996 resultados para Escore total do calcio coronariano
Paralysis with pancuronium bromide is used in newborn infants to facilitate ventilatory support during respiratory failure. Changes in lung mechanics have been attributed to paralysis. The aim of this study was to examine whether or not paralysis per se has an influence on the passive respiratory mechanics, resistance (Rrs) and compliance (Crs) of the respiratory system in newborn infants. In 30 infants with acute respiratory failure, Rrs was measured during paralysis with pancuronium bromide and after stopping pancuronium bromide (group A). Rrs was also measured in an additional 10 ventilated infants in a reversed fashion (group B): Rrs was measured first in nonparalysed infants and then they were paralysed, mainly for diagnostic procedures, and the Rrs measurement repeated. As Rrs is highly dependent on lung volume, several parameters, that depend directly on lung volume were recorded: inspiratory oxygen fraction (FI,O2), arterial oxygen tension/alveolar oxygen tension (a/A) ratio and volume above functional residual capacity (FRC). In group A, the Rrs was not different during (0.236+/-0.09 cmH2O x s x mL(-1)) and after (0.237+/-0.07 cmH2O x s x mL(-1)) paralysis. Also, in group B, Rrs did not change (0.207+/-0.046 versus 0.221+/-0.046 cm x s x mL(-1) without versus with pancuronium bromide). FI,O2, a/A ratio and volume above FRC remained constant during paralysis. These data demonstrate that paralysis does not influence the resistance of the total respiratory system in ventilated term and preterm infants when measured at comparable lung volumes.
Although cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption increase risk for head and neck cancers, there have been few attempts to model risks quantitatively and to formally evaluate cancer site-specific risks. The authors pooled data from 15 case-control studies and modeled the excess odds ratio (EOR) to assess risk by total exposure (pack-years and drink-years) and its modification by exposure rate (cigarettes/day and drinks/day). The smoking analysis included 1,761 laryngeal, 2,453 pharyngeal, and 1,990 oral cavity cancers, and the alcohol analysis included 2,551 laryngeal, 3,693 pharyngeal, and 3,116 oval cavity cancers, with over 8,000 controls. Above 15 cigarettes/day, the EOR/pack-year decreased with increasing cigarettes/day, suggesting that greater cigarettes/day for a shorter duration was less deleterious than fewer cigarettes/day for a longer duration. Estimates of EOR/pack-year were homogeneous across sites, while the effects of cigarettes/day varied, indicating that the greater laryngeal cancer risk derived from differential cigarettes/day effects and not pack-years. EOR/drink-year estimates increased through 10 drinks/day, suggesting that greater drinks/day for a shorter duration was more deleterious than fewer drinks/day for a longer duration. Above 10 drinks/day, data were limited. EOR/drink-year estimates varied by site, while drinks/day effects were homogeneous, indicating that the greater pharyngeal/oral cavity cancer risk with alcohol consumption derived from the differential effects of drink-years and not drinks/day.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the risks of prosthesis dislocation, postoperative Trendelenburg gait, and sciatic nerve palsy after a posterior approach compared to a direct lateral approach for adult patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA) for primary osteoarthritis (OA). METHODS: Medline, Embase, CINHAL, and Cochrane databases were searched until August 2003. All published trials comparing posterior and direct lateral surgical approaches to THA in adults with a diagnosis of primary hip osteoarthritis were collected. Retrieved articles were assessed independently for their methodological quality. RESULTS: Four prospective cohort studies involving 241 participants met the inclusion criteria. Regarding dislocation rate, no significant difference between posterior and direct lateral surgical approach was found (relative risk 0.35). The presence of postoperative Trendelenburg gait was not significantly different between surgical approaches. The risk of nerve palsy or injury was significantly higher with the direct lateral approach (relative risk 0.16). However, there were no significant differences when comparing this risk nerve by nerve, in particular for the sciatic nerve. Of the other outcomes considered, only the average range of internal rotation in extension of the hip was significantly higher (weighted mean difference 16 degrees ) in the posterior approach group (mean 35 degrees, SD 13 degrees ) compared to the direct lateral approach (mean 19 degrees, SD 13 degrees ). CONCLUSION: The quality and quantity of information extracted from the trials performed to date are insufficient to make a firm conclusion on the optimum choice of surgical approach for adult patients undergoing primary THA for OA.
Estimates/projections for age 60+ for the state and for its counties and incorporated places. DEA also provides population estimates on poverty, race and ethnicity, and urban and rural for age 60+. This statistical information is obtained from numerous resources, including the State Data Center of Iowa, US Census Bureau, the Administration on Aging, and Iowa State University Census Services. "The Census Bureau uses the latest available estimates as starting points for population projections. Sometimes the user may see both an estimate and a projection available for the same reference date, which may not agree because they were produced at different times. In such cases, estimates are the preferred data." (Source: State Data Center)
The Department of Elder Affairs maintains and provides population and demographic estimates/projections for age 60+ for the state and for its counties and incorporated places. DEA also provides population estimates on poverty, race and ethnicity, and urban and rural for age 60+. This statistical information is obtained from numerous resources, including the State Data Center of Iowa, US Census Bureau, the Administration on Aging, and Iowa State University Census Services. "The Census Bureau uses the latest available estimates as starting points for population projections. Sometimes the user may see both an estimate and a projection available for the same reference date, which may not agree because they were produced at different times. In such cases, estimates are the preferred data." (Source: State Data Center)
This study is a long-term analysis of a group of patients with infected arthroplasties of the hip or the knee. We identified 28 patients with an infected arthroplasty (22 hips, 6 knees) documented by bacterial culture or on direct examination. At the time of diagnosis and on follow-up (a mean of 46 months after treatment) we evaluated the clinical picture, the radiological appearances of the articulation and the biological parameters. 19/28 patients showed a typical clinical picture, whereas in 9 others the picture was more doubtful. The treatments were 14 two-stage replacements of the arthroplasties, 7 simple resections, 5 conservative treatments and 2 one-stage replacements. On follow-up, 25 patients were considered as cured of their infection and 3 as failures. From a functional viewpoint, 9 patients showed no limitation, whereas 19 were limited in the daily activity. Half of the patients had no pain. Radiology showed that 20/26 evaluated patients had no signs of recurrence. Paraclinical examinations are important in the diagnosis of persistent low grade infections, particularly the demonstration of bacteria by pre-surgical sampling (fine needle aspiration, culture from draining sinuses). In spite of the cure of infection, the functional and painful sequellae are often considerable. As a result of our experience, we recommend a two-stage surgical procedure. Only when the general condition of the patient is poor, or when the infection is not under control, would we envisage an alternative procedure (arthrodesis, girdelstone, conservative).
