889 resultados para Clinical Assessment Tools
Dental caries is the most common chronic disease worldwide. It is characterized by the demineralization of tooth enamel caused by acid produced by cariogenic dental bacteria growing on tooth surfaces, termed bacterial biofilms. Cariogenesis is a complex biological process that is influence by multiple factors and is not attributed to a sole causative agent. Instead, caries is associated with multispecies microbial biofilm communities composed of some bacterial species that directly influence the development of a caries lesion and other species that are seemingly benign but must contribute to the community in an uncharacterized way. Clinical analysis of dental caries and its microbial populations is challenging due to many factors including low sensitivity of clinical measurement tools, variability in saliva chemistry, and variation in the microbiota. Our laboratory has developed an in vitro anaerobic biofilm model for dental carries to facilitate both clinical and basic research-based analyses of the multispecies dynamics and individual factors that contribute to cariogenicity. The rational for development of this system was to improve upon the current models that lack key elements. This model places an emphasis on physiological relevance and ease of maintenance and reproducibility. The uniqueness of the model is based on integrating four critical elements: 1) a biofilm community composed of four distinct and representative species typically associated with dental caries, 2) a semi-defined synthetic growth medium designed to mimic saliva, 3) physiologically relevant biofilm growth substrates, and 4) a novel biofilm reactor device designed to facilitate the maintenance and analysis. Specifically, human tooth sections or hydroxyapatite discs embedded into poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) discs are incubated for an initial 24 hr in a static inverted removable substrate (SIRS) biofilm reactor at 37°C under anaerobic conditions in artificial saliva (CAMM) without sucrose in the presence of 1 X 106 cells/ml of each Actinomyces odontolyticus, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Streptococcus mutans, and Veillonella dispar. During days 2 and 3 the samples are maintained continually in CAMM with various exposures to 0.2% sucrose; all of the discs are transferred into fresh medium every 24 hr. To validate that this model is an appropriate in vitro representation of a caries-associated multispecies biofilm, research aims were designed to test the following overarching hypothesis: an in vitro anaerobic biofilm composed of four species (S. mutans, V. dispar, A. odontolyticus, and F. nucleatum) will form a stable biofilm with a community profile that changes in response to environmental conditions and exhibits a cariogenic potential. For these experiments the biofilms as described above were exposed on days 2 and 3 to either CAMM lacking sucrose (no sucrose), CAMM with 0.2% sucrose (constant sucrose), or were transferred twice a day for 1 hr each time into 0.2% sucrose (intermittent sucrose). Four types of analysis were performed: 1) fluorescence microscopy of biofilms stained with Syto 9 and hexidium idodine to determine the biofilm architecture, 2) quantitative PCR (qPCR) to determine the cell number of each species per cm2, 3) vertical scanning interferometry (VSI) to determine the cariogenic potential of the biofilms, and 4) tomographic pH imaging using radiometric fluorescence microscopy after exposure to pH sensitive nanoparticles to measure the micro-environmental pH. The qualitative and quantitative results reveal the expected dynamics of the community profile when exposed to different sucrose conditions and the cariogenic potential of this in vitro four-species anaerobic biofilm model, thus confirming its usefulness for future analysis of primary and secondary dental caries.
In the face of likely climate change impacts policy makers at different spatial scales need access to assessment tools that enable informed policy instruments to be designed. Recent scientific advances have facilitated the development of improved climate projections, but it remains to be seen whether these are translated into effective adaptation strategies. This paper uses existing databases on climate impacts on European agriculture and combines them with an assessment of adaptive capacity to develop an interdisciplinary approach for prioritising policies. It proposes a method for identifying relevant policies for different EU countries that are representative of various agroclimatic zones. Our analysis presents a framework for integrating current knowledge of future climate impacts with an understanding of the underlying socio-economic, agricultural and environmental traits that determine a region’s capacity for adapting to climate change.
Teamwork, is one of the abilities that today is highly valued in the professional arena with a great importance for various personal and interpersonal skills associated with it. In this context, the Technical University of Madrid, is developing a coordinated educational innovation project, which main objective is to develop methodological and assessment tools for the acquisition of personal skills necessary to improve the employability of graduates and their skills for project management. Within this context, this paper proposes a methodology composed of various activities and indicators, as well as specific assessment instruments linked to the teamwork competence. Through a series of systematic steps it was allowed the design of an instrument and construction of a scale for measuring the competence of teamwork. The practical application of the methodology has been carried out in Projects lectures from different Schools of Engineering at the Technical University of Madrid, which results are presented in this document as a pilot experience. Results show the various aspects and methods that teachers should consider in evaluating the competence of the work, including analysis of the quality of results, through reliability and construct validity. On the other hand, show the advantages of applying this methodology in the field of project management teaching.
