772 resultados para Community of Practice
O processo de desenvolvimento de produto é reconhecido pela literatura como sendo de importância estratégica, mas, apesar disso, existe uma grande dificuldade para se gerenciar este processo, devido a existência de diversas visões parciais sobre sua abrangência e importância, as quais dificultam a integração entre os profissionais que atuam nessa área. No campo de ensino e pesquisa esse fenômeno também ocorre, pois o desenvolvimento de produtos é tratado de maneira incompleta pelas diferentes áreas de conhecimento especializado, criando visões parciais que apresentam linguagem e características próprias, as quais dificultam um entendimento comum dos aspectos desse processo. Para enfrentar esta situação, esse trabalho apresenta a experiência de grupos de pesquisa que formaram uma comunidade de prática em desenvolvimento de produtos, chamada PDPNet (Product Development Process Network), visando minimizar essas visões parciais. Para isso, os membros de tal comunidade envolveram-se no desenvolvimento de iniciativas e atividades conjuntas e têm a sua disposição um portal de conhecimentos para favorecer a sinergia entre os membros, apoiando o ambiente voltado à cooperação e facilitando a troca e criação de conhecimentos, o que é objetivo primordial de uma comunidade de prática. Este trabalho visa relatar e analisar criticamente as características principais da PDPNet, enfocando sua formação, estabelecimento, gestão das iniciativas e atividades para criação de conhecimentos, bem como a tecnologia de informação utilizada. Com esse trabalho, espera-se divulgar essa experiência para o meio acadêmico e empresarial interessado, de forma que suas práticas possam ser propagadas e as dificuldades consideradas. Além disso, espera-se que a análise crítica permita obter subsídios para que seus principais benefícios e dificuldades possam ser identificados e tratados pelos gestores da comunidade.
Nota-se um crescimento constante da importância dos espaços de Educação Não Formal frente ao de Ensino de Ciências. Com isso, passa a ser imprescindível a presença de profissionais que promovam a interação da ciência com o público e, consequentemente, a formação dos mesmos para que possam atuar de maneira efetiva no desenvolvimento de atividades educativas nesses locais. Nesta perspectiva, este estudo de caso teve por finalidade analisar o processo de formação de mediadores de um espaço de Educação Não Formal de ciências, utilizando a perspectiva da teoria de Comunidades de Prática, elaborada por Jean Lave e Etienne Wenger. Mais especificamente, teve como objetivo analisar como o elemento engajamento mútuo, proposto pelos autores como um dos pontos fundamentais da participação dos membros de uma comunidade de prática, pode contribuir para a formação inicial de mediadores. Para realização dessa investigação, foi necessário, primeiramente, averiguar se o local de estudo escolhido - Estação Biologia (EB), projeto de extensão universitária vinculado ao Instituto de Biociências da Universidade de São Paulo, poderia ser considerado uma comunidade de prática, sendo necessária, para isso, a identificação de três elementos básicos: o repertório compartilhado, o engajamento mútuo e o empreendimento conjunto. Os dados coletados a partir de análises documentais, entrevistas gravadas semiestruturadas, filmagens e observações de visitas evidenciam que os três elementos básicos coexistem na EB, podendo, assim, ser considerada uma comunidade de prática. Nessa comunidade, às possibilidades de flexibilização de funções e o estabelecimento de negociações internas promovem o aumento do engajamento mútuo que está diretamente envolvido com a transformação de um mediador periférico em um mediador central, e consequentemente, com a sua formação tanto para atuar como mediador, quanto para atuar profissionalmente, seja na carreira de bacharelado ou de licenciatura. Isso pode ser afirmado visto que, ao aumentar o engajamento na prática da comunidade, esse mediador se apropria de conhecimentos que poderão ser usados dentro e fora da EB.
Los MOOC se han convertido en una nueva oportunidad para aprender en base a una comunidad de práctica o de aprendizaje; constituyen una alternativa cada vez más presente en la sociedad en que vivimos y son resultado, precisamente, del potencial de Internet en el ámbito de la comunicación y la interacción de las usuarias y usuarios, de la enorme facilidad de actualización del conocimiento que permite conseguir. Pero ¿todos los MOOC son un ámbito formativo educomunicativo? El modelo sMOOC se presenta como el único aspirante a ser fundamentado en esta corriente si se inspira en una intención educativa llevada a la acción como cambio social de las estructuras esclavizantes que condicionan nuestro mundo.
