681 resultados para Daughter
La ricerca Il rapporto madre-figlia nelle letterature femminili maghrebine (1980-2010) comprende due sezioni: la prima analizza le principali caratteristiche del mondo maghrebino femminile e le peculiarità della scrittura dell’intellettuale nord-africana, la seconda è incentrata sull’analisi testuale dei romanzi maghrebini femminili più rappresentativi. Il lavoro di analisi verte sullo studio di varie autrici maghrebine che coprono un vasto ventaglio temporale: dal 1980 al 2010. Di ogni autrice vengono analizzati i romanzi in cui è possibile rinvenire la tematica oggetto della tesi: il rapporto madre-figlia. I romanzi studiati sono raggruppati secondo quattro macro direttrici tematiche: i romanzi in cui il rapporto filiale è caratterizzato dalla violenza; le opere in cui il rapporto madre-figlia è caratterizzato dall’assenza fisica della genitrice; i romanzi in cui il rapporto filiale è caratterizzato dall’incomprensione ed infine le produzioni in cui la relazionalità madre-figlia è caratterizzata da un rapporto di amore e sostegno reciproco.
Der radiative Zerfall eines Hyperons in ein leichteres Hyperon und ein Photon erlaubt eine Untersuchung der Struktur der elektroschwachen Wechselwirkung von Hadronen. Dazu wird die Zerfallsasymmetrie $alpha$ betrachtet. Sie beschreibt die Verteilung des Tochterhyperons bezüglich der Polarisation $vec{P}$ des Mutterhyperons mit $dN / d cos(Theta) propto 1 + alpha |vec{P}| cos(Theta)$, wobei $Theta$ der Winkel zwischen $vec{P}$ und dem Impuls des Tochterhyperons ist. Von besonderem Interesse ist der radiative Zerfall $Xi^0 to Lambda gamma$, für den alle Rechnungen auf Quarkniveau eine positive Asymmetrie vorhersagen, wohingegen bisher eine negative Asymmetrie von $alpha_{Lambda gamma} = -0,73 +- 0,17$ gemessen wurde. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die bisherigen Messungen zu überprüfen und die Asymmetrie mit einer deutlich höheren Präzision zu bestimmen. Ferner wurden die Zerfallsasymmetrie des radiativen Zerfalls $Xi^0 to Sigma^0 gamma$ ermittelt und zum Test der angewandten Analysemethode der gut bekannte Zerfall $Xi^0 to Lambda pi^0$ herangezogen. Während der Datennahme im Jahr 2002 zeichnete das NA48/1-Experiment am CERN gezielt seltene $K_S$- und Hyperonzerfälle auf. Damit konnte der weltweit größte Datensatz an $Xi^0$-Zerfällen gewonnen werden, aus dem etwa 52.000 $Xi^0 to Lambda gamma$-Zerfälle, 15.000 $Xi^0 to Sigma^0 gamma$-Zerfälle und 4 Mill. $Xi^0 to Lambda pi^0$-Zerfälle mit nur geringem Untergrund extrahiert wurden. Ebenso wurden die entsprechenden $antiXi$-Zerfälle mit etwa einem Zehntel der obigen Ereigniszahlen registriert. Die Bestimmung der Zerfallsasymmetrien erfolgte durch den Vergleich der gemessene Daten mit einer detaillierten Detektorsimulation und führte zu den folgenden Resultaten dieser Arbeit: $alpha_{Lambda gamma} = -0,701 +- 0,019_{stat} +- 0,064_{sys}$, $alpha_{Sigma^0 gamma} = -0,683 +- 0,032_{stat} +- 0,077_{sys}$, $alpha_{Lambda pi^0} = -0,439 +- 0,002_{stat} +- 0,056_{sys}$, $alpha_{antiLambda gamma} = 0,772 +- 0,064_{stat} +- 0,066_{sys}$, $alpha_{antiSigma^0 gamma} = 0,811 +- 0,103_{stat} +- 0,135_{sys}$, $alpha_{antiLambda pi^0} = 0,451 +- 0,005_{stat} +- 0,057_{sys}$. Somit konnte die Unsicherheit der $Xi^0 to Lambda gamma$-Zerfallsasymmetrie auf etwa ein Drittel reduziert werden. Ihr negatives Vorzeichen und damit der Widerspruch zu den Vorhersagen der Quarkmodellrechnungen ist so zweifelsfrei bestätigt. Mit den zum ersten Mal gemessenen $antiXi$-Asymmetrien konnten zusätzlich Grenzen auf eine mögliche CP-Verletzung in den $Xi^0$-Zerfällen, die $alpha_{Xi^0} neq -alpha_{antiXi}$ zur Folge hätte, bestimmt werden.
