970 resultados para Host-parasite relations
Vitamins are essential compounds mainly involved in acting as enzyme co-factors or in response to oxidative stress. In the last two years it became apparent that apicomplexan parasites are able to generate B vitamers such as vitamin B1 and B6 de novo. The biosynthesis pathways responsible for vitamin generation are considered as drug targets, since both provide a high degree of selectivity due to their absence in the human host. This report updates the current knowledge about vitamin B1 and B6 biosynthesis in malaria and other apicomplexan parasites. Owing to the urgent need for novel antimalarials, the significance of the biosynthesis and salvage of these vitamins is critically discussed in terms of parasite survival and their exploitation for drug development.
Black flies are opportunistic sugar-feeders. They take sugar meals from Homopteran honeydew secretions or plant nectars, depending on availability. Homopteran honeydew secretions contain both simple and complex carbohydrates while plant nectars contain primarily simple carbohydrates. In order to determine whether honeydew secretions offer more energy than plant nectars to their insect visitors a study of wild-caught black flies was undertaken in Algonquin Provincial Park, Canada during the spring of 1 998 and 1 999. It was hypothesized that female black flies maintained on honeydew sugars will survive longer, produce more eggs and have a greater parasite vectoring potential than those maintained on artificial nectar or distilled water. Results demonstrated that: (1) host-seeking female Prosimulimfuscum/mixtum and Simulium venustum maintained on artificial honeydew did not survive longer than those maintained on artificial nectar when fed ad libitum; (2) fiiUy engorged S. venustum and Simulium rugglesi maintained on artificial honeydew did not produce more eggs than those maintained on artificial nectar when fed ad libitum; and (3) S. rugglesi did not have a greater vectoring potential of Leucocytozoon simondi when maintained on artificial honeydew as opposed to artificial nectar when fed ad libitum. However, all flies maintained on the two sugars (artificial honeydew and artificial nectar) survived longer, produce more eggs and had greater vectoring potential than those maintained on distilled water alone.
Understanding and managing the knowledge transfer process in sport organizations is an essential component to enhance organizational capacity. Very little research on either capacity or knowledge transfer within a sport organization exists. Consequently, the purpos e of this qualitative case study was to, examine the transfer of knowledge process within a major games host society. Specifically, two research goals guided the study: 1) To develop a model to explain a knowledge t r ans f e r process in a non-profit ma jor games hos t organization and 2) To examine the relevance of the model to a Canada Games Hos t Society. Data we r e collected from interviews with middle and senior level volunteers as well as senior s t a f f members (n= 27), document s and observations. The findings indicated three barriers to knowledge transfer: structural, systemic, and cultural. As a result of the findings a revised model for knowledge transfer wa s proposed that included modifications related to the direction of knowledge flow, timing of the knowledge transfer process, and group inter-relations. Implications identified the importance of intuition managers, time and organizational levels for successful knowledge transfer. Recommendations for future host societies and the Canada Games Council are presented.
Dans cette étude, l’auteure décrit les relations entre des catholiques et des hindous chez les Tamouls originaires du Sri Lanka qui ont immigré à Montréal. Ce faisant, elle accentuera son étude sur les perspectives des catholiques tamouls, et ce particulièrement au cours de pèlerinages et à travers la dévotion mariale. Les relations entre catholiques et hindous sont ainsi codifiées par des normes sociales et culturelles. De plus, l’auteure démontre que la migration, de même que la société d’accueil, influence les interactions entre ces deux groupes. Dans ce contexte, la notion de syncrétisme devient un concept secondaire qui est principalement étudié en lien avec les normes sociales tamoules. Finalement, l’auteure démontre, à travers les pèlerinages et la dévotion mariale, que les catholiques entretiennent des rapports contradictoires avec les hindous.
Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous nous penchons sur les relations du travail (RT) dans les entreprises multinationales (EMs) ayant des opérations au Canada. Notre question de recherche est la suivante: « Le pays d’origine d’une entreprise multinationale a-t-il un impact sur les pratiques de relations du travail dans ses opérations canadiennes? » Deux thèses principales ont été élaborées afin d’expliquer les choix des EMs dans l’adoption et l’implantation de pratiques. La première thèse, celle de la diversité, tient pour acquis que plusieurs déterminants endogènes et exogènes à l’EM influencent ses pratiques (Mcgraw et Harley, 2003). Tant les caractéristiques du pays hôte que celles du pays d’origine influenceraient les choix de pratiques des EMs contribuant ainsi à leur diversité (Almond et al., 2005). Par exemple, certains chercheurs avancent que les EMs sont littéralement imprégnées des caractéristiques provenant du pays qui les a vues naître, qu’elles feraient littéralement partie de leur ADN affectant ainsi les pratiques qu’elles mettent en place dans leurs filiales à l’étranger (Berger, 2006). Par ailleurs, la thèse de la convergence soutient que les EMs auraient tendance à utiliser les mêmes pratiques en cette ère de mondialisation et d’hégémonie économique américaine (Mcgraw et Harley, 2003). Les tenants de cette thèse croient plutôt à une convergence des pratiques à travers les EMs en raison notamment de la vaste diffusion du modèle anglo-saxon de gestion, de l’approche des best pratices et du one best way (Mcgraw et Harley, 2003; Royle, 2006). Convergence ou divergence des pratiques? Le débat demeure entier dans la littérature. Outre sa contribution à ce débat, notre recherche permet d’en apprendre davantage sur le comportement des EMs étrangères au Canada, mais aussi d’examiner les spécificités des EMs canadiennes. Le modèle conceptuel développé par ce mémoire se base sur la thèse de la diversité en examinant plus particulièrement l’effet du pays d’origine. Selon la littérature, plusieurs variables influencent les pratiques des EMs, soit le pays d’origine (Almond et al., 2005; Kvinge et Ulrichsen, 2008; Marginson, 2008; Edwards et Ferner, 2002; Collings, 2003; Ferner, 1997, Moore et Rees, 2008; etc.) et les caractéristiques propres à l’EM (Bartlett et Ghosal, 1998; Kidger, 2002; Perlmutter, 1969; Edwards, 2003). Aux fins de notre recherche, notre variable dépendante, les pratiques de RT, comporte cinq dimensions, soit la reconnaissance syndicale des nouveaux établissements, la politique d’implication du syndicat, la perception à l’égard des représentants syndicaux, la structure de la négociation collective et l’autonomie de la filiale dans l’élaboration de politiques en matière de RT (Bélanger et al., 2006). L’hypothèse principale de notre recherche est : le pays d’origine d’une EM a un impact sur le choix des pratiques de RT dans ses opérations canadiennes. Cinq sous-hypothèses, touchant cinq dimensions du concept de RT, ont été testées : 1) les EMs américaines reconnaissent moins souvent le syndicat dans leurs nouveaux établissements que les EMs d’autres pays; 2) les EMs américaines ont une moins bonne perception patronale du syndicat que celles provenant d’autres pays; 3) les négociations collectives sont plus décentralisées dans les EMs américaines que dans celles d’autres pays; 4) les EMs américaines impliquent moins les syndicats dans la prise de décision que celles provenant d’autres pays; 5) l’autonomie dans l’élaboration de politiques concernant la représentation syndicale est plus faible dans les EMs américaines que dans les EMs d’autres pays. Sur le plan méthodologique, cette étude utilise des données secondaires provenant de l’Enquête sur la gestion des ressources humaines, les politiques publiques et la chaîne de valeur mondiale menée par Bélanger, Harvey, Jalette, Lévesque et Murray (2006). Nous étudions un sous-échantillon de la base de données, soit une centaine d’EMs dont les employés sont syndiqués. Les résultats indiquent que les opérations canadiennes des EMs canadiennes se différencient de celles des EMs américaines par une meilleure perception patronale des syndicats et une plus grande implication syndicale. De plus, les EMs européennes reconnaissent plus le syndicat dans leurs nouveaux établissements, perçoivent davantage de la collaboration de la part du syndicat et octroient une plus grande autonomie en matière de RT à leurs opérations canadiennes que les EMs américaines. Enfin, les opérations canadiennes des EMs du reste du monde se distinguent de celles des EMs américaines par une meilleure perception patronale de collaboration de la part du syndicat.