This second issue of Knowledge Management Research & Practice (KMRP) continues the international nature of the first issue, with papers from authors based on four different continents. There are five regular papers, plus the first of what is intended to be an occasional series of 'position papers' from respected figures in the knowledge management field, who have specific issues they wish to raise from a personal standpoint. The first two regular papers are both based on case studies. The first is 'Aggressively pursuing knowledge management over two years: a case study a US government organization' by Jay Liebowitz. Liebowitz is well known to both academics and practictioners as an author on knowledge management and knowledge based systems. Government departments in many Western countries must soon face up to the problems that will occur as the 'baby boomer' generation reaches retirement age over the next decade. This paper describes how one particular US government organization has attempted to address this situation (and others) through the introduction of a knowledge management initiative. The second case study paper is 'Knowledge creation through the synthesizing capability of networked strategic communities: case study on new product development in Japan' by Mitsuru Kodama. This paper looks at the importance of strategic communities - communities that have strategic relevance and support - in knowledge management. Here, the case study organization is Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), a Japanese telecommunication firm. The third paper is 'Knowledge management and intellectual capital: an empirical examination of current practice in Australia' by Albert Zhou and Dieter Fink. This paper reports the results of a survey carried out in 2001, exploring the practices relating to knowledge management and intellectual capital in Australia and the relationship between them. The remaining two regular papers are conceptual in nature. The fourth is 'The enterprise knowledge dictionary' by Stuart Galup, Ronald Dattero and Richard Hicks. Galup, Dattero and Hicks propose the concept of an enterprise knowledge dictionary and its associated knowledge management system architecture as offering the appropriate form of information technology to support various different types of knowledge sources, while behaving as a single source from the user's viewpoint. The fifth and final regular paper is 'Community of practice and metacapabilities' by Geri Furlong and Leslie Johnson. This paper looks at the role of communities of practice in learning in organizations. Its emphasis is on metacapabilities - the properties required to learn, develop and apply skills. This discussion takes work on learning and core competences to a higher level. Finally, this issue includes a position paper 'Innovation as an objective of knowledge management. Part I: the landscape of management' by Dave Snowden. Snowden has been highly visible in the knowledge management community thanks to his role as the Director of IBM Global Services' Canolfan Cynefin Centre. He has helped many government and private sector organizations to consider their knowledge management problems and strategies. This, the first of two-part paper, is inspired by the notion of complexity. In it, Snowden calls for what he sees as a 20th century emphasis on designed systems for knowledge management to be consigned to history, and replaced by a 21st century emphasis on emergence. Letters to the editor on this, or any other topic related to knowledge management research and practice, are welcome. We trust that you will find the contributions stimulating, and again invite you to contribute your own paper(s) to future issues of KMRP.
This qualitative case study explores an overnight music camp, Camp Encore Coda. The purpose is to gain an understanding of the environment, uncovering the unique ways it impacts the social and musical developments of its participating youth while contrasting it to that of the traditional classroom. Framed by the concept of multidimensional growth, data were collected using surveys, interviews, focus group, and observations. The study uncovered exorbitant levels of social and musical growth among the youth; all directly linked to isolation from technology, communal living, and musical immersion in a community of practice. There lacks a significant amount of music education research attempting to explore and provide an initial evaluation of the learning opportunities unique to overnight music camps. This is particularly significant for music educators who strive to continue the advancement of the field through positive impact on students inside and outside of the school classroom.
Women have been historically underrepresented in political institutions and it has been claimed that it is difficult for women to succeed in the masculinist cultures that exist in political contexts. The ‘new’ devolved institutions of the UK offer opportunities to investigate gender inequality in political contexts which have a greater proportion of women members; that have included women from their inception; and that have been designed with egalitarian issues to the fore. Here, ethnographic and discourse analytic data is used to assess a senior woman’s performance in the National Assembly for Wales; to explore politicians’ appraisal of this performance; and to analyse the breakdown of the debate floor in terms of ‘rule-breaking’ activities such as barracking. In this Community of Practice the individual’s performance draws upon communicative styles that are both stereotypically masculine (adversarial) and feminine (consensual), which can be viewed as an indication of the speaker’s competence. However, this is undermined by the speaker’s failure to adopt the correct linguistic practices for this CoP which leads to the breakdown of the formal debate discourse. Assembly Members appraise this failure negatively while also drawing upon stereotypical notions of gendered communicative norms and wider discourses of gender differentiation.
