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Alcoholism results in changes in the human brain that reinforce the cycle of craving and dependency, and these changes are manifest in the pattern of expression of proteins in key cells and brain areas. Described here is a proteomics-based approach aimed at determining the identity of proteins in the superior frontal cortex (SFC) of the human brain that show different levels of expression in autopsy samples taken from healthy and long-term alcohol abuse subjects. Soluble protein fractions constituting pooled samples combined from SFC biopsies of four well-characterized chronic alcoholics (mean consumption > 80 g ethanol/day throughout adulthood) and four matched controls (< 20 g/day) were generated. Two-dimensional electrophoresis was performed in triplicate on alcoholic and control samples and the resultant protein profiles analyzed for differential expression. Overall, 182 proteins differed by the criterion of twofold or more between case and control samples. Of these, 139 showed significantly lower expression in alcoholics, 35 showed significantly higher expression, and 8 were new or had disappeared. To date, 63 proteins have been identified using MALDI-MS and MS-MS. The finding that the expression level of differentially expressed proteins is preponderantly lower in the alcoholic brain is supported by recent results from parallel studies using microarray mRNA transcript.


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The glycine receptor chloride channel (GlyR) is a member of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor family of ligand-gated ion channels. Functional receptors of this family comprise five subunits and are important targets for neuroactive drugs. The GlyR is best known for mediating inhibitory neurotransmission in the spinal cord and brain stem, although recent evidence suggests it may also have other physiological roles, including excitatory neurotransmission in embryonic neurons. To date, four alpha-subunits (alpha1 to alpha4) and one beta-subunit have been identified. The differential expression of subunits underlies a diversity in GlyR pharmacology. A developmental switch from alpha2 to alpha1beta is completed by around postnatal day 20 in the rat. The beta-subunit is responsible for anchoring GlyRs to the subsynaptic cytoskeleton via the cytoplasmic protein gephyrin. The last few years have seen a surge in interest in these receptors. Consequently, a wealth of information has recently emerged concerning Glyl? molecular structure and function. Most of the information has been obtained from homomeric alpha1 GlyRs, with the roles of the other subunits receiving relatively little attention. Heritable mutations to human GlyR genes give rise to a rare neurological disorder, hyperekplexia (or startle disease). Similar syndromes also occur in other species. A rapidly growing list of compounds has been shown to exert potent modulatory effects on this receptor. Since GlyRs are involved in motor reflex circuits of the spinal cord and provide inhibitory synapses onto pain sensory neurons, these agents may provide lead compounds for the development of muscle relaxant and peripheral analgesic drugs.


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Five ripening-related ACC synthase cDNA isoforms were cloned from 80% ripe papaya cv. 'Sinta' by reverse transcription-PCR using gene-specific primers. Clone 2 had the longest transcript and contained all common exons and three alternative exons. Clones 3 and 4 contained common exons and one alternative exon each, while clone 1, the most common transcript, contained only the common exons. Clone 5 could be due to cloning artifacts and might not be a unique cDNA fragment. Thus, there are only four isoforms of ACC synthase mRNA. Southern blot analysis indicates that all five clones came from only one gene existing as a single copy in the 'Sinta' papaya genome. Multiple sequence alignment indicates that the four isoforms arise from a single gene, possibly through alternative splicing mechanisms. All the putative alternative exons were present at the 5'-end of the gene comprising the N-terminal region of the protein. 'Sinta' ACC synthase cDNAs were of the capacs 1 type and are most closely related to a 1.4 kb capacs 1-type DNA (AJ277160) from Eksotika papaya. No capacs 2-type cDNAs were cloned from 'Sinta' by RT-PCR. This is the first report of possible alternative splicing mechanism in ripening-related ACC synthase genes in hybrid papaya, possibly to modulate or fine-tune gene expression relevant to fruit ripening.