The achievement of higher frequencies (HF) and the reduction of energy consumption, to improve sensing, communication and computation, involve the continued scaling down to the nanometer level. This scaling is enabled by of innovative device designs, improved processing technologies and assessment tools, and new material structures. In this work, we have used all these factors to demonstrate state-of-the-art HF devices in two materials with quite different electronic properties: wide semiconductor bandgap III-nitrides for resonators and power amplifiers; and graphene, a zero bandgap material expected to revolutionize low noise and HF flexible electronics. Some issues faced during their development will be discussed during the talk.
Minimally invasive surgery is a highly demanding surgical approach regarding technical requirements for the surgeon, who must be trained in order to perform a safe surgical intervention. Traditional surgical education in minimally invasive surgery is commonly based on subjective criteria to quantify and evaluate surgical abilities, which could be potentially unsafe for the patient. Authors, surgeons and associations are increasingly demanding the development of more objective assessment tools that can accredit surgeons as technically competent. This paper describes the state of the art in objective assessment methods of surgical skills. It gives an overview on assessment systems based on structured checklists and rating scales, surgical simulators, and instrument motion analysis. As a future work, an objective and automatic assessment method of surgical skills should be standardized as a means towards proficiency-based curricula for training in laparoscopic surgery and its certification.
Upper limb function impairment is one of the most common sequelae of central nervous system injury, especially in stroke patients and when spinal cord injury produces tetraplegia. Conventional assessment methods cannot provide objective evaluation of patient performance and the tiveness of therapies. The most common assessment tools are based on rating scales, which are inefficient when measuring small changes and can yield subjective bias. In this study, we designed an inertial sensor-based monitoring system composed of five sensors to measure and analyze the complex movements of the upper limbs, which are common in activities of daily living. We developed a kinematic model with nine degrees of freedom to analyze upper limb and head movements in three dimensions. This system was then validated using a commercial optoelectronic system. These findings suggest that an inertial sensor-based motion tracking system can be used in patients who have upper limb impairment through data integration with a virtual reality-based neuroretation system.
How can we measure ‘quality of life’? The sustainable refurbishment goes beyond strictly energy aspects. Sustainability indicators are needed to facilitate data collection and to provide information which does not require too time-consuming calculations. Thus, you can offer an idea of the extent and quality of the rehabilitation before starting the project and, also, the obtained results can be evaluated in an agile way after the refurbishment. From a list of social indicators gathered from different methods, sustainability assessment tools and International and European standards, three social indicators are proposed: Users Satisfaction, Participation Agreement and Quality of Life. This paper shows the development of Quality of Life social indicator, the more closely related to the main objectives of Researchand Development Project “Sustainable Refurbishment”: improving energy efficiency and wellbeing of users in existing residential buildings. Finally, this social indicator is applied to a real case study in Málaga (Spain).
This research studies urban soundscapes through the comparative analysis of twelve public open spaces in the city of Córdoba (Argentina), taken as case studies. The work aims to examine selection of indicators and assessment tools intended to characterize soundscape quality. The field study was carried out through surveys and acoustic and psychoacoustic indicators, that are used together to objectively describe the sound quality of urban spaces. The study shows that, while there is a relationship of these indicators with the sound quality of the spaces, this is not linear. Their relative importance or influence depends on the interrelations occurring between the parameters studied. A model analyzing and correlating the parameters with the sound quality, based on the postulates of fuzzy logic, was applied as a tool of analysis, and it was seen to achieve a very close approximation to the subjective or perceptual response of the inhabitants. This close match between the model results and the perceptual response of the users confirms the fuzzy model as an effective tool for the study, not only of soundscapes, but also for those situations in which objective parameters must be related to the perceptual response of users.
O biótipo gengival, definido como a espessura da gengiva no sentido vestíbulo-lingual, desempenha importante papel na homeostasia dos tecidos periodontais, podendo ser considerado um preditor no sucesso em longo prazo das terapias periodontais e periimplantares. Assim sendo, é de suma importância reconhecer as dimensões do tecido gengival e as diferentes formas de qualificá-lo e principalmente quantificá-lo. Apesar de haver descrito na literatura inúmeros métodos para este fim, existem poucos estudos comparando a efetividade de um método em relação a outro. Desta maneira, este estudo buscou avaliar se há concordância entre avaliações clínicas e tomográficas na classificação do biótipo gengival, se existe correlação entre o biótipo gengival e a espessura óssea subjacente, além de descrever um novo método de tomada tomográfica que permita a análise quantitativa do biótipo gengival. Foram avaliados 12 indivíduos os quais realizaram tomografias computadorizadas de feixe cônico como exame imaginológico de diagnóstico ou planejamento pré-cirúrgico. Em cada paciente foram realizados quatro diferentes métodos de avaliação qualitativa da espessura gengival (transparência a sondagem, transgengival, visual através de fotografia e tomográfico), dois métodos de avaliação quantitativa (transgengival e tomográfico) da espessura gengival e avaliação da espessura óssea através da tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico. Os resultados foram avaliados estatisticamente através do teste KAPPA, Teste t pareado e coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (pM0.05). O novo método de tomada tomográfica descrito neste estudo é eficaz para avaliação do biótipo gengival, havendo grande concordância (86,1% Kappa 0,51) e forte correlação (r=0,824) entre ele e o método transgengival (padrão ouro). A correlação entre a espessura óssea e a espessura gengival foi moderada quando utilizado o método transgengival e tomográfico (r=0,567 e r=0,653 respectivamente).
