913 resultados para Governance capacity


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Seit den 1990er Jahren werden zunehmend nachhaltige Quartiere realisiert. Dabei besteht häufig eine beachtliche Diskrepanz zwischen den Zielen, die von den beteiligten Akteuren angestrebt werden, deren Umsetzung (Realisierungsphase) und deren Erhalt auf Dauer (Nutzungsphase). Es stellt sich folglich die Frage, auf welche Weise die Projektqualität im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Quartiersentwicklung verbessert werden kann. Diese Projekte sind jedoch enorm komplex aufgrund der großen Interdisziplinarität und Interdependenz ihrer Ziele sowie der vielschichtigen Akteursstrukturen. Sie stellen daher be-sonders hohe Anforderungen an die Projektsteuerung. Das konkrete Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin, die Bedeutung einer Prozesssteuerung im Sinne von Urban Governance zur Realisierung und zum Erhalt nachhaltiger Quartiere zu untersuchen. Damit soll einen Beitrag zur Förderung einer nachhalti-gen Stadtentwicklung geleistet werden. Die Arbeit stützt sich auf ein umfassendes theoretisches Fundament zum Thema Governance, wobei die relevanten Elemente für den Kontext nachhaltiger Quartiere herausgearbeitet werden. Die Hypothesen prüfen die Bedeutung der Schlüsselcharakteristika von Urban Governance (Kooperation, Partizipation, Verhandlungen) für die Projektqualität während der Realisierungs- und Nutzungsphase. Eine erste empirische Untersuchung wurde an zwanzig europäischen nachhaltigen Modellquartieren vorgenommen. Stärken und Schwächen aus der Perspektive der Nachhaltigkeit werden analysiert, deren Ursachen identifiziert und Handlungsoptio-nen aufgezeigt. Die Erkenntnisse zeigen die Notwendigkeit einer Verbesserung der Projektsteuerung während der Realisierungs- und der Nutzungsphase. Auf der Grundlage dieser Erkenntnisse wird ein umfassender Ansatz zur empirischen Untersuchung von Urban Governance im Kontext nachhaltiger Quartiere entwickelt. Dieser beruht auf dem akteurzentrierten Institutionalismus und den Merkmalen der Urban Governance. Anhand dieses Ansatzes wird mithilfe von Experteninterviews der Realisierungsprozess des nach-haltigen Quartiers Kronsberg (Hannover) analysiert. Betrachtet werden dabei die beteiligten Akteure und ihre Handlungso-rientierungen, die verwendeten Schlüsselinstrumente sowie aufgetretene Divergenzen zwischen Akteuren und deren Auswirkungen auf die Projekt- und Prozessqualität. Eine Vertiefung relevanter Themenfelder wird anhand der Fallstudie Neu-Oerlikon (Zürich) vorgenommen. Diese empirische Arbeit zeigt, dass eine Prozesssteuerung im Sinne von Urban Governance im Vergleich zu einer klassis-chen hierarchischen Steuerung eine notwendige aber nicht hinreichende Bedingung zur Verbesserung der Projektqualität nachhaltiger Quartiere darstellt. An konkreten Beispielen wird herausgearbeitet, dass der Mehrwert einer solchen Steuerung nur unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen erzielt werden kann: In manchen Situationen ist die Steuerungsform Kooperation und die Interaktionsform Verhandlung in ihrer Wirksamkeit zur Sicherung der Projektqualität begrenzt und hierarchische Interventionen sind notwendig. Nicht ein bestimmtes Steuerungsmodell per se ist geeignet, sondern es kommt auf den Ein-zelfall an: auf die Akteursstruktur, die individuellen und institutionellen Handlungsorientierungen der Akteure und deren Ver-haltensweisen, die Rahmenbedingungen und die Ausgestaltung des Urban Governance-Prozesses. Wenn die Spielregeln dieses Prozesses von den Akteuren nicht wirklich angenommen und gelebt werden, dominieren individuelle und institutio-nelle Akteursinteressen zu Lasten der Projektqualität. Ferner zeigen die Untersuchungen, dass die Partizipation der zukünftigen Quartiersnutzer in der Praxis häufig unzureichend ist. Dies führt zu Einbußen in der Projektqualität. Entscheidend ist auf jeden Fall, dass mindestens ein Akteur, in der Regel die öffentliche Hand, präsent ist, der die Definition anspruchsvoller Nachhaltigkeitsstandards, deren Umsetzung und deren Erhalt sichert sowie die notwendigen Rahmenbedingungen dafür schafft. Diese Arbeit belegt darüber hinaus, dass der Erhalt der Projektqualität während der Nutzungsphase (Faktor Zeit) bisher un-zureichend beachtet und in die Projektplanung einbezogen wird. Gerade dieser Aspekt bestimmt aber, ob das Quartier auch auf Dauer dem Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch gerecht werden kann! Tatsächlich handelt es sich um einen fortlaufenden Prozess, der nicht mit der Einweihung des Quartiers abgeschlossen ist. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden relevante Handlungsfelder beschrieben und die Notwendigkeit der langfristigen Fortsetzung einer Steuerung im Sinne von Urban Governance bzw. der Herausbildung einer Urban Governance-Kultur aufgezeigt. Aus den empirischen Erhebungen werden Erfolgs- und Risikofaktoren für Urban Governance-Prozesse während der Realisierungs- und der Nutzungsphase abgeleitet. Ferner werden bisher vernachlässigte Handlungsfelder (langfristiges Umwelt-management, ökologische Finanzierungsformen, urbane Landwirtschaft, Umweltkommunikation, etc.) eruiert. Die Berücksichtigung dieser Erkenntnisse ist unerlässlich für eine Verbesserung der Projektqualität nachhaltiger Quartiere. ---------------------------------------------- Gouvernance urbaine et quartiers durables: Entre intensions et mise en oeuvre --- Résumé --- Depuis les années 90, la thématique des quartiers durables a gagné en importance, même si leur développement s'est avéré difficile. Le décalage entre les objectifs, leur mise en oeuvre et le projet tel qu'il est vécu par ses habitants est souvent important et nécessite d'être réduit. Un quartier durable est par nature un projet complexe, aux objectifs ambitieux situé à la croisée de multiples champs disciplinaires, mobilisant de nombreux acteurs aux intérêts divergents. De plus, chaque projet, du fait des ses spécificités, requiert un pilotage adapté. L'objectif principal de la recherche vise à analyser la nature du pilotage du processus de conception, de réalisation et d'exploitation des quartiers durables. Ses résultats ont pour ambition de contribuer à optimiser et promouvoir le développement urbain durable. Le fondement théorique de la recherche se base sur le concept de gouvernance urbaine, adapté au contexte particulier de la gouvernance des quartiers durables. La gouvernance urbaine, au sens où nous l'entendons, est un mode de pilotage basé sur la coopération entre les acteurs publics et privés. Les hypothèses centrales du travail testent la portée et les limites des caractéristiques-clefs de la gouvernance urbaine (coopération, participation, négociation), ainsi que l'importance de la notion de pérennité pour la qualité du projet. Dans un premier temps, nous avons analysé vingt quartiers durables modèles européens et identifié leurs atouts et leurs faiblesses en termes de durabilité, ainsi que leurs divers modes de pilotage. Les enseignements tirés de ces exemples révèlent la nécessité d'améliorer le pilotage des projets. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons élaboré une grille d'analyse fine fondée sur l'approche institutionnelle des acteurs et les caractéristiques-clefs de la gouvernance urbaine. En nous appuyant sur cette grille, nous avons analysé le processus de conception et de réalisation du quartier durable de « Kronsberg » (Hanovre) à l'aide des éléments suivants : les acteurs (avec leurs intérêts et objectifs propres), les instruments d'aménagement du territoire, les modes de pilotage, les zones de divergence et de convergence entre les acteurs, ainsi que leurs impacts sur le processus et le projet. Dans un troisième temps, les hypothèses centrales ont été testées sur le quartier de « Neu-Oerlikon » (Zurich) afin d'approfondir et d'élargir les enseignements tirés de celui de « Kronsberg ». Les résultats des analyses mettent en évidence le fait qu'un pilotage de projet selon le modèle de la gouvernance urbaine est certes une condition nécessaire mais non suffisante pour améliorer la qualité du projet. De plus, la valeur ajoutée de la gouvernance urbaine n'est valable qu'à certaines conditions. En effet, la coopération et la négociation peuvent même, dans certaines situations, réduire la qualité du projet ! Le principal enseignement de la recherche révèle qu'il n'y a pas de mode de pilotage idéal, mais que la qualité d'un projet dépend d'une multitude de facteurs, tels que les constellations d'acteurs, leurs intérêts personnels et institutionnels, les conditions cadres et les « règles du jeu » de la gouvernance urbaine. Si les « règles du jeu » en particulier ne sont pas réellement appropriées par l'ensemble des acteurs, les intérêts et les comportements personnels ou institutionnels prédominent au détriment de la qualité du projet. De même, si la participation des futurs usagers à l'élaboration du projet de quartier durable n'est pas assurée, tant la qualité du projet que sa pérennité en pâtissent. Nous avons également constaté que la présence d'un acteur (en règle générale les autorités publiques) qui veille à la définition d'objectifs ambitieux en matière de développement durable et à leur application constitue un apport essentiel à la qualité du projet. En outre, la recherche met en évidence les carences dans le suivi et le maintien à long terme des qualités de durabilité de la phase d'exploitation des projets de quartiers durables analysés. Dans la phase d'exploitation, le degré de coopération diminue généralement et les modes de fonctionnement et de pilotage sectoriels se mettent en place au détriment de la qualité du projet. Cela confirme la nécessité de poursuivre le processus de pilotage selon le modèle de la gouvernance urbaine au-delà de la phase de réalisation des projets. La recherche précise les enjeux des champs d'action de la phase d'exploitation (domaine encore peu étudié) et démontre la pertinence du mode de pilotage préconisé. Enfin, les analyses permettent d'identifier des facteurs de réussite et de risque susceptibles d'influencer les systèmes de gouvernance urbaine, ainsi que les enjeux des