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O objetivo deste estudo foi averiguar a existência de uma possível transição florística ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal numa floresta serrana do sul da Bahia, Brasil. A área amostrada situa-se em uma zona de transição (leste-oeste) entre florestas ombrófilas e estacionais. Um transecto linear abrangendo um hectare (10 × 1.000 m) foi situado na encosta da serra (de ca. 350 a 750 m.s.m.). Todas as árvores e lianas com DAP > 5 foram numeradas, coletadas e medidas. Foram calculados valores de densidade, dominância, frequência e valor de importância (VI) para cada espécie amostrada. Foram amostrados 1.400 indivíduos agrupados em 264 espécies e 56 famílias de angiospermas. Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze teve o maior VI, devido à elevada dominância de poucos indivíduos. Discocarpus pedicellatus Fiaschi & Cordeiro e Ampelocera glabra Kuhlm. foram as espécies mais frequentes, com 90 e 86 indivíduos respectivamente. Noventa e seis espécies foram representadas por apenas um indivíduo. As famílias mais diversas foram Fabaceae e Myrtaceae com 37 e 31 espécies respectivamente. Análises de agrupamento e correspondência (DCA) revelaram que a composição florística da floresta situada na porção mais alta do transecto foi distinta da restante. As florestas de porções mais baixas e mais altas do fragmento puderam ser consideradas respectivamente como semideciduais e ombrófilas. Embora haja diferenças florísticas evidentes entre essas florestas, ambas estão claramente vinculadas ao setor sul-Baiano da Mata Atlântica.


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The effect of diets enriched with oat or wheat bran (prepared by the addition of 300 g of each fiber to 1000 g of the regular diet), given for 8 weeks, on the mucosal height of the colon and cecum was investigated. Newly weaned (21 days old) and aged (12 months old) male Wistar rats were used in this study. As compared to controls, diets enriched with wheat bran provoked a significant increase in the mucosal height, whereas oat bran did not cause any effect. In newly weaned rats (21 days old), wheat bran increased the mucosal height (µm) in the cecum by 20% (mean ± SEM for 8 rats; 169.1 ± 5.2 and 202.9 ± 8.0 for control and wheat bran, respectively) and in the colon (218.8 ± 7.2 and 264.5 ± 18.8 for control and wheat bran, respectively). A similar effect was observed in aged rats (12 months old), with an increase of 15% in the mucosal height (µm) of the cecum (mean ± SEM of 8 rats; 193.2 ± 8.6 and 223.7 ± 8.3 for control and wheat bran, respectively) and of 17% in the colon (300.4 ± 9.2 and 352.2 ± 15.9 for control and wheat bran, respectively)


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It has been reported that lead can cause behavioral impairment by inhibiting the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor complex. MK-801, a noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist, exhibits an antidepressant-like action in the forced swimming test. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether subacute lead exposure in adult male Swiss mice weighing 30-35 g causes an antidepressant-like action in a forced swimming test. Mice were injected intraperitoneally (ip) with 10 mg/kg lead acetate or saline daily for 7 consecutive days. Twenty-four hours after the last treatment, the saline and lead-treated mice received an injection of MK-801 (0.01 mg/kg, ip) or saline and were tested in forced swimming and in open-field tests. Immobility time was similarly reduced in the saline-MK-801, Pb-saline and Pb-MK-801 groups compared to the saline-saline group (mean ± SEM; 197.3 ± 18.5, 193.5 ± 15.8, 191.3 ± 12.3 and 264.0 ± 14.4 s, respectively; N = 9). These data indicate that lead may exert its effect on the forced swimming test by directly or indirectly inhibiting the NMDA receptor complex. Lead treatment caused no deficit in memory of habituation and did not affect locomotor activity in an open-field (N = 14). However, mice that received MK-801 after lead exhibited a deficit in habituation (22% reduction in rearing responses between session 3 and 1; N = 14) as compared to control (41% reduction in rearing responses; N = 15), further suggesting that lead may have affected the NMDA receptor activity. Forced-swim immobility in a basin in two daily consecutive sessions was also significantly decreased by lead exposure (mean ± SEM; day 1 = 10.6 ± 3.2, day 2 = 19.6 ± 3.6; N = 16) as compared to control (day 1 = 18.4 ± 3.8, day 2 = 34.0 ± 3.7; N = 17), whereas the number of crossings was not affected by lead treatment, further indicating a specific antidepressant-like action of lead.