L’intensification des pratiques agricoles a été identifiée comme cause majeure du déclin de la biodiversité. Plusieurs études ont documenté l’impact de la fragmentation du paysage naturel et de l’agriculture intensive sur la diversité des espèces, mais très peu ont quantifié le lien entre la structure du paysage et les interactions trophiques, ainsi que les mécanismes d’adaptation des organismes. J’ai étudié un modèle biologique à trois niveaux trophiques composé d’un oiseau hôte, l’hirondelle bicolore Tachycineta bicolor, de mouches ectoparasites du genre Protocalliphora et de guêpes parasitoïdes du genre Nasonia, au travers d’un gradient d’intensification agricole dans le sud du Québec. Le premier objectif était de déterminer l’abondance des espèces de mouches ectoparasites et de leurs guêpes parasitoïdes qui colonisent les nids d’hirondelles dans la zone d’étude. La prévalence de nids infectés par Protocalliphora spp. était de 70,8% en 2008 et 34,6% en 2009. Le pourcentage de nids comprenant des pupes de Protocalliphora parasitées par Nasonia spp. était de 85,3% en 2008 et 67,2% en 2009. Trois espèces de Protocalliphora ont été observées (P. sialia, P. bennetti et P. metallica) ainsi que deux espèces de Nasonia (N. vitripennis et N. giraulti). Il s’agit d’une première mention de P. bennetti et de N. giraulti dans la province de Québec. Mon deuxième objectif était d’évaluer l’impact de l’intensification agricole et de la structure du paysage sur les relations tri-trophiques entre les organismes à l’étude. Les résultats révèlent que les réponses à la structure du paysage de l’hirondelle, de l’ectoparasite et de l’hyperparasite dépendantent de l’échelle spatiale. L’échelle spatiale fonctionnelle à laquelle les espèces répondent le plus varie selon le paramètre du paysage modélisé. Les analyses démontrent que l’intensification des pratiques agricoles entraîne une diminution des populations d’oiseaux, d’ectoparasites et d’hyperparasites. De plus, les populations de Protocalliphora et de Nasonia sont menacées en paysage intensif puisque la dégradation du paysage associée à l’intensification des pratiques agricoles agit directement sur leurs populations et indirectement sur les populations de leurs hôtes. Mon troisième objectif était de caractériser les mécanismes comportementaux permettant aux guêpes de composer avec la variabilité de la structure du paysage et de la qualité des hôtes. Nos résultats révèlent que les femelles Nasonia ajustent la taille de leur ponte en fonction de la taille de la pupe hôte et de l’incidence d’hyperparasitisme. Le seul facteur ayant une influence déterminante sur le ratio sexuel est la proportion de paysage dédié à l’agriculture intensive. Aucune relation n’a été observée entre la structure du paysage et la taille des filles et des fils produits par les femelles Nasonia fondatrices. Ce phénomène est attribué aux comportements d’ajustement de la taille de la ponte et du ratio sexuel. En ajustant ces derniers, minimisant ainsi la compétition entre les membres de leur progéniture, les femelles fondatrices sont capables de maximiser la relation entre la disponibilité des ressources et la valeur sélective de leur progéniture. En conclusion, ce travail souligne l’importance de considérer le contexte spatial des interactions trophiques, puisqu’elles influencent la biodiversité locale et le fonctionnement de l’écosystème.
