958 resultados para Desempenho académico - Academic achievement
Prior to the 1970s, African Americans were essentially invisible in the science and engineering academic and professional communities (Babco, 2001a). The few who did earn degrees in these fields, obtained them primarily from historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), and these institutions also served as the primary employer for these graduates in science and engineering (Hines, 1997; Babco, 2001a, 2001b). Since the 1970s, African Americans have made considerable progress, but still are not on a level playing field with White males in terms of opportunities for preparation of science and engineering careers or for employment and advancement in those careers. The purpose of this study was to explore second and third-year African American male engineering students’ perceptions and examine what experiences have contributed to their access to and persistence in engineering. A qualitative research design was employed to gather data necessary to answer the research questions. Eight second and third-year African American male engineering students from Research University (pseudonym) participated in interviews with the researcher. The data from the interviews was used to consider the themes that emerged from the participants. The findings from this study suggest that African American male engineering students at Research University have specific experiences that influence their persistence and academic achievement. Themes identified from the interview data include: (1) pre-college experiences; (2) participation in academic and social networks; (3) institutional programming and organizational support; (4) personal accountability and motivation; and (5) goals outside of engineering. As a result of this research, several future implications are highlighted. These include acknowledging the value of diversity, continued support through organizations, and increased knowledge of best practices.
A informação que aparece sistematizada neste capítulo tem como finalidade o estudo da gestão da sala de aula pelos professores, apresentando perspetivas teóricas e investigações empíricas que permitam a sua compreensão e promoção, à luz de contributos situados, sobretudo, no âmbito da Psicologia da Educação. Depois de uma primeira parte a incidir na teoria, apresenta-se uma segunda parte dedicada à investigação e uma terceira parte de aplicação prática. Na primeira parte, as competências de gestão da sala de aula são consideradas na sua multi-dimensionalidade, gestão de conteúdos, gestão de comportamentos e gestão de conflitos. Competências comunicacionais na gestão da sala de aula são descritas no âmbito do Modelo Comunicacional Eclético (MCE), dado que este modelo fornece conceitos, procedimentos e estratégias que, pela sua abrangência e facilidade de aplicação, agilizam a compreensão dos processos que caraterizam as interações na sala de aula. Competências de organização dos espaços e dos tempos aparecem também contempladas, no âmbito da teorização apresentada. Na segunda parte, descreve-se um conjunto de investigações acerca da gestão da sala de aula, diferenciadas em estudos de caraterização e de avaliação, estudos sobre a gestão da sala de aula como variável independente, e estudos sobre a gestão da sala de aula como variável dependente. Na terceira parte, incluem-se propostas de atividades mais práticas e, ainda, sugestões de leitura de aprofundamento do tema gestão da sala de aula, bem como indicações de recursos online.
The article analyses the (third) Coleman Report on private and public schools. The report scrutinises the relationship between private and public schools and shows that private school students show better academic achievement. Coleman concluded that these findings provided a strong argument in favour of public financial support for private schools. However, he identified a number of school characteristics that he believed to be related to student achievement. According to his analysis, these characteristics were not limited to private schools; public schools exhibiting the same characteristics also had good results. Coleman interpreted the available data in favour of financial aid to private schools, although this was not the only possible interpretation. An alternative conclusion would have been to encourage these characteristics in public schools. Why did Coleman disregard this possibility? Why did he deviate from his usual scientific rigour? The present article suggests that there appear to be two reasons for the narrow interpretation of the relationship between public and private schools in Coleman's third report. The first lies in Coleman's notion of contemporary society as a constructed system in which every individual actor holds a place in the structure and requires incentives in order to act to the benefit of society. In the case of education, the goal of the institution is to ensure the high cognitive achievement of students, and the incentive is related to choice and competition. The second reason is related to Coleman's vision of sociology as a discipline aiding the construction of an effective society. (DIPF/Orig.)
