854 resultados para Colorectal cancers


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PURPOSE: Concerns were raised about the safety of antiplatelet thienopyridine derivatives after a randomized control trial reported increased risks of cancer and cancer deaths in prasugrel users. We investigate whether clopidogrel, a widely used thienopyridine derivative, was associated with increased risk of cancer-specific or all-cause mortality in cancer patients.

METHODS: Colorectal, breast and prostate cancer patients, newly diagnosed from 1998 to 2009, were identified from the National Cancer Data Repository. Cohorts were linked to the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink, providing prescription records, and to the Office of National Statistics mortality data (up to 2012). Unadjusted and adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) for cancer-specific and all-cause mortality in post-diagnostic clopidogrel users were calculated using time-dependent Cox regression models.

RESULTS: The analysis included 10 359 colorectal, 17 889 breast and 13 155 prostate cancer patients. There was no evidence of an increase in cancer-specific mortality in clopidogrel users with colorectal (HR = 0.98 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.77, 1.24) or prostate cancer (HR = 1.03 95%CI 0.82, 1.28). There was limited evidence of an increase in breast cancer patients (HR = 1.22 95%CI 0.90, 1.65); however, this was attenuated when removing prescriptions in the year prior to death.

CONCLUSIONS: This novel study of large population-based cohorts of colorectal, breast and prostate cancer patients found no evidence of an increased risk of cancer-specific mortality among colorectal, breast and prostate cancer patients using clopidogrel.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Individuals who began taking low-dose aspirin before they were diagnosed with colorectal cancer were reported to have longer survival times than patients who did not take this drug. We investigated survival times of patients who begin taking low-dose aspirin after a diagnosis of colorectal cancer in a large population-based cohort study.

METHODS: We performed a nested case-control analysis using a cohort of 4794 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer from 1998 through 2007, identified from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink and confirmed by cancer registries. There were 1559 colorectal cancer-specific deaths, recorded by the Office of National Statistics; these were each matched with up to 5 risk-set controls. Conditional logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), based on practitioner-recorded aspirin usage.

RESULTS: Overall, low-dose aspirin use after a diagnosis of colorectal cancer was not associated with colorectal cancer-specific mortality (adjusted OR = 1.06; 95% CI: 0.92-1.24) or all-cause mortality (adjusted OR = 1.06; 95% CI: 0.94-1.19). A dose-response association was not apparent; for example, low-dose aspirin use for more than 1 year after diagnosis was not associated with colorectal cancer-specific mortality (adjusted OR = 0.98; 95% CI: 0.82-1.19). There was also no association between low-dose aspirin usage and colon cancer-specific mortality (adjusted OR = 1.02; 95% CI: 0.83-1.25) or rectal cancer-specific mortality (adjusted OR = 1.10; 95% CI: 0.88-1.38).

CONCLUSIONS: In a large population-based cohort, low-dose aspirin usage after diagnosis of colorectal cancer did not increase survival time.


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Digoxin has been shown to affect a number of pathways that are of relevance to cancer, and its use has been associated with increased risks of breast and uterus cancer and, more recently, a 40% increase in colorectal cancer risk. These findings raise questions about the safety of digoxin use in colorectal cancer patients, and, therefore, we investigated whether digoxin use after colorectal cancer diagnosis increased the risk of colorectal cancer-specific mortality.


A cohort of 10,357 colorectal cancer patients newly diagnosed from 1998 to 2009 was identified from English cancer registries and linked to the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink (to provide digoxin and other prescription records) and to the Office of National Statistics mortality data (to identify 2,724 colorectal cancer-specific deaths). Using time-dependent Cox regression models, unadjusted and adjusted HRs and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated for the association between postdiagnostic exposure to digoxin and colorectal cancer-specific mortality.


Overall, 682 (6%) colorectal cancer patients used digoxin after diagnosis. Digoxin use was associated with a small increase in colorectal cancer-specific mortality before adjustment (HR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.07-1.46), but after adjustment for confounders, the association was attenuated (adjusted HR, 1.10; 95% CI, 0.91-1.34) and there was no evidence of a dose response.


In this large population-based colorectal cancer cohort, there was little evidence of an increase in colorectal cancer-specific mortality with digoxin use after diagnosis.


These results provide some reassurance that digoxin use is safe in colorectal cancer patients.


