965 resultados para Figure of merits


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Thermoelektrizität beschreibt die reversible Beeinflussung und Wechselwirkung von Elektrizität und Temperatur T in Systemen abseits des thermischen Gleichgewichtes. In diesen führt ein Temperaturgradient entlang eines thermoelektrischen Materials zu einem kontinuierlichen Ungleichgewicht in der Energieverteilung der Ladungsträger. Dies hat einen Diffusionsstrom der energiereichen Ladungsträger zum kalten Ende und der energiearmen Ladungsträger zum heißen Ende zur Folge. Da in offenen Stromkreisen kein Strom fließt, wird ein Ungleichgewicht der Ströme über das Ausbilden eines elektrischen Feldes kompensiert. Die dadurch entstehende Spannung wird als Seebeck Spannung bezeichnet. Über einen geeigneten Verbraucher, folgend aus dem Ohm'schen Gesetz, kann nun ein Strom fließen und elektrische Energie gewonnen werden. Den umgekehrten Fall beschreibt der sogenannte Peltier Effekt, bei dem ein Stromfluss durch zwei unterschiedliche miteinander verbundene Materialien ein Erwärmen oder Abkühlen der Kontaktstelle zur Folge hat. Die Effizienz eines thermoelektrischen Materials kann über die dimensionslose Größe ZT=S^2*sigma/kappa*T charakterisiert werden. Diese setzt sich zusammen aus den materialspezifischen Größen der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit sigma, der thermischen Leitfähigkeit kappa und dem Seebeck Koeffizienten S als Maß der erzeugten Spannung bei gegebener Temperaturdifferenz. Diese Arbeit verfolgt den Ansatz glaskeramische Materialien mit thermoelektrischen Kristallphasen zu synthetisieren, sie strukturell zu charakterisieren und ihre thermoelektrischen Eigenschaften zu messen, um eine Struktur-Eigenschaft Korrelation zu erarbeiten. Hierbei werden im Detail eine elektronenleitende (Hauptphase SrTi_xNb_{1-x}O_3) sowie eine löcherleitende Glaskeramik (Hauptphase Bi_2Sr_2Co_2O_y) untersucht. Unter dem Begriff Glaskeramiken sind teilkristalline Materialien zu verstehen, die aus Glasschmelzen durch gesteuerte Kristallisation hergestellt werden können. Über den Grad der Kristallisation und die Art der ausgeschiedenen Spezies an Kristallen lassen sich die physikalischen Eigenschaften dieser Systeme gezielt beeinflussen. Glaskeramiken bieten, verursacht durch ihre Restglasphase, eine niedrige thermische Leitfähigkeit und die Fermi Energie lässt sich durch Dotierungen in Richtung des Leitungs- oder Valenzbands verschieben. Ebenso besitzen glaskeramische Materialien durch ihre Porenfreiheit verbesserte mechanische Eigenschaften gegenüber Keramiken und sind weniger anfällig für den Einfluss des Sauerstoffpartialdruckes p_{O_2} auf die Parameter. Ein glaskeramisches und ein gemischt keramisch/glaskeramisches thermoelektrisches Modul aus den entwickelten Materialien werden konzipiert, präpariert, kontaktiert und bezüglich ihrer Leistung vermessen.