In order to check the damage caused by the parasites, even though it is difficult in open waters, a proper understanding of the seasonal variation in the distribution of the parasite and other factors like age of the host, sex of the host, which affect distribution of parasite is a must. Although several workers have carried out investigations on the taxonomy of metazoan parasites of marine and brackish water Fishes of India, very little attempt is made to correlate such investigations with the host and the environment. In this thesis such an attempt is made by the researcher. In chapter one the literature related to the prevalence, mean intensity of infection, and histopathological changes caused by the metazoan parasites, in particular by helminths, copepods and isopods, was reviewed. Chapter two contains observations on the distribution pattern of parasites in relation to the season, sex, and size of the host. It was found that the prevalence rate of radiorynchus_indicus infecting the alimentary canal of Tachysurugs mgacuglatus, Ergasilus sp. infecting the gills of T maculatus, and Lernaeeniicus ramosus found on the body surface of Qeimgipteirfugs jagonicus was higher during monsoon season. But agarna malayi found in the opercular chamber and Ehilometra cephalus infecting the gonads of valamugil speiglari showed a higher prevalence rate during the postmonsoon season. This was discussed on the basis of the hydrographical characteristics prevailing in the study area during the three different seasons. It was also observed that the sex of the host did not influence significantly the distribution pattern of the parasites. The reasons for this were also discussed. Invariably, the size of the host was found to influence the parasite distribution pattern. It was observed that the prevalence rate showed an increase with increase in size of the fish. This was discussed on the basis of food habits of the host, along with other aspects An attempt was made in chapter three to study the histopathological effects of‘ the various parasites on their respective sites of attachments on host Fishes. It was found that except Rhadinorhyhchugs indicus, all other parasites produced damages of varying intensity, in the form of hypertrophy, rhyperplasia, haemorrhage, tissue disruption and ulcers. Interestingly, E. indicus, an acantho— cephalid with a powerful proboscis for attachment was found not to cause any serious damage to the intestine of the host Fish. All these aspects are included in the third and final chapter of the thesis.
Development of a new species of malacosporean myxozoan (Buddenbrockia allmani n. sp.) in the bryozoan Lophopus crystallinus is described. Early stages, represented by isolated cells or small groups, were observed in the host's body wall or body cavity. Multiplication and rearrangement of cells gave an outer cell layer around a central mass. The outer cells made contact by filopodia and established adherens junctions. Sporoplasmosomes were a notable feature of early stages, but these were lost in subsequent development. Typical malacosporean sacs were formed from these groups by attachment of the inner (luminal) cells by a basal lamina to the outer layer (mural cells). Division of luminal cells gave rise to a population of cells that was liberated into the lumen of the sac. Mitotic spindles in open mitosis and prophase stages of meiosis were observed in luminal cells. Centrioles were absent. Detached luminal cells assembled to form spores with four polar capsules and several valve cells surrounding two sporoplasms with secondary cells. Restoration of sporoplasmosomes occurred in primary sporoplasms. A second type of sac was observed with highly irregular mural cells and stellate luminal cells. A radially striated layer and dense granules in the polar capsule wall, and previous data on 18 rDNA sequences enabled assignment of the species to the genus Buddenbrockia, while specific diagnosis relied on the rDNA data and on sac shape and size.
Integrated cytokine and metabolic analysis of pathological responses to parasite exposure in rodents
Parasitic infections cause a myriad of responses in their mammalian hosts, on immune as well as on metabolic level. A multiplex panel of cytokines and metabolites derived from four parasite-rodent models, namely, Plasmodium berghei-mouse, Trypanosoma brucei brucei-mouse, Schistosoma mansoni-mouse, and Fasciola hepatica-rat were statistically coanalyzed. 1H NMR spectroscopy and multivariate statistical analysis were used to characterize the urine and plasma metabolite profiles in infected and noninfected animals. Each parasite generated a unique metabolic signature in the host. Plasma cytokine concentrations were obtained using the ‘Meso Scale Discovery’ multi cytokine assay platform. Multivariate data integration methods were subsequently used to elucidate the component of the metabolic signature which is associated with inflammation and to determine specific metabolic correlates with parasite-induced changes in plasma cytokine levels. For example, the relative levels of acetyl glycoproteins extracted from the plasma metabolite profile in the P. berghei-infected mice were statistically correlated with IFN-γ, whereas the same cytokine was anticorrelated with glucose levels. Both the metabolic and the cytokine data showed a similar spatial distribution in principal component analysis scores plots constructed for the combined murine data, with samples from all infected animals clustering according to the parasite species and whereby the protozoan infections (P. berghei and T. b. brucei) grouped separately from the helminth infection (S. mansoni). For S. mansoni, the main infection-responsive cytokines were IL-4 and IL-5, which covaried with lactate, choline, and D-3-hydroxybutyrate. This study demonstrates that the inherently differential immune response to single and multicellular parasites not only manifests in the cytokine expression, but also consequently imprints on the metabolic signature, and calls for in-depth analysis to further explore direct links between immune features and biochemical pathways.