A `next' operator, s, is built on the set R1=(0,1]-{ 1-1/e} defining a partial order that, with the help of the axiom of choice, can be extended to a total order in R1. Besides, the orbits {sn(a)}nare all dense in R1 and are constituted by elements of the samearithmetical character: if a is an algebraic irrational of degreek all the elements in a's orbit are algebraic of degree k; if a istranscendental, all are transcendental. Moreover, the asymptoticdistribution function of the sequence formed by the elements in anyof the half-orbits is a continuous, strictly increasing, singularfunction very similar to the well-known Minkowski's ?(×) function.
In this article we propose using small area estimators to improve the estimatesof both the small and large area parameters. When the objective is to estimateparameters at both levels accurately, optimality is achieved by a mixed sampledesign of fixed and proportional allocations. In the mixed sample design, oncea sample size has been determined, one fraction of it is distributedproportionally among the different small areas while the rest is evenlydistributed among them. We use Monte Carlo simulations to assess theperformance of the direct estimator and two composite covariant-freesmall area estimators, for different sample sizes and different sampledistributions. Performance is measured in terms of Mean Squared Errors(MSE) of both small and large area parameters. It is found that the adoptionof small area composite estimators open the possibility of 1) reducingsample size when precision is given, or 2) improving precision for a givensample size.
Analiza la composición del contenido estomacal de 693 ejemplares de una especie de pez merluza Merluccius gayi peruanus (Guitchenot) que se distribuye desde los 03°15 'S hasta 10°04 'S. Se determina el Índice de Importancia Relativa (IIR) para cada una de sus presas, mostrando que las más importantes para esta especie pertenecen al taxón Crustácea seguido por Teleostei, en términos de número.
Estudio que contiene datos mensuales de junio 1962 hasta fines del año y presenta un resumen de la pesca para todo el año.
The rehabilitation process after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) relies more and more on the family doctor. Many factors contribute to this development: the constantly increasing number of TKA performed, the reduced length of stay at the hospital and the rehabilitation process after TKA requiring care for 3 to 4 months. After this time, it is also of major importance to encourage patients to take up physical activities in order to limit the negative effects of sedentarity. The goal of this paper is to give family doctors an overview of the current knowledge in the area of rehabilitation after TKA for physicians.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Electrical bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) allows the evaluation of limb extracellular fluid (R0) and total fluid (Rinf). BIS could facilitate post-surgical oedema evaluation after total knee arthroplasty (TKA), as it is easily performed and is non-invasive. However, neither its applicability in this context nor the influence of metallic implants on measurement has been evaluated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of TKA implants on the BIS R0 and Rinf variables used for oedema evaluation. METHOD: This was a prospective non-randomized comparative clinical trial. One oedema-free group of patients with TKA was compared with a group presenting similar characteristics except for the arthroplasty, to assess the influence of the implant on BIS measurement in the absence of oedema. The TKA group included 15 patients who had undergone surgery more than a year previously, and the control group included 19 patients awaiting TKA surgery. Volume and perimeter measurements served as reference criterions. The lower limb percentage differences for BIS, knee perimeter and volume were calculated. The significance of differences between groups was calculated for all measurement methods, using the Mann-Whitney test. The setting was a Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology in a university hospital. RESULTS: The differences between groups were not significant for R0, Rinf, volume and perimeter. R0 showed the smallest mean difference in limb percentage difference between groups [means (SD): TKA 3.98 (8.09), controls 3.97 (5.16)]. CONCLUSIONS: The lower-leg percentage difference in the TKA group is comparable with that of healthy subjects. R0 can be used for oedema evaluation following TKA surgery, as there was no sign of alteration from the metallic implant. These findings indicate the potential for early oedema evaluation after TKA. More research is warranted to extensively validate the application of BIS for oedema evaluation after TKA. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
HYPOTHESIS: Supraspinatus deficiency associated with total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) provokes eccentric loading and may induce loosening of the glenoid component. A downward inclination of the glenoid component has been proposed to balance supraspinatus deficiency. METHODS: This hypothesis was assessed by a numeric musculoskeletal model of the glenohumeral joint during active abduction. Three cases were compared: TSA with normal muscular function, TSA with supraspinatus deficiency, and TSA with supraspinatus deficiency and downward inclination of the glenoid. RESULTS: Supraspinatus deficiency increased humeral migration and eccentric loading. A downward inclination of the glenoid partly balanced the loss of stability, but this potential advantage was counterbalanced by an important stress increase within the glenoid cement. The additional subchondral bone reaming required to incline the glenoid component indeed reduced the bone support, increasing cement deformation and stress. CONCLUSION: Glenoid inclination should not be obtained at the expense of subchondral bone support.