Die wichtigsten Bestandteile des Cytoskeletts in pflanzlichen Zellen sind die Actinfilamente und die Mikrotubuli. Die Mikrotubuli spielen in der Organisation und der Morphogenese von pflanzlichen Zellen eine wichtige Rolle. Sie sind zusammen mit den Cellulosefibrillen an der Formgebung der Pflanzenzelle beteiligt. Sie bilden das Präprophaseband, das die Zellteilungsebene bestimmt und die Mitosespindel, die für die Trennung der Chromosomen sorgt, sowie den Phragmoplasten, der die Zellwand zwischen den Tochterzellen bildet. Weiterhin geben die Mikrotubuli durch Interaktion mit den Cellulose-Synthase-Komplexen die Richtung der Zellexpansion vor (GRANGER und CYR, 2001; LLOYD und CHAN, 2002; BASKIN, 2002). Die Mikrotubuli sind auch an der Stabilisierung der Zellform und an Transportprozessen beteiligt. Als Bestandteil der Mikrotubuli-organisierenden Zentren (MTOCs) wurde das γ-Tubulin identifiziert, das sehr wahrscheinlich an der Nukleation der Mikrotubuli beteiligt ist, indem es die Assemblierung der αβ-Tubulindimere zu Mikrotubuli einleitet. In tierischen Zellen ist durch intensive Forschung inzwischen relativ viel über die Funktion von γ-Tubulin, vor allem im Verlauf der Zellteilung bekannt, wie z. B. die Lokalisation in Centrosomen mit ihren paarweise angeordneten Centriolen, die die MTOCs darstellen. In pflanzlichen Zellen sind bisher nur wenige Funktionen des Proteins hinreichend geklärt. Die höheren Pflanzen besitzen keine Centriolen und keine Centrosomen. Über die Zellteilung hinaus gibt es kaum Anhaltspunkte über das Vorhandensein oder eventuelle Aufgaben von γ-Tubulin in expandierenden und voll expandierten Zellkulturen und Pflanzengeweben. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Expression über PCR und die Messung des Proteingehalts von cytoskelett-relevanten Proteinen in den Entwicklungsstadien der Zellsuspensionskultur (BY-2) und von Blattstadien der Tabakpflanze (SR1) von Nicotiana tabacum gemessen. Primäres Ziel war es eine Aussage zu erhalten, in welchem Ausmaß γ-Tubulin in expandierenden und voll expandierten Zellen noch exprimiert wird und ob bzw. wie eine Regulation (transkriptionell oder posttranskriptionell) des γ-Tubulins in der Pflanze stattfindet. Für den Nachweis des γ-Tubulins auf der Proteinebene wurde ein pflanzenspezifischer γ-Tubulin Antikörper zu entwickelt. Bei diesem Antikörper handelte es sich um einen polyklonalen Antikörper, der spezifisch gegen eine Sequenz in pflanzlichem γ-Tubulin gerichtet ist. Dabei zeigte der in der Arbeit entwickelte Antikörper gegen die pflanzliche JOSHI-Domäne spezifische Signale. Der erfolgte Nachweis von γ-Tubulin auf der Proteinebene und der Transkripte zeigte bis in die ältesten untersuchten Stadien der Zellsuspensionskultur (BY-2) und in Geweben der Blattstadien der Tabakpflanze (SR1) deutliche Signale für γ-Tubulin. Es war somit nicht nur in meristematisch aktiven Zellen und Geweben von Nicotiana tabacum, sondern auch in nichtmitotischen Zellen und Geweben vorhanden. Hierbei war über die Phasen der Zellteilung und der Zellformgebung hinweg auf beiden Ebenen eine parallele Entwicklung mit relativ konstanten starken Signalen zu beobachten. Nach dem Einstellen der Teilungsaktivität fiel der Gehalt an mRNA deutlich ab. Dabei nahm die Konzentration des Proteins im Vergleich zur mRNA zeitlich verzögert ab. Diese Ergebnisse bei der Zellsuspensionskultur (BY-2) und Tabakpflanze (SR1) gehen mit der möglichen Nukleationstätigkeit des Proteins konform. Es waren geringere aber doch deutlichen Signale bei Absterbenden Zellen der Zellkultur, bzw. bei expandierenden und voll expandierten und seneszenten Blättern der Tabakpflanze (SR1) nachzuweisen. Dies lässt die Folgerung zu, dass die nachgewiesene mRNA von γ-Tubulin nicht posttranskriptionell reguliert wird, sondern dass das γ-Tubulin auch eine wichtige Rolle außerhalb der Zellteilung in den postmitotischen Stadien, z. B. als organisierender Faktor bei der Umgestaltung oder Stabilisierung des Mikrotubuli-Cytoskeletts, spielt. Der γ-Tubulin-Gehalt in den Geweben der SR1-Pflanze zeigte über die Zellkultur hinaus, dass die Expression von α-Tubulin nach Einstellen der Teilungsaktivität kontinuierlich abnimmt. Dieses Ergebnis legt die Vermutung nahe, dass γ-Tubulin in älteren Blattgeweben zusätzliche Aufgaben übernehmen könnte, die nicht auf eine gleichzeitige Expression von α-Tubulin angewiesen sind. So kann beispielsweise eine Beteiligung von γ-Tubulin an der Stabilisierung der Mikrotubuli, und damit einhergehend eine Abnahme der dynamischen Instabilität dieser Filamente, eine denkbare Funktion des Proteins in expandierendem und voll expandiertem Gewebe sein. Die Aufgaben von γ-Tubulin in sehr altem Gewebe mit deutlichen Anzeichen der Seneszenz können allerdings nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Forschung nicht eindeutig beantwortet werden und bedürfen weitergehenden Untersuchungen, da dadurch ein die Komplexität und die Dynamik des pflanzlichen Cytoskeletts geklärt werden kann.