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Gefüllte Skutterudite mit der Summenformel MxCo4Sb12 sind vielversprechende thermoelektrische Materialien. Die Standardsynthese führt jedoch oft zur Bildung von MSbx, Sb, CoSb oder CoSb2 als Nebenphasen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine neue zweistufige Synthese vorgestellt, bei der die Bildung des Kieftits (CoSb3) getrennt von dem topotaktischen Füllen mit dem Metallatom M erfolgt. Dieser Ansatz erlaubt eine Durchführung der Reaktion bei niedrigeren Temperaturen mit kürzeren Reaktionszeiten. Ein geringer Antimon-Unterschuss im so erhaltenen Kieftit erhöht die Anzahl der Ladungsträger und unterdrückt die Bildung von Verunreinigungsphasen. Zunächst wurden Skutteruditproben mit der nominellen Zusammensetzung InxCo4Sb12 mit x = 0,12; 0,15; 0,18 und 0,20 in hoher Reinheit hergestellt und mit Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) kompaktiert. Messaufnahmen mit Potential- und Seebeck-Mikrosonde und Rasterelektronenmikroskop zeigten eine hohe Probenhomogenität. Produkte waren nahezu phasenrein, was eine Untersuchung der Transporteigenschaften ohne Verfälschung durch Nebenphasen ermöglichte. Die quantitative Phasenanalyse mittels Synchrotron-Beugungsdaten zeigte < 0,1 % InSb bei In0,18Co4Sb12 und In0,20Co4Sb12, sowie eine lineare Korrelation zwischen dem wahren Füllgrad und der Gitterkonstante. Die Bindung von < 0,1 % InSb verringerte den Füllgrad der nominellen In0,20Co4Sb12-Probe auf x = 0,144. Die nominelle In0,18Co4Sb12-Probe mit dem wahren Gehalt x = 0,160 hatte den höchsten zT-Wert nahe eins bei 420 °C. Es konnte anschließend die Anwendbarkeit der Synthesemethode für Barium- und mehrfach gefüllte (Na+In) Skutterudite gezeigt werden. Die Na-gefüllte Probe war gegenüber der thermischen Behandlung in der SPS oder der Charakterisierung instabil. Alle Verbindungen wurden gesintert und ihre Transporteigenschaften wurden charakterisiert. Des weiterem wurde der Einfluss der Konzentration der Korngrenzen bei den Mischungen von zu Nanomaßstab vermahlenem In0,18Co4Sb12 (Partikelgrößen zwischen 20 und 100 nm) mit dem ursprünglichen Bulk untersucht. Proben mit verschiedenen Anteilen von Nanopulver wurden gesintert, ihre thermoelektrischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften wurden untersucht. Die Gütezahl zT von 1,39 bei 375 °C wurde bei der Probe mit gleichen Anteilen des Nano- und des unbehandelten Pulvers erreicht. Die Komposite mit Anteilen <10 % oder >75 % des Nanopulvers zeigten keine Verbesserung gegenüber der unbehandelten Verbindung.rn


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This dissertation discusses the professional figure of interpreters working for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). The objective is to investigate specific job-related stress factors, particularly the psychological consequences interpreters may have to face, the so-called vicarious trauma. People working for the ICTR are exposed to genocide victims’ violent and shocking testimonies, a situation that could have negative psychological impacts. Online interviews with some interpreters working for the ICTR were carried out in order to arrive at a more thorough understanding of this topic. The study is divided into four chapters. Chapter I outlines the historical aspects of the simultaneous interpreting service in the legal field at the International Military Tribunal, in the trials of the Nazi leaders, and then it analyses a modern international criminal jurisdiction, the ICTR. Chapter II firstly discusses the differences between conference interpreting and court interpreting and in the second part it investigates job-related stress factors for interpreters, focusing on the legal field. Chapter III contains a detailed analysis of vicarious trauma: the main goal is to understand what psychological consequences interpreters have to cope with as a result of translating abused people’s accounts. Chapter IV examines the answers given by ICTR interpreters to the online interviews. The data collected from the interview was compared with the literature survey and the information derived from their comparison was used to put forward some suggestions for studies to be carried out in the future.


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Daytime sleepiness is a complaint of about 5-10% in a normal population. The consequences, such as impaired performance and accidents at the workplace and while driving, have major impact on the affected and on society. According to Swiss federal statistics only 1-3% of all motor vehicle accidents are due to excessive daytime sleepiness, which is in great contrast to a figure of 10 to 20% of all accidents derived from scientific studies. Due to the inadequate statistical representation of the problem, insufficient countermeasures have been realized, and the state of drivers breaching traffic regulations is not adequately investigated in this respect. The most prevalent cause of microsleep induced accidents is certainly lack of sleep due to social or professional reasons. A treating physician must also consider sedating drugs and various diseases. The typical characteristics of accidents due to falling asleep at the wheel and the risk factors involved are well established, so that informing the general public, taking prophylactic countermeasures and a targeted investigation in this respect of drivers who have breached the law are all feasible. Since symptoms of sleepiness can be recognized well before any impairment of performance occurs, the most important countermeasure is information of the drivers on the risk factors and on efficient countermeasures against sleepiness at the wheel. Besides correct diagnosis and treatment, the primary goal of physicians treating patients with pathological daytime sleepiness is to inform them at an early stage about the risks of sleepiness and the large responsibility they bear while driving. This information should be written down in the patients' records. Professional drivers suffering from daytime sleepiness, drivers who have already had an accident due to microsleep and unreasonable drivers should be referred to a centre of sleep disorders for objective measurements of sleepiness.