INTRODUÇÃO: Os efeitos da levodopa (LD) e da estimulação cerebral profunda (ECP) de núcleo subtalâmico (STN) sobre o equilíbrio e sintomas axiais são até o momento controversos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar quantitativamente os efeitos da ECP de STN e da LD sobre o equilíbrio estático em pacientes com DP operados, em comparação com a LD em pacientes não operados. MÉTODOS: Trinta e um pacientes submetidos a ECP de STN entre 3 meses e 1 ano e meio antes da avaliação e 26 controles portadores de DP não operados, estágios Hoehn e Yahr 2 a 4 foram avaliados usando UPDRS para avaliação clínica e plataforma de força para avaliar oscilações posturais. O primeiro grupo foi avaliado com ECP e sem medicação, com ECP e com medicação e sem ECP e sem medicação. O segundo grupo foi avaliado com e sem medicação. Cada paciente foi avaliado com os olhos abertos e fechados. O deslocamento do centro de pressão anteroposterior, laterolateral, a área, velocidade e deslocamento total linear foram medidos pela plataforma de força. Os dados paramétricos foram comparados usando o teste t de Student e os dados não-paramétricos foram comparados pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis. A avaliação clínica consistiu na parte 3 da escala UPDRS e na escala Hoehn e Yahr. Nível de significância estatística considerada foi p=0,05. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes não operados oscilaram mais quando sob efeito da levodopa do que sem medicação. No grupo operado, a maior oscilação é no grupo com ECP desligada e sem medicação. Tende a reduzir sob efeito da ECP apresenta redução significativa sob efeito simultâneo de ECP e levodopa. CONCLUSÃO: A associação da ECP de NST com medicação tem impacto positivo sobre o controle postural. O efeito da ECP de NST reverte o efeito negativo da levodopa sobre as oscilações observadas em pacientes não operados
This paper provides a rationale on why and how to utilize assessment tools effectively within the behavioral framework through idiographic assessment. Empirical assessment instruments can provide guidance to the behaviorist that may prove useful in the idiographic formation of a behaviorally-based treatment plan. The paper will focus on two of the major traditional instrument tools, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the Rorschach inkblot test.
Results of neuropsychological examinations depend on valid data. Whereas clinicians previously believed that clinical skill was sufficient to identify non-credible performance by examinees on standard tests, research demonstrates otherwise. Consequently, studies on measures to detect suspect effort in adults have received tremendous attention in the previous twenty years, and incorporation of validity indicators into neuropsychological examinations is now seen as integral. Few studies exist that validate methods appropriate for the measurement of effort in pediatric populations. Of extant studies, most evaluate standalone measures originally developed for use with adults. The present study examined the utility of indices from the California Verbal Learning Test – Children's Version (CVLT-C) as embedded validity indicators in a pediatric sample. Participants were 225 outpatients aged 8 to 16 years old referred for clinical assessment after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Non-credible performance (n = 39) was defined as failure of the Medical Symptom Validity Test (MSVT). Logistic regression demonstrated that only the Recognition Discriminability index was predictive of MSVT failure (OR = 2.88, p < .001). A cutoff of z ≤ -1.0 was associated with sensitivity of 51% and specificity of 91%. In the current study, CVLT-C Recognition Discriminability was useful in the identification of non-credible performance in a sample of relatively high-functioning pediatric outpatients with mTBI. Thus, this index can be added to the short list of embedded validity indicators appropriate for pediatric neuropsychological assessment.