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Development of colorectal cancer occurs via a number of key pathways, with the clinicopathological features of specific subgroups being driven by underlying molecular changes. Mutations in key genes within the network of signalling pathways have been identified; however, therapeutic strategies to target these aberrations remain limited. As understanding of the biology of colorectal cancer has improved, this has led to a move toward broader genomic testing, collaborative research and innovative, adaptive clinical trial design. Recent developments in therapy include the routine adoption of wider mutational spectrum testing prior to use of targeted therapies and the first promise of effective immunotherapy for colorectal cancer patients. This review details current biomarkers in colorectal cancer for molecular stratification and for treatment allocation purposes, including open and planned precision medicine trials. Advances in our understanding, therapeutic strategy and technology will also be outlined.


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O cancro do cólon e reto (CCR) representa uma das neoplasias malignas mais relevantes, não só pela morbilidade mas também pelas altas taxas de mortalidade. Paralelamente, esta neoplasia representa uma elevada sobrecarga psicossocial, para o indivíduo, que se reflete na existência de sintomatologia depressiva e ansiosa e de uma qualidade de vida deficitária e que se estima influenciar o processo de adesão terapêutica. Assim, o presente estudo tem como objetivo estudar a associação das variáveis sóciodemográficas, clínicas e de ajustamento psicossocial, com a adesão terapêutica em doentes com cancro colo-rectal. Trinta e cinco pacientes com cancro colo-rectal, acompanhados na Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro, foram selecionados de acordo com o método de amostragem de conveniência. Os instrumentos de avaliação psicossocial utilizados consistiram nos seguintes: questionário de variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas; na Escala de Ansiedade e Depressão Hospitalar (EADH); no questionário de Qualidade de Vida da Organização Europeia de Investigação e Tratamento de Cancro (QLQC30) e na Escala de Adesão Geral (EAG). Os resultados obtidos revelam a existência de relações significativas entre sintomatologia psicopatológica, qualidade de vida e adesão ao tratamento em pacientes com CCR, mais espeficamente, encontrou-se que: a sintomatologia psicopatológica correlacionou-se negativamente com adesão ao tratamento e com a qualidade de vida, e a adesão ao tratamento associou-se positivamente com a qualidade de vida. Concluimos que o presente estudo contribui com a clarificação do sofrimento psicossocial do paciente com CCR e da interação das variáveis demográficas, clínicas e de ajustamento psicossocial com a adesão terapeutica destes doentes. Implicações clinicas e de investigação são apontadas neste contexto.


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Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Biologia Evolutiva e do Desenvolvimento). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Background: A glycoproteomic study has previously shown cadherin-5 (CDH5) to be a serological marker of metastatic breast cancer when both protein levels and glycosylation status were assessed. In this study we aimed to further validate the utility of CDH5 as a biomarker for breast cancer progression. Methods: A nested case–control study of serum samples from breast cancer patients, of which n=52 had developed a distant metastatic recurrence within 5 years post-diagnosis and n=60 had remained recurrence-free. ELISAs were used to quantify patient serum CDH5 levels and assess glycosylation by Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA) binding. Clinicopathological, treatment and lifestyle factors associated with metastasis and elevated biomarker levels were identified. Results: Elevated CDH5 levels (P=0.028) and ratios of CDH5:HPA binding (P=0.007) distinguished patients with metastatic disease from those that remained metastasis-free. Multivariate analysis showed that the association between CDH5:HPA ratio and the formation of distant metastases was driven by patients with oestrogen receptor (ER+) positive cancer with vascular invasion (VI+). Conclusions: CDH5 levels and the CDH5 glycosylation represent biomarker tests that distinguish patients with metastatic breast cancer from those that remain metastasis-free. The test reached optimal sensitivity and specificity in ER-positive cancers with vascular invasion.


