900 resultados para Escola Interamericana de Administração Pública - Relatórios
Criado em Outubro de 1999, o Programa de Pesquisa tem como missão gerar uma contribuição fundamental ao fortalecimento da competitividade industrial no Brasil, por meio de pesquisa aplicada, de ponta, sobre acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas e inovação.
Comentarista: Renato Flores (Núcleo de Prospecção e Inteligência Internacional)
Recent models of economic voting assume that citizens can discount exogenous factors when assessing government's economic performance. Yet there is evidence that Latin American voters do not behave in such way, and attribute to presidents outcomes that are beyond their control. This paper presents three survey experiments designed to explore mechanisms that could potentially correct such misattribution, and therefore contribute to debiasing individual behavior towards government evaluation. Our results provide individual-level evidence of the misattribution found in aggregate studies of electorate behavior, and reinforce psychologist's skepticism towards prospects of mental decontamination, as we found very scant evidence that providing information, raising awareness, or increasing motivation to correct biases infuenced individual's evaluation of president's performance.
Recent regulatory efforts aim at lowering the cyclicality of bank lending because of its potential detrimental effects on financial stability and the real economy. We investigate the cyclicality of SME lending by local banks with vs. without a public mandate, controlling for location, size, loan maturity, funding structure, liquidity, profitability, and credit demand-side factors. The public mandate is set by local governments and stipulates a deviation from strict profit maximization and a sustainable provision of financial services to local customers. We find that banks with a public mandate are 25 percent less cyclical than other local banks. The result is credit supply-side driven and especially strong for savings banks with high liquidity and stable deposit funding. Our findings have implications for the banking structure, financial stability and the finance-growth nexus in a local context.
Lenders can tap into multiple sources of private information to assess consumer credit risk but little is known about the informational synergies between these sources. Using unique panel data on checking accounts and credit card accounts from the same customers during 2007-2014, we find that activity measures from both account types contain information beyond credit scores and other controls. Checking accounts display warning indications earlier and more accurately than credit card accounts. We also investigate the consistency of information, the reasons for defaults, and selection effects. The evidence highlights sizeable informational synergies that lenders can use to manage credit relationships.
In consensual (proportional) highly fragmented multiparty settings, political parties have two historical choices to make or pathways to follow: i) playing a majoritarian role by offering credible candidates to the head of the executive; or ii) playing the median legislator game. Each of those choices will have important consequences not only for the party system but also for the government. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role played by median legislator parties on coalition management strategies of presidents in a comparative perspective. We analyze in depth the Brazilian case where the Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (PMDB) has basically functioned as the median legislator party in Congress by avoiding the approval of extreme policies, both on the left and on the right. Based on an expert survey in Latin America, we built an index of Pmdbismo and identified that there is a positive correlation between partisan fragmentation and median legislator parties. In addition, we investigate the effect of having a median legislator party in the governing coalition. We found that it is cheaper and less difficult for the government to manage the coalition having the median legislative party on board.
Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas
EBAPE - Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas
EBAPE - Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas
EBAPE - Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas
Apresentamos um projeto inovador na intersecção da tecnologia da informação, gestão, e direito, com o intuito de oferecer otimização de resultados, redução de custos e de tempo. A equipe proponente foi formada no projeto Big Data e Gestão Processual, do qual participam três escolas da Fundação Getulio Vargas que são referência em todo Brasil: as escolas de Direito, de Administração de Empresas e de Matemática Aplicada, todas do Rio de Janeiro.
Recent regulatory efforts aim at lowering the cyclicality of bank lending because of its potential detrimental effects on financial stability and the real economy. We investigate the cyclicality of SME lending by local banks with vs. without a public mandate, controlling for location, size, loan maturity, funding structure, liquidity, profitability, and credit demand-side factors. The public mandate is set by local governments and stipulates a deviation from strict profit maximization and a sustainable provision of financial services to local customers. We find that banks with a public mandate are 25 percent less cyclical than other local banks. The result is credit supply-side driven and especially strong for savings banks with high liquidity and stable deposit funding. Our findings have implications for the banking structure, financial stability and the finance-growth nexus in a local context.
We investigate whether and how bank complexity affects performance and systemic risk. We base the analysis on a complexity measure that captures diversification and diversity, controlling for size and other bank characteristics. We find that more complex banks exhibit a higher profitability, lower risk, and higher market share. Moreover, we show an inversely U-shaped relation between bank complexity and banks’ sensitivity to systemic shocks. The evidence challenges the view that higher bank complexity is per se bad and is consistent with theoretical models that show that diversity in the banking system is critical for financial stability.
This study aimed to examine how students perceives the factors that may influence them to attend a training course offered in the distance virtual learning environment (VLE) of the National School of Public Administration (ENAP). Thus, as theoretical basis it was used the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), the result of an integration of eight previous models which aimed to explain the same phenomenon (acceptance/use of information technology). The research approach was a quantitative and qualitative. To achieve the study objectives were made five semi-structured interviews and an online questionnaire (websurvey) in a valid sample of 101 public employees scattered throughout the country. The technique used to the analysis of quantitative data was the structural equation modeling (SEM), by the method of Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS-PM). To qualitative data was the thematic content analysis. Among the results, it was found that, in the context of public service, the degree whose the individual believes that the use of an AVA will help its performance at work (performance expectancy) is a factor to its intended use and also influence its use. Among the results, it was found that the belief which the public employee has in the use of a VLE as a way to improve the performance of his work (performance expectation) was determinant for its intended use that, in turn, influenced their use. It was confirmed that, under the voluntary use of technology, the general opinion of the student s social circle (social influence) has no effect on their intention to use the VLE. The effort expectancy and facilitating conditions were not directly related to the intended use and use, respectively. However, emerged from the students speeches that the opinions of their coworkers, the ease of manipulate the VLE, the flexibility of time and place of the distance learning program and the presence of a tutor are important to their intentions to do a distance learning program. With the results, it is expected that the managers of the distance learning program of ENAP turn their efforts to reduce the impact of the causes of non-use by those unwilling to adopt voluntarily the e-learning, and enhance the potentialities of distance learning for those who are already users
A gestão por competências destacou-se no cenário das organizações públicas brasileiras através do Decreto nº 5.707/2006 como instrumento da política de desenvolvimento dos servidores da administração pública direta, autárquica e fundacional enfatizando a capacitação orientada para o desenvolvimento do conjunto de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes necessárias ao desempenho das funções dos servidores, visando ao alcance dos objetivos da instituição. Ocorre que desde 2001, conforme relato da Escola Nacional de Administração Pública - ENAP, dezesseis organizações públicas já praticavam preceitos da gestão por competências, e utilizavam além da capacitação outros processos relacionados a área de gestão de pessoas previstos na teoria sobre gestão por competências. Utilizando a Teoria do Desenvolvimento Organizacional, com método comparativo, estratégia estudo de caso múltiplo e análise documental do período de dez anos, de três organizações, CEF,e TCU, pertencentes ao grupo do relato ENAP, foram constatadas as hipóteses de que cada organização escolheu o procedimento mais adequado a sua estrutura e cultura organizacional para implantar a gestão por competências e que esta teve o processo de implantação em consonância com as respectivas áreas de planejamento e ainda, para implementar mudanças utilizando a gestão por competências não é necessário finalizar o mapeamento de competências individuais de todos os servidores das organizações. As mudanças podem iniciar, após a definição da missão, valores, objetivos estratégicos, visão de futuro (mapeamento de competências organizacionais). Concluindo que inexiste um modelo universal para implantação da gestão por competências, pois, cada organização é influenciada de forma diferente pela política, clima e cultura organizacional.