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Solid tumours display elevated resistance to chemo- and radiotherapies compared to individual tumour derived cells. This so-called multicellular resistance (MCR) phenomenon can only be partly explained by reduced diffusion and altered cell cycle status; even fast growing cells on the surface of solid tumours display MCR. Multicellular spheroids (MCS) recapture this phenomenon ex vivo and here we compare gene expression in exponentially growing MCS with gene expression in monolayer culture. Using an 18,664 gene microarray, we identified 42 differentially expressed genes and three of these genes can be linked to potential mechanisms of MCR. A group of interferon response genes were also up-regulated in MCS, as were a number of genes that that are indicative of greater differentiation in three-dimensional cultures.


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In a first step toward understanding the molecular basis of pineapple fruit development, a sequencing project was initiated to survey a range of expressed sequences from green unripe and yellow ripe fruit tissue. A highly abundant metallothionein transcript was identified during library construction, and was estimated to account for up to 50% of all EST library clones. Library clones with metallothionein subtracted were sequenced, and 408 unripe green and 1140 ripe yellow edited EST clone sequences were retrieved. Clone redundancy was high, with the combined 1548 clone sequences clustering into just 634 contigs comprising 191 consensus sequences and 443 singletons. Half of the EST clone sequences clustered within 13.5% and 9.3% of contigs from green unripe and yellow ripe libraries, respectively, indicating that a small subset of genes dominate the majority of the transcriptome. Furthermore, sequence cluster analysis, northern analysis, and functional classification revealed major differences between genes expressed in the unripe green and ripe yellow fruit tissues. Abundant genes identified from the green fruit include a fruit bromelain and a bromelain inhibitor. Abundant genes identified in the yellow fruit library include a MADS box gene, and several genes normally associated with protein synthesis, including homologues of ribosomal L10 and the translation factors SUI1 and eIF5A. Both the green unripe and yellow ripe libraries contained high proportions of clones associated with oxidative stress responses and the detoxification of free radicals.


