781 resultados para Economic Added Value


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option formation des sciences infirmières


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gerontologia Social.


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The cemeterial units, are places of social practices of everyday life and worship and the tomb where nostalgia can be externalized and the memory of the deceased revered. In Western societies we can find a category of artifacts meant to evoke the memory or honor the dead. In this paper we we mention three examples of products that enabled a reflection on the concepts that gave rise to their ways, and that risks to fit them into a new "material culture", in that it may have created a break with the traditional system codes and standards shared by companies, and its manifestations in relation to the physical creation of this category of products. This work offers a reflection on the Design Products.What probably makes it special is the field where it is located: the design of products in one post mortem memory. Usually made of granite rock or marble, have the form of plate or tablet, open book or rolled sheet. On one side have a photograph of the person who intend to honor and inscriptions. The thought of inherent design of this work put on one side the intricate set of emotions that this type of product can generate, and other components more affordable, and concerning the form, function and object interactions with users and with use environments. In the definition of the problem it was regarded as mandatory requirements: differentiation, added value and durability as key objectives.The first two should be manifested in the various components / product attributes. The aesthetic and material/structural durability of product necessarily imply the introduction of qualifying terms and quantitative weights, which positively influence the generation and evaluation of concepts based on the set of 10 principles for the project that originated a matrix as a tool to aid designing products. The concrete definition of a target audience was equally important. At this stage, the collaboration of other experts in the fields of psychology and sociology as disciplines with particular ability to understand individuals and social phenomena respectively was crucial. It was concluded that a product design to honor someone post mortem, should abandon the more traditional habits and customs to focus on identifying new audiences. Although at present it can be considered a niche market, it is believed that in the future may grow as well as their interest in this type of products.


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Technological Education is a subject where students acquire knowledge and technical skills, which will enable them to analyse and resolve specific situations and will prepare them for an increasingly technological world. This course requires students to gain knowledge and know-how such that motivation and commitment are crucial for the development of classroom projects and activities. It is in this context that traditional toys come up in this study as catalysts for motivation and student interest. Thus, the aim of the research performed is to understand whether the units of work related to traditional toys promote the students’ motivation and commitment on Technological Education. In terms of methodology, we carried out an exploratory research of qualitative nature, based on semi-structured interviews with teachers and students in the 2nd cycle of basic education at five schools in the municipality of Viseu, Portugal. Nine teachers and forty-five Technological Education students, aged between 10 and 12 years, attending the 5th and 6th years of schooling participated. Content analysis of the answers revealed that the implementation of units of work involving the construction of traditional toys are conducive to students’ motivation and commitment, constituting an added value in Technological Education. As this is a classroom project, it allows students to apply technical knowledge they have acquired. Thus, starting from a first idea, it allows them to experience all of the stages of toy building, from conception to completion, contributing to greater student satisfaction in the teaching-learning process.


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Problem Statement: This research aims to understand the contribution of traditional toys as catalysts for motivation and student commitment in the development of Technological Education projects and activities. Research Questions: To what extent do work units related to traditional toys promote student motivation and commitment in the subject of Technological Education. Purpose of Study: Technological Education requires students to gain knowledge and know-how such that motivation and commitment are crucial for the development of classroom projects and activities. It is in this context that traditional toys are assumed to be catalysts for motivation and student interest. Research Methods: In terms of methodology, an exploratory research of a qualitative nature was carried out, based on semi-structured interviews to teachers and students within a 2nd cycle of Basic Education environment, encompassing five state schools in the Viseu municipality, Portugal. Nine teachers and forty-five technological education pupils, aged between 10 and 12, attending the 5th and 6th years of schooling participated. Findings: Content analysis of the answers revealed that the implementation of work units involving the construction of traditional toys are conducive to student motivation and commitment. Starting off with an initial idea, pupils are enabled to experience all the stages of toy building, from conception to completion, contributing to greater student satisfaction in the teaching-learning process. Conclusions: The traditional toys constitute an added value in the subject of Technological Education, promoting student motivation and commitment in the development of projects and activities. Students acquire knowledge and skills, which will enable them to analyze and thus resolve specific situations and prepare them for an increasingly technological world.


