815 resultados para Historians, Byzantine.
In this book, leading historians of the French, Batavian, Helvetic, Cisalpine, and Neapolitan revolutions bridge the gap between the historiographies of the so-called Sister Republics and explore political culture as a set of discourses or political practices. Parliamentary practices, the comparability of "universal" political concepts, late-eighteenth-century Republicanism, the relationship between press and politics, and the interaction between the Sister Republics and France are all examined from a comparative, transnational perspective.
Die Geschichte der Humangenetik stellte lange Zeit ein vernachlässigtes Gebiet der medizin- und wissenschaftshistorischen Forschung dar. Erst in jüngster Vergangenheit sind einige historische Arbeiten erschienen, die sich der Geschichte dieses medizinischen Forschungs- und Praxisfeldes widmen. Eine wichtige Forschungsfrage betrifft die Beziehung der Humangenetik zur Eugenik. Der vorliegende Beitrag greift diese Frage auf und zeigt anhand eines Schweizer Fallbeispiels zur Vererbung des Kropfes, dass zwischen der Humangenetik und der Eugenik im 20. Jahrhundert enge, aber auch widersprüchliche Beziehungen bestanden: Ergebnisse aus Vererbungsstudien widersprachen nicht selten eugenischen Postulaten, zugleich konnten aber dieselben humangenetischen Untersuchungen Visionen einer erbbiologischen Bevölkerungsüberwachung befeuern.
Edited by Annette Kern-Stähler, Beatrix Busse, and Wietse de Boer The essays collected in The Five Senses in Medieval and Early Modern England examine the interrelationships between sense perception and secular and Christian cultures in England from the medieval into the early modern periods. They address canonical texts and writers in the fields of poetry, drama, homiletics, martyrology and early scientific writing, and they espouse methods associated with the fields of corpus linguistics, disability studies, translation studies, art history and archaeology, as well as approaches derived from traditional literary studies. Together, these papers constitute a major contribution to the growing field of sensorial research that will be of interest to historians of perception and cognition as well as to historians with more generalist interests in medieval and early modern England.
The purpose of this study was to investigate a selection of children's historical nonfiction literature for evidence of coherence. Although research has been conducted on coherence of textbook material and its influences on comprehension there has been limited study on coherence in children's nonfiction literature. Generally, textual coherence has been seen as critical in the comprehensibility of content area textbooks because it concerns the unity of connections among ideas and information. Disciplinary coherence concerns the extent to which authors of historical text show readers how historians think and write. Since young readers are apprentices in learning historical content and conventions of historical thinking, evidence of disciplinary coherence is significant in nonfiction literature for young readers. The sample of the study contained 32 books published between 1989 and 2000 ranging in length from less than 90 pages to more than 150 pages. Content analysis was the quantitative research technique used to measure 84 variables of textual and disciplinary coherence in three passages of each book, as proportions of the total number of words for each book. Reliability analyses and an examination of 750 correlations showed the extent to which variables were related in the books. Three important findings emerged from the study that should be considered in the selection and use of children's historical nonfiction literature in classrooms. First, characteristics of coherence are significantly related together in high quality nonfiction literature. Second, shorter books have a higher proportion of textual coherence than longer books as measured in three passages. Third, presence of the author is related to characteristics of coherence throughout the books. The findings show that nonfiction literature offers students content that researchers have found textbooks lack. Both younger and older students have the opportunity to learn the conventions of historical thinking as they learn content through nonfiction literature. Further, the children's literature, represented in the Orbis Pictus list, shows students that authors select, interpret, and question information, and give other interpretations. The implications of the study for teaching history, teacher preparation in content and literacy, school practices, children's librarians, and publishers of children's nonfiction are discussed.