A fair number of Cicero's letters reveal his concern for his daughter Tullia and his son Marcus. Recent scholarship has read these letters as evidence for a ‘natural’ emotional attachment of a father to his children, in reaction to Philippe Ariès's opposite claim. This chapter considers whether Cicero's letters can be analysed only as expressions of paternal affection. The fact that the pater familias Cicero occupies a political position simultaneously in his nuclear family, his domus, and the Senate, results in a concern for his prestige within the social field of the aristocracy. And this concern is necessarily conferred upon his support of the education and the social and political career of his children. The chapter traces the gender-specific differences between Cicero's treatment of Tullia and Marcus, shows the social construction of parental affection, and contributes to a further understanding of the different functions of daughters and sons in the social force field of family memory.
The liver stage of the Plasmodium parasite remains one of the most promising targets for intervention against malaria as it is clinically silent, precedes the symptomatic blood stage and represents a bottleneck in the parasite life cycle. However, many aspects of the development of the parasite during this stage are far from understood. During the liver stage, the parasite undergoes extensive replication, forming tens of thousands of infectious merozoites from each invading sporozoite. This implies a very efficient and accurate process of cytokinesis and thus also of organelle development and segregation. We have generated for the first time Plasmodium berghei double-fluorescent parasite lines, allowing visualization of the apicoplast, mitochondria and nuclei in live liver stage parasites. Using these we have seen that in parallel with nuclear division, the apicoplast and mitochondrion become two extensively branched and intertwining structures. The organelles then undergo impressive morphological and positional changes prior to cell division. To form merozoites, the parasite undergoes cytokinesis and the complex process of organelle development and segregation into the forming daughter merozoites could be analysed in detail using the newly generated transgenic parasites.
In summer 1866 the Austro-Prussian struggle for supremacy in Germany erupted into open conflict. King Georg V of Hanover sided with other governments loyal to the German Confederation against Prussia, but after initially defeating Prussian forces at Langensalza, he was forced to capitulate. Two days after the battle, on June 29, 1866, the widow of the Hanoverian general Sir Georg Julius von Hartmann told her daughter in no uncertain terms how she felt about the Prussian government and its allies. In her opinion they were nothing more than “robber states” that cloaked their disregard for the Ten Commandments in sanctimonious public displays of piety. “These Protestant Jesuits,” she continued, “offend me more than the Catholic ones. You know that I am German with all my heart and love my Germany, but I cannot consider them genuine Germans anymore because they only want to make Germany Prussian.”
The protozoan parasite Theileria inhabits the host cell cytoplasm and possesses the unique capacity to transform the cells it infects, inducing continuous proliferation and protection against apoptosis. The transforming schizont is a multinucleated syncytium that resides free in the host cell cytoplasm and is strictly intracellular. To maintain transformation, it is crucial that this syncytium is divided over the two daughter cells at each host cell cytokinesis. This process was dissected using different cell cycle synchronization methods in combination with the targeted application of specific inhibitors. We found that Theileria schizonts associate with newly formed host cell microtubules that emanate from the spindle poles, positioning the parasite at the equatorial region of the mitotic cell where host cell chromosomes assemble during metaphase. During anaphase, the schizont interacts closely with host cell central spindle. As part of this process, the schizont recruits a host cell mitotic kinase, Polo-like kinase 1, and we established that parasite association with host cell central spindles requires Polo-like kinase 1 catalytic activity. Blocking the interaction between the schizont and astral as well as central spindle microtubules prevented parasite segregation between the daughter cells during cytokinesis. Our findings provide a striking example of how an intracellular eukaryotic pathogen that evolved ways to induce the uncontrolled proliferation of the cells it infects usurps the host cell mitotic machinery, including Polo-like kinase 1, one of the pivotal mitotic kinases, to ensure its own persistence and survival.