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O presente estudo denominado “Inclusão, Direitos Humanos e Igualdade: Educar para a diferença” direcionou-se para a temática da deficiência física evidente. Partindo do mestrado em Ação Humanitária, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, incidimos o nosso estudo na temática dos direitos humanos associada à da inclusão. A diferença, usualmente, origina exclusão em virtude de que o que é diferente não é socialmente aceite. Vivemos numa sociedade formatada para o “normal” em que o “normal” apresenta-se sempre como um modo de supressão gradual da diferença e da uniformização da diversidade e onde dificilmente encaixa a “diferença”. Uma das áreas onde se verifica tratamento diferenciado é a nível da deficiência que, não sendo entendida pela sociedade, gera um ciclo vicioso que dificilmente se quebra. Para tal, a escola terá de desempenhar um papel de extrema importância, modificando mentalidades, promovendo a deficiência, para que no futuro esta não seja encarada como uma diferença, mas como uma mais-valia no processo de singularidade e de diversidade humanas. Os comportamentos e os movimentos de transformação não podem ser impostos, mas devem ser introduzidos, compreendidos e modificados, pois só desta forma podem servir como alavanca de suporte para uma sociedade mais justa, mais inclusiva, mais humana, pois está nas mãos de cada um de nós, educadores, formar futuros cidadãos conscientes, ativos e responsáveis. A sociedade atual vive momentos conturbados decorrentes de interesses geopolíticos e estratégicos que potenciam conflitos armados, em que cada vez mais a população é indiscriminadamente afetada. Uma das consequências destes conflitos é a deficiência física evidente, aqui explorada, e que é uma realidade inerente à nossa prática profissional. Todos os dias são colocados em questão os direitos humanos de quem tem que conviver diariamente com ambientes bélicos. Apesar da sociedade portuguesa estar pouco desperta para esta realidade, pareceu-nos pertinente levar esta temática para a escola tentando explorar as perceções de crianças face à deficiência física evidente, quando observada noutras crianças, em ambiente escolar. Fizemos a aplicação de diversos métodos (inquéritos, visualização de imagens e vídeo, atividades de simulação de deficiência), atividades práticas em ambiente escolar que nos permitissem atingir o nosso objetivo geral. Posteriormente, foi realizada a interpretação de dados decorrentes da aplicação da metodologia, quer quantitativamente, quer qualitativamente efetuada a sua análise e retiradas conclusões.


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Résumé : La texture dispose d’un bon potentiel discriminant qui complète celui des paramètres radiométriques dans le processus de classification d’image. L’indice Compact Texture Unit (CTU) multibande, récemment mis au point par Safia et He (2014), permet d’extraire la texture sur plusieurs bandes à la fois, donc de tirer parti d’un surcroît d’informations ignorées jusqu’ici dans les analyses texturales traditionnelles : l’interdépendance entre les bandes. Toutefois, ce nouvel outil n’a pas encore été testé sur des images multisources, usage qui peut se révéler d’un grand intérêt quand on considère par exemple toute la richesse texturale que le radar peut apporter en supplément à l’optique, par combinaison de données. Cette étude permet donc de compléter la validation initiée par Safia (2014) en appliquant le CTU sur un couple d’images optique-radar. L’analyse texturale de ce jeu de données a permis de générer une image en « texture couleur ». Ces bandes texturales créées sont à nouveau combinées avec les bandes initiales de l’optique, avant d’être intégrées dans un processus de classification de l’occupation du sol sous eCognition. Le même procédé de classification (mais sans CTU) est appliqué respectivement sur : la donnée Optique, puis le Radar, et enfin la combinaison Optique-Radar. Par ailleurs le CTU généré sur l’Optique uniquement (monosource) est comparé à celui dérivant du couple Optique-Radar (multisources). L’analyse du pouvoir séparateur de ces différentes bandes à partir d’histogrammes, ainsi que l’outil matrice de confusion, permet de confronter la performance de ces différents cas de figure et paramètres utilisés. Ces éléments de comparaison présentent le CTU, et notamment le CTU multisources, comme le critère le plus discriminant ; sa présence rajoute de la variabilité dans l’image permettant ainsi une segmentation plus nette, une classification à la fois plus détaillée et plus performante. En effet, la précision passe de 0.5 avec l’image Optique à 0.74 pour l’image CTU, alors que la confusion diminue en passant de 0.30 (dans l’Optique) à 0.02 (dans le CTU).