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Primary sensory neurons in the vertebrate olfactory systems are characterised by the differential expression of distinct cell surface carbohydrates. We show here that the histo-blood group H carbohydrate is expressed by primary sensory neurons in both the main and accessory olfactory systems while the blood group A carbohydrate is expressed by a subset of vomeronasal neurons in the developing accessory olfactory system. We have used both loss-of-function and gain-of-function approaches to manipulate expression of these carbohydrates in the olfactory system. In null mutant mice lacking the alpha(1,2)fucosyltransferase FUT1, the absence of blood group H carbohydrate resulted in the delayed maturation of the glomerular layer of the main olfactory bulb. In addition, ubiquitous expression of blood group A on olfactory axons in gain-of-function transgenic mice caused mis-routing of axons in the glomerular layer of the main olfactory bulb and led to exuberant growth of vomeronasal axons in the accessory olfactory bulb. These results provide in vivo evidence for a role of specific cell surface carbohydrates during development of the olfactory nerve pathways. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Cortical midline glia are critical to the formation of the corpus callosum during development. The glial wedge is a Population of midline glia that is located at the corticoseptal boundary and expresses repulsive/growth-inhibitory molecules that guide callosal axons as they cross the midline. The glial wedge are the first cells within the cortex to express GFAP and thus may express molecules specific for glial maturation. The corticoseptal boundary is a genetically defined boundary between the cingulate cortex (dorsal telencephalon) and the septum (ventral telencephalon). The correct dorso-ventral position of this boundary is vital to the formation of both the glial wedge and the corpus callosum. Our aim was to identify genes expressed specifically within the glial wedge that might be involved in either glial differentiation, formation of the corticoseptal boundary or development of the corpus callosum. To identify such genes we have performed a differential display PCR screen comparing RNA isolated from the glial wedge with RNA isolated from control tissues such as the neocortex and septum, of embryonic day 17 mouse brains. Using 200 different combinations of primers, we identified and cloned 67 distinct gene fragments. In situ hybridization analysis confirmed the differential expression of many of the genes, and showed that clones G24F3, G39F8 and transcription factor LZIP have specific expression patterns in the telencephalon of embryonic and postnatal brains. An RNase Protection Assay (RPA) revealed that the expression of G39F8, G24173 and LZIP increase markedly in the telencephalon at E16 and continue to be expressed until at least PO, during the period when the corpus callosum is forming. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The superior frontal cortex (SFC) is selectively damaged in chronic alcohol abuse, with localized neuronal loss and tissue atrophy. Regions such as motor cortex show little neuronal loss except in severe co-morbidity (liver cirrhosis or WKS). Altered gene expression was found in microarray comparisons of alcoholic and control SFC samples [1]. We used Western blots and proteomic analysis to identify the proteins that also show differential expression. Tissue was obtained at autopsy under informed, written consent from uncomplicated alcoholics and age- and sex-matched controls. Alcoholics had consumed 80 g ethanol/day chronically (often, 200 g/day for 20 y). Controls either abstained or were social drinkers ( 20 g/day). All subjects had pathological confirmation of liver and brain diagnosis; none had been polydrug abusers. Samples were homogenized in water and clarified by brief centrifugation (1000g, 3 min) before storage at –80°C. For proteomics the thawed suspensions were centrifuged (15000g, 50 min) to prepare soluble fractions. Aliquots were pooled from SFC samples from the 5 chronic alcoholics and 5 matched controls used in the previous microarray study [1]. 2-Dimensional electrophoresis was performed in triplicate using 18 cm format pH 4–7 and pH 6–11 immobilized pH gradients for firstdimension isoelectric focusing. Following second-dimension SDS-PAGE the proteins were fluorescently stained and the images collected by densitometry. 182 proteins differed by 2-fold between cases and controls. 141 showed lower expression in alcoholics, 33 higher, and 8 were new or had disappeared. To date 63 proteins have been identified using MALDI-MS and MS-MS. Western blots were performed on uncentrifuged individual samples from 76 subjects (controls, uncomplicated alcoholics and cirrhotic alcoholics). A common standard was run on every gel. After transfer, immunolabeling, and densitometry, the intensities of the unknown bands were compared to those of the standards. We focused on proteins from transcripts that showed clear differences in a series of microarray studies, classified into common sets including Regulators of G-protein Signaling and Myelin-associated proteins. The preponderantly lower level of differentially expressed proteins in alcoholics parallels the microarray mRNA analysis in the same samples. We found that mRNA and protein expression do not frequently correspond; this may help identify pathogenic processes acting at the level of transcription, translation, or post-translationally.


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Eukaryotic membrane proteins cannot be produced in a reliable manner for structural analysis. Consequently, researchers still rely on trial-and-error approaches, which most often yield insufficient amounts. This means that membrane protein production is recognized by biologists as the primary bottleneck in contemporary structural genomics programs. Here, we describe a study to examine the reasons for successes and failures in recombinant membrane protein production in yeast, at the level of the host cell, by systematically quantifying cultures in high-performance bioreactors under tightlydefined growth regimes. Our data show that the most rapid growth conditions of those chosen are not the optimal production conditions. Furthermore, the growth phase at which the cells are harvested is critical: We show that it is crucial to grow cells under tightly-controlled conditions and to harvest them prior to glucose exhaustion, just before the diauxic shift. The differences in membrane protein yields that we observe under different culture conditions are not reflected in corresponding changes in mRNA levels of FPS1, but rather can be related to the differential expression of genes involved in membrane protein secretion and yeast cellular physiology. Copyright © 2005 The Protein Society.


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Recently identified genes located downstream (3') of the msmEF (transport encoding) gene cluster, msmGH, and located 5' of the structural genes for methanesulfonate monooxygenase (MSAMO) are described from Methylosulfonomonas methylovora. Sequence analysis of the derived polypeptide sequences encoded by these genes revealed a high degree of identity to ABC-type transporters. MsmE showed similarity to a putative periplasmic substrate binding protein, MsmF resembled an integral membraneassociated protein, and MsmG was a putative ATP-binding enzyme. MsmH was thought to be the cognate permease component of the sulfonate transport system. The close association of these putative transport genes to the MSAMO structural genes msmABCD suggested a role for these genes in transport of methanesulfonic acid (MSA) into M. methylovora. msmEFGH and msmABCD constituted two operons for the coordinated expression of MSAMO and the MSA transporter systems. Reverse-transcription-PCR analysis of msmABCD and msmEFGH revealed differential expression of these genes during growth on MSA and methanol. The msmEFGH operon was constitutively expressed, whereas MSA induced expression of msmABCD. A mutant defective in msmE had considerably slower growth rates than the wild type, thus supporting the proposed role of MsmE in the transport of MSA into M. methylovora.