A major unresolved question in developmental neurobiology is how the nervous system is adapted to the specific needs of the organism at different life stages. In the holometabolous insect Drosophila melanogaster, the larval ventral nervous system (VNS) is comprised of similar repeating segments, as opposed to the adult VNS, which varies greatly from segment to segment both in number and types of neurons. The adult-specific neurons of each segment are generated by 25 distinct types of neuronal progenitor cells called neuroblasts (NBs) that appear in a stereotyped array (Truman et al., 2004). Each NB divides repeatedly to produce a distinct set of daughter cells termed a lineage, which is bilaterally symmetric but present to varying degrees in each segment. These daughter cells can be distinguished by their position within the nervous system as well as by their axonal projections. Each of the 25 NBs produces neurons; if both daughter cells are present in a lineage then both sibling populations survived, whereas if only one projection is seen cell death occurred, leaving a hemilineage (half lineage). In some lineages, the same sibling type survives in all segments in which the lineage appears, but in others, the surviving sibling type varies across segments, resulting in a different morphology for the same lineage in different segments. How are these differences in survival and morphology controlled? The Hox genes provide positional information for developing structures along the anterior-posterior (AP) axis of animals. They encode transcription factors, thereby controlling the activity of genes down stream. In the postembryonic VNS, each NB lineage features its own characteristic expression pattern of Hox genes Antp and Ubx, which can vary from segment-to-segment, and can thereby cause variation in the number of neural cells and axonal projections that survive. This study defines the wild-type expression pattern of Antp and elucidates the role of Antp in gain of function studies. These studies are possible due to the MARCM (Mosaic Analysis with a Repressible Cell Marker) method, which allows the genetically manipulated cells to be specifically labeled in an otherwise normal, unlabeled organism. The results indicate that Antp is expressed in a segment-, lineage-, and hemilineage-specific manner. Antp is sufficient for both anterior and posterior transformations of particular lineages, including promotion of cell death and/or survival as well as axon guidance.
OBJECTIVE: During postnatal development, mammalian articular cartilage acts as a surface growth plate for the underlying epiphyseal bone. Concomitantly, it undergoes a fundamental process of structural reorganization from an immature isotropic to a mature (adult) anisotropic architecture. However, the mechanism underlying this structural transformation is unknown. It could involve either an internal remodelling process, or complete resorption followed by tissue neoformation. The aim of this study was to establish which of these two alternative tissue reorganization mechanisms is physiologically operative. We also wished to pinpoint the articular cartilage source of the stem cells for clonal expansion and the zonal location of the chondrocyte pool with high proliferative activity. METHODS: The New Zealand white rabbit served as our animal model. The analysis was confined to the high-weight-bearing (central) areas of the medial and lateral femoral condyles. After birth, the articular cartilage layer was evaluated morphologically at monthly intervals from the first to the eighth postnatal month, when this species attains skeletal maturity. The overall height of the articular cartilage layer at each juncture was measured. The growth performance of the articular cartilage layer was assessed by calcein labelling, which permitted an estimation of the daily growth rate of the epiphyseal bone and its monthly length-gain. The slowly proliferating stem-cell pool was identified immunohistochemically (after labelling with bromodeoxyuridine), and the rapidly proliferating chondrocyte population by autoradiography (after labelling with (3)H-thymidine). RESULTS: The growth activity of the articular cartilage layer was highest 1 month after birth. It declined precipitously between the first and third months, and ceased between the third and fourth months, when the animal enters puberty. The structural maturation of the articular cartilage layer followed a corresponding temporal trend. During the first 3 months, when the articular cartilage layer is undergoing structural reorganization, the net length-gain in the epiphyseal bone exceeded the height of the articular cartilage layer. This finding indicates that the postnatal reorganization of articular cartilage from an immature isotropic to a mature anisotropic structure is not achieved by a process of internal remodelling, but by the resorption and neoformation of all zones except the most superficial (stem-cell) one. The superficial zone was found to consist of slowly dividing stem cells with bidirectional mitotic activity. In the horizontal direction, this zone furnishes new stem cells that replenish the pool and effect a lateral expansion of the articular cartilage layer. In the vertical direction, the superficial zone supplies the rapidly dividing, transit-amplifying daughter-cell pool that feeds the transitional and upper radial zones during the postnatal growth phase of the articular cartilage layer. CONCLUSIONS: During postnatal development, mammalian articular cartilage fulfils a dual function, viz., it acts not only as an articulating layer but also as a surface growth plate. In the lapine model, this growth activity ceases at puberty (3-4 months of age), whereas that of the true (metaphyseal) growth plate continues until the time of skeletal maturity (8 months). Hence, the two structures are regulated independently. The structural maturation of the articular cartilage layer coincides temporally with the cessation of its growth activity - for the radial expansion and remodelling of the epiphyseal bone - and with sexual maturation. That articular cartilage is physiologically reorganized by a process of tissue resorption and neoformation, rather than by one of internal remodelling, has important implications for the functional engineering and repair of articular cartilage tissue.