Pilostyles species (Apodanthaceae) are endoparasites in stems of the plant family Fabaceae. The body comprises masses of parenchyma in the host bark and cortex, with sinkers, comprising groups of twisted tracheal elements surrounded by parenchyma that enter the secondary xylem of the host plant. Here we report for the first time the effects of Pilostyles parasitism on host secondary xylem. We obtained healthy and parasitized stems from Mimosa foliolosa, M. maguirei and M. setosa and compared vessel element length, fiber length, vessel diameter and vessel frequency, measured through digital imaging. Also, tree height and girth were compared between healthy and parasitized M. setosa. When parasitized, plant size, vessel diameter, vessel element length and fiber length are all less than in healthy plants. Also, vessel frequency is greater and vessels are narrower in parasitized stems. These responses to parasitism are similar to those observed in stressed plants. Thus, hosts respond to the parasite by changing its wood micromorphology in favour of increased hydraulic safety.
Plasmodium falciparum, the most important etiological agent of human malaria, is endowed with a highly complex cell cycle that is essential for its successful replication within the host. A number of evidence suggest that changes in parasite Ca(2+) levels occur during the intracellular cycle of the parasites and play a role in modulating its functions within the RBC. However, the molecular identification of Plasmodium receptors linked with calcium signalling and the causal relationship between Ca(2+) increases and parasite functions are still largely mysterious. We here describe that increases in P. falciparum Ca(2+) levels, induced by extracellular ATP, modulate parasite invasion. In particular, we show that addition of ATP leads to an increase of cytosolic Ca(2+) in trophozoites and segmented schizonts. Addition of the compounds KN62 and Ip5I on parasites blocked the ATP-induced rise in [Ca(2+)](c). Besides, the compounds or hydrolysis of ATP with apyrase added in culture drastically reduce RBC infection by parasites, suggesting strongly a role of extracellular ATP during RBC invasion. The use of purinoceptor antagonists Ip5I and KN62 in this study suggests the presence of putative purinoceptor in P. falciparum. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that increases in [Ca(2+)](c) in the malarial parasite P. falciparum by ATP leads to the modulation of its invasion of red blood cells.
IP(3)-dependent Ca(2+) signaling controls a myriad of cellular processes in higher eukaryotes and similar signaling pathways are evolutionarily conserved in Plasmodium, the intracellular parasite that causes malaria. We have reported that isolated, permeabilized Plasmodium chabaudi, releases Ca(2+) upon addition of exogenous IP(3). In the present study, we investigated whether the IP(3) signaling pathway operates in intact Plasmodium falciparum, the major disease-causing human malaria parasite. P. falciparum-infected red blood cells (RBCs) in the trophozoite stage were simultaneously loaded with the Ca(2+) indicator Fluo-4/AM and caged-IP(3). Photolytic release of IP(3) elicited a transient Ca(2+) increase in the cytosol of the intact parasite within the RBC. The intracellular Ca(2+) pools of the parasite were selectively discharged, using thapsigargin to deplete endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca(2+) and the antimalarial chloroquine to deplete Ca(2+) from acidocalcisomes. These data show that the ER is the major IP(3)-sensitive Ca(2+) store. Previous work has shown that the human host hormone melatonin regulates P. falciparum cell cycle via a Ca(2+)-dependent pathway. In the present study, we demonstrate that melatonin increases inositol-polyphosphate production in intact intraerythrocytic parasite. Moreover, the Ca(2+) responses to melatonin and uncaging of IP(3) were mutually exclusive in infected RBCs. Taken together these data provide evidence that melatonin activates PLC to generate IP(3) and open ER-localized IP(3)-sensitive Ca(2+) channels in P. falciparum. This receptor signaling pathway is likely to be involved in the regulation and synchronization of parasite cell cycle progression.