domaines de la durabilité encore négligés (agriculture urbaine, gestion environnementale dans la durée, comportement des usagers, financement équitable, etc.). La prise en compte de ces enseignements est essentielle à l'amélioration de la gestion de futurs projets de quartiers durables. ---------------------------------------------- Urban Governance and Sustainable Neighbourhoods: A Contribution to a Lasting Sustainable Development --- Abstract --- Since the 1990s, sustainable neighbourhoods have become an increasingly important topic. However, their development has proven to be difficult. There is an often considerable gap, which must be reduced, between the initial goals, the way they are implemented and how the project is finally inhabited. A sustainable neighbourhood is inherently a complex project, with ambitious goals that lie at the intersection of multiple disciplines, involving numerous stakeholders with diverging interests. Moreover, each project, due to its specific characteristics, requires an adapted steering. The main goal of this research is to analyse the nature of the steering process during the planning, realisation and use of sustainable neighbourhoods. The results aim to contribute to the promotion of sustainable urban development. The theoretical foundation of this research is based on the concept of urban governance, adapted to the particular context of sustainable neighbourhoods. Urban governance is understood in this work, as a mode of project steering based on the cooperation between public and private stakeholders. The central hypotheses of this work test the importance and the limits of the key characteristics of urban governance (cooperation, participation, negotiation) as well as the importance of continuity for the project quality. To begin with, we surveyed and analysed twenty exemplary European sustainable neighbourhoods and identified their strengths and weaknesses in terms of sustainability, as well as their diverse steering modes. The lessons learned from these examples reveal the need to improve the projects' steering. Secondly we elaborated a detailed framework for analysis founded on stakeholder-centred institutionalism and the key characteristics of urban governance. By systematically applying this framework, we analysed the planning and implementation process of the sustainable neighbourhood "Kronsberg" (Hannover). Our focus was on the following dimensions: the stakeholders (with their particular interests and goals), the instruments of spatial planning, the steering modes, the points of divergence and convergence amongst the stakeholders, as well as their impacts on the process and on the project. The final step was to test the core hypotheses on the neighbourhood "Neu-Oerlikon" (Zürich) in order to broaden the lessons learned from "Kronsberg". The results of the analysis highlight the fact that an urban governance type project steering is certainly a necessary but insufficient condition to improve the project quality. Moreover, the added value of urban governance is only valid under certain conditions. In fact, cooperation and negotiation can even in certain situations reduce the project's quality! The main lesson of this research is that there is not an ideal steering mode, but rather that the quality of the project depends on numerous factors, such as the stakeholder constellation, their individual and institutional interests, the general conditions and the "rules of the game" of urban governance. If these "rules of the game" are not really appropriated by all stakeholders, individual and institutional interests and behaviours predominate at the expense of the project's quality. Likewise, if the future users' participation in the project development is insufficient, both the project's quality and its continuity suffer. We have also observed that the presence of a stakeholder (in general the public authorities) who ensures the definition of ambitious goals in terms of sustainable development and their implementation is crucial for the project's quality. Furthermore, this research highlights the deficiencies in the follow-up and long-term preservation of the sustainability qualities in the neighbourhood projects which we have analysed. In the use phase, the degree of cooperation generally diminishes. Attitudes and project management become more sectorial at the expense of the project's quality. This confirms the need to continue the steering process according to the principles of urban governance beyond the project's implementation phase. This research specifies the challenges that affect the use phase (a still neglected area) and shows the relevance of the recommended steering mode. Finally, the analyses also identify the success and risk factors that may influence urban-governance systems, as well as the challenges of still neglected fields of sustainability (urban agriculture, long-term environmental management, user behaviour, fair funding, etc.). Taking into account these outcomes is essential to improve the management of future sustainable-neighbourhood projects.