We report on a father and daughter with hand-foot-genital syndrome (HFGS) with typical skeletal and genitourinary anomalies due to a 14-residue polyalanine expansion in HOXA13. This is the largest (32 residues) polyalanine tract so far described for any polyalanine mutant protein. Polyalanine expansion results in protein misfolding, cytoplasmic aggregation and degradation; however, HOXA13 polyalanine expansions appear to act as loss of function mutations in contrast to gain of function for HOXD13 polyalanine expansions. To address this paradox we examined the cellular consequences of polyalanine expansions on HOXA13 protein using COS cell transfection and immunocytochemistry. HOXA13 polyalanine expansion proteins form cytoplasmic aggregates, and distribution between cytoplasmic aggregates or the nucleus is polyalanine tract size-dependent. Geldanamycin, an Hsp90 inhibitor, reduces the steady-state abundance of all polyalanine-expanded proteins in transfected cells. We also found that wild-type HOXA13 or HOXD13 proteins are sequestered in HOXA13 polyalanine expansion cytoplasmic aggregates. Thus, the difference between HOXA13 polyalanine expansion loss-of-function and HOXD13 polyalanine expansion dominant-negative effect is not the ability to aggregate wild-type group 13 paralogs but perhaps to variation in activities associated with refolding, aggregation or degradation of the proteins.
In most mammals, dispersal rates are higher in males than in females. Using behavioural and genetic data of individually marked bats, we show that this general pattern is reversed in the greater sac-winged bat (Saccopteryx bilineata). Dispersal is significantly female biased and male philopatry in combination with rare male immigration causes a patrilineal colony structure. Female dispersal helps avoid father-daughter inbreeding, as male tenure exceeds female age at first breeding in this bat species. Furthermore, our data suggest that females may engage in extra-harem copulations to mate with genetically dissimilar males, and thus avoid their male descendants as mating partners. Acquaintance with the natal colony might facilitate territory takeover since male sac-winged bats queue for harem access. Given the virtual absence of male immigration and the possible lower reproductive success of dispersing males, we argue that enhancing the likelihood of settlement of male descendants could be adaptive despite local mate competition. We conclude that resource defence by males is important in promoting male philopatry, and argue that the potential overlap of male tenure and female first conception is the driving force for females to disperse.
This dissertation seeks to contribute to film, feminist and Latino/a studies by exploring the construction and ideological implications of representations of Latinas in four recent, popular U.S. films: Girlfight (Kusama 2000), Maid in Manhattan (Wang 2002), Real Women Have Curves (Cardoso 2002) and Spanglish (Brooks 2004). These films were released following a time of tremendous growth in the population and the political and economic strength of the Latina/o community as well as a rise in popularity and visibility in the 1990s of entertainers like Selena and actresses such as Jennifer Lopez and Salma Hayek. Drawing on the critical concepts of hybridity, Latinidad, and Bakhtinian dialogism, I analyze these films from a cultural and historical perspective to consider whether and to what degree, assuming changes in the situation of Latinas/os in the 1990’s, representations of Latinas have also changed. Specifically, in this dissertation I consider the ways in which the terrain of the Latina body is articulated in these films in relation to competing societal, cultural and familial conflicts, focusing on the body as a site of struggle where relationships collide, interact and are negotiated. In this dissertation I argue that most of the representations of Latinas in these films defy easy categorization, featuring complex characters grappling with economic issues, intergenerational differences, abuse, mother-daughter relationships, notions of beauty, familial expectations and the very real tensions between Latina/o cultural beliefs and practices and the dominant Anglo culture of the United States. Specifically, I argue that narrative and visual representation of Latina bodies in these films reflects a change in the Latinas offered for consumption to film viewers, presenting us with what some critics have called ‘emergent’ Latinas: conflicted and multilayered representations that in some cases challenge dominant ideologies and offer new demonstrations of Latina agency.