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RESUMO: O cancro colo-rectal (CCR) é um dos cancros que possui maior taxa de mortalidade a nível mundial. Em Portugal esta patologia é responsável pela morte de cerca de 3700 pessoas por ano, sendo que estes números aumentam de ano para ano. Ao longo das últimas décadas o papel das alterações genéticas na etiologia das patologias oncológicas tem vindo a ter cada vez mais um maior destaque. O número de estudos que avaliam a importância de polimorfismos, mutações, alterações na regulação génica e interacções entre genes no desenvolvimento destas patologias tem aumentado exponencialmente. Com o aumento do conhecimento da forma como estas alterações influenciam o desenvolvimento do cancro surgiram os primeiros meios de diagnóstico genético, levando assim a uma alteração da forma como são encarados o diagnóstico e a prevenção destas doenças. No CCR as formas hereditárias com alterações genéticas inequivocamente identificadas representam apenas 5% dos casos. Existem cerca de 25% que representam formas hereditárias para as quais ainda não foram estabelecidos os padrões de alterações genéticas subjacentes. Desta forma, estudos que venham contribuir para um maior conhecimento dos mecanismos moleculares responsáveis pelo aumento da susceptibilidade dos indivíduos para o desenvolvimento de CCR são extremamente importantes. O CCR é uma patologia multifactorial, onde factores genéticos interagem com factores ambientais no surgimento e desenvolvimento da doença. Assim, torna-se essencial integrar o estudo das alterações genéticas no contexto ambiental onde os indivíduos em estudo se encontram. No caso desta patologia um dos principais factores ambientais estudado é a nutrição. Vários estudos têm sido realizados ao longo dos últimos anos de forma a compreender como pode a ingestão dos nutrientes influenciar o desenvolvimento de CCR e de que forma interage com as alterações genéticas individuais. O ciclo do folato é um dos processos metabólicos onde o papel da nutrição em interacção com alterações genéticas mais tem sido estudado nos últimos anos. Deste cruzamento entre o estudo das alterações genéticas e ambientais surge a Nutrigenética. O conjunto de estudos da presente tese tem como objectivo aumentar o conhecimento do papel das alterações em genes do ciclo do folato, em interacção com factores nutricionais e de estilo de vida, não só no desenvolvimento de CCR, mas também de outra patologia do tracto gastrointestinal, a Doença de Crohn (DC), uma doença inflamatória muitas vezes associada como factor de risco para o desenvolvimento de CCR. Este estudo debruçou-se essencialmente no estudo dos genes timidilato sintetase (TYMS) e metionina sintetase (MTR) em populações com CCR e DC, bem como no padrão nutricional destas populações com particular incidência nos nutrientes envolvidos no ciclo do folato (folato, metionina, vitamina B6, vitamina B12). Analisando o conjunto de resultados obtidos para os estudos do CCR podemos concluir que quer a TYMS quer a MTR possuem um papel relevante na susceptibilidade para desenvolver esta patologia, assim como têm destaque no funcionamento do ciclo celular durante o processo oncogénico. Os resultados demonstram que os factores que levam a uma menor disponibilidade de grupos metil no ciclo de folato (baixos níveis de folato, alteração da actividade de MTR, elevada expressão de TYMS) constituem factores de risco, muito provavelmente por contribuírem para uma desregulação dos níveis de metionina disponível para a metilação do DNA da célula. Demonstram ainda que em células tumorais ocorrem alterações na regulação do ciclo do folato de forma a favorecer a síntese de DNA em detrimento da metilação do mesmo, alterando para isso a expressão dos genes de forma a que o fluxo de grupos metil provenientes do folato sejam encaminhados para a enzima TYMS. O polimorfismo de deleção 6pb da TYMS surge como um factor de diagnóstico e de prognóstico de CCR para a população portuguesa. Dos factores nutricionais analisados apenas o folato aparenta ter um papel relevante na modelação do risco de desenvolver CCR. Na doença de Crohn (DC) podemos verificar que a homocisteína e o seu metabolismo poderão contribuir para o aparecimento e desenvolvimento da patologia. O aumento da homocisteína poderá ser o responsável por um aumento da resposta auto-imune do organismo, promovendo o aparecimento da DC. O polimorfismo A2756G MTR desempenha um papel preponderante como factor de diagnóstico da DC, tendo sido associado pela primeira vez a esta patologia. Tem também um papel importante no desenvolvimento da doença, uma vez que está associado a uma idade de diagnóstico mais baixa, sugerindo assim que o desenvolvimento da doença ocorre de forma mais precoce. Concluindo, com este estudo pensamos ter contribuído para um melhor entendimento do papel do ciclo do folato no desenvolvimento de CCR e DC, sendo um ponto de partida para futuras investigações que possam revelar cada vez melhor as complexas interacções metabólicas desta via e a sua influência nas patologias estudadas. Do nosso estudo destacamos a importância de uma análise global das várias etapas do ciclo do folato para que se possa compreender a dinâmica que se estabelece no desenvolvimento destas patologias, podendo diversas alterações, quer a nível genético quer a nível nutricional, exercerem efeitos diferentes consoante o estado dos restantes intervenientes do ciclo do folato. Acreditamos que no futuro este estudo permitirá que o conhecimento do ciclo do folato tenha cada vez mais uma relevância fundamental a nível de diagnóstico e terapêutica destas patologias.