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This research was focused around the intersection of two discourses: that of marginality and that of ideology. Ponomarev analysed works by Alexander Zinoviev, Vladimir Maximov and Eduard Limonov - three writers representing different groups of Soviet dissidence - from the viewpoint of the concept, drawn from anthropological theory, of marginal man. Using a methodology he describes as ideological analysis, Ponomarev showed that the ideologies of both the writers and their characters are marginal, lying as they do between official Soviet and western democratic ideologies. He showed that the works and the 'creative behaviour' of the three writers did not change after 1991, when their ideas seemed victorious. Marginality is shown to be a permanent characteristic and is linked with the main ideas of the dissident movement in the USSR. On the basis of this marginality, Ponomarev identified some common traits in dissident ideas and drew up a model of dissident ideology. This general model of dissident ideology seems to be one of the special Russian variants of the marginal ideologies of intelligentsia and could be compared to the ideology of Rodon Raskolnikov, the central character in Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. The discourse of ideology in the USSR in the 1970s-1980s and in 1990s Russia thus appeared as a process in which the elements of the official Soviet ideology were gradually superseded by those of the dissident ideology linked with the ideology of the underground, the Russian version of the post-modern. Marginal ideologies won and became mainstream but did not lose their basic marginal traits. Ponomarev concludes that the gap between the 'state ideology' and the dissident ideology, taken together with the special Russian version of postmodernity has shaped the current literary process in Russia, making the figure of the marginal man into the main writer type.


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PURPOSE: To prospectively evaluate, for the depiction of simulated hypervascular liver lesions in a phantom, the effect of a low tube voltage, high tube current computed tomographic (CT) technique on image noise, contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), lesion conspicuity, and radiation dose. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A custom liver phantom containing 16 cylindric cavities (four cavities each of 3, 5, 8, and 15 mm in diameter) filled with various iodinated solutions to simulate hypervascular liver lesions was scanned with a 64-section multi-detector row CT scanner at 140, 120, 100, and 80 kVp, with corresponding tube current-time product settings at 225, 275, 420, and 675 mAs, respectively. The CNRs for six simulated lesions filled with different iodinated solutions were calculated. A figure of merit (FOM) for each lesion was computed as the ratio of CNR2 to effective dose (ED). Three radiologists independently graded the conspicuity of 16 simulated lesions. An anthropomorphic phantom was scanned to evaluate the ED. Statistical analysis included one-way analysis of variance. RESULTS: Image noise increased by 45% with the 80-kVp protocol compared with the 140-kVp protocol (P < .001). However, the lowest ED and the highest CNR were achieved with the 80-kVp protocol. The FOM results indicated that at a constant ED, a reduction of tube voltage from 140 to 120, 100, and 80 kVp increased the CNR by factors of at least 1.6, 2.4, and 3.6, respectively (P < .001). At a constant CNR, corresponding reductions in ED were by a factor of 2.5, 5.5, and 12.7, respectively (P < .001). The highest lesion conspicuity was achieved with the 80-kVp protocol. CONCLUSION: The CNR of simulated hypervascular liver lesions can be substantially increased and the radiation dose reduced by using an 80-kVp, high tube current CT technique.