The dramatic period of progressive change in Montana that is documented "In the Crucible of Change" series really exploded with the election of Governors Forrest Anderson and Tom Judge. Anderson's single term saw the dispatching of the sales tax as an issue for a long period, the reorganization of the executive branch of state government and the revision of Montana's Constitution. As a former legislator, county attorney, Supreme Court justice, and Attorney General, Anderson brought unmatched experience to the governorship when elected. Tom Judge, although much younger (elected MT’s youngest governor at age 38 immediately following Anderson), also brought serious experience to the governorship: six years as a MT State Representative, two years as a MT State Senator, four years is Lieutenant Governor and significant business experience. The campaign and election of John F. Kennedy in 1960 spurred other young Americans to service, including Tom Judge. First elected in 1960, he rose rapidly through MT’s political-governmental hierarchy until he took over the governorship in time to implement many of the changes started in Governor Anderson’s term. But as a strong progressive leader in his own right, Governor Judge sponsored and implemented significant advancements of his own for Montana. Those accomplishments, however, are the subject of other films in this series. This film deals with Tom Judge’s early years – his rise to the governorship from when he returned home after college at Notre Dame and newspaper experience in Kentucky to his actual election in November 1972. That story is discussed in this episode by three major players in the effort, all directly involved in Tom Judge’s early years and path to the governorship: Sidney Armstrong, Larry Pettit and Kent Kleinkopf. Their recollections of the early Tom Judge and the period of his advancement to the governorship provide an insider’s perspective of the growth of this significant leader of the important period of progressive change documented “In the Crucible of Change.” Sidney Armstrong, President of Sidney Armstrong Consulting, serves on the board and as the Executive Director of the Greater Montana Foundation. Formerly Executive Director of the Montana Community Foundation (MCF), she has served on national committees and participated in national foundation initiatives. While at MCF, she worked extensively with MT Governors Racicot and Martz on the state charitable endowment tax credit and other endowed philanthropy issues. A member of MT Governor Thomas L. Judge’s staff in the 1970s, she was also part of Governor Brian Schweitzer’s 2004 Transition Team, continuing to serve as a volunteer advisor during his term. In the 1980s, Sidney also worked for the MT State AFL-CIO and the MT Democratic Party as well as working two sessions with the MT Senate as Assistant Secretary of the Senate and aide to the President. A Helena native, and great granddaughter of pioneer Montanans, Sidney has served on numerous nonprofit boards, and is currently a board member for the Montana History Foundation. Recently she served on the board of the Holter Museum of Art and was a Governor’s appointee to the Humanities Montana board. She is a graduate of the International School of Geneva, Switzerland and the University of Montana. Armstrong's Irish maternal immigrant great-grandparents, Thomas and Maria Cahill Cooney, came to Virginia City, MT in a covered wagon in 1865, looking for gold. Eventually, they settled on the banks of the Missouri River outside Helena as ranchers. She also has roots in Butte, MT, where her journalist father's family, both of whom were newspaper people, lived. Her father, Richard K. O’Malley, is also the author of a well-known book about Butte, Mile High, Mile Deep, recently re-published by Russell Chatham. She is the mother of four and the grandmother of eight. Dr. Lawrence K. Pettit (Larry Pettit) (b. 5/2/1937) has had a dual career in politics and higher education. In addition to being Montana’s first Commissioner of Higher Education (the subject of another film in this series); Pettit, of Lewistown, served as legislative assistant to U.S. Senators James E. Murray and Lee Metcalf, campaign manager, head of transition team and assistant to Montana Governor Thomas L. Judge; taught political science at The Pennsylvania State University (main campus), was chair of political science at Montana State University, Deputy Commissioner for Academic Programs at the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Chancellor of the University System of South Texas (since merged with Texas A&M University), President of Southern Illinois University, and President of Indiana University of Pennsylvania from where he retired in 2003. He has served as chair of the Commission on Leadership for the American Council on Education, president of the National Association of (University) System Heads, and on many national and state boards and commissions in higher education. Pettit is author of “If You Live by the Sword: Politics in the Making and Unmaking of a University President.” More about Pettit is found at http://www.lawrencekpettit.com… Kent Kleinkopf of Missoula is co-founder of a firm with a national scope of business that specializes in litigation consultation, expert vocational testimony, and employee assistance programs. His partner (and wife of 45 years) Kathy, is an expert witness in the 27 year old business. Kent received a BA in History/Education from the University of Idaho and an MA in Economics from the University of Utah. The Kleinkopfs moved to Helena, MT in 1971 where he was Assistant to the Commissioner of State Lands (later Governor) Ted Schwinden. In early 1972 Kent volunteered full time in Lt. Governor Tom Judge’s campaign for Governor, driving the Lt. Governor extensively throughout Montana. After Judge was elected governor, Kent briefly joined the staff of Governor Forrest Anderson, then in 1973 transitioned to Judge’s Governor’s Office staff, where he became Montana’s first “Citizens’ Advocate.” In that capacity he fielded requests for assistance from citizens with concerns and information regarding State Agencies. While on the Governor’s staff, Kent continued as a travel aide with the governor both in Montana and nationally. In 1977 Kent was appointed Director of the MT Department of Business Regulation. That role included responsibility as Superintendent of Banking and Chairman of the State Banking Board, where Kent presided over the chartering of many banks, savings and loans, and credit unions. In 1981 the Kleinkopfs moved to Missoula and went into the business they run today. Kent was appointed by Governor Brian Schweitzer to the Board of the Montana Historical Society in 2006, was reappointed and continues to serve. Kathy and Kent have a daughter and son-in-law in Missoula.