------------ ABSTRACT: Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is one of the cancers that have a higher rate of mortality worldwide. In Portugal this pathology is responsible for the deaths of about 3700 people per year, and these numbers increase each year. Over the past few decades the role of genetic changes in the etiology of oncological pathologies has had an increasingly greater emphasis. The number of studies that evaluate the importance of polymorphisms, mutations, changes in gene regulation and gene interactions in the development of these diseases has increased exponentially. With the increased knowledge of how these changes influence the development of cancer, appeared the first means for genetic diagnostic, leading to a change in the way diagnosis is seen and in the prevention of these diseases. In CRC the hereditary forms with clearly identified genetic changes represent only 5% of cases. There are about 25% representing hereditary forms for which the patterns of genetic changes haven’t been established. In this way, studies that will contribute to a greater understanding of the molecular mechanisms responsible for increased susceptibility of individuals to the CRC development are extremely important. CRC is a multifactorial pathology, where genetic factors interact with environmental factors in the emergence and development of the disease.Thus, it is essential to integrate the study of genetic changes in the environmental context of the individuals under study. In the case of this pathology one of the main environmental factors studied is nutrition. Several studies have been conducted over the past few years in order to understand how the intake of nutrients can influence the development of CRC and how nutrients interact with the individual genetic changes. The folate cycle is one of the metabolic processes where the role of nutrition in interaction with genetic alterations has been studied in recent years. This cross between the study of genetic and environmental changes developed Nutrigenetics. The set of studies of this thesis aims to increase awareness of the role of changes in genes of the folate cycle, in interaction with nutritional factors and lifestyle, not only in the development of CRC, but also of another pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, Crohn's disease (CD), an inflammatory disease often associated as a risk factor for the development of CRC. This study dealt mainly in the study of genes thymidylate synthase (TYMS) and methionine synthase (MTR) in populations with CRC and CD, as well as in the nutritional pattern of these populations with particular focus on nutrients involved in the folate cycle (folate, methionine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12). Analyzing the results obtained for the CRC studies we conclude that either the MTR TYMS have a relevant role in susceptibility to develop this pathology, and have an important role in the functioning of the cell cycle during oncogenesis. The results show that the factors that lead to a lower availability of methyl groups in folate cycle (low levels of folate, change the activity of MTR, high expression of TYMS) constitute risk factors, most likely by contribute to a dysregulation of methionine levels available for DNA methylation of the cell. Our results also demonstrate that in tumor cells occur changes in the regulation of the folate cycle in order to promote the synthesis of DNA, to the detriment of methylation of the same by changing the expression of genes so that the methyl groups from folate are forwarded to the TYMS enzyme reaction. The deletion polymorphism 6bp of TYMS emerges as a diagnostic and prognostic factor of CCR for the Portuguese population. Nutritional factors analyzed only folate appears to have a major role in modulating the risk of developing CCR.In Crohn’s disease (CD) we can check that homocysteine and its metabolism may contribute to the emergence and development of this pathology. Increased homocysteine may be responsible for an increase in the body's autoimmune response, promoting the emergence of CD. The polymorphism A2756G MTR plays a leading role as a factor of diagnosis of DC, having been associated with this pathology for the first time. It also has an important role in the development of the disease, since it is associated with a lower diagnostic age, suggesting that the development of the disease occurs earlier. In conclusion, our study has contributed to a better understanding of the role of folate cycle in the development of CRC and CD, being a starting point for future research that may prove increasingly complex metabolic interactions in this via and its influence on the pathologies studied. In our study we highlight the importance of a comprehensive analysis of the various steps of the folate cycle in order to understand the dynamics that settles in the development of these pathologies, and a number of amendments, whether at the genetic level or at the nutritional level, exercise different effects depending on the stage of the remaining participants in the folate cycle. We believe that in the future this study will allow the knowledge of folate cycle to have increasingly a fundamental relevance at the level of diagnosis and treatment of these diseases.


