818 resultados para Functorial Embedding


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We consider the problem of the exercise of authority within social production organizations, embedding the decision makers into a structure of formal authority relationships. We distinguish two types of behavior. First, we introduce an equilibrium notion implementing latent authority under which subordinates submit themselves to authority even though such authority is not en- forced explicitly. Second, we compare this with a non-cooperative equilibrium concept describing explicit exercise of authority. We show that for low enough enforcement costs both forms of authority will be exercised in equilibrium, but for higher enforcement costs latent authority will be exercised while explicit authority will not.


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A method of manufacturing a composite concrete article comprising forming a textile structure, removing material from regions of the textile structure to create voids in the textile structure and incorporating the textile structure into a body of wet uncured concrete such that the concrete flows into the voids created in the textile structure, embedding the textile structure into the concrete, whereby the textile structure defines at least a portion of a surface of the cured concrete article.


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Nearly 4000 people died in Northern Ireland’s long running conflict, 314 of them police officers (Brewer and Magee 1991, Brewer 1996, Hennessey 1999, Guelke and Milton-Edwards 2000). The republican and loyalist ceasefires of 1994 were the first significant signal that NI society was moving beyond the ‘troubles’ and towards a normalised political environment. The Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement of 1998 cemented that movement (Hennessey 1999). Policing was a key and seemingly unresolvable element of the conflict, seen as unrepresentative and partisan. Its reform or ‘recasting’ in a new dispensation was an integral part of the conflict transformation endeavour(Ellison 2010). As one of the most controversial elements of the conflicted past, it had remained outside the Agreement and was subject to a specific commission of interest (1999), generally known as the Patten Commission. The Commission’s far reaching proposals included a change of name, badge and uniform, the introduction of 50/50 recruitment (50% Roman Catholic and 50% other), a new focus on human rights, a new district command and headquarter structure, a review of ‘Special Branch’ and covert techniques, a concern for ‘policing with the community’ and a significant voluntary severance process to make room for new recruits, unconnected with the past history of the organisation(Murphy 2013).

This paper reflects upon the first data collection phase of a long term processual study of organisational change within the Royal Ulster Constabulary / Police Service of Northern Ireland. This phase (1996-2002) covers early organisational change initiation (including the pre-change period) and implementation including the instigation of symbolic changes (name, badge, and crest) and structural changes (new HQ structure and District Command structure). It utilises internal documentation including messages from the organisations leaders, interviews with forty key informants (identified through a combination of snow-balling from referrals by initial contacts, and key interviews with significant individuals), as well as external documentation and commentary on public perceptions of the change. Using a processual lens (Langley, Smallman et al. 2013) it seeks to understand this initial change phase and its relative success in a highly politicised environment.

By engaging key individuals internally and externally, setting up a dedicated change team, adopting a non normative, non urgent, calming approach to dissent, communicating in orthodox and unorthodox ways with members, acknowledging the huge emotional strain of letting go of the organisation’s name and all it embodied, and re-emphasising the role of officers as ‘police first’, rather than ‘RUC first’, the organisations leadership remained in control of a volatile and unhappy organisational body and succeeded in moving it on through this initial phase, even while much of the political establishment lambasted them externally. Three years into this change process the organisation had a new name, a new crest, new structures, procedures and was deeply engaged in embedding the joint principles of human rights and community policing within its re-woven fabric. While significant problems remained, the new Police Service of Northern Ireland had successfully begun a long journey to full community acceptance in a post conflict context.

This case illustrates the significant challenges of leading change under political pressure, with external oversight and no space for failure(Hannah, Uhl-Bien et al. 2009). It empirically reflects the reality of change implementation as messy, disruptive and unpredictable and highlights the significance of political skill and contextual understanding to success in the early stages(Buchanan and Boddy 1992). The implications of this for change theory and the practice of change implementation are explored (Eisenhardt and Graebner 2007) and some conclusions drawn about what such an extreme case tells us about change generally and change implementation under pressure.