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Genetic experiments over the last few decades have identified many regulatory proteins critical for DNA transcription. The dynamics of their transcriptional activities shape the differential expression of the genes they control. Here we describe a simple method, based on the secreted luciferase, to measure the activities of two transcription factors NF?B and HIF. This technique can effectively monitor dynamics of transcriptional events in a population of cells and be up-scaled for high-throughput screening and promoter analysis, making it ideal for data-demanding applications such as mathematical modelling.


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In Enterobacteriaceae, the transcriptional regulator AmpR, a member of the LysR family, regulates the expression of a chromosomal β-lactamase AmpC. The regulatory repertoire of AmpR is broader in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic pathogen responsible for numerous acute and chronic infections including cystic fibrosis. Previous studies showed that in addition to regulating ampC, P. aeruginosa AmpR regulates the sigma factor AlgT/U and production of some quorum sensing (QS)-regulated virulence factors. In order to better understand the ampR regulon, the transcriptional profiles generated using DNA microarrays and RNA-Seq of the prototypic P. aeruginosa PAO1 strain with its isogenic ampR deletion mutant, PAOΔampR were analyzed. Transcriptome analysis demonstrates that the AmpR regulon is much more extensive than previously thought influencing the differential expression of over 500 genes. In addition to regulating resistance to β-lactam antibiotics via AmpC, AmpR also regulates non-β-lactam antibiotic resistance by modulating the MexEF-OprN efflux pump. Virulence mechanisms including biofilm formation, QS-regulated acute virulence, and diverse physiological processes such as oxidative stress response, heat-shock response and iron uptake are AmpR-regulated. Real-time PCR and phenotypic assays confirmed the transcriptome data. Further, Caenorhabditis elegans model demonstrates that a functional AmpR is required for full pathogenicity of P. aeruginosa. AmpR, a member of the core genome, also regulates genes in the regions of genome plasticity that are acquired by horizontal gene transfer. The extensive AmpR regulon included other transcriptional regulators and sigma factors, accounting for the extensive AmpR regulon. Gene expression studies demonstrate AmpR-dependent expression of the QS master regulator LasR that controls expression of many virulence factors. Using a chromosomally tagged AmpR, ChIP-Seq studies show direct AmpR binding to the lasR promoter. The data demonstrates that AmpR functions as a global regulator in P. aeruginosa and is a positive regulator of acute virulence while negatively regulating chronic infection phenotypes. In summary, my dissertation sheds light on the complex regulatory circuit in P. aeruginosa to provide a better understanding of the bacterial response to antibiotics and how the organism coordinately regulates a myriad of virulence factors.


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The sugarcane is a monocot plant grown in tropical and subtropical regions, with Brazil being the largest producer. Despite its economic importance, little is known about the molecular flowering process in sugarcane. This physiological process can promote a loss up to 60% in sugar or bioethanol. Thus, this work had as objective characterize a HINT1 homologous gene previously identified in subtractive libraries of flowering. Genomic analysis of gene and promoter region structure allowed the observation that there are at least two distinct genes homologous to HINT on sugarcane. Bioinformatics analyses showed the conservation of the characteristic protein domain of HIT superfamily and indicate a phylogenetic relationship associated to cell location. Moreover, a possible relation with the SBTILISIN-like protein family through the information available in interatomas was observed. This suggests that the HINT gene of sugarcane can be related to plant development, there are several possibilities of interactions in the regulation of floral induction process, because the sequences present in regulatory regions indicate that differential expression of HINT was related to with climatic factors in the Northeast region of Brazil as well as to biotic stress and phytohormones. Furthermore, the sugarcane phenotypes indicate that the influence of HINT may happen due to product accumulation of its enzymatic activity. For these characteristics this gene can be used as a marker in the selection of new varieties.