More than half of morbidity and mortality in the United States can be attributed to behavior-related disease, such as tobacco use, physical inactivity, poor diet and alcohol consumption. Given the increased prevalence of behaviorally related medical health concerns, physician competence in the implementation of effective behavior change strategies is quickly becoming an essential skill. However, only recently have primary care residency programs begun to systematically teach and evaluate motivational interviewing skills critical to influencing health behavior, and use of standardized, objective assessment tools to assess skillfulness has been largely absent. This paper reports the development of a checklist, the Health Behavior Change Competency Checklist (HBCCC). The instrument captures the theoretical model of behavior change, motivational interviewing, in a practical and versatile manner. Psychometric evaluation demonstrated moderate efficacy. Namely, results indicated the HBCCC possesses good reliability, as evidenced by high internal consistency, and adequate construct validity. It also displayed considerable utility and practical application. While these results provide several reasons for confidence in the HBCCC, item revision and additional testing are required in order to establish it as a meaningful and valuable instrument.
En este estudio se analiza la integración de las TIC en un escenario de aprendizaje específico: un centro público de Alicante catalogado como Centro Educativo Inteligente [CEI], según el programa de pilotaje homónimo de la Comunidad Valenciana. Se pondera detenidamente, mediante una investigación mixta el conocimiento tecnológico, pedagógico y disciplinar de los docentes a partir del Modelo TPACK. Como instrumentos de evaluación se han utilizado encuestas, entrevistas y grupos de discusión. Entre los resultados alcanzados, destaca la constatación de la inseguridad del profesorado al aplicar los conocimientos tecnológico-pedagógicos en sus clases, si bien se trata de un CEI. Se analiza detenidamente la paradoja establecida entre tal percepción del profesorado y la opinión del equipo directivo, que postula lo contrario.
La evaluación de la atención primaria de la salud (APS) es una actividad de investigación que no se puede limitar al contexto académico y científico sino que está íntimamente ligada a la planificación y a la gestión de los recursos de Salud Pública, tanto en el contexto programático de Ministerios y Secretarías de Salud gubernamentales, de obras sociales o de proveedores privados de cobertura médica, como el de equipos locales de profesionales proveedores de servicios de salud. La evaluación de servicios sanitarios recurre habitualmente a datos de estructura, procesos y resultados obtenidos sistemáticamente por procedimientos administrativos de financiamiento y de prestación de servicios. En cambio, el desarrollo de líneas de investigación sobre la base de modelos conceptuales integrales y capaces de obtener datos de otras fuentes, son escasas en nuestro país. Por ejemplo, existe una notable carencia de conocimiento sobre la perspectiva de la población acerca de su salud y de sus experiencias con la atención médica para analizar si los servicios provistos son apropiados o existe una brecha de necesidades no cubiertas. El grupo de investigación que realiza esta propuesta adaptó un conjunto de cuestionarios para evaluar la APS (PCAT: Primary Care Assessment Tools) cuyo uso a nivel internacional es muy promisorio (ver Descripción del tema abordado). El Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Córdoba y la Dirección de Atención Primaria de la Salud (DAPS) de la Municipalidad de Córdoba, manifestaron su interés por la difusión de estos instrumentos entre gestores y efectores de salud para promover su implementación. En la ciudad de Córdoba, estas instituciones tienen a su cargo la totalidad de centros de atención médica pública de primer nivel, 95 municipales y 20 provinciales, que con un plantel profesional de más de 900 personas proporciona cuidados de salud a más de 500.000 habitantes de la ciudad de Córdoba. En boletín estadístico 2009 de la DAPS informa que en los 95 CAPS y en el transcurso de un año, se atienden aproximadamente un 1.000.000 de consultas. Datos provenientes de acciones preventivas muestran que el Programa de Control de Crecimiento y Desarrollo del Niño atiende mensualmente a unos 42.000 niños y niñas menores de 5 años, el de Control de Embarazo y Puerperio registra cada año entre 4.000 y 5.000 mujeres, mientras que en 2009 se contabilizó más de 50.000 mujeres en el Programa de Salud Reproductiva. En cuanto a la población adulta, los Programas de Hipertensión Arterial y de Control del Paciente Diabético registran más de 12.000 y de 6.500 personas, respectivamente. Estos datos dan cuenta de acciones que responden mayoritariamente a demandas efectuadas por la población para los cuales se cuenta con un programa en particular. La información disponible a nivel provincial es aún más acotada y heterogénea, ya que los servicios de APS están descentralizados, a cargo de los municipios. El Ministerio de Salud participa en el financiamiento de la APS a través de los llamados pactos sanitarios y otros tipos de acuerdos. El control de gestión se realiza también a través de indicadores administrativos, por lo que existe un gran interés por la implementación de un nuevo modelo de evaluación de la APS a nivel provincial. La difusión del modelo conceptual y las herramientas PCAT pretende facilitar el acceso a otro tipo de información acerca de características transversales de la organización y particularmente, sobre aspectos de calidad de la atención para la evaluación y la planificación de los servicios. Esta información, que podría ser colectada de una manera uniforme, sería útil para explicar los resultados de la atención sanitaria en función de las necesidades en salud de la población.