The adaptive potential of a species to a changing environment and in disease defence is primarily based on genetic variation. Immune genes, such as genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), may thereby be of particular importance. In marsupials, however, there is very little knowledge about natural levels and functional importance of MHC polymorphism, despite their key role in the mammalian evolution. In a previous study, we discovered remarkable differences in the MHC class II diversity between two species of mouse opossums (Gracilinanus microtarsus, Marmosops incanus) from the Brazilian Atlantic forest, which is one of the most endangered hotspots for biodiversity conservation. Since the main forces in generating MHC diversity are assumed to be pathogens, we investigated in this study gastrointestinal parasite burden and functional associations between the individual MHC constitution and parasite load. We tested two contrasting scenarios, which might explain differences in MHC diversity between species. We predicted that a species with low MHC diversity would either be under relaxed selection pressure by low parasite diversity (`Evolutionary equilibrium` scenario), or there was a recent loss in MHC diversity leading to a lack of resistance alleles and increased parasite burden (`Unbalanced situation` scenario). In both species it became apparent that the MHC class II is functionally important in defence against gastrointestinal helminths, which was shown here for the first time in marsupials. On the population level, parasite diversity did not markedly differ between the two host species. However, we did observe considerable differences in the individual parasite load (parasite prevalence and infection intensity): while M. incanus revealed low MHC DAB diversity and high parasite load, G. microtarsus showed a tenfold higher population wide MHC DAB diversity and lower parasite burden. These results support the second scenario of an unbalanced situation.
Prostaglandins are known to be produced by macrophages when challenged with Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas` disease. It is not known whether these lipid mediators play a role in oxidative stress in host defenses against this important protozoan parasite. In this study, we demonstrated that inducible cyclooxygenase-mediated prostaglandin production is a key chemical mediator in the control of parasite burden and erythrocyte oxidative stress during T. cruzi infection in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice, prototype hosts for the study of resistance and susceptibility in murine Chagas` disease. The results suggested the existence of at least two mechanisms of oxidative stress, dependent or independent with regard to the nitric oxide and cyclooxygenase pathway, where one or the other is more evident depending on the mouse strain.
Chagas` disease is accompanied by severe anemia and oxidative stress, which may contribute to mortality. In this study, we investigated the role of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) in the control of parasitism and anemia associated with oxidative damage of erythrocytes in experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Wild-type C57BL/6, 129Sv mice treated or not with nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA, 5-LO inhibitor), mice lacking the 5-LO enzyme gene (5-LO(-/-)) and inducible nitric oxide synthase gene (iNOS(-/-)) were infected with the Y strain of T cruzi. impairment of 5-LO resulted in increased numbers of trypomastigote forms in the blood and amastigote forms in the heart of infected mice. We assessed oxidative stress in erythrocytes by measuring oxygen uptake, induction time and chemiluminescence following treatment with tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBH). Our results show that 5-LO metabolites increased lipid peroxidation levels in erythrocytes during the early phase of murine T cruzi infection. NDGA treatment reduced oxidative damage of erythrocytes in C57BL/6 T cruzi-infected mice but not in C57BL/6 iNOS-/- infected mice, showing that the action of NDGA is dependent on endogenous nitric oxide (NO). In addition, our results show that 5-LO metabolites do not participate directly in the development of anemia in infected mice. We conclude that 5-LO products may not only play a major role in controlling heart tissue parasitism, i.e., host resistance to acute infection with T cruzi in vivo, but in the event of an infection also play an important part in erythrocyte oxidative stress, an NO-dependent effect. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.