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Head dipping (HD) is a behavioral pattern considered to have a risk assessment or an exploratory role and is used as a complementary parameter to evaluate anxiety in experimental animals. Since rats with electrolytic lesion in the area of the median raphe nucleus displayed high frequencies of HD in a previous study, the present investigation was undertaken to confirm this observation and to determine its anxiety-related origin. HD episodes were counted in adult male Wistar rats (270-350 g) with electrolytic lesion (N = 11) and sham-lesioned controls (N = 12). When HD was measured for 60 min on an elevated open platform, lesioned rats emitted 13 times more HD than controls (264.7 ± 93.3 vs 20.3 ± 7.6 episodes), with the difference being statistically significant (P < 0.05). HD counts during 10-min sessions held 7, 14, 21, 27, and 63 days after lesion showed significantly higher means (range: 28.14 ± 5.38 to 62.85 ± 9.48) compared to sham-lesioned controls (range: 7.37 ± 1.13 to 8.5 ± 1.45). Normal rats stepped down into their home cages when the vertical distance between them and the cage was short (16 cm), and the step-down latencies increased with increasing depths (36.7 ± 7.92 to 185.87 ± 35.44 s). Lesioned rats showed a similar behavior when facing the shortest depth, but had a significantly increased number (23.28 ± 2.35 episodes) and latency (300 ± 0.00 s) of HD compared to normal rats (9.25 ± 1.37 episodes and 185.87 ± 35.44 s) when facing the greatest depth (30 cm). This suggests that HD may be a depth-measuring behavior related to risk assessment.


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In previous studies, we demonstrated biphasic purinergic effects on prolactin (PRL) secretion stimulated by an adenosine A2 agonist. In the present study, we investigated the role of the activation of adenosine A1 receptors by (R)-N6-(2-phenylisopropyl)adenosine (R-PIA) at the pituitary level in in vitro PRL secretion. Hemipituitaries (one per cuvette in five replicates) from adult male rats were incubated. Administration of R-PIA (0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 µM) induced a reduction of PRL secretion into the medium in a U-shaped dose-response curve. The maximal reduction was obtained with 0.1 µM R-PIA (mean ± SEM, 36.01 ± 5.53 ng/mg tissue weight (t.w.)) treatment compared to control (264.56 ± 15.46 ng/mg t.w.). R-PIA inhibition (0.01 µM = 141.97 ± 15.79 vs control = 244.77 ± 13.79 ng/mg t.w.) of PRL release was blocked by 1 µM cyclopentyltheophylline, a specific A1 receptor antagonist (1 µM = 212.360 ± 26.560 ng/mg t.w.), whereas cyclopentyltheophylline alone (0.01, 0.1, 1 µM) had no effect. R-PIA (0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1 µM) produced inhibition of PRL secretion stimulated by both phospholipase C (0.5 IU/mL; 977.44 ± 76.17 ng/mg t.w.) and dibutyryl cAMP (1 mM; 415.93 ± 37.66 ng/mg t.w.) with nadir established at the dose of 0.1 µM (225.55 ± 71.42 and 201.9 ± 19.08 ng/mg t.w., respectively). Similarly, R-PIA (0.01 µM) decreased (242.00 ± 24.00 ng/mg t.w.) the PRL secretion stimulated by cholera toxin (0.5 mg/mL; 1050.00 ± 70.00 ng/mg t.w.). In contrast, R-PIA had no effect (468.00 ± 34.00 ng/mg t.w.) on PRL secretion stimulation by pertussis toxin (0.5 mg/mL; 430.00 ± 26.00 ng/mg t.w.). These results suggest that inhibition of PRL secretion after A1 receptor activation by R-PIA is mediated by a Gi protein-dependent mechanism.


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Kyrönjoen yläosan tulvasuojeluhankkeen eri osille on useita lupapäätöksiä, joissa luvanhaltijana on valtio. Lupapäätöksissä on velvoite tarkkailla mm. vaikutuksia Kyrönjoen ja sen alapuolisen merialueen kala-, rapu- ja nahkiaiskantoihin. Tämä on vuosiraportti vuoden 2014 tarkkailutuloksista. Vuonna 2014 poikasnuotan yksikkösaaliissa valtalajeina olivat joko särki tai ahven, kun muiden lajien osuudet jäivät kaikilla paikoilla enimmillään noin kymmenesosaan. Kuhan poikasten yksikkösaaliit Kitinojalla, Peuralassa ja Kylänpäässä olivat suurimmat koko vuodesta 1996 alkaneen tarkkailun aikana havaitut. Sähkökalastuksissa vuonna 2014 saatiin taimenia Harjankoskelta, Koskenkorvan padon alapuolelta ja Köykänkoskesta. Harjankoskelta ja Koskenkorvalta vuonna 2014 saatujen taimenten rasvaevät olivat ehjät, mutta muualta saatujen rasvaevät oli leikattu, eli Harjankoskea ja Koskenkorvaa lukuun ottamatta kyseessä olivat varmuudella istukkaat. Verkkosaalis vuonna 2014 oli suuri Kitinojalla, jossa salakan ja kiisken kappalemääräiset yksikkösaaliit olivat aiemmin havaittuja suuremmat ja massamääräinen lahnasaalis oli suurin vuoden 1996 jälkeen. Kyrönjoen vaellussiian kutunousutarkkailu jouduttiin keskeyttämään noin viikon rysäpyynnin jälkeen virtaaman kasvettua liian suureksi. Saaliiksi saatiin kuitenkin 15 siikaa, joista yksi oli vuotta aiemmin samalla paikalla merkitty koirassiika, joka oli kasvanut vuodessa yli 200 g. Koeravustuksissa saatiin yksi hyväkuntoinen naarasrapu Kirkonkoskelta. Nahkiaisen toukkia löydettiin Hiirikosken alapuolelta yhteensä kolme yksilöä. Kudulle nousseiden nahkiaisten kokonais- ja yksikkösaaliit olivat keskinkertaisia. Liikapuron, Kyrkösjärven ja Pitkämön tekojärvistä vuosina 2013 ja 2014 pyydetyissä näytekaloissa elohopeapitoisuudet olivat pienemmät kuin asetetut enimmäisrajat elintarvikkeena käytettävässä osassa. Raja-arvo ylittyi puolella Kalajärven tekoaltaan kookkaista ahvenista (100–400 g) ja yhdellä (8 %) Kyrönjoen Kitinojalta Malkakosken yläpuolisesta suvannosta pyydetyllä ahvenella. Hauella elohopeapitoisuuden enimmäisraja elintarvikkeena käytettävässä osassa on 1,0 ja ahvenella 0,5 mg/kg.