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Metamaterials are artificial materials that exhibit properties, such as negative index of refraction, that are not possible through natural materials. Due to many potential applications of negative index metamaterials, significant progress in the field has been observed in the last decade. However, achieving negative index at visible frequencies is a challenging task. Generally, fishnet metamaterials are considered as a possible route to achieve negative index in the visible spectrum. However, so far no metamaterial has been demonstrated to exhibit simultaneously negative permittivity and permeability (double-negative) beyond the red region of the visible spectrum. This study is mainly focused on achieving higher operating frequency for low-loss, double-negative metamaterials. Two double-negative metamaterials have been proposed to operate at highest reported frequencies. The first proposed metamaterial is based on the interaction of surface plasmon polaritons of a thin metal film with localized surface plasmons of a metallic array placed close to the thin film. It is demonstrated that the metamaterial can easily be scaled to operate at any frequency in the visible spectrum as well as possibly to the ultraviolet spectrum. Furthermore, the underlying physical phenomena and possible future extensions of the metamaterial are also investigated. The second proposed metamaterial is a modification to the so-called fishnet metamaterial. It has been demonstrated that this ‘modified fishnet’ exhibits two double-negative bands in the visible spectrum with highest operating frequency in the green region with considerably high figure of merit. In contrast to most of the fishnet metamaterials proposed in the past, behavior of this modified fishnet is independent of polarization of the incident field. In addition to the two negative index metamaterials proposed in this study, the use of metamaterial as a spacer, named as metaspacer, is also investigated. In contrast to naturally available dielectric spacers used in microfabrication, metaspacers can be realized with any (positive or negative) permittivity and permeability. As an example, the use of a negative index metaspacer in place of the dielectric layer in a fishnet metamaterial is investigated. It is shown that fishnet based on negative index metaspacer gives many improved optical properties over the conventional fishnet such as wider negative index band, higher figure of merit, higher optical transmission and stronger magnetic response. In addition to the improved properties, following interesting features were observed in the metaspacer based fishnet metamaterial. At the resonance frequency, the shape of the permeability curve was ‘inverted’ as compared to that for conventional fishnet metamaterial. Furthermore, dependence of the resonance frequency on the fishnet geometry was also reversed. Moreover, simultaneously negative group and phase velocities were observed in the low-loss region of the metaspacer based fishnet metamaterial. Due to interesting features observed using metaspacer, this study will open a new horizon for the metamaterial research.


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OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of the arterial enhancement fraction (AEF) in multiphasic computed tomography (CT) acquisitions to detect hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in liver transplant recipients in correlation with the pathologic analysis of the corresponding liver explants. MATERIALS AND METHODS Fifty-five transplant recipients were analyzed: 35 patients with 108 histologically proven HCC lesions and 20 patients with end-stage liver disease without HCC. Six radiologists looked at the triphasic CT acquisitions with the AEF maps in a first readout. For the second readout without the AEF maps, 3 radiologists analyzed triphasic CT acquisitions (group 1), whereas the other 3 readers had 4 contrast acquisitions available (group 2). A jackknife free-response reader receiver operating characteristic analysis was used to compare the readout performance of the readers. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was used to determine the optimal cutoff value of the AEF. RESULTS The figure of merit (θ = 0.6935) for the conventional triphasic readout was significantly inferior compared with the triphasic readout with additional use of the AEF (θ = 0.7478, P < 0.0001) in group 1. There was no significant difference between the fourphasic conventional readout (θ = 0.7569) and the triphasic readout (θ = 0.7615, P = 0.7541) with the AEF in group 2. Without the AEF, HCC lesions were detected with a sensitivity of 30.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 25.5%-36.4%) and a specificity of 97.1% (96.0%-98.0%) by group 1 looking at 3 CT acquisition phases and with a sensitivity of 42.1% (36.2%-48.1%) and a specificity of 97.5% (96.4%-98.3%) in group 2 looking at 4 CT acquisition phases. Using the AEF maps, both groups looking at the same 3 acquisition phases, the sensitivity was 47.7% (95% CI, 41.9%-53.5%) with a specificity of 97.4% (96.4%-98.3%) in group 1 and 49.8% (95% CI, 43.9%-55.8%)/97.6% (96.6%-98.4%) in group 2. The optimal cutoff for the AEF was 50%. CONCLUSION The AEF is a helpful tool to screen for HCC with CT. The use of the AEF maps may significantly improve HCC detection, which allows omitting the fourth CT acquisition phase and thus making a 25% reduction of radiation dose possible.


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Este artículo explora la figura del travesti en la novela de Mayra Santos- Febres, Sirena Selena vestida de pena (2000) como una metáfora cultural y punto de confluencia de diversos “intereses vestidos". Analizamos esta novela prestando atención al uso literario de la metáfora y a los simbolismos representados a través de la figura del travesti. Es interesante examinar como la literatura puertorriqueña de finales del siglo XX recurre a la figura del travesti por su poder metafórico, y Sirena Selena vestida de pena es un claro ejemplo de dicho poder metafórico de la figura del travesti, una figura que intentamos deconstruir en las siguientes páginas. Hacemos un breve recorrido por la historia del país natal de la escritora, Puerto Rico, ya que esto nos ayuda a identificar un número de metáforas y simbolismos que explotan la realidad del país, y a través de las cuales Santos-Febres llama la atención hacia la movilidad de lo marginal. Hacemos un análisis de las distintas metáforas presentes en el cuerpo del travesti, desde el país colonizado hasta una metáfora del deseo, pasando por el lenguaje, el sistema político, la modernización del país y el Caribe. Por último, analizamos el travestismo como identidad de género en el personaje de Sirena Selena. Sirena es un personaje complejo, un cruce de géneros que acusa la falta de una identidad fija. Investigamos como por medio de la voz y del idioma, toda su vida como cantante y travesti va encaminada a la búsqueda de dicha identidad, tan necesaria para la construcción de un sujeto humano.