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En principio, la realización de este proyecto conllevo al desarrollo de mis habilidades y conocimientos adquiridos durante la carrera de administración de Negocios Internacionales. Así mismo, me permitió tener una visión más cercana sobre el proceso de comercio exterior, con el trabajo a diario en Procolombia, empresa en la que realizo mi pasantía, el hacer investigaciones de mercado, el contacto con empresarios exportadores de panela, trabajar con expertos de la empresa en el sector panelero, las diversas capacitaciones en temas de comercio exterior, identificación de mercados potenciales y asuntos legales de la exportación, enriqueció la información y construcción de mi proyecto. El mercado de los endulzantes naturales a nivel mundial, según estudios de Euromonitor Internacional ha venido tenido un protagonismo cada vez más importante en diversos mercados, especialmente en Estados Unidos y Europa. Así, cada vez existe un mayor número de personas que se abstienen del consumo del azúcar refinado, pues temen del padecimiento de enfermedades como la obesidad o el cáncer a causa de productos fabricados con químicos. De esta manera, las tendencias de consumo se encaminan hacia la búsqueda por parte de las personas por alimentos naturales, dentro de los cuales se encuentran los endulzantes sin químicos que aportan un alto valor nutricional. En este sentido, la unión Europea se convierte en un mercado atractivo para la exportación de endulzantes naturales, esto debido a las tendencias de los europeos hacia el consumo de alimentos saludables según lo afirma un estudio de mercado del Ministry of foreign affairs (CBI). De esta manera, el país con mayores índices de consumo de alimentos orgánicos es Alemania, sumado a ello en los hábitos de consumo son importantes los endulzantes pues la ingesta de té y café es alta, haciéndose mayor en época de invierno.


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Normalmente el desarrollo de un país se ha explicado desde una perspectiva tradicional en términos de su crecimiento económico, teniendo en cuenta indicadores macroeconómicos como el PIB, la inflación y el desempleo. Poca atención se le ha puesto a la importancia que para el desarrollo de un país representan el capital humano y el proceso de liderazgo. Debido a lo anterior, mediante este estudio de caso, se pretende entender el éxito de la estrategia de crecimiento por exportaciones de Japón entre los años 1960-1980 teniendo en cuenta estos aspectos. Así, se busca sustentar que la incorporación de un tipo de liderazgo transformacional- transaccional y los elementos propios de su cultura como el confucianismo y el budismo, le imprimieron una perspectiva no economicista al éxito del modelo de desarrollo como parte de la triada empresa-estado-universidad. Lo anterior se realizará partiendo de un análisis cualitativo y con un enfoque en la economía política internacional y en el liderazgo. Este último estudiado desde las disciplinas de la administración, la sociología y la psicología


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The preservation of modern and contemporary art and costume collections in museums requires a complete understanding of their constituent materials which are often synthetic or semi-synthetic polymers. An extraordinary amount of quality information can be gained from instrumental techniques, but some of them have the disadvantage of being destructive. This paper presents a new totally integrated non-invasive methodology, for the identification of polymers and their additives, on plastic artefacts in museums. NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and in-situ FTIR-ATR (attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy) combination allowed the full characterization of the structure of thesematerials and correct identification of each one. The NMR technique applied to leached surface exudates identified unequivocally a great number of additives, exceeding the Py–GC–MS analysis of micro-fragments in number and efficiency. Additionally, in-situ FTIR-ATR provided exactly the same information of the destructive μ-FTIR about the polymer structure and confirmed the presence of some additives. Eight costume pieces (cosmetic boxes and purses), dating to the beginning of the 20th century and belonging to the Portuguese National Museum of Costume and Fashion, were correctly identified with this new integrated methodology, as beingmade of plastics derived fromcellulose acetate or cellulose nitrate polymers, contradicting the initial information that these pieces were made of Bakelite. The identification of a surprisingly large number of different additives forms an added value of this methodology and opens a perspective of a quick and better characterization of plastic artefacts in museum environments.


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Dry fermented sausages are highly appreciated food specialties, mainly in Portugal and other southern European countries. Therefore, all research efforts aiming at improving the food quality and safety of traditional dry sausages are of interest, since they are likely to result in products with higher added value and quality standards most suited to the requirements and concerns of the modern consumers. Among those efforts, it may be highlighted the studies involving innovative processing parameters and technologies to overcome practical problems gathered in the meat industry, which are mostly associated with food quality and safety. Additionally, characterization of traditional dry sausages and rationalization of their processing are essential for further achievement of any official certification. Thus, this article attempts to point out some research lines of highest interest in meat science (and particularly to the broad variety of regional dry fermented sausages), towards to the valorisation of technological, nutritional and commercial features. In addition, it is here emphasized the importance for the continuous improvement of the quality and safety of meat products as a way to respond to the current concerns regarding its consumption and the general advices in reducing its daily intake.