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High-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC) is the most prevalent epithelial ovarian cancer characterized by late detection, metastasis and resistance to chemotherapy. Previous studies on the tumour immune microenvironment in HGSC identified STAT1 and CXCL10 as the most differentially expressed genes between treatment naïve chemotherapy resistant and sensitive tumours. Interferon-induced STAT1 is a transcription factor, which induces many genes including tumour suppressor genes and those involved in recruitment of immune cells to the tumour immune microenvironment (TME), including CXCL10. CXCL10 is a chemokine that recruits tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and exhibits angiostatic function. The current study was performed to determine the effects of differential STAT1 and CXCL10 expression on HGSC disease progression and TME. STAT1 expression and intratumoural CD8+ T cells were evaluated as prognostic and predictive biomarkers via immunohistochemistry on 734 HGSC tumours accrued from the Terry Fox Research Institute-Canadian Ovarian Experimental Unified Resource. The combined effect of STAT1 expression and CD8+ TIL density was confirmed as prognostic and predictive companion biomarkers in the second independent biomarker validation study. Significant positive correlation between STAT1 expression and intratumoral CD8+ TIL density was observed. The effects of enforced CXCL10 expression on HGSC tumour growth, vasculature and immune tumour microenvironment were studied in the ID8 mouse ovarian cancer cell engraftment in immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice. Significant decrease in tumour progression in mice injected with ID8 CXCL10 overexpressing cells compared to mice injected with ID8 vector control cells was observed. Multiplexed cytokine analysis of ascites showed differential expression of IL-6, VEGF and CXCL9 between the two groups. Endothelial cell marker staining showed differences in tumour vasculature between the two groups. Immune transcriptomic profiling identified distinct expression profiles in genes associated with cytokines, chemokines, interferons, T cell function and apoptosis between the two groups. These findings provide evidence that STAT1 is an independent biomarker and in combination with CD8+ TIL density could be applied as novel immune-based biomarkers in HGSC. These results provide the basis for future studies aimed at understanding mechanisms underlying differential tumour STAT1 and CXCL10 expression and its role in pre-existing tumour immunologic diversity, thus potentially contributing to biomarker guided immune modulatory therapies.


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AIMS: Differentiation of heart failure with reduced (HFrEF) or preserved (HFpEF) ejection fraction independent of echocardiography is challenging in the community. Diagnostic strategies based on monitoring circulating microRNA (miRNA) levels may prove to be of clinical value in the near future. The aim of this study was to identify a novel miRNA signature that could be a useful HF diagnostic tool and provide valuable clinical information on whether a patient has HFrEF or HFpEF.

METHODS AND RESULTS: MiRNA biomarker discovery was carried out on three patient cohorts, no heart failure (no-HF), HFrEF, and HFpEF, using Taqman miRNA arrays. The top five miRNA candidates were selected based on differential expression in HFpEF and HFrEF (miR-30c, -146a, -221, -328, and -375), and their expression levels were also different between HF and no-HF. These selected miRNAs were further verified and validated in an independent cohort consisting of 225 patients. The discriminative value of BNP as a HF diagnostic could be improved by use in combination with any of the miRNA candidates alone or in a panel. Combinations of two or more miRNA candidates with BNP had the ability to improve significantly predictive models to distinguish HFpEF from HFrEF compared with using BNP alone (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve >0.82).

CONCLUSION: This study has shown for the first time that various miRNA combinations are useful biomarkers for HF, and also in the differentiation of HFpEF from HFrEF. The utility of these biomarker combinations can be altered by inclusion of natriuretic peptide. MiRNA biomarkers may support diagnostic strategies in subpopulations of patients with HF.