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Este trabajo analiza cinco creaciones literarias del escritor venezolano Arturo Uslar Pietri, el cuento “Barrabas", la novela El camino de El Dorado, el ensayo “La ciudad de nadie", la obra de teatro “Chuo Gil y las tejedoras", y el poema “Tres leones de plata" para estudiar la relación del poder con la palabra porque estos pueden crear mundos. También observamos su reflexión acerca de la culturas la cuales crean diferentes tipos de expresión que nuestro autor muestra conocer perfectamente. En “Barrabás" (1928) podemos ver que Uslar quiere diferenciarse de la forma como se ha escrito la literatura venezolana del pasado. En El camino de El Dorado (1947) quiere expresar el poder de destrucción que la palabra tiene en la figura del injusto gobernante, Lope de Aguirre. “La ciudad de nadie" (1950) nos habla de las diferentes lenguas y culturas que las personas practican en Nueva York. “Chuo Gil y las tejedoras" nos enseña el chisme como la forma de expresión de los pueblos pequeños (1959) y por último “Tres leones de plata", poema contenido en libro Manoa (1972) expresa la eternidad de las palabras contenidas en el poema. Este artículo quiere demostrar el maravilloso dominio que tenía Arturo Uslar Pietri para expresar las palabras en todos los géneros que la literatura ha tenido hasta hoy. Lo que nos permite concluir que es uno de los mejores escritores que existen en la literatura latinoamericana.


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El relato de la historia mundial, y de la historia de América Latina, ha sido escrito mayoritaria- mente por hombres. Por esa razón, este trabajo da cuenta de la participación y contribución del género masculino, con la excepción de contadas mujeres en el Salvador. Si bien es cierto que muchos campos estuvieron vedados a las mujeres por siglos, éstas no cesaron de defender la igualdad de derechos, constituyéndose en verdaderas protagonistas de nuestra historia en el campo de la política y la ciudadanía femenina. Por ello centramos el foco en el proceso de lucha de las mujeres salvadoreñas para ejercer este derecho, a través de la figura Prudencia Ayala, una mujer indígena y pobre, candidata a la presidencia en 1930.


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El propósito del artículo es brindar un informe bibliográfico preliminar sobre el itinerario de la recepción de Hans Freyer en la Argentina, con el fin de arrojar luz sobre una figura del pensamiento alemán de la primera mitad del siglo XX que tuvo una repercusión soterrada en muchos intelectuales argentinos del periodo. Esa presencia se encuentra en gran parte oculta para la historia de las ideas argentinas, dada su problemática inscripción doctrinaria e ideológica en las políticas de la filosofía y en las políticas de las ciencias sociales.


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Este trabajo aborda la temática de una concepción que ha tenido vigencia en el ámbito de la enfermedad odontológica. Se realiza una referencia a la vinculación entre el comienzo de las prácticas de intervención junto al modelo de creencias religiosas como respuesta al problema del dolor en la cavidad bucal. La figura de Santa Apolonia es un ejemplo del entrecruzamiento de la crónica histórica y las creencias de orden religioso en el proceso de desarrollo de la odontología.


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Desde su aparición, el peronismo ocupa un lugar protagónico en la(s) memoria(s) y la historia argentina, que, lejos de extinguirse, se revitaliza con el correr del tiempo. En esa tradición peronista, la figura de Evita representa un icono fundamental, respetado y recordado por los peronistas como por gran parte de sus opositores políticos. Esta etapa de la vida argentina se ha convertido, por años, en pieza de un enfrentamiento entre esas memorias, enfrentamiento que supera los campos histórico y sociológico. Atendiendo esta perspectiva, este trabajo procura analizar la figura de Eva como acontecimiento constitutivo de memoria(s) colectiva(s) y su presencia como parte de nuestra historia nacional, intentando vislumbrar discontinuidades y diferencias en la construcción de esas memorias como así también advertir el uso político que se hace del pasado para edificar una historia nacional.