By looking at Great Britain and the American colonies in conjunction with the larger British Atlantic Empire, historians can better understand the political, social, and cultural transformations that occurred when transatlantic actors met. William Samuel Johnson is an example of an "ordinary" agent who nonetheless had extensive contacts with numerous British and American thinkers. While acting on Connecticut's behalf in London between 1767 and 1771, he sent reports back to Connecticut governors Jonathan Trumbull and William Pitkin on parliamentary proceedings while corresponding with the people who traveled around the Atlantic world during this critical period-merchants, seafarers, emigrants, soldiers, missionaries, radicals and conservatives, reformers, and politicians. He is also representative of the late eighteenth-century empire writ large. Agents, who had once been a source of stability in the far-flung colonies, became a destabilizing force as confusion and conflict grew over conceptual ideas of what constituted "the empire" and who was included in it. Johnson was a sane observer in the midst of the ideological and administrative upheaval of the 1760's and 1770's. His subsequent loyalism and political obscurity during the war years was in many ways a result of his attempts to reconcile various factional interests during his tenure as an agent. Although he did his best to resolve these divisions and provide an accurate account of the powerful nationalistic forces gathering on both sides of the Atlantic on the eve of the American Revolution, the agents' collective failures as transatlantic mediators helped bring about the collapse of an imperial community. This disintegration had dramatic effects on the whole of the Atlantic world.
Economic historians have recently emphasized the importance of integrating economic and historical approaches in studying institutions. The literature on the Ottoman system of taxation, however, has continued to adopt a primarily historical approach, using ad hoc categories of classification and explaining the system through its continuities with the historical precedent. This paper integrates economic and historical approaches to examine the structure, efficiency, and regional diversity of the tax system. The structure of the system made it possible for the Ottomans to economize on the transaction cost of measuring the tax base. Regional variations resulted from both efficient adaptations and institutional rigidities.
William C. Moloney MD kept a personal journal, with photographs, for much of his two years in Japan with the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission. In January of 1986, Dr.Moloney donated his journal, correspondence and diary pages to the Harris County Medical Archive. He died in 1998 at the age of 91. His first contribution was a set of ten reprints representing his work with the ABCC from 1952 to 1954. Dr.Moloney's journal is a fine document, one which will be of great use to historians. It is an important record of personal impressions, thoughts and details of events. The journal gives new insights into the work of the ABCC and into the people who participated in that work. Dr. Moloney wrote in his journal from April 1952 to February 1954. The Korean War was on and there was a great deal of military activity in southern Japan. The collection is open for research. The collection consists of a handwritten journal, loose calendar or notebook pages and some reprints. The journal is in generally fair condition. The paper is slightly acidic and the binding is loose. There are numerous photos glued onto the pages. The collection encompasses the years 1952-1954 and is 0.25 cubic feet (1 box).
Se trata de un primer acercamiento a una posible teoría de la "Imagología regional", aplicada a la imagen de Mendoza obtenida a través de viajeros europeos del siglo XIX A partir de la regionalización de la literatura de viaje propiciada por los historiadores Samuel Trifilo y Edmundo Correas para el contexto mendocino, se desarrolla la perspectiva de una imagen de lo cultural, como contracara de la reducción a la motivación básicamente ideológica de los viajeros sustentada por Mary Louise Pratt.. El análisis de una serie de relatos de viaje a Mendoza permite distinguir para la primera mitad del siglo XIX entre estereotipos positivos (así en Haigh) y negativos (así en Darwin) como "imágenes residuales" (Zamorano de Montiel) referidas a la percepción de lo cultural, tanto puntuales como integradas en una "relación jerarquizada" (Pageaux). Ya en la segunda mitad de siglo se impone una documentación diferenciada y hasta estadística de la vida cultural en Mendoza, que desemboca en el entorno del 1900 en el estereotipo de un asombroso progreso argentino, registrado también en Mendoza.
El propósito de este trabajo es revisar el término Europa y su familia léxica en los historiadores y geógrafos del periodo helenístico, analizando los diferentes significados de tal palabra como realidad mítica, geográfica, política, humana y cultural.