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Although several alleles of susceptibility to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have been studied in the last decades, few polymorphisms have been considered as risk factors for the disease. Among them, the APOE-e4 allele appears to be the major genetic risk factor for the onset of the disease. However, it is important to confirm the potential susceptibility of these genetic variants in different populations in order to establish a genetic profile for the disease in specific communities. This study analyzed the APOE polymorphisms regarding susceptibility to AD in a sample of 264 individuals (primarily Caucasians; 82 cases and 182 controls) in the population from Vitória, ES, Brazil, by PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods. The patients were selected according to clinical criteria for probable AD. Whereas the e4 allele showed statistically significant positive association with susceptibility to AD (OR = 3.01, 95%CI = 1.96-4.61; P < 0.0001), the e2 allele did not. The results of the e4 allele confirm the role of this polymorphism as a risk factor for AD in the sample studied as observed in other populations. Although the e3 allele has been considered neutral in several studies, our results suggest that it acts as a protective factor against AD in the population studied (OR = 0.46, 95%CI = 0.30-0.67; P < 0.0001). This study may provide a new insight into the role of the APOE-e3 allele in the etiology of AD and might help to estabilish a profile of risk for AD in the population from Vitória, ES.


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The current in vitro study was designed to investigate the anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic and antioxidant activities of boesenbergin A (BA), a chalcone derivative of known structure isolated from Boesenbergia rotunda. Human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2), colon adenocarcinoma (HT-29), non-small cell lung cancer (A549), prostate adenocarcinoma (PC3), and normal hepatic cells (WRL-68) were used to evaluate the cytotoxicity of BA using the MTT assay. The antioxidant activity of BA was assessed by the ORAC assay and compared to quercetin as a standard reference antioxidant. ORAC results are reported as the equivalent concentration of Trolox that produces the same level of antioxidant activity as the sample tested at 20 µg/mL. The toxic effect of BA on different cell types, reported as IC50, yielded 20.22 ± 3.15, 10.69 ± 2.64, 20.31 ± 1.34, 94.10 ± 1.19, and 9.324 ± 0.24 µg/mL for A549, PC3, HepG2, HT-29, and WRL-68, respectively. BA displayed considerable antioxidant activity, when the results of ORAC assay were reported as Trolox equivalents. BA (20 µg/mL) and quercetin (5 µg/mL) were equivalent to a Trolox concentration of 11.91 ± 0.23 and 160.32 ± 2.75 µM, respectively. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory activity of BA was significant at 12.5 to 50 µM and without any significant cytotoxicity for the murine macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 at 50 µM. The significant biological activities observed in this study indicated that BA may be one of the agents responsible for the reported biological activities of B. rotunda crude extract.


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To investigate signal regulation models of gastric cancer, databases and literature were used to construct the signaling network in humans. Topological characteristics of the network were analyzed by CytoScape. After marking gastric cancer-related genes extracted from the CancerResource, GeneRIF, and COSMIC databases, the FANMOD software was used for the mining of gastric cancer-related motifs in a network with three vertices. The significant motif difference method was adopted to identify significantly different motifs in the normal and cancer states. Finally, we conducted a series of analyses of the significantly different motifs, including gene ontology, function annotation of genes, and model classification. A human signaling network was constructed, with 1643 nodes and 5089 regulating interactions. The network was configured to have the characteristics of other biological networks. There were 57,942 motifs marked with gastric cancer-related genes out of a total of 69,492 motifs, and 264 motifs were selected as significantly different motifs by calculating the significant motif difference (SMD) scores. Genes in significantly different motifs were mainly enriched in functions associated with cancer genesis, such as regulation of cell death, amino acid phosphorylation of proteins, and intracellular signaling cascades. The top five significantly different motifs were mainly cascade and positive feedback types. Almost all genes in the five motifs were cancer related, including EPOR,MAPK14, BCL2L1, KRT18,PTPN6, CASP3, TGFBR2,AR, and CASP7. The development of cancer might be curbed by inhibiting signal transductions upstream and downstream of the selected motifs.