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Biological materials are increasingly used in abdominal surgery for ventral, pelvic and perineal reconstructions, especially in contaminated fields. Future applications are multi-fold and include prevention and one-step closure of infected areas. This includes prevention of abdominal, parastomal and pelvic hernia, but could also include prevention of separation of multiple anastomoses, suture- or staple-lines. Further indications could be a containment of infected and/or inflammatory areas and protection of vital implants such as vascular grafts. Reinforcement patches of high-risk anastomoses or unresectable perforation sites are possibilities at least. Current applications are based mostly on case series and better data is urgently needed. Clinical benefits need to be assessed in prospective studies to provide reliable proof of efficacy with a sufficient follow-up. Only superior results compared with standard treatment will justify the higher costs of these materials. To date, the use of biological materials is not standard and applications should be limited to case-by-case decision.


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BACKGROUND: Early detection and treatment of colorectal adenomatous polyps (AP) and colorectal cancer (CRC) is associated with decreased mortality for CRC. However, accurate, non-invasive and compliant tests to screen for AP and early stages of CRC are not yet available. A blood-based screening test is highly attractive due to limited invasiveness and high acceptance rate among patients. AIM: To demonstrate whether gene expression signatures in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were able to detect the presence of AP and early stages CRC. METHODS: A total of 85 PBMC samples derived from colonoscopy-verified subjects without lesion (controls) (n = 41), with AP (n = 21) or with CRC (n = 23) were used as training sets. A 42-gene panel for CRC and AP discrimination, including genes identified by Digital Gene Expression-tag profiling of PBMC, and genes previously characterised and reported in the literature, was validated on the training set by qPCR. Logistic regression analysis followed by bootstrap validation determined CRC- and AP-specific classifiers, which discriminate patients with CRC and AP from controls. RESULTS: The CRC and AP classifiers were able to detect CRC with a sensitivity of 78% and AP with a sensitivity of 46% respectively. Both classifiers had a specificity of 92% with very low false-positive detection when applied on subjects with inflammatory bowel disease (n = 23) or tumours other than CRC (n = 14). CONCLUSION: This pilot study demonstrates the potential of developing a minimally invasive, accurate test to screen patients at average risk for colorectal cancer, based on gene expression analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from a simple blood sample.


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Fifty-three patients with histologically proven carcinoma were injected with highly purified [131I]-labeled goat antibodies or fragments of antibodies against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Each patient was tested by external photoscanning 4, 24, 36 and 48 h after injection. In 22 patients (16 of 38 injected with intact antibodies, 5 of 13 with F(ab')2 fragments and 1 of 2 with Fab' fragments), an increased concentration of 131I radioactivity corresponding to the previously known tumor location was detected by photoscanning 36-48 h after injection. Blood pool and secreted radioactivity was determined in all patients by injecting 15 min before scanning, [99mTc]-labeled normal serum albumin and free 99mTc04-. The computerized subtraction of 99mTc from 131I radioactivity enhanced the definition of tumor localization in the 22 positive patients. However, in spite of the computerized subtraction, interpretation of the scans remained doubtful for 12 patients and was entirely negative for 19 additional patients. In order to provide a more objective evaluation for the specificity of the tumor localization of antibodies, 14 patients scheduled for tumor resection were injected simultaneously with [131I]-labeled antibodies or fragments and with [125I]-labeled normal goat IgG or fragments. After surgery, the radioactivity of the two isotopes present either in tumor or adjacent normal tissues was measured in a dual channel scintillation counter. The results showed that the antibodies or their fragments were 2-4 times more concentrated in the tumor than in the normal tissues. In addition, it was shown that the injected antibodies formed immune complexes with circulating CEA and that the amount of immune complexes detectable in serum was roughly proportional to the level of circulating CEA.


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To make a diagnostic of cancer in a young adult (15-30 years of age) has important physical, psychological and social implications. The most frequent cancers seen at this age are cancer of the thyroid, testicular germ cell tumours, 'melanoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, leukaemia, cerebral tumours and sarcomas. Even if the prognostic of most of these cancers is excellent, treatments are difficult and often associated with long-term side effects. A multidisciplinary approach of these patients is essential. A long-term follow-up by a general practicioner or an oncologist is indispensable.