural and alternative education as ways of resistance to the socalled education for the neliberal globalization. The latter is featured in the economic development model, imposed to Bolivia 20 years ago.


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