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A fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) assay has been used to screen for ETV1 gene rearrangements in a cohort of 429 prostate cancers from patients who had been diagnosed by trans-urethral resection of the prostate. The presence of ETV1 gene alterations (found in 23 cases, 5.4%) was correlated with higher Gleason Score (P=0.001), PSA level at diagnosis (P=<0.0001) and clinical stage (P=0.017) but was not linked to poorer survival. We found that the six previously characterised translocation partners of ETV1 only accounted for 34% of ETV1 re-arrangements (eight out of 23) in this series, with fusion to the androgen-repressed gene C15orf21 representing the commonest event (four out of 23). In 5'-RACE experiments on RNA extracted from formalin-fixed tissue we identified the androgen-upregulated gene ACSL3 as a new 5'-translocation partner of ETV1. These studies report a novel fusion partner for ETV1 and highlight the considerable heterogeneity of ETV1 gene rearrangements in human prostate cancer.


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Efficient synaptic vesicle membrane recycling is one of the key factors required to sustain neurotransmission. We investigated potential differences in the compensatory endocytic machineries in two glutamatergic synapses with phasic and tonic patterns of activity in the lamprey spinal cord. Post-embedding immunocytochemistry demonstrated that proteins involved in synaptic vesicle recycling, including dynamin, intersectin, and synapsin, occur at higher levels (labeling per vesicle) in tonic dorsal column synapses than in phasic reticulospinal synapses. Synaptic vesicle protein 2 occurred at similar levels in the two types of synapse. After challenging the synapses with high potassium stimulation for 30 min the vesicle pool in the tonic synapse was maintained at a normal level, while that in the phasic synapse was partly depleted along with expansion of the plasma membrane and accumulation of clathrin-coated intermediates at the periactive zone. Thus, our results indicate that an increased efficiency of the endocytic machinery in a synapse may be one of the factors underlying the ability to sustain neurotransmission at high rates.


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In many applications, and especially those where batch processes are involved, a target scalar output of interest is often dependent on one or more time series of data. With the exponential growth in data logging in modern industries such time series are increasingly available for statistical modeling in soft sensing applications. In order to exploit time series data for predictive modelling, it is necessary to summarise the information they contain as a set of features to use as model regressors. Typically this is done in an unsupervised fashion using simple techniques such as computing statistical moments, principal components or wavelet decompositions, often leading to significant information loss and hence suboptimal predictive models. In this paper, a functional learning paradigm is exploited in a supervised fashion to derive continuous, smooth estimates of time series data (yielding aggregated local information), while simultaneously estimating a continuous shape function yielding optimal predictions. The proposed Supervised Aggregative Feature Extraction (SAFE) methodology can be extended to support nonlinear predictive models by embedding the functional learning framework in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces setting. SAFE has a number of attractive features including closed form solution and the ability to explicitly incorporate first and second order derivative information. Using simulation studies and a practical semiconductor manufacturing case study we highlight the strengths of the new methodology with respect to standard unsupervised feature extraction approaches.


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Due to its efficiency and simplicity, the finite-difference time-domain method is becoming a popular choice for solving wideband, transient problems in various fields of acoustics. So far, the issue of extracting a binaural response from finite difference simulations has only been discussed in the context of embedding a listener geometry in the grid. In this paper, we propose and study a method for binaural response rendering based on a spatial decomposition of the sound field. The finite difference grid is locally sampled using a volumetric array of receivers, from which a plane wave density function is computed and integrated with free-field head related transfer functions, in the spherical harmonics domain. The volumetric array is studied in terms of numerical robustness and spatial aliasing. Analytic formulas that predict the performance of the array are developed, facilitating spatial resolution analysis and numerical binaural response analysis for a number of finite difference schemes. Particular emphasis is placed on the effects of numerical dispersion on array processing and on the resulting binaural responses. Our method is compared to a binaural simulation based on the image method. Results indicate good spatial and temporal agreement between the two methods.


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Quantifying the similarity between two trajectories is a fundamental operation in analysis of spatio-temporal databases. While a number of distance functions exist, the recent shift in the dynamics of the trajectory generation procedure violates one of their core assumptions; a consistent and uniform sampling rate. In this paper, we formulate a robust distance function called Edit Distance with Projections (EDwP) to match trajectories under inconsistent and variable sampling rates through dynamic interpolation. This is achieved by deploying the idea of projections that goes beyond matching only the sampled points while aligning trajectories. To enable efficient trajectory retrievals using EDwP, we design an index structure called TrajTree. TrajTree derives its pruning power by employing the unique combination of bounding boxes with Lipschitz embedding. Extensive experiments on real trajectory databases demonstrate EDwP to be up to 5 times more accurate than the state-of-the-art distance functions. Additionally, TrajTree increases the efficiency of trajectory retrievals by up to an order of magnitude over existing techniques.