The paper reports on a study of design studio culture from a student perspective. Learning in design studio culture has been theorised variously as a signature pedagogy emulating professional practice models, as a community of practice and as a form of problem-based learning, all largely based on the study of teaching events in studio. The focus of this research has extended beyond formally recognized activities to encompass the student’s experience of their social and community networks, working places and study set-ups, to examine how these have contributed to studio culture and how there have been supported by studio teaching. Semi-structured interviews with final year undergraduate students of architecture formed the basis of the study using an interpretivist approach informed by Actor-network theory, with studio culture featured as the focal actor, enrolling students and engaging with other actors, together constituting an actor-network of studio culture. The other actors included social community patterns and activities; the numerous working spaces (including but not limited to the studio space itself); the equipment, tools of trade and material pre-requisites for working; the portfolio enrolling the other actors to produce work for it; and the various formal and informal events associated with the course itself. Studio culture is a highly charged social arena: The question is how, and in particular, which aspects of it support learning? Theoretical models of situated learning and communities of practice models have informed the analysis, with Bourdieu’s theory of practice, and his interrelated concepts of habitus, field and capital providing a means of relating individually acquired habits and modes of working to social contexts. Bourdieu’s model of habitus involves the externalisation through the social realm of habits and knowledge previously internalised. It is therefore a useful model for considering whole individual learning activities; shared repertoires and practices located in the social realm. The social milieu of the studio provides a scene for the exercise and display of ‘practicing’ and the accumulation of a form of ‘practicing-capital’. This capital is a property of the social milieu rather than the space, so working or practicing in the company of others (in space and through social media) becomes a more valued aspect of studio than space or facilities alone. This practicing-capital involves the acquisition of a habitus of studio culture, with the transformation of physical practices or habits into social dispositions, acquiring social capital (driving the social milieu) and cultural capital (practicing-knowledge) in the process. The research drew on students’ experiences, and their practicing ‘getting a feel for the game’ by exploring the limits or boundaries of the field of studio culture. The research demonstrated that a notional studio community was in effect a social context for supporting learning; a range of settings to explore and test out newly internalised knowledge, demonstrate or display ideas, modes of thinking and practicing. The study presents a nuanced interpretation of how students relate to a studio culture that involves a notional community, and a developing habitus within a field of practicing that extends beyond teaching scenarios.
This paper studies the use of play as a method to unlock creativity and innovation within a community of practice (a group of individuals who share a common interest and who see value in interaction to enhance their understanding). An analysis of communities of practice and the value of play informs evaluation of two case studies exploring the development of communities of practice, one within the discipline of videogames and one which bridges performing arts and videogames. The case studies provide qualitative data from which the potential of play as a method to inspire creativity and support the development of a potential community of practice is recognised. Establishing trust, disruption of process through play and reflection are key steps proposed in a ‘context provider’s framework’ for individuals or organisations to utilise in the design of activities to support creative process and innovation within a potential community of practice.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à ESEPF para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Área de especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialização em Animação da Leitura
We consider the principles of communities of practice (CoP) and networked learning in higher education, illustrated with a case study. iCollab has grown from an international community of practice connecting students and lecturers in seven modules across seven higher education institutions in six countries, to a global network supporting the exploration and evaluation of mobile web tools to engage in participatory curriculum development and supporting students in developing international collaboration and cooperation skills. This article explores the interplay of collaboration and cooperation, CoP and networked learning; describes how this interplay has operated in iCollab; and highlights opportunities and challenges of learning, teaching and interacting with students in networked publics in higher education.