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Photosynthetic responses to daily environmental changes were studied in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes 'Carioca', 'Ouro Negro', and Guarumbé. Light response curves of CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance (g s) were also evaluated under controlled (optimum) environmental condition. Under this condition, CO2 assimilation of 'Carioca' was not saturated at 2,000 µmol m-2 s-1, whereas Guarumbé and 'Ouro Negro' exhibited different levels of light saturation. All genotypes showed dynamic photoinhibition and reversible increase in the minimum chlorophyll fluorescence yield under natural condition, as well as lower photosynthetic capacity when compared with optimum environmental condition. Since differences in g s were not observed between natural and controlled conditions for Guarumbé and 'Ouro Negro', the lower photosynthetic capacity of these genotypes under natural condition seems to be caused by high temperature effects on biochemical reactions, as suggested by increased alternative electron sinks. The highest g s values of 'Carioca' were observed at controlled condition, providing evidences that reduction of photosynthetic capacity at natural condition was due to low g s in addition to the high temperature effects on the photosynthetic apparatus. 'Carioca' exhibited the highest photosynthetic rates under optimum environmental condition, and was more affected by daily changes of air temperature and leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference.


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Capacity is affected by construction type and its intensity on adjacent open traffic lanes. The effect on capacity is a function of vehicles moving in and out of the closed lanes of the work zone, and the presence of heavy construction vehicles. Construction activity and its intensity, however, are not commonly considered in estimating capacity of a highway lane. The main purpose of this project was to attempt to quantify the effects of construction type and intensity (e.g. maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and milling) on work zone capacity. The objective of this project is to quantify the effects of construction type and its intensity on work zone capacity and to develop guidelines for MoDOT to estimate the specific operation type and intensity that will improve the traffic flow by reducing the traffic flow and queue length commonly associated with work zones. Despite the effort put into field data collection, the data collected did not show a full speed-flow chart therefore extracting a reliable capacity value was difficult. A statistical comparison between the capacity values found in this study using either methodologies indicates that there is an effect of construction activity on the values work zone capacity. It was found that the heavy construction activity reduces the capacity. It is very beneficial to conduct similar studies on the capacity of work zone with different lane closure barriers, which is also directly related to the type of work zone being short-term or long-term work zones. Also, the effect of different geometric and environmental characteristics of the roadway should be considered in future studies.


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greater white toothed shrew; Crocidura russula; colonisation capacity


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This issue review provides information on the Department of Corrections current and projected offender population, facility capacity, construction update and impact on the general fund.


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Although extensive research has been conducted on urban freeway capacity estimation methods, minimal research has been carried out for rural highway sections, especially sections within work zones. This study attempted to fill that void for rural highways in Kansas, by estimating capacity of rural highway work zones in Kansas. Six work zone locations were selected for data collection and further analysis. An average of six days’ worth of field data was collected, from mid-October 2013 to late November 2013, at each of these work zone sites. Two capacity estimation methods were utilized, including the Maximum Observed 15-minute Flow Rate Method and the Platooning Method divided into 15-minute intervals. The Maximum Observed 15-minute Flow Rate Method provided an average capacity of 1469 passenger cars per hour per lane (pcphpl) with a standard deviation of 141 pcphpl, while the Platooning Method provided a maximum average capacity of 1195 pcphpl and a standard deviation of 28 pcphpl. Based on observed data and analysis carried out in this study, the suggested maximum capacity can be considered as 1500 pcphpl when designing work zones for rural highways in Kansas. This proposed standard value of rural highway work zone capacity could be utilized by engineers and planners so that they can effectively mitigate congestion at or near work zones that would have otherwise occurred due to construction/maintenance.