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Effekte von lernzeitverlängernden Maßnahmen für Grundschülerinnen und Grundschüler in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern mit einer ungünstigen Lernausgangslage zum Zeitpunkt der Einschulung. Dazu wurde über die gesamte Grundschulzeit hinweg die Leistungsentwicklung von 67 Kindern in den Bereichen Lesen und Rechnen erfasst. Bei 19 Kindern wurde eine Lernzeitverlängerung durch Diagnoseförderklassen (DFK) realisiert, bei 18 durch eine Klassenwiederholung (KW) und 30 Kinder lernten in regulären Grundschulklassen (GSK) ohne eine Lernzeitverlängerung. Die Auswertungen der Daten mittels Hierarchisch-linearer Modelle (HLM) weisen auf gleiche Entwicklungsverläufe der drei Untersuchungsgruppen in den Bereichen Lesen und Mathematik hin. Zum Ende der Klasse 4 erreichten die drei Gruppen ähnliche Leistungsniveaus. In allen drei Settings fiel auf, dass die Entwicklung mathematischer Kompetenzen über die Schulzeit hinweg verzögert erfolgte. Ungünstige Lernausgangslagen im Bereich Mathematik konnten den Analysen zufolge durch keine der untersuchten Beschulungsformen ausreichend kompensiert werden. (DIPF/Orig.)
The present study examined the correlations between motivational orientation and students’ academic performance in mathematical problem solving and reading comprehension. The main purpose is to see if students’ intrinsic motivation is related to their actual performance in different subject areas, math and reading. In addition, two different informants, students and teachers, were adopted to check whether the correlation is different by different informants. Pearson’s correlational analysis was a major method, coupled with regression analysis. The result confirmed the significant positive correlation between students’ academic performance and students’ self-report and teacher evaluation on their motivational orientation respectively. Teacher evaluation turned out with more predictive value for the academic achievement in math and reading. Between the subjects, mathematical problem solving showed higher correlation with most of the motivational subscales than reading comprehension did. The highest correlation was found between teacher evaluation on task orientation and students’ mathematical problem solving. The positive relationship between intrinsic motivation and academic achievement was proved. The disparity between students ’ self-report and teacher evaluation on motivational orientation was also addressed with the need of further examination.
The Education Oversight Committee, working with the State Board of Education established a comprehensive annual report concerning the performance of military-connected children who attend primary, elementary, middle, and high schools in this State. The annual comprehensive report addresses attendance, academic performance in reading, math, and science, and graduation rates of military connected children. This report does not address military-connected students educated in Department of Defense schools, private schools and home school settings.
Education is the basis for economic and social development, but there are great inequalities in education and access to documentary resources, audiovisual and technology, a situation that affects school performance. The Organization of the United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) found a correlation between levels of inequality in a country and performance: the greater the inequality, the worse the performance. Investment in education affects human development and benefit is obtained for the individual and society, which is necessary to ensure social equity, so that there is quality education for all. One of the fundamental purposes of the educational process is to train Costa Rican human thinking, analytical and critical of their environment. The purpose of that is acquired through various methods of academic achievement, learning, participation and constant communication of knowledge between the administrative staff, faculty and students. It is appropriate for schools and colleges have a school library or Resource Center for Learning, it is the gathering, analysis and work of the educational community, working with the intellectual growth of students, faculty, staff and community through access to different services and learning resources provided by the library or CRA.
Perturbação de Hiperatividade com Défice de Atenção (PHDA) é um dos distúrbios comportamentais mais frequentes em crianças em idade escolar, tendo apresentado um aumento significativo da sua taxa de prevalência na última década. Afeta de forma significativa o rendimento da criança em vários domínios da sua vida quotidiana, sendo frequentemente acompanhada por uma série de pensamentos negativos sobre si própria e sobre o que a rodeia. Os défices de auto-estima encontrados em grande parte destas crianças, estão associados, em muitos casos, a dificuldades de aprendizagem que se revelam de forma marcante no meio escolar. Digamos que no olhar pedagógico, a hiperatividade infantil está relacionada com deficiências precetivas, comportamentos inapropriados e dificuldades de aprendizagem. Então, crianças com PHDA costumam ter inúmeros problemas de baixa auto-estima, ter baixo desempenho académico, dificuldades sociais, familiares e financeiras. Assim, o diagnóstico e tratamento precoce não visariam apenas o controlo dos sintomas, mas principalmente evitar o impacto deles na vida do indivíduo. Sendo assim, no âmbito deste trabalho, foi efetuado um estudo que visa aferir a influência que a hiperatividade exerce na auto-estima dos alunos.