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A infertilidade é um problema actual que afecta cerca de 8 a 12% dos casais em idade fértil, sendo 50% dos casos atribuídos ao factor masculino. A exposição ocupacional e/ou ambiental a metais pesados representa uma das suas principais causas. O chumbo, o cádmio e o crómio são metais com elevada utilização industrial e muito persistentes no ambiente, sendo motivo de grande preocupação devido aos seus efeitos na saúde reprodutiva dos trabalhadores e da população em geral. Neste trabalho estudaram-se os efeitos do cloreto de chumbo (PbCl2), cloreto de cádmio (CdCl2) e cromato de potássio (K2CrO4) na fertilidade, usando como modelo ratinhos machos ICR-CD1. Os ratinhos foram injectados subcutaneamente com 74 e 100 mg de PbCl2/kg pc ou com 5 e 10 mg de K2CrO4/kg pc, respectivamente, durante 4 dias consecutivos ou com 1, 2 e 3 mg de CdCl2/kg pc numa única injecção. Nos ensaios com PbCl2 e K2CrO4 os animais foram sacrificados 5 e 35 dias após o início da exposição, enquanto que nos ensaios com CdCl2 os animais foram sacrificados após 24 horas e 35 dias. O cloreto de chumbo não alterou a histologia do testículo nem do epidídimo, mas induziu um aumento da percentagem de células em fase S no testículo. O cloreto de chumbo alterou também alguns parâmetros dos espermatozóides, tais como a motilidade, morfologia e integridade do acrossoma. Contudo, não foram observados efeitos na integridade do DNA ou na estrutura da cromatina. O cloreto de cádmio induziu lesões severas e não reversíveis nos testículos que, após 35 dias, reverteram em necrose testicular. O cloreto de cádmio alterou ainda as subpopulações de células testiculares após 24 horas e induziu IMS no testículo após 35 dias. Em consequência das lesões no testículo, a densidade espermática foi severamente afectada após 35 dias. A exposição ao cloreto de cádmio afectou também a morfologia, a motilidade e a integridade acrossómica nos espermatozóides. O cloreto de cádmio induziu ainda fragmentação do DNA nestas células após 35 dias. O cromato de potássio alterou a morfologia dos espermatozóides e a integridade do acrossoma, sobretudo nos animais sacrificados após 35 dias. Verificou-se ainda uma redução da motilidade dos espermatozóides. Não foram detectados efeitos genotóxicos nos espermatozóides, devido à acção do K2CrO4 nas doses testadas. Dos parâmetros avaliados neste trabalho, destacam-se duas novas abordagens, nomeadamente o programa informático Snakes e a análise do conteúdo em DNA de células de testículo, a partir de material incluído em parafina. O Snakes permitiu fazer medições rigorosas do diâmetro dos tubos seminíferos, enquanto que a fixação de amostras de testículo de ratinhos em formol tamponado e inclusão em parafina resultou numa boa preservação do DNA, possibilitando assim a quantificação das subpopulações de células testiculares por citometria de fluxo. Os resultados obtidos para os diferentes parâmetros testados indicam que a motilidade dos espermatozóides e a integridade do acrossoma sejam parâmetros sensíveis à toxicidade de metais. O acrossoma aparenta ser um dos principais alvos da toxicidade dos metais e cuja reacção acrossómica prematura pode reduzir a capacidade do espermatozóide para fertilizar o oócito. Assim, este trabalho representa uma contribuição para uma melhor compreensão dos efeitos do chumbo, cádmio e crómio na fertilidade masculina.