Per comprende più a fondo il problema che le aziende affrontare per formare le persone in grado di gestire processi di innovazione, in particolare di Open Innovation (OI), è stato realizzato nel 2021 uno studio di caso multiplo di un percorso di educazione non formale all’OI realizzato dalla società consortile ART-ER e rivolto ai dottorandi degli atenei emiliano-romagnoli. Nella seconda fase di tale percorso formativo, per rispondere alle sfide di OI lanciate dalle aziende, sono stati costituiti 4 tavoli di lavoro. A ciascun tavolo di lavoro hanno preso parte 3/4 dottorandi, due referenti aziendali, un consulente e un operatore di ART-ER. Il campione complessivo era costituito da 14 dottorandi; 8 referenti aziendali di quattro aziende; 4 membri di una società di consulenza e 4 operatori della società consortile ART-ER. Il seguente interrogativo di ricerca ha guidato l’indagine: l’interazione tra i soggetti coinvolti in ciascun tavolo di lavoro – considerato un singolo caso - si configura come una Comunità di Pratica in grado di favorire lo sviluppo di apprendimenti individuali funzionali a gestire i processi di OI attivati nelle imprese? I dati sono stati raccolti attraverso una ricerca documentale a tavolino, focus group, interviste semistrutturate e un questionario semistrutturato online. L’analisi dei dati è stata effettuata mediante un’analisi qualitativa del contenuto in più fasi con l’ausilio del software MAXQDA. I risultati dimostrano che in tre casi su quattro, i tavoli di lavoro si sono configurati come una Comunità di Pratica. In questi tre tavoli inoltre è emerso lo sviluppo di alcune aree di competenza funzionali alla gestione dei processi di OI. Nella conclusione sono state presentate alcune proposte per la riprogettazione delle future edizioni del percorso formativo.
OBJECTIVE To describe the stages of the empowerment process of a group of seniors in a rural community. METHOD Convergent care research whose foundation is to use the scope of practice. Conducted with the proposal to change the practice of 21 seniors and nine health professionals, with the aim of health promotion empowerment. Data were collected during 22 meetings, and group interviews at the end of the intervention. RESULTS Showed that despite the initial impact of the change, the group was able to welcome the new change, taking advantage of the space to express anxieties, share joys, and build new knowledge, which led to the incorporation of changes that reflected in the development of healthy habits and improvements in interpersonal relationships. CONCLUSION The convergent care research consisted of strategy that changed the group's lives, empowering them with health promoting actions.
This paper presents education research as vital to addressing the issues faced by adults living with cancer. This qualitative study looked at philosophies of practice for cancer patient education. It was about understanding how values and beliefs shape the way program planners and managers operationalize their knowledge of adult education and how this has significant impact on meeting the needs of those touched by cancer. Improved technology has extended life expectancy, so that Canadians living with cancer, or even dying with cancer now spend less time in direct medical care. The notion of cancer as simply a medical concern is outdated. This study found that informational and support needs of adults living with cancer are often unmet, ignored or unknown. This research investigated a community-based education initiative that is inviting, accessible, and promotes a sense of hope. More specifically, this case study uncovered factors contributing to the success of Wellspring, a grass-roots cancer patient support centre which has been recognized nationally for its ability to effectively meet the diverse non-medical supportive care needs of as many cancer patients and caregivers as possible. Therefore, Wellspring was selected as a case study. Educating people to take charge of their own lives and supporting them in making informed decisions about their lifestyle choices made Wellspring part of a social action movement that focused on improving social attitudes toward people living with cancer. Results of this descriptive inquiry and philosophical inquiry evolved into data that was used to devise an organic model of community-based education that encompasses Adler's (1993) four dimensions of philosophy within a socio-cultural context.
This paper reports on the relocation of people with intellectual disabilities (ID) from large-scale provincially run institutions that took place in Ontario as part of the Facility Initiative. Three case studies were examined in order to report on this process as experienced by those who lived and worked through it. Specifically, the planning process conducted by the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) to assist each person with hislher transition to community living was examined using the current standard of practice in person- centered planning approaches. Effectiveness was evaluated as the ability to apply a person-centered approach across settings and people, as well as what factors facilitated or hindered its application. Results show that, in general, the personal plans do not appear to reflect the pre-transition experience of the person. Also, the transitional planning process did not appear person-centered nor facilitate further person-centered planning in the community.