Student engagement is a key factor in academic achievement and degree completion, though there is much debate about the operationalization and dimensionality of this construct. The goal of this paper is to describe the development of an psycho-educational oriented measure – the University Student Engagement Inventory (USEI). This measure draws on the conceptualization of engagement as a multidimensional construct, including cognitive, behavioural and emotional engagement. Participants were 609 Portuguese University students (67 % female) majoring in Social Sciences, Biological Sciences or Engineering and Exact Sciences. The content, construct and predictive validity, and reliability of the USEI were tested. The validated USEI was composed of 15 items, and supported the tri-factorial structure of student engagement. We documented evidence of adequate reliability, factorial, convergent and discriminant validities. USEI’s concurrent validity, with the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-Student Survey, and the predictive validity for self-reported academic achievement and intention to dropout from school were also observed.
This study was conducted to determine if the use of the technology known as Classroom Performance System (CPS), specifically referred to as “Clickers”, improves the learning gains of students enrolled in a biology course for science majors. CPS is one of a group of developing technologies adapted for providing feedback in the classroom using a learner-centered approach. It supports and facilitates discussion among students and between them and teachers, and provides for participation by passive students. Advocates, influenced by constructivist theories, claim increased academic achievement. In science teaching, the results have been mixed, but there is some evidence of improvements in conceptual understanding. The study employed a pretest-posttest, non-equivalent groups experimental design. The sample consisted of 226 participants in six sections of a college biology course at a large community college in South Florida with two instructors trained in the use of clickers. Each instructor randomly selected their sections into CPS (treatment) and non-CPS (control) groups. All participants filled out a survey that included demographic data at the beginning of the semester. The treatment group used clicker questions throughout, with discussions as necessary, whereas the control groups answered the same questions as quizzes, similarly engaging in discussion where necessary. The learning gains were assessed on a pre/post-test basis. The average learning gains, defined as the actual gain divided by the possible gain, were slightly better in the treatment group than in the control group, but the difference was statistically non-significant. An Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) statistic with pretest scores as the covariate was conducted to test for significant differences between the treatment and control groups on the posttest. A second ANCOVA was used to determine the significance of differences between the treatment and control groups on the posttest scores, after controlling for sex, GPA, academic status, experience with clickers, and instructional style. The results indicated a small increase in learning gains but these were not statistically significant. The data did not support an increase in learning based on the use of the CPS technology. This study adds to the body of research that questions whether CPS technology merits classroom adaptation.
This symposium will discuss the expansion of The Education Effect – Booker T. Washington, as a university community school partnership designed to engage urban youth for college and career readiness. The partnership is focused on developing collective impact and capacity for academic achievement, social success and college completion. The partnership aligns university expertise, resources and evidenced based strategies to address educational needs through the improvement of teaching and learning; increase graduation rate and parental involvement.
A presente investigação procura fomentar a reflexão e a compreensão do fenómeno da adaptação escolar. Partindo da exploração da literatura e de um conjunto de pressupostos teóricos de ordem desenvolvimental e ecológica, foi concetualmente delineado e testado um modelo multidimensional de adaptação escolar na pré-adolescência. O modelo examina principalmente dimensões sociais, mas também a dimensão académica e o nível socioeconómico familiar, propondo uma visão integrada da adaptação escolar. O estudo empírico desenvolveu-se junto de 706 estudantes pré-adolescentes e avaliou as perceções do próprio estudante e as perceções dos professores e pares acerca da competência social dos estudantes. O teste empírico ao Modelo de Adaptação Escolar evidencia um ajustamento global razoável, suportando as associações preconizadas entre as componentes da competência social e entre estas componentes sociais e a realização académica e o nível socioeconómico e cultural da família. Estes resultados sublinham a necessidade de considerar múltiplas facetas na avaliação e promoção da adaptação escolar, reconhecendo-se que esta engloba especialmente conexões entre a competência social e realização académica do estudante. Estes resultados serão ainda alvo de reflexão e discussão, sendo extraídas implicações para a investigação, teoria e intervenção.