One-hundred years ago, in 1914, male voters in Montana (MT) extended suffrage (voting rights) to women six years before the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified and provided that right to women in all states. The long struggle for women’s suffrage was energized in the progressive era and Jeanette Rankin of Missoula emerged as a leader of the campaign; in 1912 both major MT political party platforms supported women suffrage. In the 1914 election, 41,000 male voters supported woman suffrage while nearly 38,000 opposed it. MT was not only ahead of the curve on women suffrage, but just two years later in 1916 elected Jeanette Rankin as the first woman ever elected to the United States Congress. Rankin became a national leader for women's equality. In her commitment to equality, she opposed US entry into World War I, partially because she said she could not support men being made to go to war if women were not allowed to serve alongside them. During MT’s initial progressive era, women in MT not only pursued equality for themselves (the MT Legislature passed an equal pay act in 1919), but pursued other social improvements, such as temperance/prohibition. Well-known national women leaders such as Carrie Nation and others found a welcome in MT during the period. Women's role in the trade union movement was evidenced in MT by the creation of the Women's Protective Union in Butte, the first union in America dedicated solely to women workers. But Rankin’s defeat following her vote against World War I was used as a way for opponents to advocate a conservative, traditionalist perspective on women's rights in MT. Just as we then entered a period in MT where the “copper collar” was tightened around MT economically and politically by the Anaconda Company and its allies, we also found a different kind of conservative, traditionalist collar tightened around the necks of MT women. The recognition of women's role during World War II, represented by “Rosie the Riveter,” made it more difficult for that conservative, traditionalist approach to be forever maintained. In addition, women's role in MT agriculture – family farms and ranches -- spoke strongly to the concept of equality, as farm wives were clearly active partners in the agricultural enterprises. But rural MT was, by and large, the bastion of conservative values relative to the position of women in society. As the period of “In the Crucible of Change” began, the 1965 MT Legislature included only three women. In 1967 and 1969 only one woman legislator served. In 1971 the number went up to two, including one of our guests, Dorothy Bradley. It was only after the Constitutional Convention, which featured 19 women delegates, that the barrier was broken. The 1973 Legislature saw 9 women elected. The 1975 and 1977 sessions had 14 women legislators; 15 were elected for the 1979 session. At that time progressive women and men in the Legislature helped implement the equality provisions of the new MT Constitution, ratified the federal Equal Rights Amendment in 1974, and held back national and local conservatives forces which sought in later Legislatures to repeal that ratification. As with the national movement at the time, MT women sought and often succeeded in adopting legal mechanisms that protected women’s equality, while full equality in the external world remained (and remains) a treasured objective. The story of the re-emergence of Montana’s women’s movement in the 1970s is discussed in this chapter by three very successful and prominent women who were directly involved in the effort: Dorothy Bradley, Marilyn Wessel, and Jane Jelinski. Their recollections of the political, sociological and cultural path Montana women pursued in the 1970s and the challenges and opposition they faced provide an insider’s perspective of the battle for equality for women under the Big Sky “In the Crucible of Change.” Dorothy Bradley grew up in Bozeman, Montana; received her Bachelor of Arts Phi Beta Kappa from Colorado College, Colorado Springs, in 1969 with a Distinction in Anthropology; and her Juris Doctor from American University in Washington, D.C., in 1983. In 1970, at the age of 22, following the first Earth Day and running on an environmental platform, Ms. Bradley won a seat in the 1971 Montana House of Representatives where she served as the youngest member and only woman. Bradley established a record of achievement on environmental & progressive legislation for four terms, before giving up the seat to run a strong second to Pat Williams for the Democratic nomination for an open seat in Montana’s Western Congressional District. After becoming an attorney and an expert on water law, she returned to the Legislature for 4 more terms in the mid-to-late 1980s. Serving a total of eight terms, Dorothy was known for her leadership on natural resources, tax reform, economic development, and other difficult issues during which time she gained recognition for her consensus-building approach. Campaigning by riding her horse across the state, Dorothy was the Democratic nominee for Governor in 1992, losing the race by less than a percentage point. In 1993 she briefly taught at a small rural school next to the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation. She was then hired as the Director of the Montana University System Water Center, an education and research arm of Montana State University. From 2000 - 2008 she served as the first Gallatin County Court Administrator with the task of collaboratively redesigning the criminal justice system. She currently serves on One Montana’s Board, is a National Advisor for the American Prairie Foundation, and is on NorthWestern Energy’s Board of Directors. Dorothy was recognized with an Honorary Doctorate from her alma mater, Colorado College, was named Business Woman of the Year by the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce and MSU Alumni Association, and was Montana Business and Professional Women’s Montana Woman of Achievement. Marilyn Wessel was born in Iowa, lived and worked in Los Angeles, California, and Washington, D.C. before moving to Bozeman in 1972. She has an undergraduate degree in journalism from Iowa State University, graduate degree in public administration