982 resultados para Godman, John D. (John Davidson), 1794-1830.
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during John P. Tully cruise STNP-8504
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during John P. Tully cruise STNP-8601
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during John P. Tully cruise STNP-8901
Resumen: Descripción: retrato del Barón de Durham de 3/4 de figura, con el torso de frente y mirando hacia la izqda. Viste elegantemente con capa y cuello de piel
Three octavo-sized leaves containing a handwritten letter from President Leverett to an unidentified recipient with detailed notes and extracts of Harvard Corporation votes related to non-resident Fellows of the Corporation. The names of the non-resident Fellows are listed in page margins. The letter begins: "Rev'd & Dear Sr. Pursuant to your desire I have collected the names of the non-resid't Fellows of the Corporation..." The fourth leaf containing the seventh page of text is no longer with the item.
In this proposal, John Winthrop explains the need to replace damaged "electric globes" used in the College's collection of scientific apparatus. He states that Benjamin Franklin, at the time residing in London, was willing to seek replacement globes for the College's collection. Winthrop then proceeds to assert that the College should acquire "square bottles, of a moderate size, fitted in a wooden box, like what they call case bottles for spirits" instead of the large jars included in the scientific apparatus, because those jars cracked frequently.
Notebook with a handwritten copy of lecture summaries for a physics course given by Harvard Professor John Winthrop. The notes were made by Timothy Foster in 1772 and 1773. The volume contains twenty-five lectures with some diagrams.
One letter written from Rotterdam describing Tudor’s difficult voyage at sea, and one letter written from London addressing John’s plans after college, in which Tudor quotes Voltaire.
Letter to Delia in the care of her brother, William Tudor, in Rio de Janeiro.
Letter facetiously addressed to "Juan."
Two letters describing the social and cultural atmosphere in Amherst and Northampton, Massachusetts.