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Climate change may pose challenges and opportunities to viticulture, and much research has focused in studying the likely impacts on grapes and wine production in different regions worldwide. This study assesses the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of the viticulture sector under changing climate conditions, based on a case study in El Penedès region, Catalonia. Farm assets, livelihood strategies, farmer-market interactions and climate changes perceptions are analysed through semi-structured interviews with different types of wineries and growers. Both types of actors are equally exposed to biophysical stressors but unevenly affected by socioeconomic changes. While wineries are vulnerable because of the current economic crisis and the lack of diversification of their work, which may affect their income or production, growers are mainly affected by the low prices of their products and the lack of fix contracts. These socioeconomic stressors strongly condition their capacity to adapt to climate change, meaning that growers prioritize their immediate income problems, rather than future socioeconomic or climate threats. Therefore, growers undertake reactive adaptation to climate changing conditions, mainly based on ancient knowledge, whilst wineries combine both reactive and anticipatory adaptation practices. These circumstances should be addressed in order to allow better anticipatory adaptation to be implemented, thus avoiding future climate threats.


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Iowa's first field application of synthetic engineering fabrics was on research project HR-158, "Prevention of Reflective Cracking in Asphalt Overlays". This research placed in September 1971 used three different engineering fabrics. A final report concluding generally favorable performance was distributed in May 1977. There have been a number of Iowa engineering fabric installations since that initial project.


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This study aimed to genetically characterize four new Rhizobium strains, and to evaluate their nodulation and fixation capacity compared to commercial strains and to native rhizobia population of a Brazilian Rhodic Hapludox. Two experiments were carried out in randomized blocks design, under greenhouse conditions, in 2007. In the first experiment, the nodulation and nitrogen fixation capacity of new strains were evaluated, in comparison to the commercial strains CIAT-899 and PRF-81 and to native soil population. It was carried out in plastic tubes filled with vermiculite. DNA extractions and PCR sequencing of the intergenic space were made from the isolated pure colonies, in order to genetically characterize the strains and the native rhizobia population. In the second experiment, the nodulation and productivity of common beans Perola cultivar were determined, with the use of evaluated strains, alone or in mixture with PRF-81 strain. It was carried out in pots filled with soil. The native soil population was identified as Rhizobium sp. and was inefficient in nitrogen fixation. Three different Rhizobium species were found among the four new strains. The LBMP-4BR and LBMP-12BR new strains are among the ones with greatest nodulation and fixation capacity and exhibit differential responses when mixed to PRF-81.


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BACKGROUND: Lower ambulatory performance with aging may be related to a reduced oxidative capacity within skeletal muscle. This study examined the associations between skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity and efficiency with walking performance in a group of older adults. METHODS: Thirty-seven older adults (mean age 78 years; 21 men and 16 women) completed an aerobic capacity (VO peak) test and measurement of preferred walking speed over 400 m. Maximal coupled (State 3; St3) mitochondrial respiration was determined by high-resolution respirometry in saponin-permeabilized myofibers obtained from percutanous biopsies of vastus lateralis (n = 22). Maximal phosphorylation capacity (ATP) of vastus lateralis was determined in vivo by P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (n = 30). Quadriceps contractile volume was determined by magnetic resonance imaging. Mitochondrial efficiency (max ATP production/max O consumption) was characterized using ATP per St3 respiration (ATP/St3). RESULTS: In vitro St3 respiration was significantly correlated with in vivo ATP (r = .47, p = .004). Total oxidative capacity of the quadriceps (St3*quadriceps contractile volume) was a determinant of VO peak (r = .33, p = .006). ATP (r = .158, p = .03) and VO peak (r = .475, p < .0001) were correlated with preferred walking speed. Inclusion of both ATP/St3 and VO peak in a multiple linear regression model improved the prediction of preferred walking speed (r = .647, p < .0001), suggesting that mitochondrial efficiency is an important determinant for preferred walking speed. CONCLUSIONS: Lower mitochondrial capacity and efficiency were both associated with slower walking speed within a group of older participants with a wide range of function. In addition to aerobic capacity, lower mitochondrial capacity and efficiency likely play roles in slowing gait speed with age.


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In this chapter the tension between the tendency of scientific disciplines to "diversify" and the capacities of universities to give new scientific fields an institutional "home" is tackled. The assumption is that new scientific fields must find support among scientists and cognitive units of universities in order to be included. As science is a strongly competitive social field, inclusion often meets resistance. It is argued in this chapter that opportunities for new scientific fields to be included depend on the kind of governance regimes ruling universities. A comparison of the former bureaucratic-oligarchic governance model in most European universities with the existing new public management governance model demonstrates that the propensity of universities to include new scientific fields has increased though there might be a price to pay in terms of which fields stand a chance of being integrated and in terms of institutional possibilities for the invention of new ideas.