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This monograph outlines the process and results of development of a common educational programme at masters level in health and social care management, which was supported by the Erasmus Life Long Education project CareMan (Cul- ture and Care Management). The CareMan project brought together university partners actively involved in educating social and health care professionals in leadership and management at master’s level in Europe. The five partners of the consortium were Lahti University of Applied Sciences – Lahti UAS (administra- tive and academic coordinator, Finland), Charles University – CU (the Czech Republic), Edinburgh Napier University – ENU (Scotland), Hammeline University of Applied Sciences – HAMK (Finland), and University of Évora – UoE (Portugal). The objectives of the project were to achieve lower -level educational goals that included the development through education cultural and value -driven leadership, quality of care and quality management to effectively manage an integrated health and social care service. Through mapping the situation in the field and comparing curricula of all participating universities the overall aim was to develop a joint masters programme in social and healthcare management. After the detailed understanding of national and institutional specifics of each of the individual academic entities it was recognised that, due to a number of regulation issues, the original aim was not achievable. Following subsequent analytical work, it was decided to develop a set of three master’s level modules. At the end of the project it was intended that all created modules would be available virtually to the participating programmes and would contribute some added value to existing curricula. In the future these ready -to -use modules are intended to be taught in cooperation with the participating universities or as a separate module in each university. The chosen theoretical framework of the project that underpinned the devel- opment, management and evaluation of the inter -cultural educational provision relied on the combination of two learning theories – ‘cooperative collaborative and social learning’ and ’transformational’ (Mezirow, 2009). This theoretical framework helped to align with European collaborative policy and its application on all levels of implementation of the project.


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A Educação Física e o Desporto assumem hoje uma importância crescente no contexto nacional, reflexo de um acentuado aumento da investigação científica, que coloca como imprescindíveis os benefícios da actividade física, tanto ao nível do sistema escolar, como desportivo ou social. O objectivo deste relatório é descrever a evolução do estágio efectuado no âmbito da disciplina de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada. Este estágio teve início no mês de Outubro de 2009, tendo terminado no final deste mesmo ano lectivo. De forma a proporcionar o contacto com diversos Ciclos de ensino, este estágio decorreu em dois estabelecimentos de ensino, nomeadamente, a Escola Básica Integrada com Jardim de Infância da Malagueira (EBIJIM) e na Escola Secundária André de Gouveia (ESAG), ambas na cidade de Évora. Sendo assim, leccionei a duas turmas do 1.° Ciclo, uma do 2.° Ciclo, uma do 3.° Ciclo e ainda a uma do secundário. O estágio correu de uma forma bastante positiva, tendo sido alcançados todos os objectivos inicialmente propostos. É de salientar, a mais-valia que este estágio pedagógico representa na minha formação profissional. ABSTRACT: Physical Education and Sport today assume a growing importance in the national context, reflecting an accentuated increase in scientific research, which puts as the essential benefits of physical activity, such in the school system, such as sporting or social. The purpose of this report is to describe the entire evolution of the teaching in the discipline of Prática de Ensino Supervisionada. This stage began in October 2009, ending at the end of that academic year. ln order to provide contact with different education levels, this stage took place in two schools, namely the Escola Básica Integrada com Jardim de Infância da Malagueira (EBIJIM) e na Escola Secundária André de Gouveia (ESAG), both in the city of Évora. So, I taught two classes in 1st cycle, one of the 2nd cycle, one of the 3rd cycle, and one of secondary education. The stage occurred in the very positive way, having achieved all the objectives initially proposed. lt should be noted, the added value that represents teaching practice in my professional formation.


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El presente documento pretende mostrar la aplicación y variación del Valor Económico Agregado (EVA®) en organizaciones del sector público, en cuyo cálculo y análisis se deben tener en cuenta las condiciones específicas de estas organizaciones, tales como la concepción de valor público, en la cual el ciudadano es accionista (shareholder) y a la vez pertenece a varios grupos de interés (stakeholders), los costos de transacción, de agencia, la amplia separación de la propiedad, la mayor influencia de las leyes en la gestión (en especial la financiera), el tipo de bienes producidos y servicios prestados, y el manejo de la información financiera.


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Faz uma exposição da metodologia EVA®, demonstrando sua aplicação no gerenciamento da empresa e na avaliação de seu desempenho. Particularmente, mostra sua utilidade como no ferramenta de aferição e incentivo de seus dirigentes, bem como de seu uso em decisões de investimento e desinvestimento