from Montana State University, certification from the Harvard University Institute for Education Management, and served a senior internship with the U.S. Congress, Montana delegation. In Montana Marilyn has served in a number of professional positions, including part-time editor for the Montana Cooperative Extension Service, News Director for KBMN Radio, Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications at Montana State University, Director of University Relations at Montana State University and Dean and Director of the Museum of the Rockies at MSU. Marilyn retired from MSU as Dean Emeritus in 2003. Her past Board Service includes Montana State Merit System Council, Montana Ambassadors, Vigilante Theater Company, Montana State Commission on Practice, Museum of the Rockies, Helena Branch of the Ninth District Federal Reserve Bank, Burton K. Wheeler Center for Public Policy, Bozeman Chamber of Commerce, and Friends of KUSM Public Television. Marilyn’s past publications and productions include several articles on communications and public administration issues as well as research, script preparation and presentation of several radio documentaries and several public television programs. She is co-author of one book, 4-H An American Idea: A History of 4-H. Marilyn’s other past volunteer activities and organizations include Business and Professional Women, Women's Political Caucus, League of Women Voters, and numerous political campaigns. She is currently engaged professionally in museum-related consulting and part-time teaching at Montana State University as well as serving on the Editorial Board of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle and a member of Pilgrim Congregational Church and Family Promise. Marilyn and her husband Tom, a retired MSU professor, live in Bozeman. She enjoys time with her children and grandchildren, hiking, golf, Italian studies, cooking, gardening and travel. Jane Jelinski is a Wisconsin native, with a BA from Fontbonne College in St. Louis, MO who taught fifth and seventh grades prior to moving to Bozeman in 1973. A stay-at-home mom with a five year old daughter and an infant son, she was promptly recruited by the Gallatin Women’s Political Caucus to conduct a study of Sex-Role Stereotyping in K Through 6 Reading Text Books in the Bozeman School District. Sociologist Dr. Louise Hale designed the study and did the statistical analysis and Jane read all the texts, entered the data and wrote the report. It was widely disseminated across Montana and received attention of the press. Her next venture into community activism was to lead the successful effort to downzone her neighborhood which was under threat of encroaching business development. Today the neighborhood enjoys the protections of a Historic Preservation District. During this time she earned her MPA from Montana State University. Subsequently Jane founded the Gallatin Advocacy Program for Developmentally Disabled Adults in 1978 and served as its Executive Director until her appointment to the Gallatin County Commission in 1984, a controversial appointment which she chronicled in the Fall issue of the Gallatin History Museum Quarterly. Copies of the issue can be ordered through: http://gallatinhistorymuseum.org/the-museum-bookstore/shop/. Jane was re-elected three times as County Commissioner, serving fourteen years. She was active in the Montana Association of Counties (MACO) and was elected its President in 1994. She was also active in the National Association of Counties, serving on numerous policy committees. In 1998 Jane resigned from the County Commission 6 months before the end of her final term to accept the position of Assistant Director of MACO, from where she lobbied for counties, provided training and research for county officials, and published a monthly newsletter. In 2001 she became Director of the MSU Local Government Center where she continued to provide training and research for county and municipal officials across MT. There she initiated the Montana Mayors Academy in partnership with MMIA. She taught State and Local Government, Montana Politics and Public Administration in the MSU Political Science Department before retiring in 2008. Jane has been married to Jack for 46 years, has two grown children and three grandchildren.
The apicomplexan parasite Theileria annulata transforms infected host cells, inducing uncontrolled proliferation and clonal expansion of the parasitized cell population. Shortly after sporozoite entry into the target cell, the surrounding host cell membrane is dissolved and an array of host cell microtubules (MTs) surrounds the parasite, which develops into the transforming schizont. The latter does not egress to invade and transform other cells. Instead, it remains tethered to host cell MTs and, during mitosis and cytokinesis, engages the cell's astral and central spindle MTs to secure its distribution between the two daughter cells. The molecular mechanism by which the schizont recruits and stabilizes host cell MTs is not known. MT minus ends are mostly anchored in the MT organizing center, while the plus ends explore the cellular space, switching constantly between phases of growth and shrinkage (called dynamic instability). Assuming the plus ends of growing MTs provide the first point of contact with the parasite, we focused on the complex protein machinery associated with these structures. We now report how the schizont recruits end-binding protein 1 (EB1), a central component of the MT plus end protein interaction network and key regulator of host cell MT dynamics. Using a range of in vitro experiments, we demonstrate that T. annulata p104, a polymorphic antigen expressed on the schizont surface, functions as a genuine EB1-binding protein and can recruit EB1 in the absence of any other parasite proteins. Binding strictly depends on a consensus SxIP motif located in a highly disordered C-terminal region of p104. We further show that parasite interaction with host cell EB1 is cell cycle regulated. This is the first description of a pathogen-encoded protein to interact with EB1 via a bona-fide SxIP motif. Our findings provide important new insight into the mode of interaction between Theileria and the host cell cytoskeleton.