Los modelos de comprensión de la realidad que han tomado los historiadores, elaborados por San Agustín en el siglo V (de la adaptación), por Maquiavelo en el siglo XVI (del conflicto) y por Leibniz en el siglo XVII (de la multiplicidad) –vistos en perspectiva de larga duración–, son los que, combinados de distinta manera, perviven hasta la actualidad en los historiadores que toman a la historia como una ciencia que intenta comprender el pasado. El debate con los pensadores posmodernos se da en términos de si la historia es ciencia o solamente discurso. Este escrito sostiene que la práctica de hacer historia, entendida como ciencia, no es compatible con los postulados posmodernos. Los que se dicen historiadores posmodernos no son historiadores, son posmodernos.
Sobre la particular mezcla y tensión de tendencias conservadoras y modernas en el nacionalsocialismo se puede decir que no se ha alcanzado pleno consenso entre los historiadores. Este artículo revisa críticamente las tesis que han configurado la controversia, tanto en la discusión general sobre la ideología y la práctica del nacionalsocialismo alemán (por ej. Herf 1984, Zitelman 1987, Mommsen 1990, Nolte 1993, Payne 1995, Roseman 1996, Kershaw y Lewin 1997, Griffin 1998), como en el debate específicamente referido a la Shoá (por ej., Lübbe 1992, Beyerchen 1997, Lindenfeld 1997 y Almog 2001). Se advierte que hay aportes interesantes en las diversas posiciones, pero al mismo tiempo resultan evidentes las dificultades que surgen del uso poco preciso de conceptos claves para el tema, como lo son “modernidad" y “racionalidad". En este sentido se hacen algunas sugerencias destinadas a lograr mayor interacción entre la construcción de marcos teórico-analíticos y la documentación histórica.
Esta investigación indaga la variada interpretación del origen del conflicto por parte de una nutrida selección de historiadores. La discrepancia esencial se ha enfocado en lo siguiente: ¿Tuvieron influencia las vastas fuerzas históricas, es decir, los condicionamientos externos e internos de larga duración? Si es así ¿algunos fueron más relevantes que otros? ¿Contaron, por el contrario, solamente las coyunturas inmediatas y las acciones de los dirigentes? ¿O bien el conflicto armado fue el resultado de una amalgama, aunque diferenciada, de causas profundas y decisiones particulares desencadenadas durante la crisis de julio? Específicas categorías conceptuales y el enfoque analítico-comparativo han permitido adjudicar con mayor precisión el peso de los distintos factores en juego.
El presente artículo forma parte del proyecto interdisciplinario sobre iterología mendocina que tiene como principal objetivo analizar los relatos de viajeros extranjeros a Mendoza desde una perspectiva histórica, literaria y geográfica. Desde hace tiempo, estos relatos constituyen una fuente indispensable para el estudio de nuestro pasado y el texto de Hermann Burmeister reviste especial importancia para los historiadores debido a que el científico alemán permaneció en la provincia por algo más de un año. Por esta razón sus descripciones son detalladas y minuciosas; además, estuvo en Mendoza antes de que el terremoto de 1861 la destruyera, con lo cual, su relato ayuda a recrear aquella ciudad desaparecida, El objetivo de este trabajo es ejemplificar la metodología de trabajo utilizada por la Historia para analizar el texto de viaje. Para ello, se ha escogido el tema de la presencia de las mujeres en el relato del viajero alemán.
Se hacen breves reflexiones sobre la poesía religiosa argentina, a partir de la aún escasa bibliografía sobre el tema, y se aportan nuevos datos, con la idea de que, a partir de ellos, otros críticos literarios o historiadores de la cultura puedan ampliar la delimitación de su corpus y perfeccionar la sistematización y la interpretación de la misma. Dentro de este contexto, se analiza un libro de reciente aparición: “Intensidad secreta", de Mariana Genoud de Fourcade, obra que se inscribe dentro de esta temática.