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Esta tese dedica-se ao estudo de hipermapas regulares bicontactuais, hipermapas com a propriedade que cada hiperface contacta só com outras duas hiperfaces. Nos anos 70, S. Wilson classificou os mapas bicontactuais e, em 2003, Wilson e Breda d’Azevedo classificaram os hipermapas bicontactuais no caso não-orientável. Quando esta propriedade é transferida para hipermapas origina três tipos de bicontactualidade, atendendo ao modo como as duas hiperfaces aparecem à volta de uma hiperface fixa: edge-twin, vertextwin and alternate (dois deles são o dual um do outro). Um hipermapa topológico é um mergulho celular de um grafo conexo trivalente numa superfície compacta e conexa tal que as células são 3-coloridas. Ou de maneira mais simples, um hipermapa pode ser visto como um mapa bipartido. Um hipermapa orientado regular é um triplo ordenado consistindo num conjunto finito e dois geradores, que são permutações (involuções) do conjunto tal que o grupo gerado por eles, chamado o grupo de monodromia, actua regularmente no conjunto. Nesta tese, damos uma classificação de todos os hipermapas orientados regulares bicontactuais e, para completar, reclassificamos, usando o nosso método algébrico, os hipermapas não-orientáveis bicontactuais.


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Having as a starting point the characterization of probabilistic metric spaces as enriched categories over the quantale , conditions that allow the generalization of results relating Cauchy sequences, convergence of sequences, adjunctions of V-distributors and its representability are established. Equivalence between L-completeness and L-injectivity is also established. L-completeness is characterized via the Yoneda embedding, and injectivity is related with exponentiability. Another kind of completeness is considered and the formal ball model is analyzed.


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Influential voices have argued for a sociology which acknowledges the way we are co-constituted with a range of non-human species as part of the condition of life on this planet. Despite this, sociology has generally retained a conception of the social that is centred on the human. This paper argues for the inclusion of non-human animals in sociological agendas, focusing on the emerging field of the sociology of violence. It examines the institutions and processes through which non-human animals are subjected to different forms of violence, most notably, mass killing.The practice of killing animals is routine,normative,institutionalized and globalized.The scale of killing is historically unprecedented and the numbers killed are enormous. The paper argues that this killing of non-humans raises questions around inequal- ities and intersectionality, human relations with other species, the embedding of violence in everyday practices and links between micro and macro analyses. These are questions with which the new sociology of violence might engage.


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Adaptive governance is an emerging theory in natural resource management. This paper addresses a gap in the literature by exploring the potential of adaptive governance for delivering resilience and sustainability in the urban context. We explore emerging challenges to transitioning to urban resilience and sustainability: bringing together multiple scales and institutions; facilitating a social-ecological-systems approach and; embedding social and environmental equity into visions of urban sustainability and resilience. Current approaches to adaptive governance could be helpful for addressing these first two challenges but not in addressing the third. Therefore, this paper proposes strengthening the institutional foundations of adaptive governance by engaging with institutional theory. We explore this through empirical research in the Rome Metropolitan Area, Italy. We argue that explicitly engaging with these themes could lead to a more substantive urban transition strategy and contribute to adaptive governance theory.


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Embedding a double barrier resonant tunnelling diode (RTD) in a unipolar InGaAlAs optical waveguide gives rise to a very low driving voltage electroabsorption modulator (EAM) at optical wavelengths around 1550 nm. The presence of the RTD within the waveguide core introduces high non- linearity and negative di erential resistance in the current±voltage (I±V) characteristic of the waveguide. This makes the electric ®eld distribution across the waveguide core strongly dependent on the bias voltage: when the current decreases from the peak to the valley, there is an increase of the electric ®eld across the depleted core. The electric ®eld enhancement in the core-depleted layer causes the Franz±Keldysh absorption band-edge to red shift, which is responsible for the electroabsorption e ect. High-frequency ac signals as low as 100mV can induce electric ®eld high-speed switching, producing substantial light modulation (up to 15 dB) at photon energies slightly lower than the waveguide core band-gap energy. The key di erence between this device and conventional p-i-n EAMs is that the tunnelling characteristics of the RTD are employed to switch the electric ®eld across the core-depleted region; the RTD- EAM has in essence an integrated electronic ampli®er and, therefore, requires considerably less switching power.


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Tese de doutoramento, Estatística e Investigação Operacional (Probabilidades e Estatística), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014