Quando a criança chega à sala de aula, já traz consigo uma «bagagem» de comportamentos aprendidos no contexto familiar, nas interações com professores anteriores, com pares, ou noutros contextos em que se encontra inserida. Essa diversidade de comportamentos espelha-se no conjunto de alunos que constituem uma turma, os quais assumem características específicas que, por vezes, determinam a sua sinalização para intervenção psicoterapêutica, e que se encontram num mesmo contexto de sala de aula, em que outros alunos, não sinalizados para a referida intervenção, também estão. Por outro lado, os fatores afetivos e o estilo de liderança adotados pelo professor exercem um papel determinante na motivação, no desempenho académico e na forma como os alunos encaram a aprendizagem. Este estudo remete-nos para as principais perspetivas teóricas em torno do desenvolvimento e da aprendizagem, para o conceito de vinculação e socialização e para os diferentes estilos educativos. Abordamos também a importância da gestão de sala de aula e de adotar práticas pedagógicas baseadas no reforço positivo, promotoras do desenvolvimento de perceções positivas por parte dos alunos, relativamente ao professor. Estas são uma mais-valia neste processo, constituindo uma alavanca para a aprendizagem, fazendo a diferença na perceção entre um professor «facilitador», exímio na arte de promover as capacidades de um aluno e um professor considerado «obstáculo», capaz de o demover das suas realizações e expetativas. A presente investigação é do tipo quantitativo, não-experimental, na qual participaram 48 alunos, distribuídos por duas categorias (13 alunos sinalizados para avaliação psicoterapêutica e 35 alunos não sinalizados para avaliação psicoterapêutica). vi Na recolha de dados foram utilizados instrumentos qualitativos (análise documental dos relatórios técnico pedagógicos, programas educativos individuais e relatórios psicológicos dos alunos) e quantitativos (inquéritos por questionário), utilizando-se, portanto, a triangulação de métodos, a qual permitiu um descrição mais completa do fenómeno em estudo. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que, se tivermos em consideração as dimensões ou subescalas do questionário da interação do professor, existem diferenças na perceção da relação interpessoal com o professor entre alunos sinalizados e não sinalizados para intervenção psicoterapêutica.
This research aims to understand the relative contribution of leadership styles and teacher-student and student-student pedagogical interaction concerning learning performance and academic achievement in Physical Education. A quantitative methodology was implemented, comprising a sample of 447 students attending a school grouping located in the coastal region of central Portugal. In order to verify the nature, the strength and the direction of the relations among the variables, correlation and multiple regression analyses were used. For this, scales already validated and used in other researches were applied. The results show that the learning performance and the academic achievement are significantly associated with teacher leadership styles and teacher-student and student-student pedagogical interaction. A stronger association was obtained with leadership styles, especially the democratic one. It should be mentioned that these factors provide a higher relative contribution to the learning performance than to the academic achievement. The analysis conducted highlights the importance of the democratic teacher leadership style and of the pedagogical interaction established within the classroom towards the improvement of students’ ability to understand the gains and the effort made in learning.
The perceptions about school play a central role in behavior, performance and learning outcomes. There is evidence that an improvement in emotional skills is associated with a higher school success. The aim of this paper is to know the relationship between internalizing and externalizing behaviors, emotional skills and academic success of students of the 3rd cycle of basic education. In order to promote students social and emotional skills, a pilot study in a School Grouping of the central region (Portugal) was carried out. It was made a diagnosis of disruptive behavior (ASEBA) and identified 6 children aged between 12 and 14 years old and followed by 3 focus groups with students, parents, and teachers, respectively. Six students mostly male were identified, with the predominance of externalizing behaviors and academic failure. They don’t like school and have no motivation for learning. The relationship between parents and teachers is conflictive. All parents have the utmost concern academic success and teachers perceived good practices, but without success. This program is seen in a perspective of empowerment of the educational agents to manage various environments and relationships. The results point to the importance of the systemic intervention program on the improvement of the social and emotional competences and academic achievement.